Best clan in Vampire: The Masquerade

I'd go between Lasombra and Tremere

What do you guys say?

Pretty much agree. Let's have ventrue, nosferatu, toreador, and old clan tzimisce on the next tier down.

Malkavians would be a great clan if they didn't attract such shit players.

I don't know about the best clan, but lasombras attract absolutely the worst players. Must be their disciplines. Every lasombra I've ever played with was a complete shitler.

Ahrimanes or City Gangrel in terms of roleplay potential.
True Brujah in terms of raw power.

Tremere would be great, if it weren't for the Pyramid bullshit and the fact that they fucking killed the only decent clan

>People praising the Tremere

How long before the MAGE SUPREMACISTS invade this thread ?

Old Clan Tzimisce for sure.

City Gangrel?

Malkavian. There is no alternative.

LOOK at the picture

SEE the piece of skull removed

Setites, cause Set's gonna win.


Ventrues or Giovannis.
I love me some classy vampires.

Is fucking your siblings classy?

Nagaraja. Not one of the thirteen Clans except in some retcon material, but I like them. If you don't accept that answer:

Tzimische, particularly their 1e Player's Guide portrayal where they less about making themselves into monsters and more into "sweet I can get Appearance 5 with Vicissitude!" and fast cars.

In the vidya game, malkavian. They get a nifty discipline, stealth, and tons of good dialog.

only if you cuddle afterwards

It's a shame that so few have a real appreciation for what matters. Toredor all the way.

Caitiff or Toreador.


But Tremere can be classy too

Top tier for handicap mode/creative roleplaying.
Top tier for social roleplaying.
For when you wanted to play D&D but walked into the goth room instead.

All else are shit.

When done well there is no contest.

It's a clan variation, normally Sabbat antitribu. They aren't into the life on the wilderness, kinda like "the city is my hunting ground", also they have Celerity instead of Fortitude and Obfuscate instead of Animalism as clan disciplines.

That sound amazing. Can you play it and still be Camarilla?

Tremeres aren't even a clan, you don't have a real antediluvian

Dark Ages Wu Zao, no questions asked
Great disciplines, great weakness.
My ST allowed me Obfuscate instead of Fortitude in modern, I'm playing a supernatural PI in 80s Miami

Nosferatu is the only clan where you will have friends and people who will genuinely support you.

Plus I really like their disciplines.

I have had the exact same experience.

No love for the samedi? I'd put them in my top 3 with Malks ands Nos.

Also fuck revised taking away their necromancy.

The one that's a shallow stereotype.

Holy shit, Masquerade was hot garbage.


Nosferatu, now get the fuck out of my face you sparkly pretty-fags.

Tzimisce, hands down. Fleshcrafting is the coolest gimmick.


lol vampire fags learn to play mage u inferior species

Old Clan Tzimisce > Lasombra > Gangrel >Cappadocians/Harbingers.

I have a lot more fun in a dark ages campaign.

Von Carstein

Best Camarilla? Tremere
Best Sabbat? Pander


literally Unknown Armies: Plebeian Edition

Assuming you have somewhat decent players and they don't want to be Batman's Joker as a Malkavian or Blade as an Assamite.
2-Ravnos/Malkavian (Roleplay and creativity is a must for those.)
Honorable mention: Capadocian.

Also: Seen lots of old clan Tzimisce, you guys care to point why you like them?

The problem is that Malkavian can be insufferable when played wrong. Ravnos will be insufferable when played right.

I really love when a player or the DM can come up with a character that actually infuriates me. Not in a That Guy way, tho. I particularly like Ravnos for this because if done right they tend to leave everyone thinking "That clever bastard" or something like this.

Hey guys

Want to try vampire a ton

Have no idea what kind of character I should play ;w;

I like the flavor of Toreador but idk

I like how the Nosferatu have a solid identity built around the concept of "ugly hidden vampires among social, normal-looking vampires". Their disciplines, their psychology, their organization, their role within vampire society - it all fits together very nicely. Plus I love the concept of clandestine underground groups.

But outside of that, a vampire clan is only as good as the Storyteller make them, and a vampire character only as good as its player.

Play the video game. The tabletop game aged like milk.

-Avoid the clans clichés. You don't have to play as "The Toreador" or "The Brujah", it's supposed to be a (un)living character, not just the representative archetype of the clan;
-Check what the other players are going to play, this is a good indicative of what kind of game it will be. For starters it can be very frustrating if you are a bullet sponge with 7d10 to your sword attacks and you're stuck with the party sipping blood from glasses and discussing the prince's new painting./Or if you'd rather be painting the Prince a new painting but you're stuck with your attack squad raiding a Giovanni mansion full of zombies.
-Check with the DM the usual kind of rolls he makes and the rules he uses/doesn't use.
-Describe your character well, provide pictures as reference if possible.
-Remeber, leaving aside some exceptions, he was himself before he was a vampire and he is a vampire before he is the clan.
-Try to find coherent ways to use those dots you placed in investigation or medicine or whatever, some actions can be made with different sets of skills, but it's up to the DM if you can identify the calibre of the bullet that made that hole with investigation, survival or medicine.

If you have any specific question ask away, I'm lurking and am willing to give as much insight as I can.

>Top tier for social roleplaying.
>no Setite

Tzimisce for me. Purely for their traditions and weakness. I like the idea of needing to sleep amid dirt somehow connected to you and the strict laws that goven how they interact with one another and other vampires.

If asked to play a clan I'd choose Tremere. I'm not inclined toward the more CE sadism and torture Tzimisce go in for, I just find certain aspects of them pleasing

Most people I play RPG's with tend to play pretty heavy combat/damage roles. This works for me as I like playing supporting characters. Every sword and sorcery game I'm the Bard, every Shadowrun game I'm the Face/Shaman, etc.

I also really like the political manipulation aspects of the game; socially manipulative characters I've always found incredibly entertaining. Iago from Othello is probably my favorite antagonist in classical Fiction, Kefka in more modern fiction.

I firmly agree with the idea that I'm a person who is a vampire who is a part of the clan, rather than making Vampire/Clan my entire character.

Given that, what do you think my plan should be if I'm prioritizing having fun over min max? I had a character idea of someone who was obsessed with power, social status, and dueling- like the Italian nobles rapiers were made for. Maybe an ex tournament fencer?

>Avoid the clans clichés. You don't have to play as "The Toreador" or "The Brujah", it's supposed to be a (un)living character, not just the representative archetype of the clan;
Somehow the writers missed that part.

>I also really like the political manipulation aspects of the game; socially manipulative characters I've always found incredibly entertaining.
That's why you'd have to know what kind of chronicle the GM/other players wants to run, I've narrated for more than a year without a single damage roll once and the players really enjoyed, but then a new guy joined the party and I had to add a few combats and action scenes so he could play his part and enjoy the game, things ended up pretty well.
On the other hand I once played a Capadocian in a purely epic combat driven campaign and my only purpose was to make snarky remarks and being patched up after others were done killing everybody. (I enjoyed because I am a forever DM and even playing a boring game can be blissful from time to time).
Your idea rings well with the usual embracee of Toreador, Ventrue and Giovanni, I believe, you can look into those clans that usually embrace high socially-standing people. Maybe if he was pretty and gracious, a Toreador with such interest could have taken a shine on him. To some stretch, a vampire of any clan can embrace any kind of person, you just have to find a decent reason for it.
There's the consideration that if you'll be dealing mostly with mortals, any clan with presence/dominate can be absurdly overpowered and render social affairs quite boring.
It is stated somewhat early on every core rulebook that you're supposed to use what you want and disregard what you don't. I like to think that the pile of archetypes in the books are just the way they found to give the overall idea of what vampires of given clans can be like. People find if fun to play warrior/archer/mage archetypes in D&D and no one bats an eye. I am sorry that you never had a decent group to play bloodsuckers the disguised and have fun, user.

I think that why I'm interested in Toreador is that IRL I see myself as an artist. *shrug*.

If Toreador pulled her/him in it might be "oh they're pretty" or it could be the "Oh, your sword work is an art to itself and I want that". The Toreador, however, are hedonistic, and that may fit the focus I want for him- which may create conflict.

Ventrue kinda bore me, I guess. They feel so... slow. So unwilling to act. I feel like the kind of characters I enjoy would struggle with the Ventrue leadership- while I think, and am patient, I most certainly am not bureaucratically oriented.

The Giovanni are most definitely my speed. I like the idea of basically a death cult plotting to take the fuck over. However, if they are moving toward an agenda, how will I fit that agenda?

I'll have to think on this a while. Heading out soon for school.

You have to be 18 to post here.

Also, kill yourself.

I'm 18 so... lol. Senior in HS.

Picking a somewhat bad example, you have LaCroix, the Ventrue prince from the Blodlines video-game. Although he doesn't act himself, he's far from being bureaucratic and patient. "Go fetch me that McGuffin now, you better be back before sunrise." Also fortitude
It might be far fetched, but have you considered an Assamite or a Ravnos? It's never a waste of time to consider what else is available beside the obvious choices, you might find something interesting or simply get some new ideas for your starting concept.
You should also have to be civilized to post here, that would be great.

I'm REALLY liking Giovanni actually. That sort of power hungry attitude really fits what I want from Them.

The idea I'm getting is that he was given the gift because of his motivation; and that his drive is what makes the Giovanni interested in him.


Keep in mind that he has to be from the family, otherwise you'll need to find a really good excuse for a Giovanni to embrace him. Check that with the DM for a green light. Good luck with the character.

What would be a good clan for a gang leader base on Gentleman Johnny Marcone, but russian?


>I see myself as an artist

Up to the ST but I'm pretty sure there isn't anything that says they cannot be in the Camarilla.

Tzimisce for fleshcrafting and standards, Najaraja because Pisha grew on me and I get a similar vibe of "monsters, but not monsters who throw their weight around to be cunts".

I don't really dislike any of the clans though.

Lasombra with Flaw: Dismembered Limb (Arm) taken twice, high (3 or 4 dots) Obtenebration high Dex that uses feet (or servants / retainers) for mundane fine manipulation tasks and Arms of Ahriman for everything that requires force.

How do I convince my fucking players to play a short campaign? They think vampires are for goth and faggots. I tried telling them the campaign would be more about investigation than being a pretty bloodsucker.

>Malkavian (done right)

>Setites/Serpents of the Light

Awesome for NPCs-tier
>Blood Brothers
>True Brujah
>Harbingers of Skulls
>Old Clan Tzimisce


>Children of Osiris
>Daughters of Cacophony

Why does everyone hate Brujah? They can be good when not played as communist bikers or college students.

"If I were forced to pick the single most pathetic clan, Brujah would get my vote. Yes, even ahead of the Toreador or the Gangrel. The Rabble are the parasites' parasites. Their sect seeks to cower away from mortal eyes rather than striding forth in glory or simply blinding the kine with hot pokers. This clan in turn prides itself on rebellion but cannot actually manage to leave, take over or otherwise alter the status quo. The antitribu are much the same, except with more blood and piercings."

"So-called egalitarians, they have no real interest in bettering the lot of others. Rather, they want us brought down to their level so that they can lord it over the rest of us in the democratic mire. Fortunately, their chances of success are nil. In the meantime, those who serve us make superb cannon fodder, and those who do not die easily."

Lasombra, on the Brujah

First problem is that that's how they are played most of the times - it just attracts that kind of a players, or something.
Second problem - they are most generic Clan. They have a bit of everything - powers, speed, charm. They have most generic flaw - anger issues. They are arguably most numerous ... they are the vanilla of the bloodlines.

Clanbook: Toreador's take.

>It can be hard to cope with the Brujah because in many ways they're like us. They're attached to strong feelings from their mortal life. We're lucky. We're attached to culture - and while you can debate the virtues of this dancer or that philosophy, for the most part culture is something you can point to, evaluate, and look at from the outside.

>The Brujah, poor souls, are connected to ideas. Have you ever held a pound of liberty? Gone around looking for a few yards of justice? Hopped next door to borrow a cup of honor? I didn't think so.

>The reason the Brujah can't get along with each other (or anyone else, for that matter) is that each one seems to be bound up with some personal, intangible crusade. They're very particular. Two Brujah howling for "freedom" may have an entirely different interpretation of what "freedom" means. Younger Brujah often don't have a very firm idea of what they mean when they cry for whatever virtue they're championing. They just feel good making noise and watching the reaction.

>That's where we come in.

>If you painted a picture, you'd like the person who seemed to understand and encourage your work, right? Well, it's just the same with the Brujah and their "causes." Figure out what they want to hear. Say it. Now you have a comrade who likes to fight. Trust me, the rhetoric of revolution is a lot easier to chatter on about than theater criticism. Throw out a few catchphrases that sound good and mean nothing, and the Brujah eats out of your hand. Up your banners! Fight the power! You've nothing to lose but your chains!

>(It helps a lot if they think you admire them. But that works with almost everyone.)

I actually played my Malkavian AS Batman.

Down to the filthy rich gadgetter part, or just the vigilante part?

Yeah we do, he was fuckin delicious

Are Salubri completely dead or what? Which games do they even show up to? Sabbat stuff?

They're the SJWs of kindred.

Promethean Brujah.

7 at any one time I think?

They just aren't interesting outside of combat stats. At all. Not every individual is a hippie or a freedom fighter or whatever, but that IS the clan.

You don't have to make a boring character but that's where the clan fluff starts and leaves you, so you're on your own when writing. Even if you take your character concept out for a wild ride far from Brujah fluff, you still have to deal with others' default assumptions and now have a big disconnect with your own clanmates.

I think the best example of a malkavian I've seen in media was that girl from penny dreadful, the contrast between while she is herself and those moments while she's completely fucked up and tormented between possessions were quite great. But it's hard to find someone who can play an actually deranged character without becoming "lol I'm so crazy" with a "damaged" tattoo on it's forehead.

>Avoid the clans clichés. You don't have to play as "The Toreador" or "The Brujah", it's supposed to be a (un)living character, not just the representative archetype of the clan
I love people who understand this. When creating your character, make him as a human first. Then "tint" him with his clan's bent.

>tfw you know someone who's going to be doing this 100% guaranteed in the next chronicle and cannot stop them

They are not completely dead but there are few and they keep their existence well hidden, or at least the fact they are Salubri. Tremere will hunt them on sight. And many other clans would too because they are easy picking, with no prominent Sire to avenge what's done upon them and no strong allegiance they are almost on level with Caitiff.

Serious spoilers
Tremere has diablerized Saulot to get the bloodline started, but Saulot's soul is too strong so he never gained full control over it, never fully absorbed it like a diablerist normally would. He spends most of the time in torpor struggling for control. In the Final Nights he leaves his body (via Dominated Vessel) to attend some high-profile agenda that needs to be done personally. His body was left staked in some vault. When he tried to return he could not. So he stayed with the Vessel. Apparently Saulot "woke up" and walked away with the body - disregarding the stake - he's Antediluvian of healer clan after all. But he doesn't seem to be too eager on restarting the bloodline. There's several Gehenna scenarios what he might be after, one is noble self-sacrifice to redeem all Kindred, Cain included, or some shit.

The damaged tattoo?

A former CSI so paranoid about crime in his city he "decided" to scare the shit out of criminals. Of course cleaning the streets got me Masquerade violations but by the time I got hunters on me I had Horrid Countenance, Voice of Madness, Spirit Ties and actual police training so I kept surviving until the storyteller threw the Sheriff at me.

Who even does that? I've literally never, not one time, encountered a player at a VtM RP event who's just trying to be his or her clan stereotype. I can sort of imagine someone doing it their first time as training wheels, but not even new players want to actually do that.

You'd be surprised. Especially when it comes to malkavians.

Not the tattoo, just "I'm Malkavian so I'm always crazy and pop-culture-definition schizophrenic" shit.

I like Lasombra because spain and the catholic church give me a boner, and in a game about being edgy vampires the whole "master of darkness" thing is pretty cool. I like Giovanni for similar reasons, change Spain for Italy.

I like Tzimisce and Gangrel because I thing transformation is cool.

Clan Salubri is the cutest clan.

My least favourite clans are Toreador and Brujah (boring). Also Assamites. I like middle eastern history a lot and they're on of the most awful depictions I've ever seen. They would be okay if they were just the hashashin clan and otherwise irrelevant in the ME, with other clans being the ones ruling it.

I've seen it a lot with gangrel, brujah, toreador and ventrue.

OP here with a question/doubt

Are assamites some sort of assassin's creed vampires?

Toreador probably have to go through some shit when you think about it.

Honestly their "Most Human Vampires" shtick seems more like it was adopted to compensate for the fact they're quite decisively *not* human anymore. They can't create any NEW art anymore, and so their exaggerated obsession with art is some attempt to grasp a sort of shred of humanity in the face of becoming a monster. They'll never feel the warmth of the sun, or enjoy fine food, so they take on some psuedo-parody of "humanity" in order to convince themselves that the beast they can feel inside them isn't really THEM.

They obsess over "art" and "beauty" because they can still appreciate them, to a degree, as a human can... this to, however, ends up as a parody, with them growing to obsess over art far beyond anything resembling a normal human.

They like to see themselves as the most "human" of the clans, but in truth they just desperately desire to not be seen as monsters.

AC assassins and Assamites are both based around the same historical islamic sect, the nizari shias better known in pop culture as Hashashin. None of them particularly care a lot about the sect's history and instead focus on the "cool muslim assassin" archetype.

My only grudge with Toreador is that literally every clan could and should feel that way. So Toreador end up being bizarro ventrues most of the time.

I think that there's a bit too much thematic overlap between the Toreador, Ventrue, Giovanni and Lasombra. Sure, they each have unique characteristics, but in terms of archetype they feel a bit samey.

I just want to put it out there that Gangrel are 100% all furries and discussion of furries and furry culture is against the rules on this website. On Veeky Forums there is just going to have to be 1 less clan, sorry.

Giovanni and Lasombra get a pass since theyclans designed for enemies and npcs, at least initially. There's not such an excuse for toreador.

>Gangrel are 100% all furries

>tfw Gangrel is my favourite clan
>tfw obviously furry DM
>tfw I'm not into that AT ALL and can't play

Is there a way to unfurry gangrels or I should just play Setites and Tzimisces if I just want to transform into stuff?

You'd be surprised by the amount of that guys that do this. On another side, if a not that guy player decides to go full archetype and he's not a shitty player, it opens up a lot of options for interesting cliché moments. Like, a Brujah actually rallying a group of vampires/people to some social cause with an inflammatory speech, a Toreador throwing one heck of a party with lots of art, etc etc.

This is important too. While is not a bad advice, cliches exist for a reason. I didn't specially like the brujah anarchs in Bloodlines, but they didn't feel out of place at all. The same happens with half of the NPCs of the game, by the way.

Describe your warform in extreme detail as not an anthro.
Even something as simple as keeping a mostly human/hominid face is enough to shrivel furry expectations.
No snout, no invitations to "yiff" with degenerates.

Because Bloodlines is a work of art and a love letter to RPGs.