Why do people get so upset over unrealistic female armor?
Isn't the point to have fun and not be historically realistic peasant simulator?
Why do people get so upset over unrealistic female armor?
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Autism is about the only answer I have
It makes them feel better.
well, because it's armor, worn by a woman
>Why do people get so upset over unrealistic female armor?
Because people get upset over anything.
Find me something on Veeky Forums that doesn't get people upset.
Often it makes female players feel subtly uncomfortable or unwelcome. Not always, but often. Depending on individuals and on how, exactly, it is unrealistic.
For me it really gets under my skin that things look super different but are mechanically the same where they drastically are not. Like say a girl with really skimpy plate armor that barely covers the torso shouldn't get as much of a move penalty or as much protection as a dwarf who is covered head to toe in steel plates. With light armor or clothing its fine, but heavy armor seems just silly.
I'm okay with female armor as long as it can still be construed as armor. It's only once you get to chain bikini that some red flags get raised and the alarms start sounding.
There's those guys, though. Those Guys who get mad at boobplate. The ones who rage when a cuirass doesn't completely hinder a woman's movement. Just be happy that people chose non-fetish art you autistic cunts.
I don't mind boobplate, chain mail bikinis, and other unrealistic armor as long as it's internally consistent.
If it's just one woman in slut armor vs the whole world in regular armor, it just stands out.
If all the armor is slut armor, it's all good with me.
To add to this, I think most people by now have grown accustomed to the "unrealistic female armor" stuff. Seeing someone that's covered head to toe in metal is pretty rare.
>"Realistic female armor!"
> Hits arrows out of the air with sword.
technically that's a bolt
and she's not covered head to toe in metal
there are many things unrelated to the discussion to point out here
>If it's just one woman in slut armor vs the whole world in regular armor, it just stands out.
I'm OK with this if the character is personally powerful enough to justify it. Like if a Final Fantasy villain walked into King's Landing; there'd be stares, then evil looks, then someone throws a rock, then the survivors run away screaming and the outfit is the last thing on anyone's mind.
Also, pointlessArmorNowAvailableInDude.jpg
Because historical armour looks better and is far more interesting than something that some Russian art school dropout who watched too much Naruto in their teens can poop out.
>Breastplate has actual separate domes for each breast instead of a single uniform horizontal bump
Enjoy having those weapon strikes slide to your cleavage.
....That's not breastplate, is it? It looks like a fucking latex bodysuit.
That being said, I am all for gladiator/gladiatrix or duellist armour that is absurdly unarmoured.
A warrior, wizard or rogue gains nothing from fighting in shitty armour. They just will die like a retard.
A gladiatrix in a plate bikini however will generate more and more fame with each fight, and in death she will become a heroine venerated in many minstrel songs.
It is allllll about context.
I'll concede to that as well I suppose. If it's a demigod ala Hercules/A solar exalted/etc walking around, they can probably pass with wearing skimpy armor, if any at all.
But still, if it's Jane the 2nd level fighter armored like pic related when full plate is the standard, it's a bit too much. If it's Jane the invincible spear princess then sure go with it.
Some people want more realism some don't. It's not rocket science. Just make sure you keep consistent.
I just think that realistic armor on Women looks better
If I want porn, I can get it
If I want an image of a woman in armor, that is much harder to get
I bet the armorer who made it has insane armor stretching service costs. Eventually those "warriors" will gain mass, ether muscle or more likely fat. It's the perfect scheme.
This, or at least: Quit with the illusion of armor. Go plainclothes, or wear something more reasonable than useless pieces of metal that can maybe be flashy or sexy in its own way.
Unrealistic armor is only good for gaming if it comes in dude-form as well.
Seconded. I want more metallic loincloths.
But I have funw hen it's a historically realistic peasant simulator.
I got into fantasy, then got into history, and it made my fantasy infinitely better.
Now it's all about advertisement. If a game is advertised as classical western european fantasy, I want you to fucking pay respect to the source material. Same as feudal japan, age of sails or second world war.
If it's Weebfantasy, well I'm not gonna play because I hate playing with self-absorbed faggots wanting to act out their naruto inspired power fantasies, but if I did but I'd subscribe to women in skimpy plate bikinis wielding swords twice as wide and thrice as tall as them.
cause they gay.
granted the only reason i like it is for faps, so...
Sometimes you just want to immerse yourself in a world, and extremely unrealistic armor kills it.
I guess a better way to explain it might be, "If I go into a game expecting standard fantasy stuff, I don't want to see anime girls in bikinis."
Also to answer your second question, immersion is fun.
Suppose, then, someone else plays games for reasons other than sexual gratification.
>latex bodysuit
Now that's stretching it don't you think
Good lord that pose. I don't even care about the armor, that fucking stance. A FIRST level Fighter would already have the training to be physically incapable of standing that poorly.
What's funny is her higher-rarity version does have the "battlefuck" armor style instead.
It's only the SJWs. Most people like sexy fantasy armor for women. Just check out any Eastern art, all the women have unrealistic armor.
It's fantasy, man. Girls wear stockings and high-heels into battle all the time.
Skub. Who could possibly hate Skub?
>isn't that Liefeld Syndrome
sensible chuckle
It's a threat to feminists that traditional beauty ideals are upheld in the RPG community and serves as an easy point of entryist attack (first shaming this one thing, then using the newfound voice of power to shame more and more things and other people aren't politicized until the industry is entirely conformed into their image). There's a reason the complaints are mostly levied by outsiders from the community, discounting realism/history grognards. People forget the roots of RPGs are in swords & sorcery pulp fiction.
>Replace the breastblate with a double vest.
Rarer indeed.
Complaining about female armor is just inane carping.
Battle bikinis are literally just as nonsensical as your average fantasy knight armor which tends to be either 3 inches thick and weigh approximately 950 lbs and have huge fantasy spikes/flanges/ornaments which would get wrapped on the first low-hanging tree branch and wrench the knight's head clear off.
How do you know that's her stance for fighting? Also would a mythological being capable of destroying entire cities really care about stances?
oh look, another newfag with a political agenda to protect. fuck off
You're too trusting. It's not inane, it's insincere. Realism or immersion was never the question
Damn, I'm feeling better already
Go ahead and fuck on out of here.
You're not fitting in faggot
Then get out sir fagalot
>Why do people get so upset over unrealistic female armor?
because people try to insert it in contexts it doesn't belong to or try to apply an alien standard to a context where boobplates fit.
it boils down to people not making clear the premises or not understanding that there's a time and a place for everything.
>he's anti-skub
You need to leave
They won't look so smug when they get the BBC
Is there a happy medium to be found? Fantasy armour that while not realistic, not triggering for purists?
Too bad you have the SBC
Look, I'm prepared to accept Kuja flouncing around in a leather posing pouch because he's just too damn pretty to not share it with the rest of the world, but she looks off-balance and uncomfortable, with or without the spray-on purple jumpsuit. No one poses like that for themselves.
Seriously, that Kuja art is fantastic. I may have to use it for a Sorcerer PC in the future.
reddit is the other way
lies, lies and autism.
the boner does the look out for me, so the rest of my brain can focus on having fun.
also doesn't ruin my day if I see a shirtless dude in the walmart.
Did you just assume my gender?
Then why are you here?
Yeah, I did. What are you going to do about it?
She could be posing for Cu.
what's really nonsensical is women being on the battlefield in the first place.
unless they're dnd elves, who toss their children to the grandparents to raise, (which is what modern women do now in order to go to college and work.)
i'm not bringing this up to be misogynist, it's just good god people, if you don't like tits just say so. plenty of naked barbarian men out there.
There are two types of people who get upset over skimpy female armor:
>1: Feminists who get butthurt over the objectification of womyn.
Who are faggots
>2: HEMAfags who cry about historical inaccuracy even in non-historical settings.
Who are also faggots
>Enjoy having those weapon strikes slide to your cleavage.
How come this kind of mindbogglingly retarded argument has become some widespread? As a metalworker it makes loose faith in humanity every time someone regurgitates it.
Like, go educate yourself about the production process of gothic plate you mongoloid.
There are two types of people who post about two types of people.
1. Me, doing it to make fun of you
2. Retards, like you
>Why do people get so upset over unrealistic female armor?
Autism, faggotry, SJWism ect.
>peasant simulator
that actually sounds fun
I maked this.
>If all the armor is slut armor, it's all good with me.
I'm fine with inconsistently stylized armor, as long as all armor is stylized.
Phrasing that slightly differently, I'm fine with sensual female armor and non-sensual male armor as long as neither are realistic.
>If it's just one woman in slut armor vs the whole world in regular armor, it just stands out.
I guess I don't get upset at it
Like, I don't hate to see it or anything, I just prefer accurately armored women
I don't think I generally get upset about it, but for my characters, well, personally in their situation I'd certainly like to have a sturdy layer of something consistently between my vital organs and things that want to destroy me. I guess I don't really know why my characters wouldn't, unless I'm making a point of them being reckless or good at dodging.
There are two types of people who post about two types of people posting about two types of people.
1. People who can't into humor and make cringe worthy jokes
2. Faggots like me
Women were on the battlefield in the past time to time.
And then there are retarded faggots like you that get butthurt that someone does not like something you do.
So someone like you?
I just like things to make sense.
Armor is for protecting your body from attacks. If 80% of your body is just bare skin and you've got a plate over your crotch then you're not really protecting anything other than your modesty.
I get that it can look appealing and if it's enchanted or some shit then whatever, but otherwise don't tell me it's armor because it isn't. It's just an outfit.
I'm that same guy that doesn't like the armor you see in stuff like World of Warcraft or all those JRPGs with spikes and spirals and pauldrons six times larger than character's heads. It just doesn't make sense in my mind.
>no u
no u
I just don't get why you can't just say they're a badass that doesn't wear real armor. It's basically the same result as calling a bikini armor and it doesn't really ask you to pretend some gauntlets and a metal swimsuit is going to deflect anything.
>If it's just one woman in slut armor vs the whole world in regular armor, it just stands out.
this is retarded. No one complains at all if some villain or NPC art has some completely unique weird or magical armor (not that you'd ever even see it in play). unless it's bikini armor, just because it "stands out". Yeah, sure. It stands out because you've been told to think it's my soggy knees.
Rather than just, you know, pulp. men are ripped and women are sexy. it's not complicated and it caters to both men and women.
>And then there are retarded faggots like you that get butthurt that someone does not like something you do.
What? I don't think you understand the discussion we're having. Look at the OP's post:
>Why do people get so UPSET over unrealistic female armor?
Nobodies saying you're a faggot for not liking it. They're saying you're a faggot if you screech "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" when you see it.
I played a paladin once who's god honoured bravery of earring as little as possible in battle.
>it probably happened once so you can't say it's absurd!
I'm sure there's examples of women on the battlefield wearing bikini armor too, just like people were able to dredge up examples of like three total african squads to fight in WW1 to suggest BF1 featuring tons niggers is historically realistic. it's hardly justification.
>I just like things to make sense.
Then take women out of combat roles? The argument is nonsensical.
Tell us what you think about -4 str.
You don't belong here, user. Not with that anti-logic.
>You wanna play a GIRL fighter? Noooo, sorry, women can't play combat roles. Actually you can't play a girl in this campaign at all, because historically women just stayed in the kitchen and in the farms.
Asking someone to find some non-fetish art of a combatant woman is easier than forbidding an entire gender from participating in the setting. Mongoloid.
Horny trips.
true from time to time, not to the extent they are in fantasy.
which makes sense for the same reason as making your female characters look good, but it's kinda odd to be complaining about how unrealistic her armor is when there's a bigger elephant sitting in the room.
now a female wizard, or a thief, yea they're just making due, surviving in that strong independent woman kinda way. got it.
but a courtly trained knight in shining armor? wearing the medieval equivalent of power armor? with a functioning uterus? there's gotta be some backstory there.
That doesn't seem particularly more brave if the skimpy armor is just as good
>men are ripped and women are sexy.
Notice how the man is stylized, rather than in "regular armor".
It's not peasant simulating, it's knight simulating.
Girls wearing skimpy metal bikinis while guys wear massive implausible car plate is a stupid trend, anyways.
Relax anons, I'm just playing double's adjudicate. it's retarded and a copout to try and pick and choose unrealistic fantasy tropes with the excuse it's unrealistic. The logical conclusion of muh realism is taking women off the battlefield.
It's not about REALISM it's about INTERNAL CONSISTENCY.
The armour was no good, but the god gave blessings for being as such. Usually healing and strength.
that is "regular" armor though, the clanking tin man plate armor you see knights wearing was the medieval equivalent of fucking space marine armor.
only landowners or their children could really afford that shit.
everyone else made due with what they could afford.
Conan-types could afford better armor (or in-fact, armor at all). They opt not to. It's stylized.
>The logical conclusion of muh realism is taking women off the battlefield.
But women did fight in the ancient times. Not as much as men, men were expected to fight, women were not. But the truth is, occasionally, you'd get a bull dyke on the field with the men. We know this from archeology.
Women vs Tropes is looking good.
I'm gonna need some sauce on that.
No, I understand the the thread just fine. Unlike you I can see this thread is a just a morons whining that not everyone like the same things as they do and that the thread is going to go nowhere.
Good job showing that you are one stupid fuck. see lothene.org
Never said they were common. Anyone wearing heavy armor needs some backstory or had earn it as that shit is not cheap.
I remember seeing a counter-post to that image which explained how the "mechanical advantage" of reinforcing the center point of titplate was a phenomenally stupid idea and how the mechanical engineer in that post was either lying or retarded.
To make a long autistic rant short, it boiled down to "deflection is superior to absorption". Armors designed for deflection require less to do more, while still achieving the same end result of keeping the wearer safe. Armors designed for absorption require more to do less, and achieve the same end result.
It's not rocket science, it's basic optimization of resources.