MTG Lore question from Aether Revolt

In the Player's Guide on (page 16), it states "Ajani believes Nicol Bolas is hiding something on the plane of Amonkhet, but he warns the Gatewatch that Bolas is extremely dangerous and recommends that they regroup on Dominaria and secure additional aid before facing him."

Where the fuck does he know about Dominaria? Is this just bait?

(Picture not related, had to post one.)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Reach

If he knows enough about Bolas then he knows that he and the one who beat him come from there. He might have done some investigating after Nickel Pickle tried to eat his plane. I secretly hope that the secret on Amonkhet is the Myojin of Nights Reach or a search for the Umezawa clan leads to a return to Kamigawa

He's been on Dominaria before, it's where he and Elspeth were before Koth came fucking around looking for people to fuck up New Phyrexia with.
How either knew about the place THEN I have no idea, but they were there at the time.

>In the Player's Guide on (page 16
pics or it didn't happen
seriously this sounds about 0% legit

Ajani is a Planeswalker whose history isn't entirely known, who knows Tamiyo and her friends on Kamigawa.
Pick either of those two, they're both satisfactory answers.

>recommends that they regroup on Dominaria
The moment I read that, I knew that they were going to chimp out and charge in half-cocked to face Bolas.

Wizards don't have the BALLS to take us back to Dominaria.

>implying there's anything left on Dominaria besides a wasteland and a trapped Marit Lage at this point

>Implying Marit Lage won't be the fourth Eldrazi titan when they decide to take us back to Eldrazi land.

But seriously. It's been 15 years. We have to go back.

I believe he knows about Dominaria thanks to Tamiyo, as one of his first planeswalks was to Kamigawa.

And of all the neo walkers Ajani is the only one to "beat" Nicol Bolas. And that took him summoning a literal soul avatar of the Elder Dragon when Bolas tried to absorb all of Alara's mana during the Conflux.

I think his reasoning behind going to Dominaria is to get more allies who know about Bolas, as there are probably some de-Sparked oldwalkers on the plane drinking the time walk water while they chill.

But they're going to go in half-assed and get their asses handed to them, and the only reason Bolas leaves is probably because Ajani shows up with an oldwalker that still had their spark from Dominaria to scare Bolas off... Maybe Ugin, but I doubt Ugin wants to help the Gatewatch after the revisit to Zendikar happened.

Umezawa Planeswalker or bust. I want Bolas to be afraid.

>I secretly hope that the secret on Amonkhet is the Myojin of Nights Reach
I'm not following

>oldwalker that still had their spark
Impossible. Even Oldwalkers unaffected by the Mending like Nahiri immediately lose their Oldwalker-level spark as soon as they leave whatever removed them from the Mending effect.

Bolas is the only one who's even in the ballpark of Oldwalker levels right now, and that's because he sucked up almost all the Conflux mana (plus the fact that he's also an Elder Dragon, who supposedly rivaled Oldwalkers anyway).

Well user, at least they would be reprinting wasteland.'s_Reach

'oldwalker that still has their spark' is perfectly possible. Bolas, Ugin, Nahiri, Sorin, and Lilliana are all oldwalkers that still have their spark.
That said, as what you otherwise said, it IS impossible for them to have their former power level.

More saying that the nature of the Spark has changed, yes, hence "oldwalker-level spark" being included to specify what was impossible.

One of the few Planeswalker beings without a spark, caused the series of events that led to Bolas dying the first time. Last seen getting the business from him.

Planeswalking rather. Phone posting sucks

>go back to Dominaria

>the set sucks



I loved ColdSnap.

I like Coldsnap. Great set, lot of fun.

My body is skreddy

Pssh, it's not like any of the recent sets have been any good either.

Dude, Coldsnap was legitimately one of the best sets ever. The only problem with it was that it was pretty parasitic, but if Wizards would stop being cucks who cater to the lowest denominator we'd actually get more cool shit.

But yes, if they ever went back to, in the minds of everyone who wants to go back to Dominaria the set would suck. Because it wouldn't be Time Spiral or Urza's level of broken. And if it was broken, it would be broken in the worst possible way, like SoI, BFZ and Khans, where like two or three cards completely and utterly dominate the format and and one other card completely breaks the eternal formats.

I'm actually pretty sure it was implied that the Myojin of Night's Reach had a spark.

I knew they'd turn Ajani into the boring old guy if they introduced him to the gatewatch. Ajani and Ugin should start the "let's take our time and not fuck everything up" club.

Silly Ajani, the Gatewatch doesn't listen to plans...
I don't even think they make them,

No, really, I wasn't following Kaladesh's storyline, did the Gatewatch ever plan something in advance?

Not once. Literally no creed, constitution, plan, charter, structure, hierarchy, etc..

Pretty much everything has been on the fly except that one time they almost made a plan work and the Ob fucked it up

If dubs, we get Palladia Mors Planeswalker next set

Of course, they're a bunch of mary sues who can't fucking die because they're the main characters and kids love them too much.