hory shit
Desolatormagic mtg general
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A thread for Des? I wanna see where this goes!
is he autistic?
Probably, or maybe he understands how youtube works and comes up with all of his crap just to get attention.
At some point you have to wonder if Desolator is starting these threads.
Good meme
Took me a while to get it, am I an altismo?
Reminder that he only does this because it makes him mad money.
>Falling for the troll
>Giving him viewbux
>response to all my haters and idiots out there
>38 min
I wish he made shorter videos
his absolute raging and contradictions just makes my head want to explode
>You think I care about your comments, you think I take 'em personaly
>38min rant about mean comments
>"my decks are amazing"
>"I don't give a fuck about the pros! They all cheat and stack the deck. If I played in a tournament I would win"
>"I don't have time to care about deck building because I work 8 hours a day!"
This one I find hilarious. I'm a cook. I work 12 hours a day on average with no breaks and by the grace of god I get Friday nights off occasionally for FNM. How do I have time to build decks and be doesn't?
>"I don't have time!" (Puts out at least 7 videos a week ranting and rambling about mtg)
>"I only delete comments of people being mean!" (Proceeds to call people fucking idiots if they disagree with him in the comments section and screams about how all netdeckers are ruining the game"
I could go on all day, but those are my personal favorites.
All this just because "Some people don't like playing like you do" doesn't compute with him.
He is super aspergers, this makes it really obvious. What he says are all signs of the stubborness and inability to understand other people, common to Aspergers. And he was cleary bullied and has a huge chip on his shoulder from it.
If he's trolling, he's amazing.
>If he's trolling, he's amazing.
No, he's really basic. The issue is that the internet now entertains more people than it ever has and almost all of them are too new and too dumb to see what's going on.
>make controversial and sometimes even contradictory statements
>make entire videos about those
>shills his stuff through the common channels so he develops a stigma
>people flock by the thousands to see his stupidity
The formula is ancient and he isn't doing anything interesting to it. He's literally pretending to be retarded to make money and it works.
No, this feels different. It's not just "Angry guy". That is a basic technique, "infamy > fame" and the like.
He's all in on the "Angry autist" vibe. All of it lines up perfectly, his traits. Stubborness, Chip on his shoulder, constant "I'm better than you, not bragging though" attitude.
The bullied autist kid, down to a tee.
I unironically enjoy Des and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
He's an angry autist that refuses to budge and gets super mad. You're supposed to enjoy it, it's in our nature. That's why he's popular.
We're drawn to people that shout loud, bold and contradictory statments.
I find it funny to an extent, but I don't watch him too much.
I've never watched this guys shit but wow. He's autistic as hell.
If you don't have the time to be a good mtg player then don't sit there making fucking videos.
This fuckin guy.