Predictions for March banned/restricted list update?
Predictions for March banned/restricted list update?
Fatal Push is going to get Fatally Pushed...out of the format
First for No changes
Deadeye Navigator is banned.
Doubling Season is banned.
Sundering Titan is unbanned.
No changes to any other format.
Yeah, modern. Why can't Wizards let us have anything fun? Do they like this stagnant bullshit for some reason?
Yeah no. That's like saying they'll unban Balance, which clearly isn't going to happen.
EDH forums say no bans incoming since everything is healthy right now. The only things they are looking at are coming from Aether Revolt.
>Deadeye Navigator is banned.
It has some degenerate combos, but it is expensive. It's bad but not necessarily bad enough to ban. Palinchron, its most heinous pair, would be banned first.
>Doubling Season is banned.
>Sundering Titan is unbanned.
Absolutely fucking not.
I get that EDH has access to a ton of mana acceleration, but it still surprises me how ridiculous a 6 mana creature that isn't a fatty and doesn't have free/perfect protection always ends up being.
As for guesses? I wouldn't be surprised if Paradox engine got banned in any of the eternal formats.
Who the fuck cares fuck Magic I'm done with this shit game they have no idea what they are doing alll they can do is shit all over modern and then pay online retailers to shill yet another shit format to try and take its place because they can't see it is their meddling that is fucking up Modern not the format itself.
>Ban the degenerecy I don't like
>Bring back the degenerecy I do like
Stop this.
You do realize that WoTC has ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING to do with the creation of Frontier, right?
>not playing patrician types like legacy or vintage
>being this much of a poorfag
>especially since modern stuff can transfer to legacy stuff if you upgrade your manabase a bit.
It depends on the deck, of course, but "upgrading your manabase a bit" can cost a thousand dollars.
And if you're playing a fair deck, not having your full set of duals will lose you a lot of percentage points against any wasteland deck.
I'm on DnT, I've played against people who still had a bunch of shocklands, and it isn't pretty.
kek, nice b8 m8
Just like they had nothing to do with the creation of the Commander format.
Doesn't mean shit, Wizards sees a fan made format they think will bring them profit they start shilling it.
>Wizard's support of Commander will have no impact of their support for formats like 2HG
Yeah tell me how that one worked out :^)
Look. Magic is a great game, still is. The writers and car makers are amazing. But the business side and the developers suck so bad it is shameful. The game is successful despite Wizards at this point, not because of them.
>implying I don't
>Implying caring about Modern is a bad thing
Letting yet another non-rotating format die. Bravo dipshit.
either ban felidar guardian or the poo in the loo planeswalker, otherwise nothing
probably nothing else
Ornithopter: Too powerful a creature can not cost this little.
Islands: Blue is too powerful in legacy so we need to adjust modern to compensate for it.
All basic lands.
All white border cards.
(Fuck Peasants)
Fatal Push isnt going anywhere.
Fatal Push will be illegal in standard soon enough.
Just wait two years.
You'll see.
Splinter Twin will be unbanned, I think. It was a fun and interactive deck that certainly wasn't too powerful. I mean, it's a fucking 4 mana enchantment and a combo that get's broken up by pretty much any interaction. It wasn't putting up results that warranted the ban, and a majority of Modern players probably want it back. Their stated reason for the ban, that it harmed deck diversity by being the best blue deck, was bullshit as Twin was pretty easy prey for Delver and blue control decks. In fact, blue was more prominent in Modern when Twin was around. It doesn't belong on that list, and I believe it's only a matter of time until Wizards relents and gives it back.
t. Twin player
t. Stompy player
Not happening user.
They just banned Gitaxian Probe for christ's sake.
Modern will continue to be cut down as Frontier pick's up pace and Wizard's will end up shooing Modern into a corner like they did with Legacy and make Frontier the new "extended" type format.
Happened with Extended. Happened with Legacy. Going to happen to Modern too.
Wizards has decided it cannot have a prominent format that does not encourage and necessitate the purchasing of new packs.
Hopefully Pod too. And Bloodbraid.
>It depends on the deck, of course, but "upgrading your manabase a bit" can cost a thousand dollars.
There's a thing called Chinese Fakes, y'know. I know people who use them in tournaments and never got caught. There are some really good fakes out there; unless you literally rip the cards into pieces, you can never tell that they're not real.
>wizards will eventually shoo modern into a corner
If that means they'll stop doing retarded bans for shits and giggles I'm for it, it's not like modern is getting any bigger.
Ahh the old
>Wizards HAS to scrap modern or else they will be forced to fuck it up more so that we dont care if it's scrapped!
Liberal bullshit. Tell Wizards to fuck off and leave Modern alone instead. Wizards has a very bad history of making choices in the present for the present that they end up regretting as it screws them over in the future.
Wizards already promised they would stop doing bans for the sake of bans back when they removed it as a pro tour format and that hasnt stopped them one bit. They are just seeking to destroy yet another extended format to make way for a new and more profitable one yet again.
It got banned after dominating like 3 major tournaments in a row and eating up a huge percentage of the field. It got hit for the same reason Jund got hit, if a little less dominant (but more under watch because lul combo).
>Git Probe
>Retarded ban
Git Probe enabled consistent turn 3 kills with Death's Shadow and Infect. And those decks are still extremely good. The only people calling the ban retarded are salty Storm players.
>git probe
>not retarded
back to frontier lad, modern is not the format for shitters like you
Fuck off, it requires holding an answer for the rest of the game, starting on turn 3. The rest of the game around it is interesting, but instant speed wins are cancer.
WoTC themselves stated that Modern is a turn 4 format. Git Probe was in direct violation of that.
And yet they never hit affinity.
Gitaxian Probe ban was unnecessary. Death's Shadow has never dominated the meta in any fashion and storm was not even good before the ban.
>retard actually thinks git probe was the problem
>not become immense
also not to mention that the t3 kills were only consistent in infect and even then thats stretching it. Just because a few t3 kills got caught on camera does not mean that the decks were consistently killing on t3 and this is coming from someone who played zooicide.
They weren't hitting Storm with the Probe ban. Storm just took collateral damage.
Saying they were directly going after Storm when they banned Probe is like saying they directly went after Tron when they banned Eye of Ugin.
Git probe was a problem because it killed one aspect of the game, risk.
There are still more 2HG events than Commander events.
2HG is much less popular than Commander.
i really think they should have banned Deceiver Exarch instead of Splinter Twin.
Except I didn't say that. I specifically said Death's Shadow and then pointed out the other major deck hit by it was not trouble either.
Pointless for both infect and zooicide to some extent, because you gnerally want to interact with both decks during your turn to avoid getting blown out by pump spells.
the deck would have just splashed white for path and Midnight guard
OR green for bounding karasis
They get hit by bolt unlike the exarch.
now that i think about it. i agree with banning exarch only because opening up the deck to louse to bolt seems like a fair trade
>Midnight guard
the card you're thinking of is Village Bell-Ringer
its also a lot worse than Exarch and weakening the mana base by forcing a third color changes how the deck plays out drastically.
t. twin player
Cyclonic rift?
THATS the card, though technicly both work.
if the counters didnt make blue so optimal, i would suggest running it as a RW deck, with a silence so they literally cannot stop you from going off
Yes, WotC meddling fucked the format.
Not the fact that when you allow a huge mass of almost mentally challenged people into a room - problems happen.
Before modern, nobody ever complained about fetchlands making games "too long" and "not fun", because of shuffling.
Before modern, Engineered explosives, which was and still is being used in Legacy was $5. Now it costs fucking $40+, just because every faggot wants to try one out in a sideboard even if they play a mono-color just because they saw tourney lists with it in SB.
Have you seen Mishra's Bauble cost?
Modern's problem IS the fact that it's supposedly "most accessible" and "most newbie friendly" format.
If we take out landbase costs from both Legacy decks and Modern decks. Most fucking Legacy decks cost way less and that still including cards like LED's or FoW's.
You know why? Because we don't pay $3 to $5 for a fucking cantrip.
It's not even supply and demand. There's shit tons of supply of Modern-legal cards, but it's just so fucking easy to make money even with retarded price-jumps (see Golgari thug).
Because modern is again - a room full of almost mentally challenged people, who majority have no clue wtf they're doing.
There are still people that play Storm in modern?
oh wew lad...
Everything is healthy as long as you ignore how degenerate and combo filled the format is and how game warping cards like Deadeye Navigator and Consecrated Sphinx are.
Twin variants combined had about an equal meta share with Affinity, I wish people actually were acquainted with the numbers before engaging in ban discussions.
They are never going to ban a spot removal spell. Spot removal is inherently the fairest type of card that exists.
But user, spot removal that costs less than the card it's removing creates an unfair constraint on the design team.
It also creates a giant tempo advantage for the person not player no creatures, which is even worse!
Wait, Consecrated Sphinx isn't banned in EDH?
>you may draw ten extra cards per turn
Seems fair.