Lets talk about Mimics their ecology and history, Variant mimics, like rugs, clocks, bags of devouring.
Lets talk about Fun times you have had with them in your games.
I'll start. A long time ago, back shortly before or after 3.0 came out I had my player encounter a mimic at the end of its reproduction cycle.
It was a Chest... full of coins and gems, other small trinkets.
All of the Coins and some of the gems were baby mimics.
The Mother Mimic didn't attack the players, as it wanted them to loot her, and spread her infants around in her dungeon and others.
Leo Diaz
Harmless tricky ones are cute.
Josiah Gonzalez
Variant Mimic's you say.
Jace Hill
>rugs Are flatbears a bear rug variant of mimics, or just very flat bears? Taxonomists are still not certain
Jaxson Gutierrez
Oh god, no!
Kevin Diaz
Sounds similar to that other idea for mimics that let players take "gold" so it can be carried to other mimics in the dungeon.
Joshua Green
Canon descriptions in various systems aside, do you give your mimics eyes? I always felt that eyes and mimics just dont go well together. There's just no way to make that look good IMO.
I much rather be my mimics be blind and rely on other senses. That also makes dealing with them more interesting. Maybe they rely on a fine tremor sense. They have a wide contact area with the ground, so they'd be pretty good at picking up minute movements and once triggered will home in on anything that moves. Or maybe they rely primarily on echolocation. Their wooden squeaks and creaks are actually pinging sounds. That way they can easily maneuver in pitch black darkness and conveniently move to wherever they'll be seen most easily when adventurers bring light into the dungeon.
Levi Morales
Mimic Room, full of bloodied chests and various bones scattered about They're normal chests, the room itself is a mimic.
Sebastian Nelson
Oh Yes. Yes indeed.
Brayden Lopez
>Wake up >See that your toilet is a mimic now wat du?
Jack Hall
Is... Is it still bolted down? If so, just take a morning piss and use the other bathroom to take a shit from now on.
Adam Powell
How do you like your mimics, Veeky Forums? Inanimate objects come to life? Organic monsters using said inanimate objects as disguises? >Have bully mimics in my setting >They don't try to kill/eat you >They'll just beat you up good and take your stuff
Nicholas Walker
Ian Long
EshEsh made a Life Size Mimic Chest not to long ago.
Dylan Jenkins
Zachary Williams
Austin Rodriguez
>put one of these in a dungeon >PCs open it, see teeth >attack the chest and destroy it >see that its just a normal chest, destroyed all the treasure inside
Brandon Rogers
Brandon Turner
Eli Garcia
Samuel Hernandez
Consider that idea stolen. Bonus points if the chest was filled with explosive potions
Eli Collins
All empty now.
It holds about 5-6 Standard sized RPG books
Oliver Miller
Sturdy Handel's for easy carrying.
Brody Ramirez
Mother of God.... Who would do this.
Leo Wright
Would you Veeky Forums?
Parker Perry
Angel Walker
I like the dungeon meshi hermit crab mimics. Not as iconic, but it makes more sense.
Andrew Rodriguez
I've always been fond of the "hermit crab in an empty chest"-type mimics. Like pic related.
Xavier Perry
Idea: the mimic mimic.
It's a mimic that pretends to be a mimic. It looks like it's a chest with teeth, but is in fact harmless, and just a chest.
Next idea: the mimic mimic mimic. It's a mimic that looks like a mimic mimic. First they see what looks like a mimic. Then when it doesn't attack they'll think it's actually a mimic mimic, and thus safe to loot. Then, when they've just about got almost all the treasure out, that's the point where it reveals itself as a mimic mimic mimic and attacks them.
You know, mimic is one of those words that starts to sound really weird when you say it a lot
Angel Taylor
Fun Fact: According to Dragon magazine, mimics and ropers may have evolved from puddings.
James Brooks
>According to Dragon Might as well say "According to a thread on Veeky Forums", there's a similar amount of thought put in.
Noah Turner
Supernatural personifications of human greed.
Sebastian Sanchez
Move to India, hope there aren't street mimics
Aaron Cook
Tie the lid up and the seat down, use bolt-cutters to dull the teeth, use it as normal.
Colton Jones
You rang?
Jackson Taylor
Isaiah Collins
Aiden Kelly
William Mitchell
that's pretty fucking horrifying.
Elijah Anderson
That's fucking great. I'm going to save these pics and use them as reference.
Also that beholder is 10/10
Aaron Morris
A suspicious chest in an otherwise empty room, with a sign above it that says "Caution: Mimic".
The sign is a mimic
Kayden Sanders
But at least Dragon magazine is official.
Bentley Butler
1. Not really 2. That's meaningless by itself.
Logan Campbell
Hudson Cox
dumb idea: >mimic is friends with kobold >kobold often carries around the mimic as though transporting a chest >on seeing the party, kobold "panics" >drops her "treasure chest" >and goes to alert the rest of her tribe >obviously a chest being carried by something still alive isn't a mimic >adventurers open the chest >kobold returns with reinforcements >mimic takes a bite
Lucas Sanchez
>>mimic is friends with kobold I already love it.
Ryder Moore
They fight crime!
Jackson Wright
How Smart are Mimics?
Can they talk?
David Ortiz
>You come across a little girl that's definitely not a mimic >She asks in a deadpan tone to help her up What do?
Jaxson Flores
Make sure she makes it safely home.
Sebastian Powell
>kobold lets mimic know what's going on around things >they sometimes gossip with each other, usually with her draped over the mimic to hide whatever they're saying >mimic sometimes offers to hide her in the "treasure chest" >y'know, for safety >mimic is no longer entirely sure it's a joke or if she'd actually be kept safe
They know Common, I think. INT 10, so as smart as the average human.
Austin Hughes
So a mimic is essentially an anglerfish, right? It disguises itself as something appealing to get potential prey to drop their guard and get close enough for the mimic to attack.
Using that logic, what potential mimics would your party fall prey to? My party would probably fall prey to codpiece mimics... because they always like to prove who's the big dick.
Thomas Hill
I once used a telepathic mimic as a mini side encounter for my players. They were wandering some random island when they happened upon a portal with a staircase that led down. When they saw it, a voice offered them power and wealth if they climbed down. They left quickly, but the idea was that a group of villagers worshiped it as a god, and would send "chosen" into it to be "ascended".
The smarter you make your mimics, the more fun and dangerous they are.
Evan Murphy
There is something in my setting, like the gold pieces. But it's not a mimic, at least not exactly.
It is a gold coin mimic that feasts on gold coins and/or other mimics. It lays pearl or gem looking eggs and hatches to look like a featureless gold coin. It will slowly eat away at the party's coins and riches.
But there is also a wizard that will pay handsomely for live samples to offset that dickish point. Or it can be used to make certain rare potions and scrolls.
Nathan Sanchez
Such is life for the party rogue.
Ian Carter
Adam Turner
Anthony Thomas
Landon Lopez
I like this idea a lot
Caleb Foster
Coin, jewel, door, stair and ground mimics are my favourites. Once my players explored an "abandoned castle" that was actually a giant mimic slime monster. They are my favourite monsters from D&D.
Blake Wood
So not ones like these, I take it.
Aaron Gray
Hermit crab mimics look cool
Aaron Reed
Adam Gonzalez
what kinda ripoff dark souls is this?
Aaron Young
fuck you jason
Andrew Scott
It's a souls ripoff with a weaboo main character to milk off weebs in the west
Joshua Morgan
I try making some advanced mimics something similar to supersharks, able to catch electric signals from other lifeforms in the air as well as a shark is able to gather them in water. The reason why they always act in a surprise round is because they can sense react and attack creatures before those creatures become really aware of something amiss and their nervous systems go into overdrive.
This allows them to surprise even high level rangers or rogues, some using their own ambush abilities, for lethal results.
Bentley Hughes
Luis Morris
Im planning on using them in a dungeon im making. The idea of the dungeon is that it was once a mine, that became a font of magical power, that power was harnessed but the way it was being harnessed broke causing magic to animate the inanimate.
So we have Animated Weapons, Tools, and Armor. Pseudo-Elementals. and Mimics. The big piece of treasure is a magic weapon with sentience.
Cameron Rodriguez
Get the best rimjob of my life.
Hudson Ramirez
Christian Long
>EshEsh made a Life Size Mimic Chest not to long ago. >EshEsh Hmmm. I checked her page and it's still up for sale. VERY tempted.
Nolan Rogers
I like that. It makes a lot of sense actually. Well, except that I'm not sure if electrosense even works in air, but fuck it, magic!
Anthony Ramirez
If electroreception is too big a stretch, there's always infrared sensing, like in certain snakes.
Nolan Roberts
f off eshesh
Leo Carter
Camden Lewis
an entire country with all objects as mimics. i ran an entire town as mimics with entire buildings as mimics. the beds were mimics, the lamps, the tables, the books. i kept rolling "encounter" chances. the party fighter was on the toilet when he discovered it was a mimic. good times were had.
Andrew Thomas
Cooper Reed
You know what would be fun? A dungeon where a mad wizard turned fucking everything into mimics. Mimic Chests. Mimic Books. Mimic Doors. Mimic Floors and Walls, fucking candle sticks. Even a Mimic Girl NPC at the end who tries to pull PCs into her "Chest" as a prank. I just want to see how paranoid PCs can really get.
The Wzard's still on the loose.
Jose Wood
>Mimic Doors. Beat you to that one, actually. Right now my players are working for a Rakshasa, so of course only a handful of the servants in his manor are actually regular folk. The doorman has excellent timing, and always opens the door before you touch it. They have never seen him not touching the door in one way or another.
They almost caught him once. When they asked him what's up, he simply responded, "I am the door-man."
Samuel Walker
But keep the tongue for a pleasurable cleansing
Camden Sanchez
Manlets, when will they learn?
Aaron Baker
Hudson Turner
Luke Fisher
Dominic Morgan
>on their way to an isolated chapel, the party finds a treasure chest half dug in the ground, two corpses nearby, one holding a sword and the other a shovel >thinking they killed each pther for the loot the approach the chest, luckily the ranger has an intuition and warns them the corpses' wounds are clearly teeth marks.He proceeds to grab the shovel to poke, or rather bash, the chest >the shovel is a damn mimic. >the chest too is a damn mimic >fast forward to the chapel they fought horrible abominations and finally managed to get some rest in the abandoned church >one of them puts his stuff on a table that is suspiciously not broken into pieces like the rest of the furniture >"hey what if the table is a mimic?" >character laughs >party laughs >table laughs >party stops laughing, and rolls initiave as the mimic table starts chomping the character
Logan Butler
>mimic glue
Tyler Hill
I like the shorter version: "The party sits down at a bar. The bartender asks why they've got their weapons out. 'Mimics!' they respond. The bartender laughs. The party laughs. The table laughs. They kill the table. It was a good time."
Grayson Barnes
Had my players sort of befriend a mimic. The diplomancer rogue nearly got her head bittenn off, but she managed to sweet talk it and start up a conversation. The mimic revealed that, despite eating them, humans were endlessly fascinating to it and that it dreams of being able to take on human form some day. They parted on peaceful terms, with the promise to meet again one day.
I'm planning on having it come back later down the line, having managed to partially transform into a human woman but not all the way. Uncanny valley, ho!
Josiah Hughes
>That pic Did a wizard animate a puddle of splooge or something?
Jack Baker
Its from an old Pathfinder supplement, it's unclear as to whether its a newborn mimic or a mimic when its not transformed into anything. If its the latter, no wonder they're always never seen in their natural form.
Jace Thomas
I once ran a stair mimic as a part of a deranged sorceress'personal villa and fun house. My players didn't lose their paranoid streak for a month.
Blake White
It's the result of cockvore and a miscast resurrection spell on the prey. ):3c
Austin Perez
Its basically souls:japan called nioh. Has famous personages as well, and does a good job with japanese lore and myth.
The interesting thing is the stances and various weapons and magic. There are basically three stances that are applied to all weapons, low, mid, and high. Low is quick, mid is the middle ground, high is hard hitting. There's also sheathed, and i'm fairly sure you can blade catch in that stance, given the right timing.
Its had a few demo's so far, seems to be a good game. An interesting thing is they actually seemed to have taken player feedback over the course of the demo's.
Jayden Richardson
>does a good job with japanese lore and myth It's as if it was made by japanese
Anthony Williams
you'd be surprised how badly a people can fuck up their own lore.
Kayden Gray
>Be DMing >Party is exploring an old mine, being tasked with finding a macguffin which may or may not have been there >Party finds several strange looking, empty chests >They get scared, carefully search room >Chests are nothing special, just old and decrepit >Patry leaves room >Door in hallway is locked >Party tries to bash it down >Minotaur bard's axe gets stuck to the door >wejustdontknow.webm >Mimic proceeds to attack party >Cleric almost gets knocked out >Bard almost gets knocked out >Patry barely defeats mimic because auto grapple and surprise fucked up people
My cleric player liked to say that the mimic almost turned him into a glove
Nicholas Martinez
So in Pathfinder all mimics want to be human, but are too alien to pull it off and those that try meet only failure and a mind shattering epiphany of how utterly wrong they are, leading to insanity and an agonizing loss of control over their form.
So I made up a mimic alchemist NPC who was smart enough to get a human form with Alter Self instead of her natural shapeshifting. While clever, she was a bit low on Wisdom, and often caused herself and the party trouble by jumping out to surprise people, regardless of form. Once while tossing an armful of alchemist bombs up like confetti. She toned it down after that.
Still, she was popular enough I'm considering another such NPC, possibly as crew for some sky-pirates this time.