MTG Modern General

>Whatcha Playin'?

>Whatcha hatin' the most?

>Got any secret sideboard tech?

>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Whatcha Playin'?
Affinity, as always.
>Whatcha hatin' the most?
Nothing at all since probe and grave troll.
>Got any secret sideboard tech?
I used to play bitterblossom, it was good against infect.
>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
How do you feel about tron? Is tron going to be everywhere? Will fish start showing up because of tron?

Playing Dredge
Affinity almost built
Bubble Hulk & Cheeri0s (kek) almost built

Saw Bitterblossom in the recent SCG list.

What's your board like vs:
Tron Eldrazi (have you faced them?)?
Junk/Jund (are they different boards?)?

>Whatcha Playin'?
not properly playin' but right now i'm solitaire a "mono" green devotion
>Whatcha hatin' the most?
>Got any secret sideboard tech?
in that devotion deck I've introduced an elderscale wurm in the side
>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
will the modern ever recover from the ban of splinter twin?

Affinity? My brother from another mother. I never considered Bitterblossom out of the side. I just bring in Thoughtseize usually to pluck Stony Silence or Kataki.

Modern seems to be doing okay without Twin imo.

>>Whatcha Playin'?
UW Jerks

>>Whatcha hatin' the most?

>>Got any secret sideboard tech?
my not-very-secret-at-all mainboard tech is smug copter to pitch excess lands and get more action.

>>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
>yes. several weeks in a row 1st or ID+split at undefeated.

>Ad Naus
>Grixis Moon
>Grixis Delver
>RW Prison
>Melira Chord
>Titan Breach
>Jeskai Nahiri

I call this Boom and Moon.

Basically, Sun and Moon minus the Chalices and with the Armaggeddon package.

What do you guys think about it?

Looks like fun_ user

i think the value goblin plan is superior and running boom bust without flagstones is negative EV

Whatcha Playin'?
UW fish. i think going monoblue only hurts the deck. only downside is you get slightly hated out by blood moon

Esper artifacts. combination of UB tezz lists, thopter/sword combo, and architect/pili-pala combo. it's fun, not good yet. but fun nonetheless

>Whatcha hatin' the most?
People that bitch about hate cards.

>Got any secret sideboard tech?

>What's your fav card in modern you never see / don't see often enough?
Meddling mage

On a blog note; we've got a decent sized tourney in a couple weeks. should be fun if i can survive my lords getting pushed off of airships all day



this memedeck has no breaks.

Add Aethersphere Reservoir since you can pull it from Inventors' Fair & get infinite storm from Isochron (I see the Magnifying Glass but that's stupid)

I used to have aetherflux resevoir as the wincon and some neat tech like academy ruins but maindeck spellskites killed my boner. BSZ wincon feels good, it used to be door to nothingness but I like that you can regularly cast blue suns sometimes and reshuffles itself back.

I agree that glass is shit tho. so damn slow, but it does it's job decently enough.

Wait I suppose you can activate aetherflux infinite times. It's a good choice of wincon.

Idk, I still like that scroll or muddle can find bsz, you'd have to maindeck whir in order to activate scroll/muddle as wincons so it isn't hard to fully adapt to a Aetherflux version.

USZ is fine (BSZ is black), I just like Aetherflux instead of Glass since you have Inventors' Fair

the upsides of swapping usz for aetherflux:
-can cast it and gain some hp, as well as combo with only 2 rocks out IF you've hardcast it.
-frees up maginifying glass slot

-imo hardcasting USZ in a pinch seems better, in order to find the combo. reducing the required rock amount is usually redundant and gaining a few life is less relevant than drawing a card or two.
-replaces fabricate with whir (or uses the glass slot). Imo whif feels worse without trinkets laying around like some welding jars
There could be a huge benefit to going that route, I just like cast huge zeniths famalam

Shouldn't Fatal Push be in that black slot now?

Lmao no

I need a good knight modern deck

I had fun with Vial Knights like a year or two ago.

so Esper Narset looks interesting but why would I not just jam 4 Gideon AoZ and a SB Elspeth as opposed to using Narset at all?

Narset draws you cards instead of just giving you board presence, which is useful against Control and Combo decks, I guess.

I've never played the deck myself so I can't be sure

>Whatcha Playin'?
U/R storm with pyromancer's swath.
>Whatcha hatin' the most?
>Got any secret sideboard tech?
Mizzium Transreliquat
>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
We can always bitch about Frontier, card prices or the ban list.

Did you took a picture of your screen...?

>Want to build a Modern deck
>MM17 is looming so there's no point buying anything because reprints might drop prices
>If expensive cards aren't reprinted, they'll only go up in price
>Decide not to build a Modern deck because no matter what happens I'll be spending a lot and risking a lot to play a silver bullet format

Is it worth running Guttersnipe deck or would id be basically nerfed burn?

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this user, but that foil playset of Japanese Fatal Push that you bought for $100 each aren't actually that good in Modern. It's a pure sideboard card. A solid sideboard card, but a sideboard card nontheless.

>mono green D
My nigga wanna compare lists?
Recently changed up the primal command and coco ratio to add summoners pact. Its so sick

Thanks and sorry.

English being my fucking 4th language might be not up to standards you'd expect from someone browsing a chinese cartoons image board in the 21st century.

Not necessary here though, doesn't change the meaning of the sentence with or without it, you pedantic prick.

What's the list? Are you faster or as consistent as 40 bolts and 20 lands?

So huh did Pia's Revolution figure out his decklist or? I was excited to help on that list, user ...

so when will they just make them fuck already?
Every other art has them standing side by side and fighting together and now we get this ?!

this is just getting pathetic at this point.

Im guessing when Gideon goes to Theros to face his demons Chandra is going to save him next?

what is infect ruining instead of probe?

Whatever they took out for blossoming defense

>Whatcha Playin'?
8 Rack
>Whatcha hatin' the most?
Mostly Leyline of Sanctity especially since mono black has no enchant hate.
>Got any secret sideboard tech?
nothing to original however I run mutilate as a 2 or 3 of in my sideboard.
>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
Whats the most common deck/archtype in your meta?

Also what would i do to add enchant hate to mono black 8 rack splash green for something like golgari charm? or what else?

Green would give you access to Maelstrom Pulse and Abrupt Decay. Also some interesting sideboard cards to protect/recur your artifacts.

White would be similar, and give you access to extra wraths and point removal.

>Whatcha Playin'?
Grixis Delver

>Whatcha hatin' the most?
Tron, same as always

>Got any secret sideboard tech?
Added Ceremonious Rejection to my sideboard some time ago. Right now I have 2 of those and 2 Fulminator Mage. Great aginst my two worst matchups, Bant Eldrazi and Tron. I'm also considering moving my second Kommand to the mainboard and adding a Sword of Feast and Famine to the sideboard for a bit of an edge against B/G/X

>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
>Any new shitbrews?

I'm thinking of buying into the format with merfolk. Iv been testing the deck out in xmage and it seems pretty fun.

Iv been meaning to test grixis delver since I have a few pieces but the tarns are making me shy away.

Can you guys recommend other decks I should try? Will I regret buying into fish? Thanks

I've been running Delver without Scalding Tarns for a while now. I'm using a 4/3/3 split of Polluted Delta, Flooded Strands, and Bloodstained Mires instead of what I consider an optimal 4/4//2 Delta/Tarn/Mire. It costs you a percentage point or two, but the only lands you can't fetch with Flooded Strand are Mountain and Blood Crypt, which are also the least needed lands in the deck in most games. It's a serviceable replacement.

Fish is alright, but it's more of a tier 2 deck. It's not bad by any means. Grixis Delver can be played without the Tarns, like the other user said, and it's a deck that can fit into any meta very well. It's also fun. I'm trying to build it, but I can't afford the Snapcasters


Hatebears. Affinity draws with Arcbound Ravager.

>Secret Sideboard Tech
1 Melira against Infect. Virtual 4 with 3 Summoner's Pacts. Also 2 copies of Courser of Kruphix main because I just like that card and the card advantage is sick

How many Fatal Push in Jund/Abzan/Mardu/Grixis/Rock/other black decks? Will Fae become real again thanks to Push?

My deck doesn't care about Push, but it's still an interesting card to talk about.

>Can't afford the snapcasters

Niiiigga, they are as low as they can possibly be! Just grab them before they go up in price again.

I believe my friend has two of them, and they're both mine. If he does, I guess I'm gonna try to buy the other two somehow.

This is the lowest Snapcasters have been in a loooooooong time. These things are going to go up again; the card is too powerful to sustain a price this low. At this point don't consider it wasting money on a magic card, consider it a guarnteed investment.

>consider it a guarnteed investment.

an... alpha investment?

How many red fetches do I need for burn? Not running Nacatl's btw

Do you mainboard Grim Lavamancer?

Yeah. I'm thinking 1 main.

I would say 9 as a minimum. I like 10 for that sweet, sweet deck thinning and some people even like more than that.

I actually got 10. 4 mire 4 foothills 2 tarns. How many total lands do you pack?

I run 20 in all.

Post your list senpai

1 main is too inconsistent, it's actually worse than not playing any at all (unless you have it there as a toolkit and have a way to tutor it that I'm missing)

How many do you recommend? 2? Torment or core set art?

Boy oh boy have I been away from MTG for a long time, probably at least 6 months. What have I missed in the greatest format of all time? Gimmie the bulletpoints.

Also Xmage vs Cockatrice, which should I use and why if you don't mind me asking in here.

If you like fish try Affinity- they're fairly similar and Affinity has a few flex slots to adapt to your own playstyle.

Just order some china snapcasters and some other shit.
For $100 you get:
A play set of every shockland.
4 snapcasters
4 bloodmoons
4 goblin guides
4 thoughtseizes
4 path to exile
4 karn liberated
4 of your favourite fetches

Then you basically have the base for a lot of decks you could ever wish playing with. Afterwards it's just a matter of slowly introducing the cards into your collection so you don't raise suspicion as to why you suddenly have 4 snaps.

Add 1 snaps to your folder and ask your friends if you can proxy out the other ones because you want to check out how they play. Then after some weeks you can replace them fully for your china playset and no one on your lgs will find out as long as you keep them doublesleeved they look 95% like a legit snapcaster.

I think china proxies are perfectly fine if you use them for personal use and don't attempt to sell them under any circumstance.

Modern is more dead than ever.
People are having seizures over Fatal Push and various combo decks that will stop in a month or so.
Junk and Jund.
Tron hate.

Overall, nothing special.

Whats a Fatal Push combo deck look like?
Got a decklist?

I've been seeing a few archetypes that seem relatively new to me.

Fatal Push is one of the best removal spells ever printed.

Oh, Fatal Push is just removal. I was saying that people are just going bonkers over Fatal Push because " too good, format warping for black ". That, and the fact that people are just trying to make meme combo decks a thing, like copycat or Kari Zev something something.

Maybe drop in a couple of Lanowar Wastes and like said sideboard Pulse or Decay.

Jesus christ.
I can definitely work this into some of my older decks.

I don't like proxies, and I think it's not ethical to use them when others have bought real cards.

It's perfectly fine to buy proxies and play with them against your friends. I have proxied versions of T1 decks when I need to test decks.

The only bad thing about proxies is that some people will use them in tournaments, and will treat them as legit cards. That's when proxying is not cool.

Btw, Gitaxian Probe just got banned.


Is meant to respond to

Gitaxian Probe banned, Golgari Grave-Troll banned.

WOTC has taken a more proactive stance over bans. Except more bans than ever. You'd think they'd leave modern alone now that official coverage is not a thing anymore? Nope.

Though that possibly means they will unban cards that were banned without rhyme or reason, like splinter twin. One can only hope, right?

>banned without rhyme or reason, like Splinter Twin

Thanks for the replys. Il give affinity and grixis delver sans tarns a try and report back.

If I do end up on delver, I might hold off on buying the snaps until mm17 is spoiled. They should still drop somewhat

Having a smaller meta share than Affinity with all the variants combined and being a neat slice of the control - midrange - aggro - big mana - combo --metagame isn't a reason for ban imo. Blue has been struggling ever since and there are no decks, concrete or hypothetical, that Twin was oppressing out of the metagame completely, even though it would have kept a check on Dredge and Death's Shadow which would have been an overwhelming positive.

I'd be fine if Twin came back only because RUG Delver will get better via splash damage.

Not long enough

Did they explain WHY they banned them??

Just Google it you nigger

Golgari Grave Troll was because Dredge was an oppressive deck and every sideboard needed 5-6 pieces of graveyard-hate or you would just lose, unless they fizzle.

Gitaxian Probe because it was enabling turn 3 kills too often in Infect and Death's Shadow Zoo.

Well, that just goes to show that banning Twin was a huge mistake. Now that twin is banned, you must ban other cards that cause a large problem without twin to keep certain decks in check. Twin was the sort of gatekeeper of degeneracy. Now, they had to ban keycards of other decks that are now too good without a gatekeeper to keep things in check.

Grixis Control is showing up on mtggoldfish as Grixis Delver. This is actually pretty annoying.

Wow great blog. Glad to hear this input from someone who doesn't even play.

>Whatcha Playin'?
>Whatcha hatin' the most?
Ad Nauseaum
>Got any secret sideboard tech?
if I told you, it would be a secret
>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.

>How many decks do you own?
>Most copies of a single card you have?
9 Umara Entanglers (I don't know how I even ended up with so many)
>Sleeve brand/color
Red or Green Matte-back DragonShields, black Shitpros for casual decks
>Deck Box
Black Shitpro Dual box
>DIce / Counters
Chessex Fire Dice

Whatever this guy is on, I would like some.

Wow those questions are shit

How exactly would Twin have kept Dredge in check?

>Whatcha Playin'?
Titanshift. Also have Ad Nauseam but mostly my gf plays it now.
>Whatcha hatin' the most?
Kiln Fiend and Suicide zoo felt like unwinnable matchups, glad they got a hit. Ad Nauseam is pretty bad too.
>Got any secret sideboard tech?
I play 4 obstinate baloth in my sideboard always because of how versatile a card it is. Sometimes I play a reverberate in my sb because of how prevalent UW control is in my meta.
>I'm running out of questions. Someone pitch me a few.
What's the best way to use Aethersphere Harvester in modern?

You twiniggers never seem to understand that if Twin was degenerate enough to keep degenerate decks from being good, maybe it was too good.

You're retarded and I don't give a fuck about twin

>t1 lantern of insight
>instant concede
Is there a better feeling?

Ya, actually playing magic

Getting to play a fun game of magic with good friends?

Because Twin can win by turn 4, while buying time by simply tapping your problematic creatures. They can also counter problematic spells like cathartic reunion that made Dredge a top contender like it was ( and still is, if you ask my opinion ). Those options, that are available before sideboarding, makes Twin a decent contender against Dredge, by its inherent nature of simply buying time before the combo is reached.

Now, as you can see, this doesn't step on Dredge's viability, but simply allows the deck to be a gatekeeper, by its natural ability to being able to win before sideboarding. That is how Twin was a perfectly fine deck, and a gatekeeper of these kind of decks. Sure, sometimes Dredge pre-sideboard can be degenerate enough to simply roll over any type of answer you may have, and that's fair: that's what the deck is supposed to do.

>I can't turn my creatures sideways so it's not magic

Yo goddamn retard
user means a t1 concession isn't playing magic
>user is correct

To be fair I don't think that twin would have kept eldrazi or dredge under control

Twin's problem is that it was a contender against everything while also having several auto win matchups. It had no bad matchups, Jund and Grixis don't count when you can just side into a control deck and be 50/50 against them.

Could Dredge just run Abrupt Decay and discard to shit all over Twin's wincon outside of Burn? I seem to remember Jund being great against Twin.

Eldrazi? Certainly not. The deck was too fast for anything to beat it consistently. Dredge? It's debatable. Before any sideboard, dredge cannot remove anything from your board, while you have the advantage of Exarch/Pestermite acting as not only a tapper to tap things that would kill you on the spot, but also as a blocker for eventual bloodghasts, that 3/3 zombie, and so on.

I think it's not a problem, but rather a good thing. Jund acts the exact same way: it doesn't have any bad matchups ( except tron ) but it isn't favored against anything too. Twin had a good time against aggro decks, because it had a strong tempo element to it. The reasoning is the same as dredge. However, the matchup was never ever favored against control or combo decks, which made these decks a very sensible choice in the meta: because it had an increased chance to beat Twin, while also making a name for itself against other decks in the meta. If they played against controls, they would meet an excessive number of counterspells or unbeatable removal. If they would face combo decks, they'd have to take a consideration into trying to either win and possibly facing an enormous blunder while meeting a counter of some sort, or waiting because your opponent would combo out themselves. That's what made Twin a strong, but more importantly, a gatekeeper and a balance enabler for the modern meta.

Dredge often runs Decay in the sideboard. Decay was for sure a key sideboard card against Twin, and if it was ever to come back, that would still be the case.