/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

Rolled 4 (1d30)

Grav Chimeras Edition

Shiny tiny Custodes Sub-edition

Last thread user's mom was a top cultist with mad gains that barely fit in a Land's Raider, Duncan (PBUH) kitbashed termies, more Primarchs wore helmets and we tried to explain the origin of some Superheavies and vehicles. Maybe those mysterious warrior-poet-bikers did it.
It's all true, that happened on the last thread , but not it is time for the XXXth thread ;^)

Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
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>Updated rulebooks
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
>Primarch Popularity Poll

>Make your unit entries
mediafire.com/file/q315zmyjntb4j04/LA Exploitable v1.pdf

>BoP's Paint guide

>HH Discord

>Dice rolls
2 Agents of the Emperor, 11 Agents of Chaos, 21 Imperial Militia, 22 Solar Auxilia, 23 Taghmata, 24 Cybernetica, 25 Reductor, 26 Blackshields, 27 Shattered Legions, 28 Knights, 29 Titans, 30 Thunder Warriors

Post the Prospero header image plz

Other urls found in this thread:


Claimed by the IVth

Angelus will save /hhg/

Scans of Book 8 when? :^)

Anyone know where I can get this helmet? I can't find it on any of the legion kits.

Isn't that a Grey Knight helmet?

2000pts fluffy DG infantry heavy list. I'm not sure I've kitted everything out properly. Crit please.

Death Guard, Traitor
RoW: The Reaping

Legion Centurion:
Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Rad Grenades, Volkite Serpenta, Consul [Siege Breaker]

Legion Praetor:
Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Rad Grenades, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery:
3x Legion Rapier, Phosphex Canister Shot

Legion Heavy Support Squad:
Chem-munitions, Hardened Armour, Heavy Flamer, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Space Marines
Legion Sergeant:
Augury Scanner, Nuncio-vox and Chainsword/Combat Blade, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades

Legion Heavy Support Squad:
Hardened Armour, Lascannon, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Space Marines
Legion Sergeant:
Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner,Nuncio-vox and Chainsword/Combat Blade, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades

Legion Tactical Squad:
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines
Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters
Legion Tactical Sergeant:
Artificer Armour, Bolter, Rad Grenades, Power Weapon

Legion Tactical Squad:
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines
Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters
Legion Tactical Sergeant:
Artificer Armour, Bolter, Rad Grenades, Power Weapon

Legion Tactical Squad:
19x Legion Tactical Space Marines
Additional Chainswords/Combat Blades, Bolters
Legion Tactical Sergeant:
Artificer Armour, Bolter, Rad Grenades, Power Weapon

Nope. And it's not any MkII helmet I know of.

Please fix your shitty formatting

Closest thing I can think of is the company champion helmets you get in the command squad boxes.

Nope. It's none of the plastic kits. It looks like the helmets in the Death Guard Conversion Set, but those helmets are fixed to the torsos, got spikes, have grills instead of holes, and are all fucked up.

I remember an user posting an image kinda like this one, where the head was kitbashed with a GK helmet that sort of looked like the one you're looking for.

Another user did a Joey edit of the pic.

I suspect it's had a fair bit of conversion, perhaps to remove a top vent. The holes look a little random too, consider the possibility that they've been added by hand. There's a similar-ish head in the BA tactical squad but I don't think that's right. Could be from one of Sevrin Loth's bodyguards.

T'was me!

Also, it was a regular GK helmet like . That's why it didn't fit well into the terminator body.

Looks like a Crusade variant helm, albeit slightly different.

It does look familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. A veteran helmet of some sort from a plastic kit?

There's nothing wrong with my formatting at all, it's very clear and easy to read.

Please fix your shitty retardation and autism.

>it's very clear and easy to read

An old death guard kit helmet maybe?

It's only difficult to read if you're dyslexis or suffer from some other sort of learning difficulty.


How is that hard to comprehend?

not him, but for example

Heavy support squad, Heavy flamers, rhino, hardened armour, AA/Aug/vox/meltabomb/rad nades

Is generally seen as acceptable while a copypasta from battlescribe that takes four times the size generally seems like less effort has been put in. By writing a list by hand you seem to have actually put thought into your list. Autism, sure, welcome to /hhg/, take your complimentary free chainaxe

You're needlessly dragging out each unit over multiple lines, you're writing out the full name of stuff which is a massive waste, you're listing free useless upgrades, you're listing tranports as an upgrade which makes seeing what stuff hass a transport on a glance impossible, you're listing the amount of men in a unit somewhere among the wargear and you're listing the unit sergeant as a seperate unit.

All these make your list a mess. It should look like this:

Siege Breaker Centurion - Artificier Armor, Power Weapon, Rad Grenades, Volkite Serpenta - 5867 points

Praetor - Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Soiked Dildo - 37445 pointss


Also you miss the points cost of your entire army.

almost positive it's a heavily remodeled/reconstructed head from the death guard conversion kit

Being FW, they could just slap that shit together from unreleased stuff.

Right, but it honestly wouldn't be that complicated to cut off some of those heads and make them into pseudo pre-fall helmets.

Resin's easy peasy to cut up.

I've got a bunch of those at home just sitting in the bits box, might look into cutting them up.

Only 10 more days until the weekender and its friday sales! How glorious this is our last double digit day and then all of our dreams and hopes will happen and nothing could possibly prevent it! No delays, no shipment issues, no chinese pirates! Only glorious books and rules and models and gifts!



LP: IH, PB, RG, TTA w/ PS a CB


LHSS: 9 x LSM, C-M, HA, HF, LRAC, AS, N-V + C, MB, RG




LTS: 19 x LSM, AC/C, AA, RG, PW

Better, nonces?

I am pretty sure this is something that has come up before, and someone asked the FW staff about it.

If I remember, it's one of the artists' modified/personal stuff.

You know, being a sarcastic little shit really isn't going to increase your chances of getting helpful feedback.

That's not me (the user who originally posted the list), I just got back from walking the dog. Someone else has been funposting in my absence.

Instead of knight heads, they should release more legion heads. They shouldn't try and appease all legions equally. Just put out kits that contains parts iconic to each legion, be it torsos, legs, arms, pads, head, backpacks, whatever.

I'm sure you could make some from MkII helmets. Just file off the rim.

>tfw plastic MkIIs could not come faster

You forgot the scanbegging.

no, only unicorn rainbow farts and giggling happy clouds once Inferno is delivered unto us by the Hand of Alan Our God and all will be well with the world and only joy and happiness and more joy as we all celebrate

Is this any better?

Death Guard, Traitor

RoW The Reaping

Legion Centurion: AA, Power Weapon, Rad Nades, V Serpenta, Siege Breaker 135pts

Legion Praetor: Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Rad Nades, Tartaros Armour, Combi-bolter 175pts

Quad Launcher Support Battery: 2x Rapier, Phosphex 240pts


Heavy Support Squad: 9 x Marines, H Flamers, Hardened Armour, Chem-Munitions, Augury Scanner, Nuncio-Vox + Chainsword, Rad Nades, Rhino 310pts

Heavy Support Squad: 9 x Marines, Lascannons, Hardened Armour, AA, Augury Scanner, Nuncio-Vox + Chainsword, Melta Bombs, Rad Nades, Rhino 505pts

Tac Squad 9 x Marines, Bolter + Chainsword, AA, Rad Nades, Power Sword, Rhino 210pts

Tac Squad 9 x Marines, Bolter + Chainsword, AA, Rad Nades, Power Sword, Rhino 210pts

Tac Squad: 19 x Marines, Bolter + Chainsword, AA, Rad Nades, Power Sword 295pts


wow, its almost like youre not a complete 40kid with proper formatting, wew lad

Not nearly enough anti-tank. You have 1 unit in the army that can hurt tanks, that won't do at all. At the very least add shatter shells to the quad launchers. Really I think you need a 3rd anti-tank unit as well at 2000 points.

Also, why no power scythes? Apart from against white scars and emperor's children they mean your AA-wearing sergeants should win any challenge.

In seriousness, you lack any heavy punch, any AntiAircraft, and any varied damage output. You would be better off avoiding either the tacblob or the mortars, since they both do the same job of removing infantry. Consider swapping your lascannon dudes for three chainfist-wielding cortus dreads with melta or gravguns, since that'll actually achieve something. Use the 240~ odd points from dropping your extraneous anti infantry unit to bring a jet or a dorito dreadnought. Consider lightning your HQ, since a delegatus would not be looking for a place to live quite so badly. Morty is one of your legions best assets, since he's nigh unkillable, teleports and is death to most units and especially robots. He's one of the few primarchs worth his points, and unless you really, really want to pitch against someones deathstar he should win against anything.

Drop rhino from lascannons squad. They are going to be sitting in the rear, why waste the points.
Drop one rhino tactical squad.
Use points for another anti tank option. Like mortis Contemptor with Kheres. And power scythes on any squad getting in close with the enemy.

Do you guys ever add bits like on pic related's helmet to your marines?

What's a proper way to run a slightly Killy Deathstar? This is all I've got so far-

>Praetor- Paragon Blade, Iron Halo, Cyber Familiar, Melta Bombs
>Primus Medicae- Terminator Armor, Cyber Familar
>Terminator Bodyguard- 3 Bodyguards, Terminator Armor, 1 Chainfist

That's 445 points, and I'm using Iron Hands (obviously) so -1 Str to all shooting. I think a Navigator (using one of those sick Electropriest models) would be pretty funny to just additionally fuck over shooting, and that'll give 10 bodies exact so I can still take a Land Raider. Thoughts?

>Imperator Vult

I have a terrible idea for a space marine army now....

Don't forget to either put a grenade harness on one terminator, or frag assault launchers on the land raider. It's a small thing, but it can make a big difference.

Also, afraid you can only take terminator bodyguards if the praetor is in terminator armour too, so the land raider's full with what you have there. Personally I'd take a chaplain over a medicae, but that's very much personal preference.

>AA Praetor
>Terminator bodyguard


>"If the Legion Praetor which is part of the Legion Command Squad’s Force Organisation chart choice has Terminator armour, the squad may exchange their wargear for a set of Terminator armour."

Alright, changed the Lascannon squad for 3 Cortus Dreads with chainfist/melta/grav and removed one of the Tac Rhino squads. That leaves me at 1790pts.

I don't quite understand this bit
>Consider lightning your HQ, since a delegatus would not be looking for a place to live quite so badly.

I'll add Mortarion in at 2500pt games, I can't fit him in otherwise.

Alternative take - he could stick with the AA on the command squad and give them all combat shields for the invuln, which would let him max the unit out and still fit a navigator in there. Yes, a couple of spaces in the land raider would go to waste, but then you get to take two more bodies.

No, but now I will.

I play Dark Angels. So obviously yes

He could keep the Primus in terminator armour (tartaros for the sweep). It's pretty much the same price as AA, refractor field and a power weapon anyway. And since he takes up 2 slots, you're only wasting 1 slot.

>MkVI helmet

Ok, so your HQ cant teleport in anywhere, since this is 30k and you;re reaping besides. Therefore, do you expect your HQs to footslog with the big unit of tacmarines*? A few medusae shells, quad mortars or even just running into a unit of termies and a character would cost you over a quarter of your army. If i were you, i would build towards 2.5k right now, drop the praetor and bring morty instead, since he fills the MoTL requirement. Either that or drop the siege breaker/phosphex and do something different with those points.

*Morty is extra hard to kill and can teleport, so he doesnt need an escort like most every other character does.

Given the DAs and the Fists exist I'm sure that it's fine. As for my pic it's basically how to sum up an AL Harrowmaster's helmet I'm doing writefaggotry about.
Go for it.
Nice, Brother.

reminder that the heresy took away the cute brotherhood between fulgrim and (best primarch ferrus manus)

where's the helmet-wings from as someone who's not well versed in DA bits?

probably ravenwing kit

However, whith how prominent the Custodes are on the cover of the book, it might be that the rumours were true and most of the SW and TS rules have been removed from this book due to time constraints. Meaning things like rites of war and legion-specific characters and units are going to feature in a Prospero part II book

>My Brother-Primarch Can't Be This Cute

Ravenwing command squad. The wings are attached to the MkVI helmet. The regular ravenwing sprues comes with loose wings you can mount on different armour marks.

Okay, so targeting 2.5k, dropped the praetor and added Mortarion. What should I add to fill in the last 380pts? A Dorito for some AA?

You're so desperate for Inferno to be a disappointment, aren't you? First constantly going on about mythical delays, now some idea (that hasn't been on any rumour site I check) that the book's getting gutted & split in two. Why?

Body guard or transport for him maybe? Despite his ninja skills, that's how I see him run often to guarantee an early charge

>Prospero part II book
haha, no

Wolves would be in a Wolf Cull section of HH17 and TS won't get rules because all they did during the Heresy is break the webway then give up and go traitor.

You really think FW would give Thousand Sons stuff if they don't here?

If we don't get anything then it can't be unplayably over-costed and tactically useless.

t. Thousand Sons player

>SW have legion torsos and pads
>TS have legion torsos, pads, helmets, contemptor
>FW is known for releasing all the models relating to a book around the time it comes out
>HH books are known for reflecting the content

Okay, so.

Death Guard, Traitor

RoW The Reaping

Mortarion: 3 x Death Shroud Bodyguard, Rad Nades, Melta Bombs, LR Phobos, Armoured Ceramite, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer, Chem-Munitions 860pts

Legion Centurion: AA, Power Weapon, Rad Nades, V Serpenta, Siege Breaker 135pts

Quad Launcher Support Battery: 3x Rapier, Phosphex 240pts

Cortus Dread Talon: 3 x Dreads, Chainfists, Gravgun, Melta, Extra Armour 495pts


Heavy Support Squad: 9 x Marines, H Flamers, Hardened Armour, Chem-Munitions, Augury Scanner, Nuncio-Vox + Chainsword, Rad Nades, Rhino 310pts

Tac Squad 9 x Marines, Bolter + Chainsword, AA, Rad Nades, Power Scythe, Rhino w/ Extra Armour 225pts

Tac Squad 9 x Marines, Bolter + Chainsword, AA, Rad Nades, Power Scythe, Rhino w/ Extra Armour 225pts


What do you think will be "free ***" for sons and wolves?

If you can shave points off, shatter shells might be good backup AT

Looks good enough, just run like hell of your opponent brings light anti-armor and a Vindicator.

Like seriously, an IWfag with a squad of Tyrants (or fuck, even a support Squad) and some Medusas will delete everything good you have- aside from Mortarion and his gang- and just camp objectives.

Also look out for haywire, if your Primarch star loses its vehicle than kiss those points goodbye, it's 900 points that'll do jack

Except for the part where they said the book was coming out early March instead of February, you mong

SW get their knots free from TS asses.

SW: Free chainaxes
TS: Free ML1 on every Character

>SW: Free chainaxes

Please no, I don't want to model my dudes with chainaxes and I sure as shit don't want to listen to "lol why didn't you give them chainaxes?" every single time I field them.

Chainaxes are Angron's boys thing so no.
Maybe free wolf?


Most likely people already know but Legio Custodes with bolters.


Psyker Brotherhood on all units, 5++ on perils.
Fleet, Furious Charge, Rampage on characters.
Screencap it, bitches, I know I'm right.


It's experimental :^)

You probably won't like this one either user.

Is that a bolter custodes? I really hope it's a bolter custodes. I need bolter custodes in my life. Wonder if it's a whole new model or a conversion kit for the plastic custodes.

>inb4 it's armed with a regular bolter like the spear dude

Those had better be either be some pretty souped up bolters and they had better still have power knives otherwise I have no idea what their point would be

>bolter with all the special ammo types and a power knife
>everything people have always bitched about Marines not being

Truly they'd be the Space Marines of Space Marines.

I doubt it will be free on all units. Probably 20pt upgrade for all squads

Also guessing IC can buy mastery lvls for 25 a lvl but WL must have highest mastery level in the army.

We are just setting ourselves up for disappointment because then we will either be right all along and have a I-was-right-all-along boner, or we will be pleasantly suprised. It's a win-win strategy

Okay, cheers lads. At least it's not utter shit.

>What's a proper way to run a slightly Killy Deathstar?
Dorn, Siggy, Full PF&SS command squad, Chaplain in Termie armour, P medicae in Termie armour, Apothecary, 10 templars and two techmarines in the AEtos Dios.

FUCK me.

I just dropped 500 on my blackshields.

Now I have to buy an allied outcast custodes force? My god.

>we aren't having grav rhinos because Custards aren't just marines +1
>gives them tactical squads
I can't wait for the organization for Custodes to be exactly the same as the Codex Astartes

Was there/is there going to be any Mechanicum in Inferno? I heard something about Xana skulking around stealing psychic robot tech and I want some more glorious fluff for best Forge World.

>top knots AND spikes on their helmets

Boy, Custodes sure do get all the bells and whistles.

I, for one, am excited. I'm just angry that now I need to get more Custodes. Unless there's an easy and simple way of converting Stormcast to use those bolter arms and heads.

Fuck storm cast user. Buy chinaman custodes.

Or, and this is crazy but hear me out, FW wanted to put new ready to be bought models on the cover rather than the usual space marines or dreads.

'Brother, duck!'
'Why, we arent' under fire, brother'
'The door, brother, the door'

>buying more than bare minimum of resin

No thanks.

Sure, resin is harmful if you breathe it in ect.

From the first version of the article on Warhammer Community

And? They have copies at the weekender and general sale happens after. That happens with every book.

>Great vehicle support
>Not being both the vehicle and the support
Scrubs. Shitty terran equipment, too.

Also, is it only me who's a bit tired of all the "muh greatest warriors" things? I thought the whole point of 30k was to be a proper army rather than a bunch of maniacs? It's why I dislike the Wolves. Oddly enough, I quite like the Emperor's Children since they have a proper character and combat philosophy, but not the Woofs, who are just"I is best despite lack of tactics or planning of any real degree because Fuck You".

a good one i havent heard in years

Just finished Master of Mankind, and I really don't get the ending. Why did Ra had to run from E?
Why was he left in webway? Wouldn't be safer for him to be taken back to Terra, to be put in some kind of stasis? In gellar field or something? That way the only thing that can kill the Emperor is safe and it is known where, guarded by custodians.

As with many of BL's books lately, it is best not to question such things or try to find logic behind anything

Virtues of the Sons/Sins of the Father audio link anyone?
Or Inferno scans