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seriously stop arguing sub-edition


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No more arguing, lets change topic!

Who is EgoQueenAlexis?

Why is she so cute?

2nd for No.

I have no clue

Fourth for this guy should be shot in the back of the head

The nickname is Khorne-flakes as it implies them being largely harmless AND flakey

Please man, don't

Trips of truth.


You guys are all aware the "no"fag is probably fucking Carnac, right?

10th for recursive hiding kills the shitpost

Can someone make a poll so we can solve this democratically?


You can choose what aspect of plastic army men we argue about.

How FUN are imperial knights

also fucking ironstriders. things are a bastard to make.

I just assumed we were all aware of that fact

No because attention feeds the shitposters, and they'd resort to IP spoofing to skew it anyway.


Just fuck my shit up senpai

Who is Carnac?


Nice try carnac trying to throw us off the scent

Because that worked so well for America, right?



daily reminder: the true warp/slaaneshi music will always be hardcore


I'm the cardinal of carnage
the poisonous priest
dont bother praying to your E
there's no avoiding this beast


I want to get up to 1250.
What, if anything, would I need to pick up to get a decent list at 1250?

I was thinking another talos or a chronos.

or possibly a razorwing.

Probably one already made at this point


What is your 1000 DE list?

forgot pic.

>misrepresenting the question
What's even the point?

Whats the plan for your archon?
It strikes me that you should just run a 10 point court instead and save 50pts

It's literally the question being asked with both supporting arguments.

seeGet BTFO

Here's my 1000 list, I luv it

I'm still looking for improvements on this list so I can stop posting it

fluff mostly, and I don't have any of the court units. Ideally, I'd like to deck her out with a blaster and possibly the huskblade, maybe a clonefield so she can just shred shit in melee.

>imperial knights
Depends, but if you mean a pure 100% IK army? Not fun at all
Turns the game into an even more Rock-Paper-Scissor game where you can usually tell the outcome by a simple question:
>How much Anti-tank did they bring?
If the answer is enough, the IK player gets tabled.
If the answer is not enough, the IK player burns down the AT right away and spends the rest of the game crushing everything with his (now) invincible Knights

You are. I am. This guy is. We all are.

>not using infiltrate as such
But that's wrong.
The FAQ makes that part very clear, regardless of the "can they charge on a 6" question. Servoskulls stop it if they're doing it during deployment, the rules make it clear they're infiltrating.

GSC players are the tau of melee armies.

Give your Archon some waregear and some kind of bodyguard.

Shadow field, soul trap, husk blade, four incubi and another venom.
Try to feed your archon some easy challenges to make use of soul trap, it's not the best choice in the world but I think it's the best way to run an archon. If anyone throws any ap2/3 your way go full man mode and try and tank it on your archon, either he dies in shame or wins gloriously.

Yeah I repost my list alot, pretty Carnac move. I'm just not getting answers to my questions sorry guys

I hope I never make another ironstrider again. Tech Chickens suck dick to make.

I picked you at random, my point being everyone is Carnac.

Any particular reason you're running a double sigil of corruption? You'd be better off just deciding who will cop the wounds and put it on him, and then get another bike.

split bikers for extra melts
plas on the troops instead you lack AP2
why the quadruple discipline split on sorc?

>2 heldrakes
what is this 2014?

But Celestine is broken op model. Unlike ripetides, stormsurge, bikes, Wraith knight, free transport and upgrades formation, etc, etc, etc.

She is part of the problem, but not out right Tau, Eldar and marine easy to Spam broken.

>I picked you at random
I demand you prove it.

If you can't I'm going to assume you have some personal vendetta and call you a faggot.
You're not a faggot, are you user?

also, 2 heldrakes but no ld debuffing relic?

Honestly, I would drop the Sorcerer and split the Bikes into two units of 5 or so. Grab more Melta that way, plus 3 Warp Charge doesn't really cut it as Psychic armies tend to go big or go home.

Also, I would probably give Havoc Launchers to your Havoc Rhinos if you really want to keep them, because your Havocs will probably want to be dismounted anyway (only 2 fire points on a Rhino after all), and this lets the Rhinos be cheap Obsec.

I am. So are you. So is every other user here, Just like we're all Carnac.

Are we also all alpharius

I'm running sigil on my sorc as I'll likely be running him with the spawn given some play testing
>split bikers
I'll try to work that in, I wasn't sure about the blob of bikes honestly.
You're right
>quad discipline
It's showing that on the list builder but I'm forced to take Nurgle discipline which honestly isn't bad. All my bikes are getting +1 on their jink due to stealth and the Nurgle primaris that gives an enemy model Gets Hot is just amazing

No, Alpharius is Carnac.

>But Celestine is broken op model
wow, have you been playing sister so long you think THAT is OP?

just wow

I was making fun of people saying new Celestine is broken as fuck.

Instead of running the sorc with the spawn, just add him to the split bike squad, the spawn should be a non-offensive backline capping unit if you aren't going to fully flesh out the unit.

But is Carnac Alpharius?

People don't use her with sisters, they use her to buff their space marine squads.

Either in a biker squad or in a dev squad to make their grav cannons relentless.

GW just told me to check my local costumes or post office for my lost package... How the fuck do I ask for a lost package if they didn't give me anything to identify the package.

Hey mr postman do you have my package?
Sure user I'll manually check millions of parcel just to look for your stuff

Are this guy for real?

>in a dev squad to make their grav cannons relentless
Well that would be very stupid of them, seeing as relentless isn't conferred onto a unit.

So about Ayn Rand

something like this, then?

So I'm at an impasse, keep the sorc or mitigate the points?

Are they that difficult to assemble?
I want some but it sounds daunting and I don't want them to oook stupid

>tfw friend thinks I'm a WAACfag now because I used the Wrathful Crusade to table him

Us Black Templar players can never catch a break from bullshit.

Yeah, looks good. Just need to somehow find a way to spend 9 points.

This one is my list. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. I feel it has a good mix of speed, board presence, MSU melee, psychic fuckery, and almost everything is Objective Secured with this.

It probably wont' be as big an issue for you, but I have dyslexia / dyspraxia so the smaller objects were pretty frustrating for me to deal with which lead to a little more difficulty than I would have expected. neat model, though.

would haywire grenades do well on the archon, do you think?

Well it should have your name and address on it. It will also have GWs address on it as they did ship it to you.
Post offices should be sorted and may even have a place where they store boxes that couldn't be delivered.

Do you have a tracking number or anything?

Yes, very much. otherwise he wouldn't be able to harm walkers in close combat.

Any character in a DE army that can should take Haywire Grenades. Cheapish haywire tosses are one of the few tools DE have vs vehicle-heavy armies (that, and Caltrop Reavers).

...Is butterfingers a diagnosis now?

Is Age of the Emperor still happening?

Ah okay. They're just so cheap point wise for what they do, I want a cavalcade or whatever the formation is but they cost more than $1/point

god, fuck reavers and their bizarre point cost.

user old Celestine, Seraphim and Dominion where broken according to our Eldar and Taur players.

Yes those kind of players the one that brought 3 ripetide to 1000 points games and scatter bike Spam.

If their waac netlisting no skill is not autowinning they bitch and moan

hue. it's not so much clumsiness for me, but a smaller degree of fine motor control and some lack of feeling in my fingers.

Keep the sorc just take out the spawn altogether and maybe upgrade your termies to oblits, but thats just like, my opinion, man

Oh good you reminded me, time to update my Veeky Forumstrash filter.

something is happening, but it probably won't end as drastically as age of fantasy emperor did

Scourges are worth the extra points over the ravager

He even complained about "Greyfax stupid Psyker bullshut" after I dropped her into his Tac squads with the Sternguards when he had literally no Psykers she could use her full potential against and was more of a 150 point tax than anything.

He probably was just salty that Lysander and his Assault Termies didn't manage to deep strike in until turn 4.

Nop since I notice way to late the hack charged for the tracking.

Without a tracking or similar they can't search for shit. Mostly due to them having to check manually the list for parcels not having a tracking number.

I asked them for anything to identify the package beside the non existing tracking number. Even the company used for shipping it and they are like lol just check the local postal office.

I'm willing to deal with clusterfuck but this idiots are not giving me anything to help with the search.

No, he's Omegon.

You should probably read Celestine's unique special rules.

Buy a penitent engine, it'll be fun!

Where are you from?

Are you the salty user from Chile that bitches about tracking numbers in these generals every now and then

Nop but I understand his pain. For some reason GW has a hate boner towards South America.

They go out of their way to be shit. When I bought stuff in the USA from them and problems happen. They simply resend the stuff. With South America they have this wild 1 to 2 month delay. With express shipping the delay is reduce to 1 month. Not really worth the extra.

It is just GW being an asshole regarding South America.

Cant have a CAD in the vectorium, cant have oblits in a warband

so illgal/10

Or GW considers SA infrastructure such a clusterfuck they have a "fire and forget" policy towards it.

Sorry I mislabeled that and confused myself which is why I was forced to have the terminators. I'll delete the photo and revise it.

If that was true I would agree. But it is just them.

I've lost more package when living in the USA than here. Hell beside GW not even the $2 shit from china got lost.

People trying to sell GW products here got fed up with their idiotic policies of just sending what ever they wanted instead of the products they asked. Why the fuck does GW think that a store need a box of 100 Ethereals and 50 Vindicares!

why do i never see people bitch about crons in these threads when they are so high tier. Genuinly curious

I did say "considers" not "is"

My phone refuses to take pictures right now, for what reason I do not know, and my tablet similarly decided to shit itself so I can't doodle this, but I've got a bit that needs identifying. I know describing it isn't ideal, but again, I can't really help that.

It's metal, so it's a bit older. The core of the piece is a rectangular cube that seems to be a sort of backpack frame, most apparent from the right side and from bellow; on the right side, the bottom-left goes up in a 30-degree angle untill it meets the top (60 degrees or so). The top half is about half the length of the bottom. The bottom of the frame-thing has two long teeth like you might see at the bottom of a suitcase (alternatively, like those wooden Japanese sandals with the two bits on the bottom). On the left side is a laspistol in a holster, and on the front, in the middle, is a satchel. On top of the satchel is a rolled up blanket or coat or something.

If anyone recognizes it from the description, I'd love to know what the fuck this thing is. Best I can figure is it went to an old vehicle or something, like a sentinel. Maybe something from a Catachan set. Until I can figure out what the hell it's supposed to be, I don't know what to do with it.

because nobody plays crons

What are some interesting reasons for a chapter to go renegade?

Crons are really only high tier with the decurion detatchment and wraith spam. They're not unavoidable cheese like Tau or Eldar, where pretty much everything they have is excessively good.

Being really tough is fine and all but it don't mean shit when the opponent parks himself on 4-5 objectives objectives turn and then just waits for the game to end 20-3.