A moment of Silence for Cadia and 40k Times of Ending
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Fuck Cadia.
40k isant ending
Although I checked the 40k general and its taking more bait then ever
How many billions of guardsmen were on cadia?
Well its the 40k general
Half of the posts arent even 40k bait
A value less than the flashlights lost.
>40k isant ending
Yeah sure.
No worries friend, we still have Attila and Catachan.
850 million were on Cadia. 2 million survived.
How did this happen?
At least it wasn't that planet that had more guardsmen then there were particles in the known universe
dammit I thought this was a Dragonball thread when scrolling past
Because the Imperium doesn't give a shit about the lives of its people and just left them there to die.
Isn't it important to protect Cadia?
Here you go
Old armless had already destroyed the pylons that made it special, so the Imperium saw no more reason to defend Cadia and abandoned it.
To ruin the liars and shitposters:
Cadia was destroyed by being hit with pieces of the ruined Blackstone Fortress, most of which were the size of small moons.
The impacts shattered the planet.
Rescue operations were cut because the Imperial fleet didn't have the numbers or firepower to make planetside pickups and hold off the Black Fleet.
Everything else other than this is a lie.
>40k isant ending
prepare your anus for age of shitmar IN SPACE.
You may as well start rolling for anal cirmcurfance before space skaven eat galaxy
Will the Imperium attempt to cover up the fall of Cadia?
On the other hand... maybe we'll actually be able to use our minis for something besides Kill Team?
No one cares.
They cannot cover up the expanding Eye. It will grow bigger in the skies of every world in the galaxy.
>Old armless had already destroyed the pylons
Now how did that happen on the very definition of a "fortress world" in the imperium of mankind?
>cover up
what are y talking about, citizen?
why would we need to cover up such a glorious victory?
40k has always been the Time of Ending.
I didn't read the new lore.
Why did the Eldar help retreating the survivors?
A future favor exchange, maybe?!...
So they can team up with the Imperials in Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Emperorâ„¢
Ok. Since I can't afford to drop $50 on a book for a game I can't afford to play anymore just to see where they are taking the lore, would someone please enlighten me on what the fuck is going on with The Gathering Storm?
>So they can team up with the Imperials in Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Emperorâ„¢
It's in the links in the general, you lazy fuck. Too poor to afford bandwidth too?
I checked that you fuckwaffle.
No, you didn't.
Oooh there it is. I was in the wrong link. Thank you.
Blackstone fortress. It got destroyed in the process because the Phalanx was able to instantly teleport in from Segmentum Solar right on top of it and blast it, but before it went down it was able to clear the way for Abaddon's forces to destroy the last of the pylons.
A shit tier novel and GW should feel bad for commissioning it.
I can't find it in the Mega. Where did you see it?
It's in the first mega link under the PDFs section, the Datasheets and Supplements section.
but FoC was awesome.
Wait, is this the same Phalanx that's currently the battlefield for Warsmith wossname + Be'lakor the liar vs IF 3rd company + Legion of the Badasses?
The premise was awesome, the execution and details thereof were absolutely garbage and were riddled with either subtle inconsistency with the theme of the individual faction's mechanics/history, stuff that only barely made sense by a stretch of the imagination, Topknot being incompetent again and a lot of plot that felt like it advanced because plot.
>Topknot being incompetent again
What? He won. He just indulged his pride while covering all the bases just in case something happened.
>He won.
Only through one of the biggest asspulls in GW fiction, turning off the Warp affecting Imperium more than Chaos.
He did win, yes, and as a commander that's decent enough, but he had plenty of opportunities to do better that he didn't take and got wrecked by some characters he had the chance to kill because he was basically at monologue levels of hubris.
who wrote the supplement?
Is that /tactical genius/ alive?
He won before that. He had set up the Black Stone Fortress so it's rubble would crash into Cadia with exterminatus level force. The ground war was just for the lolz. The imperials lost before boots hit the ground.
He got added to Trazyn's collection, so he'll pop up at the last minute to save the day.
Yeah sure user, Abaddabadoo had it Just As Planned all along, hence why he started wandering about the planet he had set to blow up.
Oh, and don't forget how he can teleport without the warp too, guess Celestine just didn't believe in herself hard enough.
He got pokeballed, after doing nothing that was even remotely tactical genius-y.
That was more disappointing than anything else in that book.
I'm still waiting for """"""Cadia""""""" to be revealed to be Stubb's 100 baneblades.
Are you an retard? A serious question. You fuvk didn't even read the book. The Pylons working is what allowed the Imperium to win on the ground, not the other way around.
>Yeah sure user, Abaddabadoo had it Just As Planned all along, hence why he started wandering about the planet he had set to blow up.
He did out of pride. Just one last battle before he blew up the planet.
You would have known that if you read the book.
>Oh, and don't forget how he can teleport without the warp too, guess Celestine just didn't believe in herself hard enough.
The Pylons did not cut off the Warp completely. The text says that there was a small but closing window to the warp in the planet. That's why some daemons and psykers managed to retain their conntection to the Warp in the battle.
This is all in the text that you somehow didn't read. Moron. GET OUT.
How the fuck are the Heretics ever going to recover?
You seem pretty mad user, is it because your favourite character can never win without the entire plot bending over backwards for him?
>but he had plenty of opportunities to do better
Like what? Specify.
>got wrecked by some characters he had the chance to kill because he was basically at monologue levels of hubris.
He tried to kill Celestine on the spot but was blinded and paralzed by Grayfax's mental assault.
He grabbed Creed and said the total of two sentences to him before attempting to crush the life out of him. That's not a monologue.
From the Pylon working to the Grayfax being there and actually helping was Trazyn's doing. Utterly unforeseen.
I am mad at a cunt spreading lies. We have enough of that already here. It's simple thing to stick to the facts.
How could you be so wrong? How can you say that Abaddon won because of the pylons? This is utter fiction of a fiction. KYS now.
Oh poor user, maybe when GW kills 40k's popularity by expecting everyone to like Abaddon you'll find a new game and won't pick the worst, shittiest faction to shill for.
I don't care what you like.
It's not about like or dislike. It's about you lying over here. What's your excuse?
So what did the Space Wolves do? Or the Bangels? The Templars? UM honour company? Or half of the Fists?
Also, how are the Bangels simultaneously defending Baal and Cadia?
Sounds about the average survival rate for Cadians
I'm having Fun.
He muses on that fact.
He says how he worries that he is making the same mistake as Horus by committing to the ground assault for personal pride.
Turns out he was right, maybe if were lucky that will be his arc, learning not to go face to face with foes he's already beaten for personal reasons.
>Loses a personal fight to pride.
>Suceeds overall goal due to preparation and foresight?
Thats not the plot bending over backwards.
I'd rather have Age of Sigmar with the General's Handbook in space, because as dumb and simple as it is, it's still better than the mess 40K 7E is.
40K might be playable if we banned all the shit that got introduced in 6E and 7E like allies, fortifications, superheavies/GCs, multiple detachments, flyers, psychic phase, etc.
Not lose a Black Stone Fortress?
Thats a huge fucking loss.
He could have wiped out Cadia and not risked his ground forces as much. He let pride get the best of him and he got stabbed for it.
This is immediately after that battle. The Imperial Fists and Legion of the Damned won that battle, then immediately teleported the Phalanx to the upper atmosphere of Cadia to fight Abaddon.
Did Be'lakor recieved an Imperial Fisting?
Another guy who didn't read the book. The Blackstone Fortress fired at the Cadia in attempt to destroy the planet with its Warp beam. The Null Array shield (Thanks to Trazyn's help) nullified the beam and protected Cadia. This necessitated ground forces to land on Cadia to shut down the Null array.
Then another unforeseen event happened when the Phalanx appeared above Cadia (due to Be'lakor's failure) and destroyed the Blackstone Fortress.
Now can you be less of an idiot and read the story?
The Chaos Gods, for some reason, refused to help Be'lakor and barred any daemon, that aren't already slaved to Be'lakor, from manifesting into the Phalanx to help out Be'lakor.
Be'lakor thinking that the Chaos Gods and their legions will help him out now that the Phalanx is in the Warp, used up his forces in suicide rushes. He quickly realized that folly when no daemon came from to help him out and no divine aid came his way. He was abandoned. The Firstborn of the Gods was forsaken. The Imperial Fists and Legion of the Damned wiped out the last of Be'lakor's daemons and the IF captain rent Be'lakor's body with his power fist forcing Be'lakor to escape into the Warp.
So the guard finaly broke.
Did anybody ever cap that planet broke before the guard did post.
>So Cadia broke
FIFY, heretic.
They would have avoided this if Cadia was a planet made of guardsmen
Like Schindlegeist IV?
>YFW the crons build a whole new pylon and park it right next to the eye of terror
These are fine
I think it would be interesting if Superheavies could only damage other superheavies, that way you could have titans slugging it out in the background but it won't affect Herohammer, or your infantry.
>multiple detachments
This is not fine, though I like how some people homebrewed it so that instead of two detachments at 2000, you had to put AT LEAST 2000 point in one detachment before starting a second.
>flyers, psychic phase
I don't mind them, but I can see why others do.
>Stragetic retrograde advance
How the fuck did they do that ad didn't get blown to bits with warp-exit collapsing and crushing their ship? The only two factions that ever pulled in-system Warp exit are TS (who can control the currents of Warp and have a god that controls the Warp Stoerms on their side) and Orks (who think 75% loses are acceptable).
There're now two million more badasses in the galaxy.
Luck, warp shenanigans, the Legion of the Damned chilling on board, take your pick.
Also because it's the goddamn Phalanx and is an archeotech item in its own right.
I think the issue with Flyers/Psychic Phase is that not every army can interact with them equally.
On one hand: Space marines have custom fliers in-faction and powerful psykers.
On the other: The Sisters of Battle have neither fliers in-faction nor psykers.
I think a better thing than a psychic phase would have been an Orders Phase or some other more neutral term. So Psykers can throw powers, Necrons can Assume Direct Control and Sisters can fall on Faith all in the same phase.
Don't forget 'St Celestine being a beacon for imperials in the warp'. She turned up with SOB lost for thousands of years as a result of that.
Wow it's literally nothing.
Cadia's destruction will mean exactly jackshit in the long term.
Sounds like every other bit of 40k fluff, and you're complaining now?
>Cadia's destruction allows the Crimson Path to be a possibility
>a heretofore impossible idea is now possible, but that's nothing
Also Necromunda. You can even use the Cadian miniatures for them - you just paint them Black and Grey instead of Green and Tan.
Chaos in FoC are like the new Tau fluff
Chaos has a bubble of stupidity that affects non chaos. Just like when the Imperium goes mentally retarded when facing Tau
Looking at you Pask, I'll never use baneblandes... goes and rides a baneblade
Chaos and Tau have several layers of plot armour
You see kids, Cadians ARE the Imperial Guards in terms of miniatures. Problem is, they look too generic for GW to enforce their IP. So out with Cadians and something special snowflake looking with retarded faux-latin name will replace them soon enough.
I thought you'd be happy the plot progressed at all.
Why? 40k is a setting.
Let's the setting is WWII if the "plot moves" you could end WWII and killing the setting.
Not exactly the same thing but moving the "plot" around is killing the setting.
A lot of shit can happen in 40k as it is.
Not sure if I explained my self.
Nope, the Imperials weren't portrayed as idiots and they had plenty of elements stacked n their favour. They lost because Abaddon outwitted them with something they could never possibly have imagined.
Right now Imperium losing the battles in Cadia is nothing but plot armour.
Hell Imperium losing Space battles against chaos. You know Chaos have less, shittier and less capable fleets than the Imperium.
Battles in Space and ground in Cadia being lost by the Imperium against chaos is only possible by plot armour.
So please explain
>You know Chaos have less, shittier and less capable fleets than the Imperium.
The Black Fleet was assembled in a period of 10K years. Made up and built by all the Legions of Chaos including some daemonic help.
In the Gothic War the Chaos fleet proved itself the superior to the Imperial fleet until the Eldar arrived.
-The Null Array which Trazyn fixed up which prevented Cadia from being one shotted by the Blackstone
-Celestine out of nowhere
-Trazyn turning the side of the war with his collection. Literally stopping the Cadians from being overwhelmed
-Trazyn helping Cawl turn on the Pylons
-Grayfax out of nowhere blinding Abaddon preventing him from killing Celestine
So on and so forth. Even after event came in in favor of the Imperium. That' plot armor.