This is how I Lawful Evil.
This is how I Lawful Evil
>Oyomei-derived philosophy
Now that's missing the point.
He wasn't even evil until the very end. Infact if he didn't hire such bloodthirsty henchmen he could of just asked for the parts nicely and Johnny would have given them to him.
This is how I Lawful Evil
>jojofag posting another lazy shit thread just to spam jojo images
It's like a routine for him or something.
Wasn't he more Neutral Evil, or even Chaotic, since his plan was... whatever the fuck it was, his rhetoric implied it'd basically be a lolbertarian utopia that allowed you to murder others for having the wrong opinion and retaliate if people try to murder you for having the right opinions.
>not liking joj
literally kill yourself
This is how I lawful good.
He was in a position of law but pretty much all of his intentions and tactics were chaotic.
His plan was literally just to cause so much chaos that America would reboot into an anarchist paradise.
Glad I absorbed the fuckers into the Inquisition, mad dogs needed that leash.
Pick one.
Yes, I also think that mages are faggots.
Make America great again!
implying armstrong isnt evil
Chaotic Evil honestly.
Chaotic characters are not unable to work with lawful structures if they need to.
Rising proved that JFK was right when he said the Patriots would exist as long as America existed. Armstrong's plan was the only way to kill them permanently.
This is how I Chaotic Evil
Is it.
Is it really, user.
That's a funny way of saying Lawful Neutral.
>complaing about jojo on Veeky Forums
>when super stand sunday has been a thing for years now
>when jojo has been a "Veeky Forums aproved anime" for a long fucking time
lurk moar newfag