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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
How could a player convince you to let them play one of the V20 bloodlines/antitribu? Would it all be based on previous knowledge of the player and trust?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Fuck yes, every player that wants to play one of those or a malkavian needs a veto of "doesnt suck"
Continuing from last thread:
>Alright, so Clarity - I assume that is the Changeling Integrity analog, but how does it work? What does it do?
Clarity, as you know, is the measure of the Changeling's grip on their humanity. However, more accurately, they're basing that grip on their MEMORY of their humanity. That's why sudden life changing events like a sudden move can be a Clarity breaking point. As they move down the line, they forget more and more of their lives as humans and start thinking more and more like the True Fae, which is why they get more and more okay with bad shit happening.
They actually can stay at high Clarity and enjoy it's benefits.
Are there any games similar to WoD but not by OPP or WW?
Specifically vampire (I like how they handle the balance of weaknesses/strengths compared to most settings), but I'll take any kind of modern (doesn't even have to be modern) supernatural setting that's about playing the supernaturals instead of the Hunters.
I feel that a lot of Bloodlines are in the realm of ST-only, why would someone want to play some of them? They're just terrible in some cases.
As a vampire, what are things you should consider before choosing a melee weapon?
There's Unknown Armies, which is basically M:tAw but with Trailer Trash and Illegal Still Booze instead of finely cut clothing and occult jewelry, there's also Nobilis, which is about Demons/Angels, but I really don't think there's a good analogue out there for Vampire.
I'd actually allow a Malkavian from the "quiet" bloodline with Dominate more easily than the standard Malk with Dementation.
But not terrible in others, which makes them...exactly like everything else.
Depending on the chronicle I'm running, I think the only one I'd hard-veto is the Blood Brothers. Everything else, it depends on the player's concepts.
How easily you can hide it when in public. Having a knife on you at all times, for example, is just a good idea; a knife is a tool as much as it's a weapon and can be put to a lot of good uses beyond just stabbing people. Conversely, it can be difficult to explain to mortals why you're lugging a battleaxe around with you.
Some of them, yes. But I'll be fucked if the True Brujah aren't fucking interesting as a concept, and if Temporis isn't cool as all hell.
But that's the problem, they seem "cooler" than the base 7 clans so they attract all the people who want to be special snowflakes who don't know when to reign it in, so they're effectively ruined.
If it's a bladed weapon, essentially the historical fighting style of their birthplace/area where they spent most of their unlife. A vampire from the Mediterranean/Iberia is going to prefer a rapier more than a vampire from Denmark, just for example.
Well yeah, Blood Brothers go without saying. You'd need to make an entirely Blood Brother campaign to even consider it, and I think their entry says as much.
No way, that's bullshit and you know it, no one should be allowed to play an Anda, or an Ahrimane in the modern day, that's just like off the top of my head. There are a lot of retarded bloodlines that honestly should have never even been published.
The only bloodlines that i'd even consider for most people world be Baali, Harbingers, Nagaraja, Samedi and maybe Lamia. The others are either just pants-on-head dumb or are so select in number or specialized that they're not really appropriate for most concepts.
> no one should be allowed to play an Anda, or an Ahrimane in the modern day
Depends on the concept. Frankly the idea of the Last Anda is kind of neat, especially if they go all Shiwan Khan.
I've still got this concept of a True Brujah Iraqi pilot who got Embraced in 1941 and became a Mesopotamian/Noddite scholar, but I doubt I'll ever get the chance to play it.
Yeah, I'd like to realize emphasize the fact that ya done goofed when saying that no one should play Anda.
I haven't laughed this much in days, thank you so much. Shiwan Khan seems like a straight-up Euthanatoi to me though.
If I'm being 100% honest...
This is how I Vampire.
Urban Shadows is a crime drama game through the lens of WoD-style Urban Fantasy.
This is actually pretty interesting, more so than "the boogeyman is gonna get you". Besides running and hiding and trying to be human, what do Changelings do?
Some fight back.
Explore the Hedge for magic goblinfruit. Visit the Goblin Market to buy just about anything you can imagine, including non-material things like memories and emotions. Make Pledges (magical deals) with people and other supernaturals for protection and power. Root out Loyalists (traitors who want to return people back to Arcadia for amnesty). Deal with Fetches (magical clones left behind to take over their life when they got kidnapped).
That's just some options for 1e at least.
I'm going to give you props for something different and not another alucard variant.
>qt obrimos.png
No such gods-damned thing.
have a qt moros
qt Acanthus and qt Mastigos when?
looks more thrysus than the thrysus.
Mage are best and Strix are shit.
Not just other people, the most powerful Changeling pledges are made with abstract concepts. For example, the baseline protection that Changelings fall back on are their contracts with the changing seasons, which is why the power in the average changeling freehold is based around the courts of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. All of those courts have an emotion tied to them which they amplify and allow their courtiers to source power from (Desire, Wrath, Fear, and Sorrow, respectively). A lot of a changeling's new life can be wrapped up in Versailles-esqe jockeying for influence and power, all playing the game in the rules of the Courts to uphold the Pledges.
The seasons aren't the only courts you might find, they're just the most commonplace. Other ones are like Sun and Moon and the cardinal directions.
what elements should a picture have to consider it qt Acanthus?
And yeah, some fight back. The Summer Court is pretty much founded on the concept of "Why the fuck should we hide? We need to kick the Fae's teeth in if they ever come here!".
How do I make people angry enough for them to give me some sweet sweet glamour but not angry enough to punch me in the face or call the cops?
Serve court summons.
Just do what I did. Open a gun range and give the police free ammo and a 50% range time discount. They come in to blow off steam, you get to feed off of that.
Free ammo? That's a bit much, surely it should be the other way round. discount ammo and free range time?
Is Tamaura a Changeling or Acanthus?
You don't have to be the cause of the anger. You just have to be nearby.
Just chill near the room of your average /wodg/-goer and collect all the butthurt you'll ever need.
Attend Friday Night Magic. Go to LGS where people are playing Warhammer. Play League of Legends, Battlefield and Overwatch.
TONS of butthurt to feed off of.
But do you play the theme music?
Can you feed over the internet?
>not taking the excuse to be the biggest asshole
being passive means you have to wait. Being active means you get to eat.
this is a pretty good example
the more layers you have between you the target and the inciting event the less glammer you get. You'd have to get some kind of real life changing anger to feed completely remotely over the internet. Like destroying someone life personally and getting anger death threats.
>taking the excuse to be the biggest asshole
I mean, sure. If you want to become a True Fae even quicker and lose your Changeling support group ASAP.
Tell them you voted for Trump.
appeal to hyperbole. if you're not actually going to buy into the themes of being a manipulative dick maybe not play changeling user.
Three words for you, user:
Being a manipulative dick is not the theme of CtL. Maybe it's the theme of CtD; I wouldn't know.
People get that worked up over perceived censoring in video games, I'm pretty sure a Changeling could feed off of it. Hell they probably instigate a lot of it.
Also imagine a Changeling in the SoCal area attending fighting game nights and tournaments, feeding off the saltiness. Maybe they git gud and even taunt them relentlessly in and out of game.
Whatever it takes to get them in there.
You could just work Retail and you'll be set for life. So many butthurt customers its not funny.
>But I'll be fucked if the True Brujah aren't fucking interesting as a concept, and if Temporis isn't cool as all hell.
One day I'll play my jewel thief Trujah concept and it'll be fucking great
Trump is a low clarity high wyrd fairest golden boy of the summer court. who will rise into the ranks of True fay when he leaves the POTUS office as the new el presidente
>Hell they probably instigate a lot of it.
Yes exactly Changeling is the Soap Opera splat about making the biggest drama spike you can, so you can feed and horde glammer
yupe. Retail, and customer service in general. yankees are angry lot. yall are all little Jacks
Take more vacations. your corporations are killing you off by inches
Or working in a call center.
There's Wraeththu
Is that the one where the vampires are hermaphroditic aliens?
Yes and the big antagonists are decadence and nihilism, perfect for the wod crowd
But those are your best friends in WoD. How can they be antagonists?
What do you dislike about WoD/CofD? That might help with pointing you in the right direction.
Not really? I always saw it as raging against all of the nihilism. Granted nihilists themselves are whiny scummy teenagers so... I guess that fits their target audience.
I mostly love it, but 2e (despite changing a lot of things in beneficial ways) has largely been a clusterfuck when it comes to mechanics. Mostly in the form of missing key rules (like lifting rules, which still aren't present and requires referencing 1e, or what to do in a tie which hasn't even been addressed in any edition as far as I can recall).
So I just want CofD, but made by a competent company. Not that I really blame OPP. Using nothing but freelancers with overworked line heads can't be easy, but I buy books so that I don't have to make up my own rules. Having to make up my own rules for books I bought is fucking dumb.
Back when I was running VtR 2e, I couldn't go a session without hitting something the book was missing. Sometimes multiple times per session. I was hoping it'd get better as they got into the swing of 2e, but all the questions without answers posted on the forums indicates that they haven't.
8/10 almost believed you were really concerned
>I don't agree with this statement therefore it is bait and shitposting
lol ok
Then you probably want Urban Shadows, unless you don't particularly care for the Powered by the Apocalypse framework. Then Dresden Files RPG will have to be your best bet, though if you don't like Fate's framework either, you could always settle for After Sundown. That's the take on CofD that uses Shadowrun as a mechanical base.
Fate's left a bad taste in my mouth, though probably more due to GMs than the system itself. I did do chargen and a single session of Dresdin Files.
Still, thanks a bunch. I'll definitely check out the other two.
Asked this a few threads ago, but do you think a ST would be agreeable to making a Thompson SMG D5 instead of D4 like the statted "large submachine gun" in V20? The "Heavy Pistol" they have is also D5, and it shares a cartridge.
I'd probably ask why you are being so finicky over weapon stats and probably watch you for cheating and general abuse of the system from then out.
>want an SMG that was known for hitting hard to have that one extra damage dice
>this means you're probably a cheating munchkin
user I think you went 0-60 a little quick there.
>Asking for house rules to nudge numbers in your favor
In my experience most people asking for shit like this to be house ruled are both bad at rules and trying to exploit the system without getting caught.
>raped's done. The Vampire Monster Manual. 108 pages worth of generic NPCs for you to throw at the peons who show up to your games. I mean the player troupe. Whatever.
56 Clan vampires, 18 Bloodline vampires, 17 ghouls, 17 other supernaturals, 29 mortals, and 23 animals. A total of 160 NPCs, suitable for any chronicle taking place in the modern day.
Remember that these are meant to be generic things to throw at your troupe, NOT a replacement for hand-crafting a character for your chronicle yourself. The Prince and Primogen and so on of your main city should be made to your specifications. But when your chucklefuck players decide that, no, they don't want to stay in Boston, they really do need to go over to Worcester for God knows what reason. Or start a fight with the pizza delivery guy that they themselves called over to their lair. Or whatever.
Enjoy! I'll be posting this in the next few threads so as to ensure maximum exposure.
I'd agree with you if it wast unprecedented. But making a gun's damage match its cartridge when there's an example of it in the book isn't that out there. Maybe I'm just too /k/. It's not like it's trying to make it damage 8 or something.
Saved forever.
Going /k/ommando levels of autismo throws every munchkin flag in the book.
Oh really. Changing the bullet is munchkin-tier?
Its been a direct indication in every instance I've ever seen. Usually from the same people who love armory and think 1st edition fighting styles were well written and balanced.
Well fuck me, then. I guess I better keep my mouth shut asking for a different gun because that puts me at cheater level in people's books.
Thank you VMM, got any plans to do any other Splats? Stuff like this has always been lacking in WW's catalog.
>"a mage is no match for a vampire in a straight-up-fight"
As a mage supremacist I find this particular quote absolutely revolting. Not because it is entirely false but because it is entirely contradictory.
Obviously written by a vampire fag who hates the very mention of lawn chairs. Not impressed.
Your ST may have had better luck with players than I have. Running a LARP doesn't exactly give you the best of the best..
Protip: If you only want validation for your shitty demands and not an honest answer to your question, don't ask it here.
I don't get why people bother asking if they'll just bitch and moan about not getting the approval of anonymous people on the internet for their weird schemes.
I like to assume that the fluff mentioned there is how the average Kindred view mages [who knows of them at all]. Its obviously trying to set the impossible realities of Mage into the context of Vampire.
So the western vampires would of course have little exposure to Mages, and what Mages they see are Hermetics and Choristers, so of course they assume they're squishy wizards [because they usually are]
I'm sure if a Kindred lived in a place filled with Akashics he'd have a different view. I have a standing mental fantasy of an unfortunate neonate who tries to feed on a normal-looking Chad only to get hit with a kamehameha wave.
IF this is how you react to getting told "no", I would ban you from my table you fucking faggot.
I was asking if it was a reasonable request. I didn't expect to get the answer that even asking it in the first place was fucking cheater-tier.
Oh, don't forget that the Vampire Monster Manual works very well with the Random Vampire City Generator, also by me.
I'm not nearly familiar enough with any of the other splats to do such, but I highly encourage someone else with the time and Power Level/Autism Level necessary to make this.
Right now what I really need is to get the non-free version of Adobe so that I can add bookmarks and stuff to the .pdf.
It's directly copy/pasted from the V20 core rulebook.
Are you implying a Hermetic can't fight better than an Akashic? Because they usually do. Their knowledge of the supernatural outstrips the other Traditions by a good margin and they also have a burning hatred for the Kindred. They know exactly what they are dealing with.
I can see a lesser Mage being fodder to a lesser Vampire, but a greater Magus (4-5 dots) is not going to consider any single leech as anything more than a minor nuisance.
Damn it, I can't get .pdfs on Veeky Forums to open properly. What's wrong with Firefox now?
>It's directly copy/pasted from the V20 core rulebook.
How annoying. The Vampire Storytellers Handbook (Revised) has the opposite opinion. I guess the writers don't know Mage very well.
Yeah, but Vampire trumps Mage every time in the only area that actually matters: book sales.
I didn't say a Hermetic can't beat up a vampire [he most certainly can], but he's less likely to made his skin as hard as steel and go in close, at least usually.
If you're playing a Hermetic and the thing you were trying to kill wasn't killed from at least a block away, you're doing it wrong.
How well would a mage do agaisnt this guy? Probably not well at all if I could give a guess.
>Random generic looking animu character with no file name.
Pretty sure they could just shield against whatever silly elemental power he probably has.
>If you're playing a Hermetic and the thing you were trying to kill wasn't killed from at least a block away, you're going it wrong.
Not always. Various canon materiel has had Mages defying the norm. A Hermetic once saved a Tzimisce from a couple of Tremere by personally confronting them.
It all depends on the scenario. But you're right that most Mages will not be so blatant.
I'm DMing Mage right now, and the smartest PC isn't even there. He's a Virtual Adept with a drone who performs all his Effects and Abilities at range. Everyone else is all "Imma punch it in the face with my awesome wizard powers!"
Meanwhile this nigga keeps stealing people's social security numbers and 90s-movie hacking everything they come across.
But I agree with your sentiment, the idea that Mages, even Hermetics are SQUISHY is a horrendous myth. Half the Spheres give you a near endless toolbox for avoiding or tanking pain.