It's been over 400 days. Have you given up on Prequel yet?
It's been over 400 days. Have you given up on Prequel yet?
Is this some kind of skyrim fur-shit?
Is it on hiatus or something?
IDK I stopped reading "watch this cat get real sad" forever ago.
Is there anyone who hasn't? It's being kept alive by furbait and like, 4 guys who still think that Kaz hasn't given up on it.
Newfag detected
jesus christ ive forgotten to check for months and it still hasnt updated
i got my fucking tote from the indiegogo over half a year ago
The side stories were pretty good, but Kaz seriously needs to get his shit together. The series used to be pretty popular and yet has almost totally fallen off the radar at this point.
Well, basically, yes.
Oblivion actually.
He got overwhelmed with his Kickstarter rewards and just finished all that shit up a few months ago. Last update was in December with a side story.
less about fur and more about "lol she fails at everything so funne"
Explain to me in 5(FIVE) words why I would not want to start reading this
It hardly ever updates, ever.
Considering "The Lusty Argonian Maid" is cannon in TES doesn't everything related to it count as furshit?
Poor cat really needs hugs.
Never give up, never surrender.
You don't like cats crying?
I still haven't given up on Keychain of Creation.
Even though the website is now fully down, and the top Google result is its TVTropes page. ;_;
Like all normal people I gave up shortly after her her arrival to Kvatch when she failed everything again. After that I sometimes thought if I should check it again, but your comments here show that it's still the same shit.
Ain't that nigga die tho
There's some sort of development going on with the Daedra and Katia's dreams. There's a guard in Kvatch who's got similar symptoms, only it's cultists instead of Kings.
Also her dream attacked her, which is new.
Dude got tendinitis and apparently writes Exalted homebrew now, but last I checked he's not dead.
>artist with tendinitis
Yeah he dead
Ser, the problem here is that you're not thinking like a witchhunter. Normal peasants have to wait for updates, sure, but a witchhunter, a witchhunter can peel back time and space to remember the future where the update has already occurred.
It's like an orange.
The site isn't down at all man. Use the Google DNS.
He doesn't have it anymore. He still draws on other chans, but get super fucking pissed when people ask him about KoC.
Why he mad tho
No one literally knows. He's probably just annoyed about everyone asking for more.
Honestly, he's an asshole at this point since he's without a doubt the most famous person in the Exalted community. He wrote the book on how to play an Exalted game.
>4 guys
Man you don't understand. The comment section on the last page, which was somewhere around 15 months ago, is TWENTY THOUSAND COMMENTS LONG. It's like some bizarre little petri-dish, and I'm convinced it's a social experiment by Kaz to see how long he can delay posting an update before his audience stops growing. Thus far, it hasn't. In fact, the growth rate has INCREASED.
It's fucking weird is what it is, and the community that has magically appeared there is fucking cancer, basically a bunch of sad nerds waiting for something they know isn't coming and being sad together, welcoming new sad nerds into the fold with a stock catchphrase while they try to pass time between cradle and when the next update comes (read: grave).
Yes and no.
Even when it was "active" Prequel rarely updated more than once a month. And that's just not enough for me to remain actively emotionally invested. So when it went on the long packaging hiatus, it honestly wasn't that big a change for me.
I'll be happy if it updates, but if it never does, then I honestly won't be too put out about it.
Railroady shit.
This would have ended in furry cat being bred by every male character in the comic if the author actually listened to the "fans"
Actually, the dude said he pretty much has the exact opposite issue since the comic became super popular
There are so many suggestions of such massively varied breadth that he can literally take it any way he pleases and still technically be accepting prompts.
I kinda dropped off back when she got fucked over by the persuasion wheel joke.
Maybe I'll pick it back up when/if it starts again.
I sometimes feel annoyed at how slow Ava's Demon updates and then I remember the poor bastards still holding out hope for webcomics that are truly dead, but I don't think this one's in the ground yet.
Nope. Though now I only check like once a month. And even then it's only because Kaz occasionally posts a excuse as to why the new strip isn't there or adds a side story.
This tells me he's at least still fiddling with the site if nothing else.
Kaz usually shows up in /co/ threads, if somebody notifies him he might show up here.
I'll just re-read it from the beginning again. Maybe try to one-shot the Mysticism test.
Its almost like they are living some kind of exponential half-life.
If Kaz ever posts again, I'll have to read from the beginning. It's been so long I've forgotten what happens, apart from the magic-learning and general failures.
I'll continue to give kaz the benifit of the doubt purely because of the short arc involving the ghost showing her his to use her magic. The entire sequence was very reminiscent of how a friend gms sometimes
I'll stay subscribed to the RSS feed indefinitely.
I have to poke around in settings to unsubscribe, and I lose essentially nothing by leaving it.
And who knows? Maybe it'll update.
If it ever does, I'll know within 5 minutes.
I love that he uses the Kirkbride concept art style.
>Half-life 3 confirmed
What the fuck is this some kind of furry bullshit? i wanna read it, sad cats thouch me deep
I remember this thread from yesterday! with worse art and more fake samefag butthurt! OP is 13 years of age!
What if Kaz after all this time finally has her leave that fucking town only for the fucking orc to rob her of all of her items and self esteem once more
excuse you thats Scaly shit