How would you justify a BBEG dressing like this?
How would you justify a BBEG dressing like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying an outfit that fabulous requires justification
He's storing the corpse of [important NPC] in the wrap to taunt the PCs.
Super Genius keeps his big brain safely wrapped up
His father was one lucky giraffe
His mother was one hell of a degenerate slut.
Mutation? Head parasite? Different cultural norms?
>shit thread
He's too intelligent to enjoy conventional villainy.
Lamaze class
>I'm Sikhsy and I know it.jpg
They are a large, sentient spoon who wishes to remain anonymous.
Gold star for that one⭐
God damn, Sikh are so rad. Why can't they be getting all the attention rather than shitty muslims
He's Xanthous King Jeremiah, that's how.
and its just too big
>Head parasite?
Quite likely, people who get too involved with chaos pyromancies often wind up that way.
Do they make a shampoo for that?
There are some people who spend a lot of time searching Veeky Forums for things they don't like (using the term BBEG, making threads about popular media, etc.) and post about it whenever they notice unapproved fun.
I have a few:
>His head is his critical weak point, the elaborate headdress is designed to distract from where his head really is.
>He has some sort of venus flytrap head that he's embarrassed of, and hides it under many bandages to stop people from staring/convince people he's a normal human.
>He doesn't have a head, and pretends to have one by elaborately wrapping where his head should be. His entire quest is to find his head then something something ultimate power.
>The headwrap is really some enchanted mech-armor and when the BBEG ascends to his final form, the headwrap peels back, banana style, and makes some badass sentient cloth armor that's both light and durable.
>His hat is filled with spiders. That's it, just spiders.
I'm feeling fat, and sassy.
Ingame there's an item that can remove it but why would you when you can invade other people's worlds and infect them with the same egg.
The barneyfag of Veeky Forums
He's got autism.
That's exactly what it is. Jeremiah's concept art shows parasites peaking out of the wrappings.
What's more the parasite/slug thing in blighttown that guards the power within pyromancy is shaped eerily like Jeremiah's hat. In the game files this enemy has "prince" somewhere in it's name.
In other words these are the other two members of the Izalith royal family.
You can trade his hat with snugly crow for a ring of favor and protection, associated with the goddess of love and beauty, Fina. The reason you find jeremiah's corpse in the painted world is because he was exiled for infidelity.
He's like a chain devil except with cloth
Calm down there vaati. Have you even [s] plagiarized [/s] checked these facts on reddit?
Why do people repeat this bullshit? Vaati is fucking great. I don't even care if his shit is original or not, his editing and presentation style is high quality enough to make his content worth it.
Chillax bruh. It gets to me too at times, but you have to remember this is Veeky Forums, the contraction center of the internet.
>Vaati is fucking great.
I'm not saying he's a plagiarist but he's not. He's literally getting money for bullshitting people. You remember his smug DS3 DLC predictions, always accompanied with "I'm not saying that's how it'll be... but that's how it'll be", none of which came true? And he always has the convenient excuse that the lore is so cryptic that his interpretations may end up wrong. While the truth is that the lore is so cryptic that it allows a creative person to make up any kind of bullshit interpretation and justify it. He's a scammer, there, I said it.
You act like he pretends to know the truth, which if you watch his videos... He doesn't. At all.
I don't want his stuff to know the truth of Dark Souls or to be told lore secrets nobody else can find. I watch them because he entertainingly presents an interesting account of the lore from his perspective, usually well researched and with pretty compelling arguments. I don't care if it's write or wrong, true or false, as long as it's entertaining, and it consistently is.
Casual. I listen to Hawkshaw. I'm so deep into DS1 lore I don't think I'll ever find my way back.
He actually has like a giant cobra head.
>How would you justify a BBEG dressing like this?
It genuinely helps.
From the most recent trailer
Those words were from the most recent trailer
And, I'm not fully sure what they mean, but I can guess
Long ago, in the age of 2011
*read lots of text from previous games*
*state the obvious*
and that might have something to do with the trailer
but maybe not, for the lore was cryptic, and the reddit thread is dead
but something else I want to discuss from the trailer is this wall
it's probably the emerald herald
give me money on patreon
it wears really thin over time. He makes pretty videos, but everything else is very derivative
It's because he's a mildy handsome man that plays videogames for a living, guys that do that are supposed to look like Movie Bob or Jim Sterling
Because he worships Hastur? Have you even ever been to Carcosa?
you meant plague, he at least doesn't pretend it's not a fanwank
I just wish he had a better voice
The problem that most people have with Vaati is that his critical thinking skills simply don't exist. He has to have the lore presented to him, because he's incapable of deciphering it himself. He's also been caught blatantly plagiarizing multiple times.
well that's easy you 2840502836746494 THE KING COME DOWN
Again, I don't really care. Especially when the 'plagiarism' is of discussions of someone elses work on a public internet forum. He presents it prettily and has a nice voice. It might seem petty, but in my experience having a nice voice is like 90% of success on Youtube.
If you're interested in well researched and thought out lore videos, I really can't recommend Hawkshaw enough. Word of warning though treat his stuff more like podcasts then videos. hour and a half video incoming
More than just a nice voice, good voice CONTROL. Speaking clearly, cleverly, calmly, and at length can take a lot of focus and time to be good at. A lot of youtubers, even with a good voice, choose quantity (loud screamy bombast) over quality (acting like a professional radio host instead of a shit-flinging spazape)
you can stop plugging your channel now
I don't think he'd hang out here. All the lore youtubers spawn from gamefaqs I think
Huh. That video was already on my watch later. Thanks for calling attention to it user!
He is hiding his weak spot
>tfw too intelligent to git gud
demon souls he is cursed and can't take it off
Or hes storing the mummy of a long dead evil sorcerer, which is controlling his mind and giving him immense power.
Because they dont cause any trouble and are just generally cool people.
Stockholm syndrome, mate.
Wow, he sounds just terrible. I mean his voice. It sounds like it's in a constant state of cracking.
>worships Hastur
No, he was Hastur all along.
When they start removing kebab again they'll get all the attention they deserve and more
I bet you also dislike Arin's sequelitis videos because he doesn't obviously present his opinion as an opinion in every single sentence.
Jeremiah is a direct reference to the Old Monk, and the Old Monk was a direct reference to the King in Yellow.
Mexican sorcerer. Just wait until his twin brother shows up.
He wanted to have the prettiest and biggest turban of them all but shit got out of hand, now he won't take it off because he thinks it would make him look dumb
He sets the turban mass on fire and starts swinging it around like a madman, making him immune to physical attacks and even frost magic.
Because it helps with curses. Don't laugh it actually helps.
The actual justification from DeS was that the yellow cloth is actually a daemon that possesses people by wrapping itself around them. It grants people a huge boost in magical power (as you yourself can experience by putting it on), but apparently sucks out their life force until nothing but a dessicated mummy is left, as shown by the previous owner.
>"And it's actually the Emerald Herald - look at this blood spot, it's the same colour as her hair. Gibe moni plos for more shocking revelations!"
t. Vaati
You're playing a Pokemon TT as the pokemon, and the boss is Mimikyu
>he has no head
>in fact he has no body
>he is just mass of spiders kept withing the bandages
Vaati is great, don't listen to them. All the time I see someone hate on him, it's because they just happen to have some other favorite "lore guy" they keep trying to shill.
Also, no matter what they say, I don't see any other lore guy helping our lord and savior Edwad through his trials.
I fucking love Edwad, goddamn.
I don't like him because he was a trip on /dsg/ and stole all our theories without presenting them as having been formulated by someone else.
Not everyone needs a "lore guy". Shocking, right?!
This is the kind of thing I find really confusing.
Like, you're discussing this stuff on public internet forums absolutely anyone can read. Unless he is directly copying your exact words, the concept of plagiarism is basically moot.
I used to like ENB before he went full liberal.
But even back then, I recognised that some of his points were bullshit. (Kirk as a JoJo reference? Fucking seriously?)
I don't find it confusing at all. The fact that this is an anonymous forum only makes it impossible to prove that he stole the theories from here. But it's still obvious.
So basically it's something unprovable that you have absolutely no evidence of, but you still hold as against him?
Plus... How exactly is it theft? He cites direct sources or the souls community all the time in his videos, there's no pretence that he's this isolated loremaster coming up with it all on his own. He just presents it in a nice, audience friendly way.
He's a shit.
>calls painter loli Aria for no reason
>called Ariandel Lloyd
>probably shitting out retarded "ITS OCELOTTES EGG GUISE" theories now that we've gotten the second DLC trailer
>for no reason
>When he clearly stated that it's a useful shorthand based on the first two painters being Ariamis and Ariandel
He also... Got a prediction wrong? And that's somehow an unforgivable sin? Plus you're completely wrong on the last point, so maybe you just don't know what you're talking about?
>King in Yellow references
I knew the world was a good place.
haven't been reminded that creepypasta existed in a while
>He also... Got a prediction wrong?
That seems to be a running theme with him. And he gets cash for his wrong predictions read in dramatic voice. I wish my conscience allowed me to bullshit people for money!
I'm missing the part where people are paying him for 100% accurate predictions. Because, y'know, it doesn't exist.
People also pay astrologists for 0% accurate predictions. It's not okay, it's a scam exploiting general gullibility.
Except I'm pretty sure that's horseshit? Because Vaati isn't claiming to see the future or always be right?
He presents interesting theories in a nice voice with well edited videos behind them. He's an entertainer. As long as he entertains people, there is no 'scam'. All the things you point out he doesn't do aren't things he ever claimed to be trying to do, they aren't things people are paying him under the impression that he'll do. It's a non-argument.
Dark Souls: Proof that anything excellent can be ruined by a godawful group of memeing retards.
Okay, I'll take the piss.
Who is barneyfag?
Some weird asshole that lurks /co/ waiting for anyone to mention that one tvshow with the technicolor compressed horses, he then proceeds to spam and flood the thread with a series of images he has comparing the show to Barney.
What's uncanny is how quickly he shows up and at any time of the day, and it doesn't have to be a blatant mention to trigger his appearance, a reference or a in-spoilers discussion or a subtle image.
Check him out first hand
I don't know about you, but I don't care how "nice" someone's voice is, when they go all in on total bullshit like the "Cleric Beast is Ludwig" theory, they're going to sound like a retard to me.
Someone who makes good money on lies is definitely not retarded.
He practises a form of magic that's requires him to be taller than any other sentient being present for him to be able to perform magic.
They can be if they get their money from people who are more retarded than they are.
holy shit I last saw it in 2010 or so
>is basically moot
>Having little or no practical relevance:
>‘the whole matter is becoming increasingly moot’
We Veeky Forums now?
Suda51 designs are a thing in itself.
The autist has been doing that for a while now.