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>click random trope a few times
>make a character out of what you get

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>Impaled Palm
>Luck-Based Mission
>Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder

After his love goes away on a terribly treacherous luck-based mission, he waits in hope for her to return to him safe. After many months, however, he learns to accept that she's probably gone forever, and promptly impales his palm with his dick in his rush to finally jerk off now that he doesn't have to worry about staying faithful.

What's going on in your .gif user?

>>go to TVtropes

1 2 Switch, new Nintendo game. The controller can sense whether your mouth is open or closed so this is a sandwich eating minigame.

>Big "YES!"
>Eating Lunch Alone
>Unreliable Narrator
Gosh, I'm so deep and alone. I eat lunch by myself cause no one understands me and my ultimate geek and gamer culture references. One day someone will appreciate how secretly cool i am like the guys from The Big Bang Theory.

>go to TVtropes
>click random trope a few times
How about no?
Last time I did that, I apparently skipped 8 hours forth in time, and I'm pretty sure that wasn't due to an enemy stand.

I got a bunch of videogame tropes
>rummage sale reject
>diegetic interface
>villain forgot to level grind
so, uhh, an enemy that carries a bunch of guns with big portruding aiming sights that curbstomps the party at 1st level and is later satisfiably defeated really easily

>Superhero Trophy Shelf
>Fan Film
>Enclosed Space
Oh boy. Alright so this is a Clue style campaign in which the justice league is gathered in the batcave for a strategic meeting and Alfred is DEAD, killed with [roll random trophy] but there is no apparent killer. The team then has to figure out which of them dunnit, detective style...

>Powered by a Forsaken Child
>Evil Gloating
>Drunk Driver
Well, this idea isn't all that bad after all. Intoxicated henchman took a joyride in experimental soul reaper mecha and accidentally took over the world without even realizing. That would be hell of a hangover.

Why would anyone want that?

I'm all for having fun, but I miss when videogames were about fun videogames, not increasingly wild gimmicks.

>cabin fever
>dragon ascendant
>cranium chase
Ok, his head and body connected at the neck as they were were inseparable and forced to suffer each other's company, finally this situation culminated in an violent conflict from which the head emerged victorious rolling away into the sunset finally free
But little did he know that from the rubble the body rose and set off to catch the head- fuck I don't know I give up

>My Brain Is Big
>Operation Game of Doom
>Spring Coil



Increasingly wild gimmicks make for fine party games. It's obviously not something you're supposed to play on your own. Or sober.

>Painted-On Pants
>Idiot Hair
>Rushmore Refacement
Goddamned, this is more horrifying than I ever intended.

A man with no legs gets a lower-body transplant to walk again, but accidentally winds up with a woman's legs. These aren't an ordinary woman's legs, but a supervillaness with impeccable ass. Unless he wears skin-tight pants, the... hindbrain stored in his legs will take control of his body, with the grad plot of defacing mount rushmore into an impeccable ass. Also, the supervillaness is kind of a ditz, and when she takes control over our hero, he gets a big ol' cowlick to signify his stupidity/changed personality.

And here I was planning on not jackin' it today.

At least it was better than the other idea of a latex wearing anime girl who was infested by the ghost of her idiot brother, and together they had to spoiler their hamburger based BBEG's plot to make Mt. Rushmore into the fast food pantheon.


An astronaut returns from some kind cryogenic space mission to discover Earth has been apocalyse'd and regressed to medieval times. Uses his advanced knowledge and astronaut training to just sort of faff around causing problems. Can actually throw down, maybe has a gun, if he's threatened seriously.

>Bomb Throwing Anarchists
>Floating Head Syndrome
>Doomsday Device

It practically writes itself.

>Lightning Can Do Anything
>Video Game Cruelty Potential
>No Brows

Idiot wizard who is terrible at casting magic, eventually burning off every hair on his body.

>Cobweb Jungle
>Cobweb Jungle
>Cobweb Jungle


>Once-Green Mars
>Musical Assassin
>Rock Me, Asmodeus!

Okay, my Martian Manhunter sold his soul in order to kill enemies with fucking tasty riffs.

Holy fuck, it works.

>Worker Unit
>Chaste Toons
>A Degree in Useless

Worthless: The Character

> Exiled to the Couch
> Massive Race Selection
> Never My Fault

A Maid master is passively-aggressively bullied by his own monster maids.

You know, actually a Stand in form of a website is interesting.

>dark is not evil
>cavalry of the dead

Rosanna, the necromancer supreme and the most enchanting goth of the fine city of Hong Kong, bends down to plant a kiss on the bare chest of her lover. With his *ng*rg*d m*nh**d still inside her, she moves her back in a way not unlike that of a stretching cat. The string of moans he produces is like the sound of sea waves shattering against the shore, so soothing to her ears.
Suddenly, the noises of bones and armors crashing togather approach the door of her bedroom. A hollow voice emerged from outside, "I apologize, mistress. There is an important message." "You may speak, Captain Skelly." "The Army of the Damned has reclaimed the Southern Isle from demonic influence."
Her mind clears; her blood races. Her whole body shudders. Victory has always aroused her so. After dismissing the captain, she murmurs into the ear of the man beneath her, her breath moist and warm, "Another round?"

>tfw I used to think like this

>Forged by the Gods
>Talky bookends
>I will only slow you down

As Illuvatar's bards created the world with song, and Morgoth tainted it with his greed and bile, so too was the musical performance formed. For what was a song without a good prelude? Nearly endless flashes of Elves dramatically staring into the distance and out over, then non-existant, cliffs were formed. Before any bard ever uttered a word so the talky bookend was formed, still frames of people looking moody and emotional.

Yet as the song picked up, and Morgoth's treachery showed, so too the use for these still lives disappeared, and true life was born. One could not exist with the other, and so the talky bookend was left behind.

.... My last time reading anything Middle-Earth related was ages ago, plz no bully.

>Cool Key
>Buddy Picture
>Menacing Stroll

So... a mage and a warrior go chasing Artifact of the week #489 which happens to be the key needed to seal back Hell. They get bickering sequences, and then a slow-mo shot where they stroll in the streets together with some badass musical background or something when it's time to get serious.

>Grammar Nazi
>Dainty Combat
>Eye-obscuring hat

Hmmm sounds like an edgy anime girl

I'd watch that.

>Butterfly of Transformation
>School of Seduction
Vanillafag girl enters the succubus academy and gains a second pair of breasts.

Isn't this basically the plot for that Rick and Morty episode with the micro universe battery?

>Badass & Baby
>Bad Future
In a dark world overtaken by a theocratic regime, a grizzled veteran travels the land with a mysterious child in tow, hoping that the prophecies aren't true, that under his guidance the kid won't bring an end to the world, just the people making it a hell on earth.

>Unsportsmanlike Gloating
>Ghost Lights
>Blood Brothers

Damn. An arrogant athlete eats it in a run in with loan sharks, and is forced to haunt/possess the nerdy ex-friend he hasn't seen in years because they made a blood pact as children. Together, they fight crime!

>Zero-g Spot
>Our titans are different
>Talking to themselves

enormous, crazy bard, IN SPEHSS

Everything is spiders, user.


>Informed Species
Character is said to be a species without having any of the characteristics of that species

>Color Me Black
Racist character is turned into their least favorite race

>Thoroughly Mistaken Identity
Everyone thinks the character is someone they're not.

This is so much potential for shenanigans I have no fucking clue how to give it justice.

>Vorpal Pillow
>Maniac Monkeys
Obviously the bad guys of a children's cartoon are psychic monkeys who control the world and utilize weaponized pillows. They are extremely strong, and since this is a kid's show, you have to keep it PG, so 'badbutt' means no swearing or anything bloody, which is why they use vorpal pillows.

>Limp and Livid
>Giant Food
>Ley Line

A pile of food wastes floating in the ocean drifts over a ley line and is awakened. This now sentient food pollution monster is ravenous and angry, seeking to destroy those humans that made it what it is.

Recy-Kill. Coming to a theater near you.

>No mouth
>Dangerous Workplace
>City Noir

Within a cult so secretive that they sew the mouths of members shut, one man seeks to find a voice.

>Slave Mooks
>Evil Mask
>The Band Minus the Face

An group of musicians is enslaved to perform for the BBEG. While they are traveling they stumble upon the mask of an ancient bard that consumes the front-man, turning him into the worlds greatest musician, but also driving him irrevocably insane. The rest of the band must now break free and fight their former friend to prevent him from destroying the world.

>go to TVtropes
I don't really like that trop but whatever, this might be fun.


Alright, how the hell do I turn boobs, coincidental misses and brand namess into a character?

>FBI Agent
>Wild Take
>Boring Insult

I'm a cartoon, apparently. I'm thinking a Bugs Bunny-esque g-man. I can work with it.

>Earth Mother
>Massive Race Selection
>Rogues Gallery Showcase
A woman who has criminal children of every type of race?
That sounds really messed up.

>Welcoming Song
>Historical Hilarity
>Right Hand vs. Left Hand

Honestly have no clue how that would work. Last two scream Abraham Lincoln, but the first one isn't exactly conducive to a character concept.

>tumblr in the filename

>armor-pericing response
>acting in the dark
>amen break
I'm the holy bard, I may have no clue what comes next, but my rebuttals can damage armor?

There was nothing wrong with gimmick games in the 70s and 80s and nor is it now.

The weird vibrations of the controllers makes the milking game feel like you're jerking someone off.

They're also watertight enough that there's a few kegel exercise games being developed for it.

Sexy marketing executive with terrible aim?

>Mad Bomber
>Bathing Beauty
>Simple, Yet Awesome
An EOD tech who prefers sticking to well-known explosives instead of making their own ones, and likes taking a bath?

>Kung-Fu Jesus
>Juggling Dangerously
>Kissing Cousins
>Acting for Two
>Race against the Clock

Last one is one actor playing two different characters, usually twins or aforementioned cousins.

Anywho, a Demi-God monk goes on adventure to stop the Satan-like God from awakening, and only has fourty days and nights to do so. His "twin sister", which is really just himself in a wig, also tags along for some sexual tension and implied forbidden love.

Oh, and they juggle chi or something.
Whatever works.

>Sword Sparks
>Continue Your Mission, Dammit!
>Human Sacrifice
Rebelling against my destiny it is!

>casual kink
>No Communities Were Harmed
>Big Brother Worship

>The Music Meister
>Tummy Cushion
>Man, I Feel Like A Woman
>America Takes Over
A fat neckbeard studies bardic magic to become a girl so he can recruit members for the altright. Backfires, he remains fat and ugly.

>Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!
>I Can't Feel My Legs
>Animated Armor

The main hero manages to win the fight more or less, but in the process breaks the magical whateverthefuckitem that he was supposed to take from the evildoer. Because of this, a large, animated suit of armor engages him in combat. After he destroys its legs, it falls to the ground, where it gives him the "War is Hell" speech and goes limp.

>New World Tease
>Boom, Headshot
>Hot Potato

I don't know what to do with this. The first one isn't even related to characters, its some video game shit.

>I Can Still Fight
>Fruit Cart
>Asian Buck Teeth

Cabbage vendor.


Shit writes itself.
>"The Last Days" or whatever
>Murder hobos
>*insert undead dragon*
>oh no necromancer(s

2 EZ.

Eh. Misread the tittle and thought it was a campaign we were suppose to roll.
>First and last of their name
>Dastardly duo
>Strong men big bad evil guys
>Rich as fuck

Bodybuilding necromancers who are nobles and brothers. 2 EZ.

>Better Than Sex
>Naked First Impression
>Artistic License – Gun Safety
Your average /k/ommando?

>hulked out necromancers
>not picrelated.jpg

>Make It Look Like an Accident
>Hollywood Encryption
>Identity Denial
So, Decker who's /totally/ not a popular science trid actor, who's surrounded by the worst "luck" when it comes to people around, who then explains what happens in the "accident" as part of his show.
I love it.
I'm also fairly certain it's been done as a cartoon before as like a group of singers, but for the life of me I can't remember what.

>I just shot marvin in the face
>I just shot marvin in the face
>I just shot marvin in the face

my bad guys :)

>Too Cool to Live
>Whodunnit to Me?
>Remote Body
I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that isn't Ghost Trick, because that is pretty much *exactly* Ghost Trick.

>Romance Cover Scene
>"Days of the Week" Song
>The Wiki Rule

So... a character with an encyclopedic knowledge of cheap dollar store erotic romance novels, and orders them based off the days of the week which he/she/it sings about to keep memorized?

Nice and stupid. I like it.

underrated post. keked heartily

>The Worm That Walks
>Four-Tempermant Ensemble
>Classical Anti-Hero

holy fuck this is a good one...

Colony of bugs that are impersonating a human have four split personalities, each with varying ideologies and beliefs. It has one overarching theme: it isn't sure of its purpose in life and tries to run away from conflict, and inspires revulsion in those who get to know it.

What a coincidence.
I solve problems.

>One-Track-Minded Hunger
A insane and well armed cannibal hunter from a post-apocalyptic Africa.

>Uncomfortable Elevator Moment
>Stop, or I Will Shoot!
>Ear Cleaning

In the near future, important information is stored inside people's earpieces. As a side effect, people require maintenance from time to time. Sometimes this happens out in public and the closest person is required to help them. Elevators cause this due to the motion.

A rebel has decided that the earpieces should stop being maintained in order to fight against the establishment. He goes about and threatens people to stop ear cleaning or he will shoot them.

>Born in the Wrong Century
>Defective Detective

A murderous loose cannon of a P.I. that acts as though it's still the 20s in Chicago, is only kept from being locked away himself due to a combination of connections with the local force and the fact that the targets he makes disappear specifically are released convicts caught continuing their crimes.

>Wheelchair Woobie
>Marked Change
>Chekov's Gun

>pistol whipping
>backwards firing gun
>the hermit

Oh this is fun.

The hermit lives in retirement. He comes out of retirement and joins the party because reasons. He appears to be some kind of pacifist. He only carries a single pistol on him, and never shoots anyone with it. Instead, he pistol whips his enemies into submission. He also appears to be living in penance, as when asked about why he never just shoots anyone, he merely replies with, "The day I pull this trigger is the day I die."


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>Eagleland Osmosis
>Sucky School
>Who ya gonna call?

Teenager at a shitty school consumes way, way to much american media (not being from the US himself) which has warped his expectations and understanding of his home culture. Mysterious happenings occur at the school and around town, and he takes it upon himself to figure out what's going on and save the day, using good old "american" know how and a wealth of pop culture trivia.

Jokes already been made, either play along or get lost.

>World War III
>Fake out opening
>The pig pen

An old dirty bastard of a war veteran, who ion his age is always happy to give advice to someone who can stand his stench. It was a case of being in the right place at the right time that led the relevant people to congratulate him with a job working for him when he stopped the man running by which could very well have caused WWIII. But despite all the clinical showers in order to make him presentable, the stench just never goes away.

>Shark Tunnel
>Final Boss
>Augmented Reality

The final boss of the campaign who lives in an underwater base with sharks guarding it. The boss uses augmented reality for something.

>not understanding that you were the butt of all jokes to facilitate easier socialization between others
It's like you don't want to be dead inside!


>Marshmallow Hell
>Hufflepuff House
>RPG Episode


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>Bath suicide
>Psycho Lesbian
>Excited Kids' Show Host
I'm too sober for this shit.