>ITT: Settings with a lot of wasted potential
I really thought there was a lot of cool shit going on in the background, but it was all eclipsed by whatever the fuck the main plot was
So what about you all? What story/world let you down ?
>ITT: Settings with a lot of wasted potential
I really thought there was a lot of cool shit going on in the background, but it was all eclipsed by whatever the fuck the main plot was
So what about you all? What story/world let you down ?
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Naruto suffered a lot from MC power wanks and a very focused character spotlight. The setting is very interesting from a lore perspective but the author focused all of his efforts on Naruto's story which relegated most other side characters, many of which were quite fun or interesting, to sidelined roles or, in some cases, into a position where they were nothing more than a plot device (Anko, other Jinchuuriki).
I've always wanted so much lore out of this series.
We were given so much cool stuff, but I still wanted more.
Especially once they got to the Mundus Magica, there was so much world and stuff to explore.
This one.
All the world building, backround information, politicking, and other cool stuff got killed by god awful writing and a painfully obvious filler arc that pretty much killed the franchise for me just as it was really picking up speed.
While we're on the topic of /a/, I think Darker than Black had a very interesting setting that was poorly explored. The main story was great but the lore has never really expanded past main plot points.
>The sequel
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
>plot thinks I give a shit about Mumei
It focused way to much on inter-company drama and so little on establishing a living breathing world, you can read 3 books and still wonder why the fuck anybody is doing what their doing.
This thing that I'm pretty sure most people haven't heard about.
I wouldn't call it wasted, but I would have loved to get more exposition about it. It's one of my favorite fantasy worlds.
>Akatsuki seems to have a neat and reasonable plan stealing the bijuus, then dropping them wherever they want and then taking the "quest" of taking them out by themselves
>Lol no, it's Obito and Madara wants to put everybody in a dream because CRAWLING IN MY SKIN
No joking, the lore is pretty interesting, the main chars and the main story sucks asses though
>that soundtrack when you know who Akira the shit of that train
Almost as good as Don't lose your way
If I remember correctly they had to stop info dumping because it become painfully obvious the author didn't know what the fuck he was doing.
I'm kinda the same way for RosarioxVampire. The takes on everything that isn't a vampire were pretty neat, but it kind of sunk my interest that most of the actual story was powercreep and "haha average rather unimpressive human guy snags a WICKED STRONK vampire chick isn't that wacky"
I wanna know more about the Moon Kingdom and the almost Theosophy-style civilization that apparently used to span the entire solar system damn it!
>dropping them wherever they want and then taking the "quest" of taking them out by themselves
That was not the plan of anyone in Akatsuki.
They wanted to become the only ones running the ninja businesses, steal the bijuus and use them to start problems to them stop them and get the money. It seemed like an original plan, but nope, had to turn it into convoluted edgy shit
i thought it'll be better if Naruto features alot of different classes on its characters instead of just ninja-wizard hybrid with a few samuro random encounter.
>but the author focused all of his efforts on Sasuke's story
Fixed. It's really about the Uchiha, Naruto's just along for the ride.
That's a nice blog you got there, here's the actual manga.
He's talking about the fake goal Pain told Hidan and the others when they finally got around to asking what the endgame was.
Kakuzu was satisfied, because the endgame was basically "get rich and stay immortal"
I'm more worried about the furry porn that came from this animu.
In seriousness however, the wast of potential came mostly from excessive fillers and a lesser known stagnating manga.
Even if he is that's only step two of the three step plan Pain lays out, he finishes by declaring he wants world domination.