In hindsight, what were your dumbest Veeky Forums related moments?
In hindsight, what were your dumbest Veeky Forums related moments?
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That Wal-mart wall map though
Took off all my magical gear to go streaking at an abbey to shake my dick at some nuns while yelling 'Behold my dragon!' (I was playing as a kobold) only for a major plot point fight to break out right outside the abbey with my gear still stashed away in the woods nearby.
I survived, but it was super tense for a couple of hours.
That video is horrific. The glare, the voice, the dude sitting on his bed wearing pajamas, the crooked map on the wall. Why would someone put this online after making it?
tried to throw my friends dwarf across a huge fracture in the earth, at the bottom of which were millions of ravenous zombies
rolled a natty 1, friend was torn to shreds
>mfw I watched the d20 land on the 1
You ever see a psyker use its powers next to a demon planet?
> thinking there'd be something interesting to read here every time
I once sneezed while assembling an SoB Repentia squad and jammed a bottle of superglue into my eye.
Eye stung for days and the GP laughed at me when I told him what happened.
>online game of Pathfinder
>one person I know irl, three people I only know from the internet
>comment something OOC like:
Kissing a frog? Ew, that's gay!
>everyone gets fucking pissed
>person I know irl asks me:
>"You do know that one of the players is transsexual, right"
When the priest questioning the grieving mother of a murdered flower seller decided to calm her by slapping her hard enough to almost get knocked unconscious.
How do you even get such an idea
>We need to get into this town somehow to go rescue the children from the mad alchemist performing experiments on them!
>Let's send the useless bard, who is also a drunkard in to scout the place out.
Worked like a charm.
We burned the whole town down in true murderhobo fashion after the group was banned from entering...
Rezzing the pervert Bard after she got killed trying to sleep with the enemy.
While we were breaking into their compound.
With the slain corpse of the enemy leader at our feet.
You ever see someone get fisted to death?
>Hmmmmmm we're fighting what amounts to a super souped up Dark Knight from some hell-alt timeline who is shitting dark waves dense enough to shrekt buildings apart while screaming raving mad
>I know I'll bless them with my one-use-in-the-game divine power when they're on the verge of death to show them forgiveness since they begged to not die
>Wow man those two kinds of elements don't really mix well do they why is he laug-
At the time we were investigating some similar deaths and my character wasn't wasting time. When the mother started crying and shouting up her family because we told her her daughter may have been murdered, and it's the 1920's so I thought she might be hysterical. I slapped her with a critical success and she went flying backwards.
The party wanted to get into a town to board a ship, but they couldn't because of their NPC companions being monsterfolk, and the town being prejudiced against them. They concocted a plan to say that they were taking the monsters to the mainland for execution. One of the players said they needed to "fake it properly" and show that a fight had taken place, otherwise the guards might call bullshit.
The player character hunted a rabbit with his bow and arrow, then basically cracked the rabbit open and poured the blood into like a bowl, and said "alright everyone! Get bloodied up!"
Everyone said that was disgusting and he was the only one who covered himself in fucking rabbit blood. Except one of the monsterfolk, she was okay with that plan.
The kicker? The party HAD been in a fight recently. One of them had a fucking punctured lung.
>gaming with trannies
I feel for you bro
Trying to say "hi" to a Byakhee instead of shooting it straight away when it showed up in a CoC campaign.
It wasn't one of my proudest moments.
We went to hunt a roman vampire and apparently we just killed an "innocent" irrelevant servant. We entered his resting room and this guy identified himself as the vampire we were looking for. So we killed him and left without checking the sarcophagus that contained the actual vampire.
Well, he wasn't innocent and two, it's pretty much just a trap, so that's normal to fall for.
Stabbing the Inspired ambassador to death in the Aundair Palace while we were both waiting to meet the queen.
Then when the guards came in almost seconds later we tried to bluff basically saying he was stabbed to death when we got here.
Eh, hindsight is 20/20 and all, but i really, really shouldn't have booted Dunkelzahn through his own dimensional gate.
Rolled to hit a werewolf with another member of my party next to me. Nat 1.
We wiped.
Also to add to this,
We also kind of provided the Lord of Blades with ships for a navy.
Doing a massive amount of opium instead of telling the gypsy desert bandits that our rogue was probably a werewolf. On the night of a full moon.
In my defense, it was all the ranger's fault, and I felt it should be on him to tell them about it.
Again in my defense, it WAS hilarious. Especially when, a month later, we heard about a band of werewolf gypsy bandits terrorizing desert towns.
I have a long, tragic history of losing characters due to charging out ahead regardless of the circumstances.
None of it stands out as being particularly dumb, but the dumbness becomes evident in the fact that it just keeps happening and I always seem to forget the lessons learned from past failures at the worst moments.
That's not a situation where critical hits would even be a thing.
Either you're bullshitting or your GM is an asshole.
An NPC samurai stabbed my ranger's commanding officer through the back and then sundered his prized heirloom weapon. Ranger spent considerable personal and (unauthorized) military resources to track him down. Methodically killed everyone under the samurai's direct command right in front of his eyes. Vengeance boner clash ensues, resulting in samurai's brutal murder... directly over the hidden ritual circle we were supposed to find and disrupt. The sacrifice of his sufficiently potent life force sundered the connection between the material plane and the rest of the multiverse, trapping the anguished souls of the dead. Rest of the campaign is shaping up to be a slog through a greater-undead apocalypse.
Because they are proud of it user
Made a fool of myself while trying to deal with That Guy
>3.5 homebrew setting, Core only
>That Guy joins late
>already have two wizards played by myself and Wizard-bro
>That Guy still decides to play as a wizard gnome
>all think "Whatever..." and start the game
>be in an underwater pocket dimension filled with doppelgangers
>That Guy obviously jealous of Wizard-bro
>tells the party lead, a human, to make sure his nigger doesn't kick up
>throws a fit because DM refuses to tailor the game after his character
>argues with DM for 50 minutes
>gets nowhere so tries something else
>That Guy tries to kill Wizard-bro
>says he thinks Wizard-bro is a doppelganger
>"It's what my character would do"
>DM is hinting to That Guy not to try
>it failed and led to him being KO'd but I am inspired
>That Guy goes "hey, see how well it worked out?"
>DM makes the remark "are you going insane?"
>That guy mistakes it for "those guys are actually the same"
>it makes him think everyone is a doppelganger
>he breaks down the door
>flies into the room screaming death and terror
>he uses Shatter in a room full of frail people
>forty die instantly of sonic damage
>party Cleric and Paladin are down
>situation spiralling out of control
>find out I'm cursed to cast Grease in front
>That Guy slips and faceplants
>Grease all over That Guy wizard's face, sliming into in his mouth and nostrils
>I look over at That Guy and with the smuggest look on my face tell him, "Just chill out, tastes good 'nuff as it is"
>That Guy calls me a piece of shit lying beta liberal faggot
>at this point the DM asks him to leave
>That Guy screams "Why should I be inconvenienced for HIS mistake?!"
>Rogue character that got turned into a vampire
>Has a pretty good idea of the rules of vampirism, weaknesses, abilities, ect.
>Party is on a ship sailing for a far-off city where the plot hook calls us
>During the passage we're attacked by a giant octopus
>Party is doing a good job of fighting it, but I'm not able to get in a lot of damage since I can't line up a sneak attack on it
>Decide to go in for a death blow once it gets weak
>Problem is the thing is still in the ocean
>A plan forms in my mind
>Spiderclimb up the rigging of the ship, then acrobatics to the edge of the crossbeam that holds the sails
>Get out my knives
>Jump off and try to land on the sea beast
>Natural one
>Plunge into the rough seas
>Vampires can't do running water bro
>Got three rounds to get back to the ship
>Not even 1 skill rank in Swim
>By some miracle I roll high and swim back to the ship, grab some rope, and climb back aboard in 2 rounds
My group still makes fun of me sometimes by shouting "I AM THE NIGHT - SPLASH!!!"
Sounds like your DM took a page out of the Apocalypse Stone - be careful!
>Rolled to hit a werewolf with another member of my party next to me. Nat 1
nat 1s being critical failures are a shitty house rule
GM was not very lenient on that thing, and I'm pretty sure you think I have some other system.
Our party ended up on the shit-list of a rival guild, and we were individually ambushed. Was playing a trickster witch, and had been squaring off against a psychokinetic fighter who was way past my pay grade, but I was managing. The DM was a great sport and, he had me write down my actions each round and hand them to another player so he legitimately didn't always know where my character was or what she was doing for when he had the NPCs act against her. I had consistently misdirected him for several rounds and was peppering him with homemade explosives, but he was growing wise to my shit and had narrowed down my location. I suspected he was planning to drop an AoE attack and chunk me, so I wanted to bluff him into thinking I wasn't actually nearby.
>Witch steps out of thin air in front of him and beckons to one cheek.
>"Must be frustrating hitting all that air. Here, have a freebie. I won't even move."
>He calls my bluff
>Turns out witches don't need broomsticks to fly
This is not me, but some other guy in my group.
>This is the very time we all met and played together
>We're playing on roll20 since we're all over the world
>All excited.
>Some of us start in the tavern drinking. Old place, smelled heavy of alcohol.
>Quiet since we all just met each other
>I'm playing a dwarf who has a boner for his heavy crossbow.
>I helped to break the ice by boasting how sexy my crossbow was
>This get some laughs and the group warms up to each other
>That Guy's character walks in and sits.
>Drunk guy tried taking my crossbow and thus started a tavern brawl
>The mood is great, everyone joins the fight, except That Guy.
>The group is laughing and enjoying this silly exchange, the orc picked me up and threw me, the monk making sure not to spill any of his beer while fighting and the elven bard playing her flute while dodging EVERY attack.
>That Guy plays an alchemist Tiefling, he decided it would be funny to throw alchemist fire into the brawl
>Everyone just says "wot?"
>The DM said the place is covered in alcohol and the place will light up fast.
>He says "I still throw it."
>He throws it and hit in the middle of the brawl
>A few civilians die and wounds me, burning some of my beard. (Never fuck with a dwarfs beard.)
>Everyone runs out some civilians are on fire and we help try to put it out.
>The group saves a few people but That Guy is just sitting back does nothing
>The monk says in a calm voice "Help us now or karma will find you."
>That Guy says "I don't believe in karma." and laughs
>The monk then walks up and does an aimed stance punch to That Guy balls, rolls very high
>That Guy rolls bad, gets hit and knocked out
>At this point we're all laughing, but That Guy was yelling a screeching
>The monk says "Karma has found you, friend"
>The DM said "Be a dumbass, expect people to be an ass back idiot"
>That Guy leaves and we never hear from him again.
>The DM said "That Guy character dies, since the punch was so hard he died from shock."
Sure user, it was just a friend.
Ya know, he's just posting for a friend.
Friends, friends, friends.
Do people on Veeky Forums even have friends?
Everyone knows that Veeky Forums is just one guy making every post, and a guy with that busy a schedule has no time for friends.
Does that mean that one guy fakes every stink where something stupid is said and then gets their throat jumped down? That'd be some amazing stuff.
Last session our level 2 party accidentally triggered the final-ish boss of a pre-written dungeon way too early, who was a ghost that cast spells like he was a 9th level wizard.
I took 4 points of wisdom damage at the top of the combat and as there was no way for my character to hit an incorporeal creature at this point in time I decided the best plan was to shit talk the serial killer ghost's thesis and academic history.
We still won the fight but I ate quite a lot of empowered magic missiles straight to the gabba.
Low standarts and not thinking people would criticise a map on the wall maybe. although yea the glare is awful.
Thank u, user.
>every stink where something stupid is said and gets their throat jumped down
What did he mean by this?
Is it really that common of a poster?
>unironically using 'gay' that way, like it's 2004 again.
What, are you twelve or something?
At least you didn't accidentally get Guardsmen parts superglued to your dick.
It's not even gay, it's beastiality. Dumbass.
I was playing a paladin of the church of prosperity. I was called by those temples who had a problem with local rabble, or those who sinned (cheated out om their tithe or bills.) and i played a very polite tax collector.
The problems arose when i accepted a church directive about collecting tithe from a heathen who denied the payment for their ressurection. The cheater was a party member, who insisted on NOT paying, due to his working with me made the church in debt to HIM. It got nasty real quick.
Letting Tim, our resident /d/eviant DM a oneshot.
Don't worry though. It will be legal soon enough. Already on the road...
This was in my very first game ever which was the Fallout TTRPG.
Party is trying to deliver a package from the ruins of Seattle all the way to New Vegas.
Random encounter with 2 Deathclaws. Remember something vague about Deathclaws being kind of intelligent. Decided to try and talk them down from attacking us.
Deathclaws decide that they'd rather eat us. (GM told me later I'd have needed ranks in Animal Friend to even attempt to communicate with them.)
The really dumb part was when the entire party decided to stand our ground and fight them. We all took some serious injuries and the robot was reduced to a torso. Barely managed to take him and the package while outrunning the Deathclaws.
Fortunately, we stumbled across an old truck stop and basically had that scene from the Lost World where Malcolm and Co are evading the raptors in the ruins while trying to find enough parts to get a semi working. That part was actually really fun, because we all got to pull off some fun stunts, like the Ghoul Scientist/Engineer hotwiring the robot's head into the truck to serve as a driver.
I wanted to try and negotiate with the space werezombies. Luckily for me, my DM was "Are you sure you want to do this?" and common sense won through.
it took 3 separate catastrophic failures for me to figure out that self immolation is not the answer.
Fast ball special into giant undead falcon familiar resulting in necronuclear explosion and lots of dead peasants.
The time we tried to lay an ambush for a group of mercenaries already waiting in ambush for us. We stupidly believed our merely okay spot checks had revealed the whole group to us.
I mean, technically we pulled it off, but not before I got mauled by a lion.
Confronting the possibly-traitorous arch-magos without backup may, in retrospect, have been a bad idea.
Exploring a dungeon temple, we find a hallway that is partially caved in, only enough space to poke a hand through to one of the rooms so we have to find another way around.
Me, being the druid, wildshape into a rat and move through just as the rest of the party move on. GM asks if my character would have mentioned this to anyone before doing so and as he is a bit of a autistic hermit, I said I imagine he would just do it. Of course, the party are wondering where the fuck I've gone in character and decide to move on, claiming that the Druid is capable enough and will turn up sooner or later.
I take a quick look around and I'm swiftly cornered by a Worg sniffing around, I have a few options.
Disengage, try to squeeze back through the hole quickly.
Risk the AoO, run into the room and hide
Wildshape back and begin to fight.
I elected to risk the AoO, dive into the room and hide, I'm not worried, if I do get into trouble I had most of my spells left and can fight solo pretty well thanks to conjure animals so If I did get stuck fighting an encounter alone I should manage.
The Worg rolls a critical hit, and unfortunately we use a Critical-Injury table, the GM said "I'm not sure how this should work with wildshape, but we'll roll and you'll be safe from the major wounds and dismemberment, but some of them might pass over to your Dwarf form.", again I'm not worried, a bit of damage hurts but not the end of the world.
We roll, and get slashed throat, 1d6 damage at the end of each of my turns until I get a passed medicine check or healing magic, unable to speak for 3 hours after healing. I check my spells for some non-verbal component casts, there are none. Not a single spell on my list is avaliable to me and I can't call to my allies for help, so I then, while bleeding out have to pull out my dagger and get stabbing, I survive the day but it taught me a lesson, don't get cocky when you have a critical-injury table.
Authenticity levels approaching infinite!
Don't worry, I do this too. Walked into a pretty obvious ambush because my mind decided for me that 'the battle must have already finished'.
We survived, but I felt stupid.
We also went into a wizard's tower to save my three sisters and the brother of an NPC, and one of our team members pulled the obviously trapped lever because he was bored with play.
We fell into a dungeon, and he was killed by Rock Grubs when he went to open a door. We kept going and found the wizard's interior zoo, where some harpies told us to go through the nearby portal and find a genie that could grant us wishes. We did so and came face to face with the dude, who after we set free from his locked chamber, brought back our suicidal PC, cursed another to be neutral evil and abandon us to join a barbarian cult, and revealed himself to be Pazuzu.
We escaped the tower, and realised once we were out that we'd completely forgot about my characters sisters and the others we were trying to save.
I should really start keeping better notes or something.
I've witnessed no fewer than three groups try to pick fights with the Lady of Pain in sigil campaigns.
The first group was barely level 14 before someone got the idea.
Bombing a hospital with a cargo container full of titanium ore, from orbit... While I was on the way out of it.
To be fair, the GM even straight-up told us it was a "drug lab" producing what our ex-pirate knew was "addictive drugs" (on high rolls!), and we had been hired to destroy it... But destroying the equivalent of an anti-genophage facility, holding all the research data, was probably unwise.
The second worst decision was joining the Space Nazis later in the campaign.
>Playing DH
>Had a campaign against genestealer cult
>Found a secret cave where they smuggle pure-strain nids and build a spawning pool for growing gaunts and warriors.
>We stole a tanker zeppelin full of promethium and a boring machine, bored a cairn to the cave, pumped promethium in and sent a timed incendiary grenade afterwards.
It was a good plan, but none of us had any points in Chemistry, Mining or Explosives and we decided to stand outside the blast radius to watch the show. Turns out blast radius was quite bigger than we expected and we TPKed ourselves.
oh no, bestiality outside of animal cruelty.
Truly the most victimfilled of crimes.
what's with pathfinder and degenerates?
Don't be a fag, user
That said, yeah that was a pretty puerile use of an otherwise perfectly acceptable slur
Oh boy, this sounds like a moment for the wall of shame
No they're not, retard. Only for skills.
>run game for randoms
>give them open world espionage game
>they play it like murderhobos in a dungeon crawl
>keep running the game despite feeling miserable every day I had to run that fuckpocalypse of a game
>make roll20 account
>run a VtM game
>only for experienced players
>get swarmed with every horrid stereotype of the oWoD player base
>try to run the game anyway
I think my irl character sheet lists perseverance as a flaw
Not mine, but it's one of my players so worth mentioning.
>Hunter The Vigil game
>fairly long running, several months in. Party are well on their way to tier three and already have a fairly wealthy benefactor aiding them in not getting fucked up.
>They're trying to find a family member of the party who got separated from him when he immigrated to the states
>manage to track down his place of business, shady 'office' building which is clearly a front for some other shit
>snooping ensues and they find all kinds of egyptian cult themed shit, lot of it looks expensive
>Party member who lost his family member finds a few Canoptik jars, solid gold but they reek a bit.
>They've remained undetected till this point
>he thinks "wow, it smells. I bet if i dump it out it'll disappate in this huge room!"
>he does so, the smell gets worse and the ENTIRE building reeks of ancient rot, the cults resident security man finds them and chases them off with a sword, nearly killing at least one of them
>party resident murderman spend ten minutes shouting at the other lad for emptying the rotted remains of a thousand year old lung onto the ground
>they left the jar lodged in the dry wall as well. He threw it.
Ordered a hit on myself to catch the assassin.
Deciding to DM without prepairing enough and thinking that improvising will be fine.
How do you deal with all your ideas being lolrandum-tier and too much pride to use official adventures ?
This is actually sort of brilliant if it works.
Not so much if it doesn't.
Reminds me of that one story about death.
Slap yourself, you fucking fool.
The worst sin of a GM is pride, because it means in a hobby where you can always be better, you won't listen to the people who are telling you how to not be a fuck up.
As for your ideas, are they working on what the players are doing? Are they sensible relating to the world you are basing the game on? Do they challenge the players?
I'm the opposite my man. I plan excessively and all my ideas are bland.
Yes, and people do have fun when they are ok with having an over the top adventure.
For pride, it feels like cheating to use premade adventure when i can try to make something custom built despite the fact that everything i make is either chaotic stupid or half arsed.
Maybe should run only feng shui/maid but there are not enough people for that here.
>playing 3.5
>group has been hired to clear a temple of Pelor of the orc raiders who took it
>scout the place, find out that the leader is set up in the office
>aight, here is my plan
>the goliath warblade and human cleric go thru the ceiling and bumrush the leader while he is alone
>me, a orc trip warrior, and the kobold... warlock thing, run interference while you murder him
>use acid to eat thru roof
>warblade+cleric bomb in on leader, kobold and I land in the mess hall, start shit
>warblade+cleric get owned, the statues in his room are actually undead vipers with vampiric tough on hit or some shit
>both die, we don't know
>I fight my way to the leaders room, taking on maybe 15 ecl 8 orcs, kobold is creating skellies from their corpses
>go around the corner, orc leader is there, with like 8 dudes
>I'm on my side with a skeleton army
>orc leader, who is a cleric, uses bolt of darkness on kobold, knocking him into crits
>the 10 skellies he rezzed up turn on me
>surrounded by shit that wants to kill me
>well.... fuck
>fly charge over to orc leader, taking hits from everything on the way, slap him for 122 points of damage
>still standing
>murdered outright
>kobold gets back up due to fast healing or some shit, runs away thru chimney
Splitting the party works, sometimes. Not this one.
I've always wanted to know what the original context of this image is.
Its pretty self contained, but if you want to know, watch Gundam reconguista in G. Dont listen to what anyone tells you. its actually good
I forgot to do a quest to stop an undead army from destroying the world while the church of pelor, who contracted me, were using every resource they could to drive back the undead horde, I just kind of dicked around for a year in a village of hyperadvanced sentient donkeys who became part of the universe(long story) and eventually the undead swelled and destroyed the world causing a 1000 years dark age. I did get to build a town in hell though so alls well that ends well. It was a weird campaign...
It doesn't matter what system it is. Slapping someone to bring them to their senses is not an actual attack and shouldn't be subject to critical hit rules, let alone send them flying across the room. And that's ignoring the retarded idea that a critical success somehow gives you a worse result.
It's like being forced to roll for opening a window to let in some fresh air, and somehow taking down the whole wall when you roll a crit.
Not got the time to watch stuff, but since it's Gundam I'll assume she gets gibbed about 2 seconds after.
Oh god. that DM is from disney.
Shared my phone number with a new group for more convenient session scheduling. The game fell apart shortly after (no surprise there). The problem is two of the people turned out to be particularly clingy and socially maladjusted. The fact that one of them was girl the size of three only made things worse.
>It doesn't matter what system it is
alrighty then
user is saying that a narrative action like slapping someone to get them to come to their senses should not be treated as a combat roll, because it clearly isn't, and a GM who does is a lolrandumb fucktard that needs to neck themselves.
>reject plot hook none of the PCs are interested in
>NPC asserts his authority as our boss and tells us we can do the job or fuck off
>we choose the latter
>DM drops off Roll20
The dumb part was expecting a different result.
>>reject plot hook none of the PCs are interested in
I'll need some explanation or just assume you agreed to do this and then screwed the GM over.
GM profile?
We once handed a heretic we caught to a Necron spy that disguised himself as Psykana Templar we requested for interogation and internment of said heretic (since she was a powerful witch probably boosted with some pacts since she could cast two powers per turn and summon lesser demons). We were so concerned with means of containing her while extracting information out of her we never scrutinized the templar (and later DM had shown us logs that it won all hidden roll-offs with our (unfocused) Scrutiny vs his Decieve).
We only found it out later in the campaign when we needed to extract some more intel out of the witch, went to psykana temple that were supposed to hold her before Black Ship can come and found out that the templar we "worked with" never saw us and didn't leave the hive for more then a year.
First of all. Its a dude. Second of all. Only like 7 people die in the whole series. Basically he just disabled a MS and was gloating, but he got shot from the back.
No but we had ours loose his clothes and belongings to phenomina, including a data slate with all out mission critical info, on a feudal world
The party gets kidnapped by crazy crusaders who are trying to make their leader a deity. While crossing the ocean the crusader fleet runs into an undead fleet who we were already fighting. Because the crusaders are horribly outnumbered they decide to parlay and try to scare the undead off with a show of strength. I see that one of the three enemy commanders is a sentient skeleton who used to work for me. I decide that I might be able to convince him to call off the attack as a favor for some things I've done for him. He recognizes me but refuses to help. The Crusaders kick me and one of our NPCs off the boat (since they realize we have a connection with the enemy) and the undead pick us up to imprison. Giant naval battle starts with us locked in the brig of a ship.
Actually made it out of that one, but it was a really dumb idea to try and talk that one out.
Lurking and posting too much here instead of reading, writing, or at least playing more Veeky Forumss.
Asking Veeky Forums for advice. Any of them.
>What, are you twelve or something?
Are you some kind of newfag?
Don't you know you never split the party. Healer in the back keeps the fighter hale and hearty
>not a cloaca
Get your disgusting magical realm the fuck out of here you scaly scum
One of my players wanted to question a local priest about a mystery but had broken into the church at night and was heavily armed to the priest fled on sight. He then decided to try to pin him against the wall with an arrow to stop him so they could talk. Headshot
>Playing Rogue Trader with my little bro as the GM
>party was tracking down a rival trader who probably a heretic
>find him in a dark room doing some gay ritual shit with some of his faggy heretic buddies
>bro says that they're all dressed some cultists robes
>specifies that the rogue trader is wearing some especially bulky looking robes
>ignore this detail like a moron and just assume bro was trying add a bit of flavor to the guy's look
>bro was new to GMing
>I was being kind of a dickhead to him for this
>kept testing to see how just how nonsensically bold I could act with my incredibly squishy astropath without him punishing me for it
>so far he didn't have the balls to do anything about it
>decide to keep pushing him further by just waltzing right up to the cunt
>cunt trader continues to be a cunt so I pull out my stub auto and take a few shots at him
>all missed
>I probably should've taken note of his robes prior to engaging
>he removes said robes
>son-of-bitch had full stormtrooper carapace on and had custom, fully decked out-bolter all hidden under that bulky clothing
>suddenly realize that there's a good chance this guy can just one-shot me
>roll shit for initiative
>two of my teammates go first, but the rogue trader and all his goons get to go before me
>start to have serious regrets about my poor tactical decisions
Miraculously my teammates managed to roll righteous fury an absolutely retarded amount of times, and managed to blast a hole right through his chest on the first turn.
Through sheer dumb luck I managed to survive, but my greatest mistake here is that I that I have turned my relatively unexperienced bro GM into a sadist who now loves to fuck over players for minor fuckups.