Would naming entities, magic, or places after aspects of the Sephirot within ones setting be considered offensive to anyone?
I just think the names sound cool.
Would naming entities, magic, or places after aspects of the Sephirot within ones setting be considered offensive to anyone?
I just think the names sound cool.
Yes, it would
Why the fuck did you ask Veeky Forums you nigger faggot.
If you type it into Google, you have to go halfway down the second page to find a result that isn't the guy from Final Fantasy. If anyone was offended I'm pretty sure they've given up by now.
Who gives a shit if it is?
No dear goyim, please appropriate our culture, it's flattering.
No more than naming things after angels or other mythology. Most Jews don't even know what the Sepheroth is anyway. Kabbalah's technically not even a part of most mainstream branchs of Judaism.
Who the fuck cares? A better question is why you asked Veeky Forums. You know what answer we'll give you. That being said if you're going to use them you might as well learn a bit about them. It's actually a pretty interesting topic.
maybe not offensive but make sure you do plenty of research beyond "i think the name is cool"
Lol. Saying that is like saying Christians don't know about the Crusades. Nobody knows the details for sure, but it's common knowledge.
>A better question is why you asked Veeky Forums. You know what answer we'll give you.
Exactly. If even Veeky Forums thought it was questionable, then it would be time to change for sure.
Usage in certain entity names is more vaguely thematic, since the setting has its own cosmology that's not anything like Christianity or Judaism.
Kaballah isn't really a part of Judaism proper. Its origins are Jewish, but it's one of those apocryphal bits like Solomon commanding demons to build the Temple. It's more of an occult thing than a Jewish thing, you'd be more likely to get fundies bitching about "teaching kids witchcraft" Jews taking offense over cultural appropriation.
No, but it would be better if your players have never played Tales of the Abyss.
Just ask yourself this: Is Evangelion offensive?
Why do you care? It's not like Jews blow themselves and others up if their feefees are hurt.
Your wrong and also using a horrible analogy. The Crusades were an actual historic event, Kabbalah is Jewish-based mysticism and occult practices, which is about all most Jews knows about it since it isn't considered canon by any major branch of the religion. The Sepheroth is defenintly not common knowledge. Think of it like a Jewish version of Gnosticism, how much does the average Christian know about that?
It's been done and it's actually pretty popular.
There are so few people that actually practice Kaballah it's criminal.
You're talking to a Jew...
because it shows you're lazy
The entire history of Western esotericism is one cultural appropriation after another. :\
Yes, but not for the reason you're thinking of
The Kabbalah is basically now dominant in the jewish theology and is used to explain basic stuff.
Things like reincarnation are canon if you ask official jewish institutions.
Final Fantasy did it.
The Kabbalah was always ripped off, don't feel guilty just this is jewish, that's dumb.
No offence to any jews here but catholic theology, a lot of pagan religions, islam and some others are also butchered by writers and new-age religions.
Yes, in theory.
No, because nobody cares about the judeocristian mythos. As long as you don't go around naming your characters Jesus & Mary, you're golden.
Like all things it's only offensive to people who care.
That said if you're going to rip off Real world religion imagery least read the Wikipedia page on it first. Don't just randomly slap on cool sounding name.
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 did that, so at least there's some precedent. Pic related is Chaigdiel, named after the Qliphoth Ghagiel and associated with lies, deception, and pride.
>That said if you're going to rip off Real world religion imagery least read the Wikipedia page on it first. Don't just randomly slap on cool sounding name.
>Eva image
ac!d 2 is amazing
Properly speaking the sephirot cannot be physically realized and one would only have the qlippothic echoes. But sure why not.
Isn't the reincarnation stuff from the Book of Daniel and apocalyptic Judiasm around the time of Jesus (which is important because Christianity derived a lot of their stuff from that time period?)
In words of two syllables, please explain qlippoth
Nope. Multiple and many media already use these names for various things.
I know i'm going to get hate for this link but it's a good collection of various media which uses the kabbalah in some way and it's the only place I could find which has such a collection. There is probably a ton more besides the ones listed.
I'm no Kabbalist. I just use it for my fantasy fiction but the basic idea of the Qlippoth is that they are the Sephirot (positive qualities of god) pushed to excess and twisted to become evil.
Divine is hidden by cover, qliphoth are cover and help channel divinity down the tree, They act like peel to fruit within. Evil souls worship these peels via idolatry, thinking them the actual divinity that is hidden within.
In other interpretations such as Crowley's they are various powerful demons and fallen angels within an opposite tree.
Some interpretations they are conceived as the levels of hell.
It's all very complicated and metaphysical and open to interpretation depending on your own spiritual ideas.
In Pathfinder the Qlippoth are the original inhabitants of the Abyss before humanoid souls came and became demons. This in keeping with certain interpretations of the qliphoth as various demonic powers.
A!CD is insane even by usual Metal Gear standards.
I'm surprised they never explantation on the trading card format desu, you would think they try to turn it into a hearthstone game by now.
A man of class and taste.
They are like transformers on a power grid, if God tried to rich the world unfiltered then he would fry it.
That's why those things are there
But something fucked up and a bunch broke and pilled up and made an area where got can't touch at all. hell
yes we know. bits of jewish culture are everywhere now. frankly id think that would make things more comfortable for jewish people.
>caring if something is offensive.
What are you? A cuck?
thats not how you spell overrated
>which is important because Christianity derived a lot of their stuff from that time period
Well, early on no distinction was made between Christians and Jews. They lived in the same communities and Christians adhered to Jewish laws (which most likely is why the Old Testament is included in the Bible). The only real difference was that the Christian sect allowed people who weren't born Jewish to join and the subject of wether those converts also needed to follow Jewish law or just the ones laid down by Jesus was rather controversial in those early days.
Not until the destruction of the Second Temple was there made a clear distinction between Jews and Christians, but still it wasn't made clear until the First Council of Nicea that Christians didn't have to observe Jewish law.
Fuck, now I want to make an MGA (or something like it) tabletop. I imagine Nip autists would eat it up.
Outstanding, please return to your oven now
... moot? Please come back!
Jews also believe in the Talmud and some other things, where reincarnation and other kaballistic stuff hafe been "canonized" by the rabbi. (Technicaly it varies between communauties but that's the case of almost all american and european jews)
For example this site of a very normal abbi explains why evil exists in judaism with the qliphots : chabad.org
I find it funny how one of the most known religions is so little understood, 99,999999% of western thinks it's just christianism without jesus.
The general idea most people have of buddhism is closer to the truth.
Not exaclty two-words syllabs but that's actually jews believe and not some weird bastardization of modern occultism.
Modern occultism basically believe they are prince-demons imitating the attributes of God.
The true reason is that the first christians mainly converted people who wanted to be jews but disliked the taboos and circumcision.
After that, christians WANTED to be considered as a sect of judaism because romans had several degrees of tolerance for foreign religions based on three things :
How close was the religion from their religion
How old was the religion as an older religion was more "legitimate" for the Romans if it was an old one.
How disruptive was the religion.
Romans had a lot of the respect for judaism despite the monotheism because of how old much it was, and they only persecuted it once they realized the Israelites hated them for religious reasons.
The Romans generaly didn't buy the idea christianism was really part of Judaism and it was disruptive because a lot of them refused to participate in the social rites.
Who the fuck cares if it is
Part of living in a free society is that information and ideas can spread across cultures
If you don't like it, move to Russia
A jew educated on the kabbalah whose view is skewed
Doing anything, anytime, anywhere, will be offensive to SOMEONE. So go ahead and do it.
Christfag who believe judaism was corrupted by everything after Jesus so olol christianism is the true judaism or neo-karaitefag ?
As a Jew I think it would be pretty rad, but really who cares? It's just words, and words can't really hurt you, can they now? You can't cross the street without offending someone, so why care?
Pic attached is from a game I am currently writing that draws inspiration from both Gene Wolfes Book of the New Sun and super robot mech fiction - which I feel is a good idea at heart but is often a let down due to unnecessary anime cliches.
I personally don't like using names simply because they sound cool (I like meaning in my fiction) but if you want to go ahead. Getting upset about 'cultural appropriation' only serves to stifle creativity and restrict artistic expression.
>Book of the new Sun
Terminus Est is a waifu now.
I love the picture, it's great.
Thanks. If people are interested I can also post a mech or two.
Sadly, you're not wrong.
The Conciliator wept.