Year 1 billion

ITT: Create a picture of Humanity on Earth in the year 1 billion.

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"Humanity" is probably not the word you would use to describe whatever lives on Earth at that time.

> God it sucks here
> Why didn't we emigrate to Terra Nova MKXVII with everyone else?

>ITT: Create a picture of Humanity on Earth in the year 1 billion.
Hang on, let me find my copy of All Tomorrows. It's in my "nightmare fuel" folder.

Veeky Forums is still up
/b/ hasn't changed too noticeably

here have my copy

Good taste user.

o shit nigga
that book is fuckin dope, yo'. That and Man After Man.

All Tomorrows is still on the pulpy side but I feel like it had smarter ideas then man after man


In the year 2525...

I dug it more than Man After Man's goofy art style, and I appreciated that they remembered human beings have hair on their faces. The story of mankind becoming basically gods and BTFOing everyone that fucked with them until they ultimately said "lol see you later fuckers" and presumably went to another dimension where they/we could yuck it up indefinitely is pretty fucking cool in a HFY way.

That said, there's a charm to Man After Man. Probably the more personal approach it takes. I genuinely felt sad when the gangly mountain-monkey lost his big white snow-monkey in the fight and realized his monkey-tribe would die because the antagonist-monkey was a fucking idiot.

Where else but?

It's a picture of today, because it's Year 1B after a date set a billion years ago.
I don't really go to parties so you can't say I'm not fun at them.



Good call.


>If man is still alive
>If woman can survive
>They will fiiiind...

Patrician taste my african-american friend

I wasn't planning on sleeping this month anyway.


I fucking love that song.

The crazy thing is most of the things they predicted to occur over eight thousand years are already starting to come true just fifty years later.

I remember an old Discovery Channel documentary on the animals we would see in 5, 100 and 200 million years. Unfortunately it only focused on animals.

Hell it's hardly a term to describe majority of what lives on Earth now.

Walking with Monsters?

Nah, it was The Future is Wild.

Hell yeah- 'The Future is Wild'. That was fantastic (and could give some great creature ideas for worldbuilders whether for a sci-fi campaign or other).



wasn't this made into an animation?

The Book of the New Sun might be what you're looking for. It's so far-future that not only is the sun dimming and the moon lush and verdant, but people think it's always been this way and have forgotten almost all knowledge.

i have no fucking idea but if it was i want to see it

>1 billion

Be fucking rational my man.
This scope of time is to far fetched, its hard to predict next 10 years, let alone 100.
1000 might be a nice exercise but thats about it.

Also what is the point? Want something loose, like a fantasy try Numenera.

You want to be more realistic, sci-fi or hard-sci-fi come back when you make thread called humanity 1000 years into the future.

This PDF won't load for me

Works fine for me. What reader are you using?

Whatever lives in Google Chrome

update your stuff, works perfectly for me

Oh this.
I like the asteromorph. They move using their ass. Assteromorph, get it? get it? huehuehuhehueueue.

>Whatever lives in Google Chrome

The Google Gremlin?

Sure its a Gremlin not a Goblin or Gnome?

It's a gremlin. It rumages through the internet tubes and builds a nest out of your personal data.

your lacks of reading comprehension only equals your autism.
Now go back to 9gag or whatever tumblr you come from.

Gremlins are traditionally seen as modernized techobabble sprites. So gremlins yes.

>your lacks of reading comprehension

Very gud!

>What the Qu did to the Colonials

Holy shit


Man, Alien Planet was great.

Was cosy as fuck to.

>Want something loose, like a fantasy try Numenera
OP here, and that's basically the point.

Well that's pretty creepy

>living on earth

if we're not living here, earth will be a complete waterless wasteland
only human interaction can avoid this

Big computer connected to a bunch of smaller servers in the middle of a burning rock

filled with chads and stacies or shitposting /rk9/-bots?

what is the point?

>/b/ hasn't changed too noticeably
>All Tomorrows
>/b/ has created porn of every single type of posthuman monstrosity seen in said book

>Note the female’s elongated, pit-like vagina. When mating, the males descend into it like subway commuters.

Welp, that's enough internet for today.

You're not going anywhere.

Hey look, new Night Land art!




>year 1,000,000,000 CE
>white people still around

Explanation please?

Just finished. That was actually a very interesting read.

Would've liked to seen how those Qu fucks were destroyed, but still good.

Damn it user why must you post interesting as fuck shit at 2:00am

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

It was written in 1912. The premise is based on the idea that the sun had about 20 something million years of life left because it was powered by the compression of the gasses that formed it. Back then they didn't know nuclear fusion was a thing.

This is set in the year 30 million. The Earth's rotation very gradually slowed to a stop whilst above the sun expanded and reddened and cooled and dimmed.

You know the scenes in Time Machine where the protagonist went too far forward. The big red cold sun permanently stuck on the horizon, the bitter cold and the ice in the sea even at temperate climate and even the crabs and beatles and crabs have died.

It's set after that.

Humanity lives at the bottom of a great canyon in an archology, the Great Redoubt. The surface is uninhabitable due to thin atmosphere, cold and dry.

The bottom of the Great Valley is warmed by geological activity. The Great Redoubt is powered by the Earth Current. The Earth Current is, over millions of years, fading. Humanity will die eventually and everyone knows it.

And also its full of monolithic in scale abominations against reason and sanity that will never stop and went on to inspire Lovecraft.

Author died in WW1.

>lol white genocide will totally happen lol there won't be backlash or anything lol it's totally the year 2003, right?
If you want to talk politics, go to /leftypol/.


Paul McCartney's death signifies the death of the sun?

It's from the Night Land, a really early sci-fi. Set thirty million years in the future, the sun has died leaving the earth shrouded in impenetrable eternal darkness. Man's last millions live in the Last Redoubt, a 1000 plus leveled pyramid with every floor a city, under siege from the Watching Ones and other assorted eldritch horrors and waiting for the earth-current, the magi-tech energy in the earth that powers their tech, to run out.

a world where William Hope Hodgson didn't die in WW1 would have been a much more interesting place

There is none.

>To those like the misguided; look at the story of Man, and come to your senses! It
is not the destination, but the trip that matters. What you do today influences tomorrow,
not the other way around. Love Today, and seize All Tomorrows!

Perhaps this Nightmare Fuel is the wisest of us all.

underrated post

Human society in the year 1 billion.

Star Trek's Q

Do someone have the other 5 parts?

Nah on Earth it will be more like his Ecumenopolise video

y have i never heard of him before

>tfw it seems to be impossible to find a seeded torrent for it and there are only couple episodes on youtube

That series needs to be remade. So much new science has happened since it was.

I'm still waiting for them to make a film out of it.

If they translated it into real English rather than someone in 1912 America trying to sound like they're from 1712 England and cut out the wife beating it would be fucking epic.

Wife beating was the best part of the book desu.

>not wanting to be the shoggot space explorer

Know any other post-human books like that that match quality?

Some of the stuff in it is kinda dumb. Has some neat ideas though.

Don't watch episode 1, it's basically just a splice of every other episode for some dumb reason.

Thanks m8.

i've been looking for this shit for months !


Isn't Numenera 1 billion years into the future?

Hey, they did got better. After millions of years.

Yep. The book notes that that should be impossible because the sun should have exploded by that time.

Other things that are different:
>Days are 28 hours long.
>Solar system is missing a planet, I forget which one.
>Moon has a green stripe, sometimes.
>World is a Pangaea, probably.
>Permanent internet made our of abandoned satellites, nanites, and other sources called the 'datasphere'
>World has been ruled by unbelievably advanced civilizations multiple times. At least one of which wasn't human.

Give this man a beer, a medal and a waifu of his choice.

Isn't a billion years a thousand times a million? The sun is projected to last 65 more of those, if I recall.

>Days are 28 hours long
Plausible. They were 22 or so hours long 650 million years ago.

>Sol is missing a planet
That's odd. Nothing should happen to any of the existing ones in that time period.

>Moon has a green stripe
By this point the Moon should be well on its way away from Earth. It still doesn't have gravity to maintain at atmosphere, therefore no water, therefore no trees.

>World is a Pangaea
That second supercontinent should have formed, then broken up again by then.

>Permanent internet
Does that work that way?

>World has been rules by a non-human advanced civilization
I warned you about the dolphins, bro. I TOLD you, dog!