Adarki Aeldari
This is getting stupid...
Adarki Aeldari
This is getting stupid...
Why? I do like your... "creativity"
Just seems like a really dumb name.
Adarki sounds like a click click tribe of bush niggers
Well. Then make another up.
Holy shit.
Ahumani Amani
i like the aeldari part but i agree that the a----i a----i repetition makes it awkward
how about nescondra aeldari
or melmior aeldari
literally just making up random words here
daerk aeldari
You've already put far more thought and effort into this than the one who came up that lazy shit.
So what have Dark Eldar been renamed or something?
OP is a dumbass.
I'm suddenly reminded that Black Bolt's official real name is "Blackagar Boltagon".
Not yet
It's a meme.
Akabaliti Awarriori.
Acanna come up wi' anythin else
Because it's all complete fucking poo.
Ablacki cuckeri
Awhitey crackeri
Aricey urikey
Ajewi shoahi
Arabi wahabbi
Apooli looli
Did I missed anyone?
God forgive me but I keked hard
I assume Slavs have been Squatted?
Slavs can squat themselves.
Sometimes /pol/ I remember why we keep you around.
Ugh God, please tell me this isn't confirmed.
Aspace Amarinei
>Aspace Amarinei
Adeptus Astartes already starts with two A's.
It isn't confirmed at all
Holy shit OP youre a faggot, you realize the "Adarki" part was made up to make fun of the Aeldari bit right?
A-Eldar-i ? A-Dark-i? You cant be this retarded
knusper keks
Delightful rhyme, pseudo-scot
ow, my sides
Acrikey Ausseri
Nox Aeldari
Adiaaiariaki Aeialiadiaeiari
Ynneas Eladrith you fucking memelords. And it's going to stay that way until someone kills Vect. Good luck with that, he's behind seven Archons and 700 corrupted wraithguard.
They're going to be called the Druchii, user. That's the canonical Eldar language word for them.
With all these name changes Its probably not to far down the line that space marines will become sphess mehreens officially.
I hope they don't go with a totally new name for the Dark Eldar. They already have some established alternative names, like Commorite or