I want to run something cute, straightforward and rules-lite. I mentioned Bunnies and Burrows to my players and they really liked the idea. Do other rabbit-themed systems exist? Do you have anything of that flavour to rec?
I want to run something cute, straightforward and rules-lite...
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Meanwhile, bunnies.
>is it humid in here? it feels humid to me.
anyone else remember that? huh?
There's a few versions of Bunnies and Burrows and a GURPS version as well. I've played the GURPS version and had a good time. There's also The Warren which I haven't played but saw it in the PDF share thread a while back so check the archive and it might still be there.
That's all I know of for rabbit based games but there's a game that's Bunnies and Burrows but themed with squirrels but I can't think of name.
Found the squirrel one I was talking about but it's not based on bunnies and burrows liked I said.
You bet, there's also The Cat RPG if you want another game from an animal perspective The GURPS version of B&B is in the PDF
*PDF share thread I mean
The Warren, and Lapins and Lairs are two bunny themed Apocalypse Engine games. I uploaded a bunch of stuff for the AE general thread and you'll find 'em in there:
There are like 12 cat rpgs
How about Golden Sky Stories?
WHat's this?
It's a game about being adorable friends who are also animal spirits. It's Japanese, but translated.
You're right, that is cute!
Is there something where you play as bugs, preferrably ants, termites or roaches?
Rabbits & Rangers is an add-on to Labyrinth Lord that adds cartoon animals like rabbits, mice, fossas, birds, etc. It should be in the OSR trove.
Okay. That sounds intresting. Thanks!
Ryuutama also a cute. CUTE!
Maid RPG can also do cute mode.
Army Ants - although the ants, beetles, crickets and ladybugs you play are basically miniaturized GI Joe characters with AM (Ant-Munitions) -16 assault rifles. On the other hand, devising scenarios just requires walking outside, lying in the grass and imagining a miniature Apocalypse Now - heck, you can have the PCs escort worker ants to steal the Cheetos your players are eating.