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How would you improve Geist?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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Fill it with NIGGER COCKS
>How would you improve Geist?
Massively lower the power level.
Give them a Y-splat that actually means something.
Give them actual things to do, and challenges outside the Underworld.
Refocus the game around being a psychopomp and having to actually resolve the issues of the dead rather than just steamrolling them with their unstoppable superpowers.
As I said, I'm going to be re-posting this for the next few threads so as to ensure maximum exposure. Let's call it two more threads, don't want to wear out my welcome.
Anyway...'s done. The Vampire Monster Manual. 108 pages worth of generic NPCs for you to throw at the peons who show up to your games. I mean the player troupe. Whatever.
56 Clan vampires, 18 Bloodline vampires, 17 ghouls, 17 other supernaturals, 29 mortals, and 23 animals. A total of 160 NPCs, suitable for any chronicle taking place in the modern day.
Remember that these are meant to be generic things to throw at your troupe, NOT a replacement for hand-crafting a character for your chronicle yourself. The Prince and Primogen and so on of your main city should be made to your specifications. But when your chucklefuck players decide that, no, they don't want to stay in Boston, they really do need to go over to Worcester for God knows what reason. Or start a fight with the pizza delivery guy that they themselves called over to their lair. Or whatever.
The ghosts of long dead nigger romantics, who never sated their jungle thirst for white wimmin.
This is where you step in, young cuck!
And of course, it works very well when used in conjunction with this.
I'm pretty sure the Ascension players here only care about Archmages being stronger than any known vampire. Which they are. The seven fold curse is God's power. Cain didn't curse himself.
On the question of Archmages being stronger than God? It's a good possibility knowing how far they can go. Having the power to create universes is God material. And MotA even twice suggested that an ancient Mage started existence.
But why does any of this matter?
>Cain didn't curse himself.
Well, on second thought, that's only in one of the Gehenna scenarios, Fair is Foul. Which is I think the best, though like all of them it needs a lot of work to make it actually worthwhile.
Because you want to shitpost, because you will never play in, much less run, a real WoD game, and if you did you know your presence would be a detriment to everyone else's enjoyment.
I'm shit-posting? I'm just putting out my opinion on this discussion. A very pointless discussion, I might add.
Don't take the bait of butthurt vampfags
To further propogate discussion about it. If you think its a pointless discussion then politely shut the fuck up or talk about something not related to the previous discussion si these threads are less choked with the natterings of impotent nerds trying to one up each other instead of finding something productive and cooperative to do with their tine.
You know.. like playing a game?
Honestly at this point BBC would be an improvement for this general.
Saved and printing!
Yeah, I holding a physical copy of it feels noice.
Well I'll be damned an actual cool vampfag
Would you be willing to do one for WtA?
I don't know nearly enough about the mechanics. I've exclusively played Vampire, and only know about the other splats through reading their books, but not playing them.
I think Magefags are just upset that vamp larpers have actually had sex and they never will. Its some real nerd vs jock mentality going on in here.
I don't think having your asshole fucked by creeps wearing fishnet shirts and black nail polish while Blood on the Dance Floor plays in the background is something to be jealous of.
what the fuck is a Y-Splat?
Vampfags are just the cringy goth kids whose only sexual experience is some fat gothchick telling them to kiss each other and suck each others cock.
It's almost as if you've never had two pierced, tattooed girls in corsets taking it in turns to worship your cock after you'd all done shots of chartreuse and smoked huge joints....
Don't feel bad. If it makes you feel any better, it's really hard to find individual pieces of clothing when it's all black and all over the floor.
Still a step up from being a whiny kissless virgin. ;^) Don't you have some dead-in-two-sessions mage game to attend? Oh wait you don't even have that! HahahahaHAH!
What's wrong, user, did they reject your character sheet when they saw the little anime girl character image? HAHAHAHAHAhahaHA!!
Covenants, Tribes, Cabals, Refinements, Courts, Archetypes, Guilds, etc.
Sub-splat, usually an antagonist, so like, Seers for M:tAw, or Strix for V:tR.
>fruity european alcohol
'tis just another example of Veeky Forums Getting Shit Done.
Y-splat is the organizational (or, in the case of Promethean and Geist, the philosophical) splat, as opposed to the "in-born" X-splat. The problem with Geist's Y-splat is it does absolutely nothing and has no effect on the game, so it's literally just a word on your character sheet.
Right, I don't even remember what their secondary one does. The primary makes complete sense. The issue is that they didnt like the idea of Geist having world-spanning organizations because...uh reasons.
>"Can we talk about something else please" I continue to insist as I make no effort to start an alternative discussion and the thread continues to talk about Mage Supremacy without interruption.
What's going on in the thread?
They don't need to have world-spanning organizations. Promethean doesn't, but its refinements are actually important and meaningful to the game. If Geist is a game of second chances, the part of your splat that represents what you've decided to devote your second chance to should fucking matter, at least as much as a Promethean's current Refinement does.
Has anyone shared conquering heroes yet
No because no one bought it.
How You Died and Why You Decided to Live. Sounds perfect for Geist honestly. The other thing the splat needs is Antagonists though, Abmortals are generic and awful. Really I never understood why they didn't play up Immortals more as a possible villain type.
How many vampires would there be in a city like Chicago or Philadelphia in CofD?
1 per 100000 don't expect me to spoonfeed you again
As many as is convenient for your chronicle.
Ignore , he is a faggot.
I strongly advise you to rethink touching that book. It is absolute cancer, to place it in your chronicle will cause it to metastasize and destroy your game in a haze of dick-eggs and the Titanic sinking
Don't forget the girl who is apparently a bad person because she fought back against her rapis- I mean a totally pure and innocent beast.
No unfortunate subtext here, no siree
yes, also she doesn't ever shower, point at her, point at her and laugh
They didn't even try to be creative. Nearly everything is a concept, term or idea from Beast with a different Capitalised Name (TM) for it.
I think you're mixing two up.
There is a girl who became a hero after she was psychically raped by a beast and whom the game condemns as a murder and there is ALSO an insatiable girl who never showers, lives in her room all day, and sustains herself off of internet butthurt.
That's pretty good
I thought this was a cWoD rule of thumb?
You're right. I'm conflating the part where they paint the rape victim as the bad guy, and the part where they mock the person with severe enough anxiety that they never leave their home.
Oh boy, shaming people for mental health issues is such fun.
I hope Rich Thomas roasts in hell for this.
That just makes me sound interested.
Don't worry the titanic sinking monster can't actually hit you, but you also can't hit it. So you'll just stand there staring at each other as you hurl insults back and forth.
You have been warned.
Beast is by far the worst gameline in the history of either World of Darkness. I'd rather play Changeling the Dreaming with a room full of mental patients huffing nitrous oxide than spend five minutes in a game that broken, shitty, juvenile and victim-shaming. Only Aspel ever felt the need to defend it, and that should tell you enough. We all know that stupid cunt never bothered to actually read the books.
Did that movie The Skulls make anyone else think of Ventrue neonates, or was it just me?
I'm sure it's bad but your SJW ideologizing weakens your point, dude.
Grow up and stop being such a fucking pussy.
>victim shaming
Jesus Christ what does this even mean?
I know that this place loves to get triggered over 'sjw words' but what else do you call brutalizing and tormenting people and then rationalizing that they deserved it but victim shaming?
your entire argument is dismissed due to shitty reddit buzzwords. Please try again.
Don't blame the internet for your sheltered worldview. That's on you.
>Jesus Christ what does this even mean?
I'm assuming that he's talking about how the book tries to pass off a Beast terrorizing and hurting a person to feed as not being so bad if that person has done something to deserve it. Examples in the book include guys who talk down to women, scorn junkies, or just rich people whose only crime is being rich. One example that stands out is an old lady beast smothering a frat boy in his own vomit for taking some candy from a child. These people aren't very nice, but still don't really deserve massive emotional and physical trauma. Of course your Beast could target people who really do deserve it, like murderers and rapists. There was an example of that in the book too, except its impact was kind of undermined by the fact that the Beast was aggressively trans and the pronouns used to refer to it were along the lines of zer, ze, and zis.
Or he could be talking about Heroes, who have just as little choice as Beasts do is what they are and how they feel, but are largely just portrayed as heartless, murderous glory hounds. Examples range from "has potential" to "nothing but fedora-wearing dudebros".
user is right, the book literally encourages actual victim blaming in order to keep your Beast on the moral highground after a feeding and to keep Heroes from developing beyond one dimensional bullies and antagonists. It's bad.
Very much this. Beast is an atrocious product, and if you actually identify with these monsters you need professional help.
Um, it means "shaming someone for being a victim". Do you really need someone to hold your hand and explain that to you? Maybe you need to grow up and accept that shitting all over people for things they can't help is something most people get over when they leave high school.
>heartless, murderous glory hounds
That's me irl
Got it exactly.
In contrast, vampire (both versions) never suggested that the vampires were heroes for preying on humanity, nor did they suggest that an innocent getting drained of blood and thrown in a dumpster had it coming because of something they did, said or wore. Even attempting to justify it that way was a slow descent into madness.
Global rules state you need to be 18+ to post.
>Vampfags are just the cringy goth kids whose only sexual experience is some fat gothchick telling them to kiss each other and such each others cock
I love it when vampfags get the shit they deserve. They're even more elitist than magefags. How can they even conceive of a world where wizards prey on leeches? Such delusional turds.
>still whining about beast
beasts aren't considered heroes, thats why there's a bunch of them as antagonists in the book
the game doesn't suggest heroes deserve it, but beasts (and vampires who drain innocents) might think they do
it's a game
it's not making an objective statement about morality
>How would you improve Geist?
Do what everyone else has suggested plus maybe do a Midwest setting write up. Imagine an automotive factory full of restless dead, the foreman from The 50's decided to stage accidents the prematurely ended lives extending his own with the potential the deceased had
In a series of books that now feature sizeable sidebars telling us all how we're not being progressive enough - quite literally making objective statements about morality - it's a massive cognitive dissonance. Or had you forgotten how OPP is now trying to educate us all about objective morality?
who should get out?
the magefags?
the vampfags?
the sjws?
the anti-sjws?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part in OP's post where it said it was your private shitpost thread. Some of us came here to discuss the game, not spam "my splat is better than your splat" drivel.
Also, see
This isn't news. Vampire asswipes start spewing salt from their pores and nostrils whenever a person mentions Mage. It's fucking hilarious.
For some reason they hate the idea of a splat being stronger than their own.
>cough cough Mage
>cough cough Demon
>cough cough Dark Ages Fae
Especially everyone
This thread seems to take a brief pause whenever an user posts something even remotely similar to Mage Supremacy.
It's like we're all subcondciously afraid of starting more splat battles. Or a splat war, if we're particularily unlucky.
Choose your words wisely or you might rouse a wizard's wrath.
>These threads
This has been going on for a while now, user.
Our own personal Gehenna.
Translate Vampire disciplines in Mage arcana
You can do all that Animalism shit (and more) with Life
Vampire status: cucked forever in all editions forever ever
>Keep hearing everyone talk about Beast saying its horrible
>Finally decide to sit down and read the pdf
>One of the sample heroes is literally pic related, down to calling people milady and being white-knight as fuck. Wears a fedora and trenchcoat and everything.
>Its literally dorks fighting otherkin the game.
You guys lied to me, this game is amazing.
There's no accounting for taste....
>You play as the otherkin
Okay NOW I get why its shit. Playing as a bunch of aspies trying to be heroes is hilarious, playing as a bunch of edgelords who think they're doing the right thing is shit.
I'm concerned as to why anyone gives a shit. Yeah, mages are canonically more powerful than other supernaturals, but neither WoD is supposed to be a dick-measuring contest, and crossplay chronicles have always been strongly discouraged by the devs. It doesn't matter that mages are more powerful than vampires. If your ST knows what they're doing, your coterie will almost never run into one, let alone fight one.
Too bad playing Heroes isn't officially allowed. I would love to play as a fucking sword swinging, monster fighting, goofy talking socially inept dork. That would be hilarious. Too bad the game takes itself seriously and wants you to only play as Beasts.
Mage status: never played, all editions forever.
Mage has a shit ton of actual plays. Some of them run by our lord and savior DaveB.
The game to me seems to be a comnentary on the subjectivity of morality and extendung the vtm/vtr concepts to its natural extreme.
I just wish i could figure out how to run a game
We hate it when misinformed vampfags question our capabilities.
We will not tolerate your splat ignorance as you question our right to be supreme.
A good example and reason why we loathe vampfags. Misinformation. The seed of all misfortune.
But it's impossible for every single player to not be ignorant about certain things. You best get over it because you will always meet someone who thinks Mages aren't the best despite being wrong about it. And they're not going to believe you even if you tell them.
You will always meet someone you know is wrong, but too ignorant to think otherwise. That's the way of life. Grow up. Veeky Forums is full of dumbasses. This isn't the best place to start. Just be glad some of us know the truth about Mage supremacy.
It's also getting old. Really old. I suggest we talk about something else for the last fucking time.
t. vampfag trying to placate magefag to end this war
Otherkin are nothing like that.
Otherkin are more like the fae in Dreaming. They have memories of another world and they have to fight not to be ground down by everyone else writing them off as crazy.
Beasts are just the Colombine shooters with supernatural powers, "making them all pay" for perceived teenage insults. The entire gameline is juvenile as fuck, and a sign of how low OPP have sunk in both dev standards, creativity and writing quality.
Believe it or not, we don't all find goth sluts that hang themselves in the bathroom after attractive.
You need to be 18+ to post here, son.
>what is grammar and sentence structure?
Try again, I don't speak ignoramus.
Which supernatural is the best at sex?
Daeva Vampires & Fairest Changelings
There's no need to be upset. Just go have a juice box and watch Nickelodeon. You have school tomorrow.
Someone is salty of the truth.
Hmmm. Well, Demons would have Demon Cock, and are traditionally renowned in lore for brutal fucking. Vampires are kinky as fuck if you go for that sort of thing... but my money is on the Changing Breeds, if only because their genitals grow to match the size of the rest of them.
Yes, you are. Now that we've established that, the grown ups can have a nice discussion about roleplaying games.
A Fomori with Extra Limbs and Savage Genitalia