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First for best aelf faction.
I dont see how a wyvern is conparable to a Colossal Squig or more Survivable.
They wont shoot you with soft slingers and let you reroll your save, they will deal with it with mortal wounds and will kill the nake ofcs with the weight of fire, not the other way around.
Bad news is that 2 Thundertusk sneezing in the general direction if your Wyvern means he kills your wyvern without rolling a. single. dice.
If anything 11wounds in the age of Mortal wounds isnt enough without some sort of 4+ invulnerable like Dreadmaw or Nurgle Toad
naked orcs* damned phoneposting.
What effects would you give a Herdstone terrain feature? I wanna make one for my poopsmiths.
-1 to hit from the horrible smell of the shit-reskin of whatever it was before
How does one get all the list that were used in the grand tournament ?
Nothing on warhammer community and nothing in the chat replay on twitch
Start Collecting! Daemons of Tzeentch for pre-orders this weekend. feelsgoodman.jpg
no, depends what's in it
Proof? Source? Link?
So I've assembled first box of Tzaangors (of 2 that I've bought)
>3 guys with dual axes (one with mutant head)
>4 guys witth shields
>1 guy with 2h weapon
>2 guys with banner (i wanted 2 with 2h but glued on wrong torso part and hands does not fit)
how do I do another box to make any kind of useful combination?
herald on chariot, herald on foot, 3x screamers, 3x flamers, 10x pink horrors
at least that kind of description we got in recent email form GW at our LGS
I have about 2000pts of Freeguild but for some reason I keep getting drawn to Fyreslayers. Would it have something to do with how cool Dwarves are in Total War: Warhammer?
Or are Freeguild just shit?
>erald on chariot, herald on foot
is from the same kit so i doubt it would be mentioned like that.
If true I'll buy 9 SC! DoT box tho, I have a big discount at my flgs on my next order i waited to use. And i'm much more interested in deamons, dont really care about beastmen
Freeguild is very strong. Fyreslayer are meh and will become good once steelburner pack bataillon has points.
Strong aside from me spamming 3 hurricanums?
How good is a balewind vortex?
I started using space marines as sigmarines in AoS but everyone is complaining about it. But I can hardly see the difference really. Based correctly.
I dont want to buy more models. I think they are just annoyed I am winning. Would anyone care if I used Space marines as Sigmarines? I need to tell them to stop being women about it.
not at all, at least you're playing superior system and that's a good thing, but they're some people who don't like proxy on table
what the hell is a flux cairn?
my mate and I are trying to have a 1000 pt game of sigmar. He has a box of old ogres he got off ebay, the ogre battallion or whatever, but these are the only ogre profiles i can find in the handbook. where are the profiles for the rest of his models? well, points costs as well
Read through the destruction units again, you can't have missed all the Ogor units that easily
thanks, i skimmed the section index and jumped straight to compendiums ogre kingdoms
look at the keywords in your ogre warscrolls
You have to look under destruction. Those are just the profiles for models no longer supported. Ogres are divided into Gutbusters and Beastclaw Riders.
The Tzaangor equivalent of a Herdstone, it corrupts the land around it with Chaos.
why are the crossbow's limbs placed vertically? wouldn't the string between them be useless with the magazine in the way?
its high fantasy
it just has to look cool, it doesnt have to make sense
but if it doesn't make sense it ends up losing its cool
they could have placed the magazine horizontally and the concept would be the same except functional looking
Also like to know
The better question is why are the arms of the crossbows on the aiming, resting, and reloading models all in the same position?
It's almost like they aren't actually crossbows, but the models needed a visual cue to make them distinctly NOT guns.
i wish i could have a dorf army thats a solid melee shieldwall protecting an array of cannon contraptions
>It's almost like they aren't actually crossbows, but the models needed a visual cue to make them distinctly NOT guns.
my, my, what a smart boy
You even see the leader holding something which is loaded into the bottom of it. Put simply, Magic Bullet Blasters.
Vertical crossbows do exist. They look quite a bit different and I have no idea how functional they are, but they exist and can fire bolts.
as good as the spell you what to cast with it
Is there any source on this other then from a reliable anonymous source ;^)
The same shit was post on dakka with no source either so?
well, i can paste part of my email from GW about 4th february releases, it's in polish but should be enough to figure it out
Why his head is so smol?
It's clearly a bolter though
Does anyone have that image without the tekst. It will make a fine phone wallpaper.
I am sooo buying so much of the SC DoT.
like a fuckton.
thanks man
Well then, thank you mang. Interesting kit as the chariot already comes with a Herald and you need/want the blue and brimstone horrors as well... hmmm.
Did you just assume my gender?
Sweet zombie jesus, that hurt to type.
I'm not questioning the verticality of the string, but the placement of the megazine on the same axis
None of us are really arguing the point that mechanically these things are absolutely retarded. Just spouting trivia as our kind are wont to do.
The piece the reloading guy is holding looks like it's just a cap. So they have to pull off the cap, manually load the bolts, and then recap it. Just about the least efficient design ever.
>Just spouting trivia as our kind are wont to do.
excuse me?
You still need battleline. Black knights are only that if you go mono skellybones.
Oh man, this is good. I kinda want an arcanite SC!. But the new changeling is good too.
Probably posted that way as you can build it differently, like arkhan in the skellybones sc.
Muchos Gracias
I was more thinking price wise this might be a really shitty deal. Especially if you have to buy the extra horrors on top.
Best-looking aelf faction, certainly.
And I say that as a Dwarf player.
Did you remember to oil up your Gryph-hounds this morning, user?
Good point about the mortal wounds. My logic was that Mathhammer (based on averages, since the Colossal Squig is is a nightmare of random variables) puts the squig .2 wounds per turn above the Warboss on Wyvern.
I wonder if I should take a dreadmaw and a second Kunnin' Rukk, in that case...
Y,all got any More of that mathhammer?
So, I was talking to the local redshirt today about the new stormcast stuff.
Vanguard. Same statwheel as a Liberator. Melee sits between Liberators and Judicators at A2 4+/4+, but instead of the save or hit reroll options they get a short-ranged crossbow. Can make a full advance in your first hero phase. Battleline.
Gryph-hounds stay exactly the way they are except for a unit leader of sorts.
Gryph-chargers are semi-light cavalry Vanguards riding demi-gryphs.
Battletome contains ways to make Prosecutors and Dracothian Guard Battleline.
Lightning Strike is *not* the allegiance ability; instead both regular stormcast and chamber extremis get their own allegiance abilities.
It's probably all made up or straight-up a lie, but I figure I may as well post it.
Are these the new assault marines set?
That auspex looks a lot different, I like the art direction.
That joke stopped being funny months ago.
These are CLEARLY Space Wolves.
Honestly, kitbashing these with some Space Wolve parts for cool Ghur Stormcast Rangers sounds pretty baller to me.
How else do you brew up lists and evaluate units before dropping fat stacks?
everyone who actually enjoys this fantasy universe should be gassed
>Haha amirite guys?
>Why is the /WHg/ dead again?
>Why is everyone here having fun whilst I'm STILL mad?
So I get that all the chaos gods hate each other
but which ones get on with each other the most?
Nurgle and Khorne are generally chill.
Slaanesh and Khorne hate each other big time
Nurgle and Tzeentch Hate each other big time
I can't imagine Khone being very chill with Tzeentch or Slaanesh being chill with Nurgle.
So Tzeentch and Slaanesh might be chill with each other, and Nurgle with Khorne.
do infections that cause internal bleeding really count tho?
Neat, thanks for the info. Extra battleline options for stormcast sound good if true, being restricted to their slowest infantry kind of ends up shaping the rest of the list.
That's some baby back bullshit. Redshirts know thing maybe 3-4 days earlier. Unless this guy is from Warhammer World or something.
What's everyone working on this week?
I'm getting back to my BKs after taking a week holiday
Shit ton of Tzaangors, haven't arrived yet but should be there this weekend.
Over a hundred Bonesplitterz for a tournament in a month. Gonna try some fancy airbrush highlights later this week.
I've been working on Stormcast for a Path to Glory campaign.
I have an urge to go back to my Wanderers, though, but I just don't have the tolerance for a high model count army right now.
Thinking of Starting an Aelf "Griffon" army with a mix of Wanderer's and Swifthawk agents.
Glade Lord on Great Stag (100)
- Bow of Loren
Spellweaver on Purebred Steed (120)
Spellweaver on Purebred Steed (120)
High Warden (220)
- General
8 x Glade Riders (200)
8 x Glade Riders (200)
10 x Silver Helms (280)
3 x Warhawk Riders (120)
1 x Warhawk Riders (40)
1 x White Lion Chariots (120)
1 x White Lion Chariots (120)
1 x Chariots (80)
Flamespyre Phoenix (280)
Total: 2000/2000
Glide riders to bulk out the force with Spellweavers to support.
Silver Helms for a decent centre unit
Lion Chariots for hardhitting, Pheonix for Behemoth
Hawkriders for Harriers, again supported by Spellweavers.
It's a spit up between the Lord on Stag and the Griffin general.
Can someone show me if there is any lack of synergy here.
Your list has a lot of units that don't do much. The heroes are at risk of being sniped or sitting around and doing nothing due to the rule of one.
Due to an FAQ ruling on rebirth effects, Frostheart is better than Flamespyre.
The High warden doesn't do much either. Why not just run the Swifthawk Agents battalion and toss in some Skywardens if you want a casual list with some punch? Convert the deer riders into Reavers if you like their models or something.
If you like Gryphons, why not wait for the glistening Gryph-hound release? Swifthawks with a Vanguard battle line and a Guardians of the Dawnspire battalion and a Phoenix or two sounds actually interesting.
>Finishing my Stormvermin
>Finishing my Warlord
>Assembling the Ophidian Archway (terrible kit)
Because I really aimed for a Mounted force, The Dawnspire battalion is rather dull shit that requires things like Meh Swordmasters and doesn't have Hawkriders really.
Speaking of which, how do they stack up? I'm sure they don't do well against "top tier" armies like Seraphon and Sylvaneth, but how about aside from that.
I tried playing a small army of them a year ago and got destroyed in games against Brides of Khaine and Stormcast. I figure it's because I didn't take full advantage of their shooting spam, though, particularly with the Glade Guard. Their primary tactic seems to center on alpha striking and shooting the enemy as much as possible, before being forced into melee with the Rangers and Eternal Guard.
Is that a dude or a chick? Stupid sexy elves
Please don't paint miniatures
I swear to Sigmar - one more fuckin pun and I will pay them these 5$
This goddamn piece of metal scrap, it hurts my head to assemble.
Not sure what that has to do with anythng but ok
>Tzeentch and Slaanesh might be chill with each other
It was Tzeentch's scheme that caused Slaanesh to go missing.
I'm planning on starting on my Balewind Vortex soon, I just need to find the time to do it.
Same thing I do every week, Pinky. Trying to paint an entire Stormcast Warrior Chamber.
>arent wizard
>arent battleline
blue and brimstone dropped
you filled every hole but there is no sunergies unless somehow your chariot buff the to hit result of something around.
if you want synergies play khorne
Posted an illegal (battleline-free) version of this list and decided to tweak it.
Gore Wave - 2000 points
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaught
- General
- Great Destroyer
Great Bray-Shaman
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage
Mighty Skullcrushers x3 w/Glaives
Mighty Skullcrushers x3 w/Glaives
Mighty Skullcrushers x3 w/Glaives
Wrathmongers x5
Bloodcrushers x3
Bloodcrushers x3
Skullcannon x1
Gors x10 Axe/Shield
Gors x10 Axe/Shield
Gors x10 Axe/Shield
Brass Stampede
Finishing up my first Gyrocopter.
Trying to get 40 Kairic Acolytes painted before I go to Warhammer World on Saturday and inevitably buy hundreds of pounds worth of stuff to add to my backlog.
What is it with this influx of drawfags we've been getting lately?
Not complaining, mind.
I sure can't wait to oil a gryph-hound!
Never question a miracle
That's legitimately forcing the meme, calm down
You should make his body bigger - he looks like a hobbit with trolls' arms. Still, very good - moar nurgle pics
new leaked pic, Steamheads?