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Do you ever set your CWoD games in the 90s, to better match the game's original aesthetic?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
As I said, I'm going to be re-posting this for the next few threads so as to ensure maximum exposure. One more thread after this one.
Anyway...'s done. The Vampire Monster Manual. 108 pages worth of generic NPCs for you to throw at the peons who show up to your games. I mean the player troupe. Whatever.
56 Clan vampires, 18 Bloodline vampires, 17 ghouls, 17 other supernaturals, 29 mortals, and 23 animals. A total of 160 NPCs, suitable for any chronicle taking place in the modern day.
Remember that these are meant to be generic things to throw at your troupe, NOT a replacement for hand-crafting a character for your chronicle yourself. The Prince and Primogen and so on of your main city should be made to your specifications. But when your chucklefuck players decide that, no, they don't want to stay in Boston, they really do need to go over to Worcester for God knows what reason. Or start a fight with the pizza delivery guy that they themselves called over to their lair. Or whatever.
Can't push a book and meet a sales quota to save your life. Yes. We know.
Talk about Changelings, motherfucking summer court son
>Do you ever set your CWoD games in the 90s, to better match the game's original aesthetic?
No because I was too young to remember most of it.
Is Tamaura a Changeling??
I have no idea who that is, but unless she is a Changeling PC or NPC, then no, she isn't a Changeling.
I do. My current campaign is set in 1990 shortly after taking of USSR yoke
>Do you ever set your CWoD games in the 90s, to better match the game's original aesthetic?
No. But I've set a few games in the 1980's to avoid having to deal with cellphones.
It leaves characters a LOT more vulnerable without forcing an explanation as to why they can't just call for help.
>tfw you play Mage and you never use cell phones, because telepathy offers more privacy
There are simple ways to avoid cell phones as the solution to everything in modern-day games, and it's as simple as "your enemies have agents in the NSA".
I think trying to claim that the Bloods and the Crips have agents in the NSA would strain credulity.
If you're running a mortals game it's a bit more implausible, yeah. Any other gameline, though (including Hunter)? Absolutely.
I considered doing exactly this but ultimately decided instead to set the game in a shitty city with shitty cellular / internet infrastructure.
People that deal with the Bloods and the Crips don't tend to have enemies with agents in the NSA, no matter the game line. And how would they know this in the first place?
I was thinking more in the case of small scale stories.
Such as mortals being stuck in a town ruled by a ruthless vampire lord, and they aren't allowed to escape and spread the word of what has happened.
From the other end this becomes very interesting. Why does a vampire try to keep another from becoming the ruthless lord of a small town? It breaks the masquerade.
When I told my players we are playing in the 90s I was warned that they are not puting any trenchcoats and sunglasses on. Shame
what about leather trench coats and sunglasses
You can be a ruthless lord without revealing that you're a vampire.
This is how I dress irl
Jesus Christ man why would you show this to people?
So are the supernal realms the transcendent reality that, say, gnostics would want to ascend to? Since the fallen world is a a "shadow" of the true supernal realms, like what real-world gnostics believe
If not, what is the transcendent reality?
No. The Supernal realm is more a realm of Platonic forms than the "true reality". It's where truth, meaning, and definition come from.
Think of it like the source code for reality. The physical world is the compiled program. The program is nothing without its source code, but at the same time the source code for an uncompiled program just sits there doing nothing useful.
And Ascended beings become code, in this metaphor. Just self-aware code.
because it tickles my pickle
>Not playing the superior Technocracy and using magic cell phones.
Can we talk about Hunter? I have never played Hunter, but I like the concept and I am looking forward to 2E. Do you think all Hunters will start with dots in the Profession merit, or do you think they will make a new mechanic to make cells different from mortals? How do you think Endowments will work, or will they just be c&c specific merits? Do you think it would be possible to play a game all the way from tier 1 to tier 3?
Don't think of it as a place, think of it as a state of being. A Being cannot exist in the Supernal because there is no such thing as existence in place beyond the crass material realm. The closes you have are the Souls of Archmages in which lower beings, the the Archmage itself and emanations of it's soul can exist.
Sleepwalker hubby and Mage wifey. How does this marraige work? Hubby was a sleepwalker longer than wifey has been a mage?
there is existence in a more expansive definition of existence
Ultra kinky sex.
>I think trying to claim that the Bloods and the Crips have agents in the NSA would strain credulity.
Not really as much as you think, given that both Bloods and Crips in VtM were created either by a vampire or in response to vampires, and then grew until the Crips and Bloods were too large to handle, which led to regular mortals, hunters and other vampires (primarily Ventrue with the Bloods) manipulating and controlling them.
Poorly. Even sleepwalkers don't really understand the plights of god like beings. The wife likely feels alone constantly.
The hubby awakened the mage wife with his dick.
If it was the other way around it would probably have worked, but as it is now the power imbalance will break the relationship.
I never really like the concept of "tier game". You can easily play a group of well-equipped Malleus Maleficarum hunters going after a single not very powerful demon or a group of schmucks out to stop a cabal of powerful cultists. What organizations the hunters belong to shouldn't limit their targets.
As for what I hope the hunters get as bonus, not too much, hopefully. A free dot in professional training, some exclusive merits remade from the old books, maybe some minor hedge magic, a small bonus against memory altering effects, tactics being easier to learn. Risking willpower is already pretty good. I also hope they don't insist too much on the Hunter-slasher relationship. Hunters with low morality should become cold and ruthless or get locked in a mental ward, not suddenly develop superpowers and become serial killers.
Do Justiciars and Archons wear operator gear when on missions?
Ah, what I meant about changing tiers was growing your own organization from a bunch a guys who try to shoot ghosts into a global conspiracy, but I get what you mean. Do you think supernatural resistance should be available even for street level hunters with no powers?
>Do you ever set your CWoD games in the 90s, to better match the game's original aesthetic?
all the damm time, mostly with vampire as it requires a lot of era-plays otherwise it has this stupid scenario in which the PCs in 2 years have almost as high disciplines as elders.
Character progression in wod is kinda wonky.
I'd say yes, even if extremely limited in scope and power. Something like a +2 (irrc) against Lunacy like they had in Spirit Slayers and things of the sort. Hunters are generally a cut above the average Joe, even if not enough to really stand out.
Bout fucking time the magefaggots have been put into their place. It only took 13 fucking threads.
Even if they were it certainly wasn't by that tool you posted.
What kind of lawnchair would a summer courtier be made into?
What a pale imitation of its superior honorable brethren, the West Court. Their mantle even does what the court espouses to, War. Unlike the Summer Court's poop tier sort of Stamina esque buffs.
This kind
Summer Court def loses in a lawn chair fight, one of the weakest Courts and its contracts fail to carry through the court's themes enough to actually stand a chance.
You are a good user and will be rewarded in the next life
I'll thank you every time you post it. It's really great!
>Bout fucking time the magefaggots have been put into their place
You think they're gone? You're delusional. They always win. This is just going to be the 14th mage supremacist movement. We should just make a separate thread for them.
Really the vamp-fags needs to be exiled so the rest of us can talk about the actual games instead of how Caine is shit tier compared to gods and them getting all butt hurt and arguging for 14 threads.
Literally the only thing keeping vampfags from running away screaming and crying. It's fucking hilarious. They're grasping at straws at this point.
Honestly I find it more hilarious to leave cellphones in. In my Mage campaign right now one of my PCs is legitimately considering calling the cops the next time vampires or King Arthur or some shit shows up to mess with them.
Just go "Hello police. There's some lunatics in LARP gear on my lawn!"
The guardians might put the thumbscrews on if you get sleepers involved.
These threads are dying.
without mages who keep the conversation flowing, what do you expect?
The time of the general is hopefully coming to a close, and if we're lucky /wodg/ will be the vanguard.
What's your favorite Discipline?
I'm really wondering why (how?) the mage supremacy meme got so powerful all of a sudden. Fourteen threads is obsessive. It feels like a coordinated attack sometimes.
I don't see why the Sleepwalker being aware of the supernatural for longer would matter? I would think it would make things easier because he would be more used to whatever his wife was doing.
Thaumaturgy, or that crazy shit the Saulot have.
It's do to Mage supremacy. Hostile posting like that drowns out other content and nobody wants to stick around a thread full of trolls.
It makes people mad.
Dominate and Protean, two classics to play proper vampires.
You people won't stop taking the bait
Magefags seem to come out when Vampfags boast about how awesome they are. The Magefags then proceed to boast about how much more awesome they are compared to them. Shitting out lawn chairs left and right.
We should all just stop talking about Mage and Vampire.
Every time it seems to come down to some bible thumping (vamp) asshole thinking their precious book is cannon to World of Darkness in any way.
I use Fate 5 to weave a destiny of Cain being caught sucking a mountain of dicks in public
Vampires are Christians. Mages are Atheists.
We get it. Now shut up you whore.
No. Not until God is our fucking gimp.
>Mage Supremacy
Stop taking the damn bait, hook and line folks.
Okay here's something to talk about that isn't Mage supremacy. Where do the fansplats [Genius, Princess, Leviathan, etc] fit into the Tier List?
Whats their power level?
>Mages are Atheists.
No need to blindly worship a higher power when you are one, unlike those blood sucking goth cucks.
The bait must flow.
Well, user, they're automatically shit-tier because, y'know, they're fan splats.
No one fucking cares about non-canon shit.
In this moment, I am awakened. Not because of any phony exarch’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my gnosis.
Alright fuck me for trying then.
How bout that Mage supremacy then? Lets talk about Caine vs Archmages for the thirteen time today.
>Cain vs Archmages
>Archmages win
Next question
Its unfortunate, but there is a severe lack of material to analyze for every fan splat. Less then even the currently least supported CofD game (Which I want to say is Beast atm).
Cain, you lose
>Next question
Which splat makes the nicest lawn chair?
Bastet, they come upholstered and with a purring massage function
The problem with discussing fansplats is that they are... difficult. They have such a wide arrange of thematics internally (like, Genius is the 'OWoD Mage gonzo plus kitchen sink in NWoD,' Leviathan is unfinished and the power scale is out of whack and it's full of minutiae like 7 forms and shit, and Princess is just contradictory and weird). I can't think of any other 'well known' fansplats that aren't like, 1 page affairs or conversions of other things.
There's very little to talk about with them.
>Cain, you lose
The only thing Masquerade whores are holding on to.
Typical Christian vampire faggot
Your joke character sheet means nothing to us.
>Mage Supremacy
This was already discussed. Cain's "You fucking lose" sheet isn't canon. Not to mention it only applies to Vampires. You might as well say that God can't beat Cain. Nice logic, eh, Vampire asswipe?
Protean. I long for the day when I can play a vampire who turns into a shark and swims up someone's drain to attack them in the bathtub.
That fish that swims up pee streams into aurethra is a better use of animal form.
Turning into a shark after seems pretty solid though.
Auspex because I inevitably make an investigative character in every splat. Protean because playing up the Beast's themes is fun.
I just love the image of a shark head popping out of the bubbles next to a very surprised bather.
Steve god damn it I don't care how much sense it makes we don't want to hear about your weird fish cock vore fetish
>without mages who keep the conversation flowing, what do you expect?
Aspel posts about cultural Marxism and complaints about non-standard pronouns and SJW sidebars.
Given a choice, I'll *always* go with mage supremacy.