Post some ships

Post some ships
Every size, every function













what the heck
Are they inside a throat?

Goddamn, the mod team for that mod sucked ass but it was a fun alpha to play with cool designs.

Aww yeah, Space Ships thread.




Any size?




>image title

Man, my favorite space ship design is a toss up between two horror ships actually.

the Even Horizon and the USG Ishimura.

the expanded universe was a mistake

More into the small side. Like a Dreadnaught/battleship will not displace more than 250.000t.



Did somebody say size.




I love shipposting!



What? No Supercarrier?















fuck yeah cylinders





ISS assembly gif


In the 41st millennia there is only pick up tracking numbers. (joke only for those who have worked in the postal service)




















Last one for now will post more soon.

Fedex's space fleet has gotten larger I see








This isn't EU, that's just some guys fanfiction








The ships in Mass Effect were horribly underused.


...ships, you say?

