Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1307: The Once and Future Jumper Edition

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So jumpers, when was a time a companion managed to truly touch your heart. Something that really moved you, and why was that?

Counter Strike's Buy Menu plus Use Any Magic Item.

Viola, I'm the Qing of England

What are some perks that get stronger with time? I only know the True Magics from Fate and Living Saint from Generic Xianxia.

Would it be possible to use the Clow Card item to get The Hope or would I have to get either the Nameless Card or The Nothing, find the other one, and fuse them myself?

Between those two you've already got insanely more power than you'll ever know what to do with. Why bother looking for more? You can only crush galaxies so hard.

>Tenchi: SoL
Light hearted antics. No real danger outside of comedy violence.

>Tenchi: SO
Multidimensional goddesses interacting with reality. Servants of said-goddesses fucking with reality and more or less curb stomping everything in the setting toward the end of that run. Sapient organic ships that can block any attack and are capable of smashing planets. Science that could straight skull-fuck anything short of the ridiculous end of most magic systems.

I'm planning on doing the Civilization jump and I want stuff to train/grow during my long-ass stay.

I don't have Living Saint in my current chain, just First Magic.

So SoL would be fine for early-chain, while SO is better for mid-to-late chain?

Correct on both counts.

It was during Nechronica, when Alma was introduced to the Dolls. She grew attached to them surprisingly quick, adopting them as her children, and becoming quite the Mama Bear. Their interactions were actually pretty adorable. But that changed when the local Necromancer grew annoyed with us interrupting his fun, and sent a legion of zombies to attack our little town. He made them cry.

Within hours, the horde had been obliterated, and Alma herself was on a warpath. She grew even angrier when she found out there were other Necromancers doing the same thing else where. It was still sweet to see her adopting other dolls, but it was also terrifying to see her rampage across the ruined world. One particularly desperate Necromancer threw a nuke at her. It didn't even slow her down. Still, it was moving to see how much Alma cared for the Dolls, even if it was also nightmarish to see just what kind of hell she unleashed on the Necromancers.

>The Once and Future Jumper
Didn't we had this one already?

Alrighty guys; this is it. If you have suggestions or questions, let me know before I upload this on the drive.

Bodacious Babes

Bodacious Babes

Nah, OP fucked it up. It was The Once and Former Jumper.

It looks good to me. I might suggest a 0cp 'drawback' for fan fiction and/or one for staying until the Neo-Silver Millennium if you didn't take the Fall of the Silver Millennium scenario, but other then that, it's great.

I got beat up real bad one time and had to walk home since I got "lost" in the mountains after barely winning a fight. Buried under a bunch of snow, couldn't be found by search party. I knew where I was once I dug myself out though. Traveled with my enemy for a bit (neither of us felt like fighting anymore since the fight ended weird), used our combined pocket change for food, split up before getting home. When I actually arrived, I was expecting a lot of bitching and admonishment for not contacting anyone for like a week (since I lived with a bunch of hardasses and sadists at the time, including said companion) but they just ended up happy to see me.

I just got told that they were happy to see me safe, that I did a good job and to just go to my room and rest since I earned it. That was oddly touching on its own even if it didn't sound like it, but there's more. After collapsing in my room, definitely alone, I woke up with the companion sleeping in the corner of the room and a wet rag on my head. It was a really simple gesture, but it felt an awful lot like friendship to me.

...And of COURSE after I say it's final, I forget to add one more thing.

Energy Sense can be extended to the edge of the Solar System in time. I've already added that in the version I'm going to upload, just now.

In Digital Devil Survivor, could a Herald from SMT1 take on the five gods? Do any of them use physical absorb?

Does DDS use chakra or mana?

>SMT 1 Herald
>taking on any of the gods
Nah. Metatron comes before them, and he's far stronger then Michael, and he's the strongest of the Heralds.

During the Trigun jump, I had used Fourth Verse to stop Vash's Angel Arm. I had a 1up, but it was awful when I recovered. When I awoke, I was frightened of...well, fucking everything. I rolled a critical 1 to see if the Fourth Verse would kill me, and the death was super painful and awful. Gave me some nightmares.

I didn't want to really bother Vash with them. Especially because he wasn't entirely happy about me sacrificing myself to stop his Angel Arm. Which was a huge fucking arm cannon for those who don't know anything about Trigun. One night, I couldn't sleep, so I left our bed.

"Hey, where are you going?" He sleepily droned.

"On a walk." I said. "Can't sleep."

"You've been sleeping pretty funny for the last few nights. Is something the matter?" He asked. "You can talk to me." He got up.

"...I've been having nightmares of dying." I said. I didn't want to make him feel worse, but I didn't really want to lie to him.

"Do you want a hug?" He asked.

"Sure." I said, and returned to bed to hug him.

Vash is just a sweet guy in general and there isn't really a mean bone in his body...A+ bf forever. Really needed that hug but I was afraid to ask for one.

Also, it uses Mana.

Also also, you might want to wait until DeSu finishes DDS part 2...whenever that happens.

Where would I go to get the power to kill the 5 gods for that Phys Absorb perk?

Just get a tree-ship mid chain and chill with it.

>Multidimensional goddesses interacting with reality. Servants of said-goddesses fucking with reality and more or less curb stomping everything in the setting toward the end of that run. Sapient organic ships that can block any attack and are capable of smashing planets. Science that could straight skull-fuck anything short of the ridiculous end of most magic systems.
Does that actually happen that often in the novels?

Lots of jumps, really. Grab Heylin Magic from Xiaolin Showdown, train for thousands of years so you can reach Wuya's level (casual planetary-scale reality warping), and then amplify it with the Eye of Set from Swords and Sorcery, boosting it tenfold. That SHOULD work.

There's something really weird about Bon Clay without his full makeup or costume.

The new Nanoha jump has nerf Adult Mode and the Darkness Bloodline. Does anyone know any other perks that let you bypass annoying magic( like bloodlines) requirements or allow you to keep powers that would fade with age.

Go away SB.

Truth be told a lot of that will be mostly just ramping up during the SO jump. I just tossed it out there because it /can/ and /will/ happen at some point. Most of the SO stuff is genuine space opera, ship to ship fights, boarding actions, space pirates and galactic police.

However, if you take the wrong drawback, or the right one depending on how you look at it, or you step too loud or talk to bold then there's every chance that what I described will take place. Which is to say all that background stuff will end up on your front door.

Tenchi SO and end jump are better for smart jumpers as opposed to brute force jumpers.

It's a legitimate question, famalam.

Nope. And Darkness was never really that powerful. It's just that you fucks at SB like to ignore the context of a perk in favor of RAW.

Darkness Bloodline explicitly still allows you to grab Rare Skills, and thus hasn't been modified at all. The lack of "requirements" is presumably just that you can't cast a spell that requires a 5 ton diamond if you don't have a 5 ton diamond.

Threadly reminder that Sakura dies in a car crash some time after the series ends.


No, it doesn't. Heavens nerfed it, powerwanker, and you won't take this victory away from us. Why don't you follow your friend back to SB?

See: and Also understand that these Go The Fuck Away comments don't apply to SB'ers writ large. We have several great jump makers who've come to /jc/ from SB. No, that does not include DIrge you taint licking shitbird. Don't even try. It's speaking to the full contact retards who play fuck-fuck with the wording of every motherfucking perk to try and turn it into one-step omnipotence. It is the most obtuse form of masturbation, and manages to be wholly absurd and completely uninteresting.

Fix yo shit or get fucked.

Excuse me? That's...that's dark. Well, I'm preventing that for sure.

a picture of op

He's lying, by the way

Yes. Clearly, the words, "With time, you can even copy other Rare Skills." mean that you cannot, in fact, copy other rare skills. Truly, you are a bastion of sanity in this sea of crazy powerwankers.

Apparently, there's something in another series by CLAMP called Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, but I've never seen actual proof.

This may just be one of those things that's been repeated so many times that people just assume it's true.

So, Linker Cores are, like, real physical organs? I was under the impression they were more meta-physical organs like Magic Circuits and such.

As far as I remember the big thing about Resevoir Chronicles is the fact that Sakura later went on to found the kingdom of magic that Tsubasa's Sakura was in or something but trying to parse through all the mind flipping and dimension hopping would be a huge pain.

Fucking anime and its word salad titles. Smh.

Oh, good.

One of those types of rumors, I see.

Pic relevant.

heh, I had forgotten that Shamal can do that at range

See, I saw that, but there's a lot of metaphysical stuff that's for some reason visible. Like souls and shit, often glowing balls of light. So, LCs can be physically manipulated, then? Like, with mundane tools? Can they become infected?

First off I'm ignoring all of you. I don't have time to listen to your childish war with SB.

Was never gonna use it like that. I was going to try to copy Saint Kaiser Bloodline.That was pretty much it.

Hey, in a setting like DnD where some classes have cool fluff but suck mechanically, can we assume that they work better when they're no longer limited by gameplay mechanics? Just enough to make them competitive with comparable classes?

keep in mind that in this setting magic is a scientic-explainable phenomena

It seems to me as long as you stay out of the reach of the main subjects of Chousins (mostly Z), everything will be OK.

Also, if you go to Kingdom Hearts, DeSu2, Alterworld, Siderals and JLD before Tenchi, you could potentially murder the Chousins and survive to tell the tale.

I spent a minute or so in the Army, and there are two dubious "honors" my friends give me shit about. The first of these is making a grown ass man, a man, not even a kid, straight up bawl as I explained the extent to which he was fucking up. The second is receiving a standing slow clap from a Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer to congratulated me for delivering a particularly multisyllabic rant to someone who outranked me by a good bit.

There is very little that I say in thread that I wouldn't say to someone IRL. Having said that, your pic made me laugh. Thanks, user.

user, if you tell someone you're ignoring them, you're not really ignoring them.

Remember the boggart lesson in Prisoner of Azkaban? I had a bit of a breakdown afterwards, threw a huge prissy fit. Harry finally found me mildly drunk on the roof of Gryffindor tower and was a better friend than I really deserved at the time. Cheered me up the way I needed.


I really need to make sure I apologize to him post-Spark.

We don't really receive an explanation. All we know is that Mages have Linker Cores, which (depending on the translation) either gather mana from... dimensional space, IIRC, or generate it. And they have different capacities. That's about all we know. Although in the setting Magic is literally a science, so for all we know, it is, in fact, part of the soul and they just have magic that lets them poke the soul.

... I don't think it was /ever/ able to do that. You could probably steal the rare skills that the bloodline grants, but you wouldn't steal the bloodline itself.

Fanwank whatever you, m8.

Why the hostility? Was that some post copied from SB? Because part of it is a factual statement, since Adult Mode was nerfed and Darkness was clarified/nerfed/whatever and the other half is a question.

Despite some of DnD's weirdness the mechanics are game stuff and aren't how it works in lore. Assume that a level is a level as far as effectiveness goes.

El oh fucking el. Are you extra-omnipotent? Not regular garden variety omnipotent, but extra industrial experimental military grade omnipotent? Cause if not, then best of luck with that plan buddy.

How so? Is it actually like what the MCU Asgardians believe magic to be?

How fast could you learn a language from scratch with Brilliant from Sherlock Holmes and a perfect memory perk?

My Jumper just went to Wuxia as a Drop-In and I realized they don't know ancient Chinese. Or modern Chinese.

Silly titlet, you need to grow big tits not stubby arms if you want to avoid the bully.

The easier solution is to go Tamaranian in TT and just tongue wrestle as many linguists as possible.

You always understand the main language of the starting area in every new jump. It's in the rules somewhere, probably in the OP image.

Probably? Most of the problem comes from the fact that casters have a stupidly broad concept for what they encompass though. Wizards are bullshit not because they do absurd damage, but because they can spend one day with the ability to teleport, summon armies, mind control people, and animate a bunch of zombies, and the second day conjuring fireballs made of Real Fire (tm, ignores magic resist), reshaping the environment, and casually going to heaven to hang out with the gods.

It was brought up on SB originally.

Bully is pic relevant.

Dinotopia has a stupidly cheap "you know every language you hear" perk.

Tits of any size can be beautiful, and size is no guarantee of beauty.

as in it is a studied and well understood form of a naturally occurring energy. I am fairly sure you can get a degree in it. there are "magic" power plants and everything. Honestly with every sequel series it becomes more of a mecha series with the serial numbers filed off.

Lol. Go to Inheritance, you're now omnipotent.

I think one of the things a lot of people assume is that, when you enter a jump, you get the local language as a freebie.

My personal rule on this is that, when you enter a jump with a different local language, Jumpchan does the equivalent of smooshing her finger around in the language center of your brain to change your native language. As an example, if you hailed from England and spoke English as your native language, then went to generic anime setting #468, you'd find that you spoke Japanese as well as you had spoken English. However, if you later traveled to England while in the jump, you wouldn't be able to understand what people were saying. However, if you learn additional languages on your own time, or have a perk that gives you additional languages, you can still speak those just fine. You'll also tend to pick up languages that you could speak at one point a lot faster than normal, just because they are, in a way, familiar.

Who did that jump, and have they done any more? It was pretty solid.

You're only omnipotent if you kill jump-chan and take over your own jumping.

That sucks, mang. Mecha a shit. A SHIT!

The name of magic does not do the stuff Justice user thought it did when he made the original jump.

Jane Doe, I believe? Maybe Annette.

Apologies in advance to both, but they're both somewhat generic female names.

If you gain a demon weapon alt-form in Soul Eaters, can you import yourself as an item in other jumps?

>Jane Doe
That's sticking in my head for some reason. Does she post here anymore?

case in point on the sequel series

Yes. In this very thread, even. Or at least last thread.

>Does she post here anymore?
..user, she's literally right up there.

Well, the title has 'Jane Doe' underneath it.

...huh. I probably could have worded that a bit better.

That was me.

started as a joke, and it's stuck since the beginning of my chain.

Right here, dude.

You can nerf it, if you'd like. We can never have too many nerfs.

Nah, but you can count Demon Weapon companions as items for the purposes of a future weapon import.

For the purposes of DC Occult, is there anything on the moon?


Soul Eater Jump 065:
CP: 1000
Soul Eater NOT [+0]
Slapstick [+100]
Somethings Missing [+300]
Location: The Moon
Origin: Student Meister
The Face [Free]
Weapon-Partner Proficiency [Free]
Ripper [-100]
Wavelength Communication [Free]
Soul Perception [-100]
Enchanter [-300]
Soul Menace [-150]
Utility Meister [-200]
Anti-Demon Wavelength [-400]
Stylish Outfit [Free]
Death's List [Free]
Enchanter's Gloves [Free]
Beelzebub [-50]

My plan is to manage a few things like use my Anti-Demon Wavelength to mitigate the effective Madness of the main cast by bumping into them every so often and giving them a nice relaxing Soul Resonance, though after a while those who gained Soul Perception noted me and confronted me. I told them the truth, partially, that I couldn't really control my power and that I didn't much care because my Soul Wavelength was basically a 'Therapy Wavelength'.

Not much else to say, avoid the bad guys!

Don't confuse me with your fancy facts.

Neat. You working on anything at the moment?


What? That's how it usually goes.

Harry is a permavirgin.

You got it right. I just word my statement incorrectly.

Yes,someone else can't come up with the same idea as SB by themselves.It's like if you nerf "drain no" and "Incomprehensible" from young justice.

Anyone asking for replacement skills must be from SB.

But he had children in the epilogue.

I think the JL hangs out there sometimes. Superman certainly does. Tommy Monaghan's grave is also up there, though that depends on continuity.

Harry has a son in canon, so he can't be a permavirgin.

Unless the Cursed Child was somehow even more of a shitshow then I've already heard it was and had Ginny cuck Harry so the kid isn't his?

>implying they were his


Looking back, I could probably clarify a fair few of these items. Not necessarily nerfing, but removing some ambiguity.

but nerfs stink. they're big, loud, and they don't take to being in a ship's hold very well.

I have a skeletal wip for Lost in Space and am rereading Hitchhiker's Guide.

dude. I'm married, he was thirteen, and Hermione is pretty territorial. two and a half very good reasons not to.

>Yes,someone else can't come up with the same idea as SB by themselves.It's like if you nerf "drain no" and "Incomprehensible" from young justice.
>Anyone asking for replacement skills must be from SB.

Okay, fair point, apologies. It was, however, brought up there not too much earlier.

>had Ginny cuck Harry so the kid isn't his
There is a time I would have laughed at the possibility of this, now I am more or less convinced that its likely part of CC.

>Tommy Monaghan's
Who is this?

And i'm cool with the watchtower. Or hey, I can take dimension lord and rent it out as a super base for them.