Can CB and CN exist productively within a party ?
Can CB and CN exist productively within a party ?
IF you're not a pants-on-head retarded spastic.
Chaotic Bad?
CG sorry.
I speaks French so probably a lapsus with Bon instead of Good. (Chaotic Good is Chaotique Bon in french)
Chaotic Good is easy. Give them a good cause to fight for. They will pursue this through chaotic methods.
Chaotic neutral is easy as well, but requires you to give them an additional motivator. Such as survival, profit or helping those they care about. They will pursue these goals with chaotic methods.
>Can CB and CN exist productively within a party ?
That's a 10-4 good buddy, come on
Yes. Chaotic Good especially. So much so I don't even feel like I need to list examples of niche cases or anything, since there's not really much challenge to it. A mostly-chaotic party isn't really any rarer than a mostly-lawful party.
Chaotic Neutral is a BIT tricker, but as long as they're pointed in roughly the same direction as the rest of the party, it'll work fine.
Roger, there was a 10-1 earlier.
I played a character who was Chaotic Belligerent, once.
Chaotic Baka, actually
>Chaotique Bon
Sounds like a Velvet Underground cover band.
So long as the players aren't retarded about it and have communicated beforehand so their goals aren't at odds, yes.
Individual alignments each cover a large range of character archetypes. You could have a Chaotic Neutral character who is a cartwheeling buffoon who always acts randomly, but equally it could simply be someone shiftless and self-centered who doesn't like rules and regulations.
To answer your question directly, YES, they absolutely can exist productively, but it's more down to the individual character than the broad alignment they come under.
Chaotic good and chaotic neutral can coexist productively in the same party. Chaotic retard cannot exist productively in any party, because such a character is fundamentally unproductive. When many people hear "chaotic neutral", they think "chaotic retard". Well-roleplayed chaotic neutral characters are few and far between, but if a party has one there's no reason for him not to at least get along with any chaotic good party members.
>chaotic Big
Fire rises
>Playing a CornerBack in dnd...
Hmm idk their egos are so huge they basically have to be evil
Anta Baka or Baka Inu?
CN obviously can as the entire plot of Firefly depends on Mal maintaining that alignment. I tend to play a lot of CN chars like him. CN characters tend to protect those in their inner circle. Whereas good character try to protect everyone and evil characters only themselves. It's pretty easy to grasp once you understand that. He'd just as soon shoot anyone in the back in cold blood who's a threat to his crew, including Jane when he betrays everyone.
I play CN as self serving characters. Mercenaries and the like. No affection for cities or Kings,but is in it for the money and fosters camaraderie with the party as they buddy up. Becomes loyal to other bros in the party. Works like a charm
>Can CG and CN exist productively within a party?
With quality players and cooperative, non-extremist characters, all alignments can work together.
>NG would murder a civvy in cold blood
>CE working as a PC alignment at all
>>NG would murder a civvy in cold blood
In the right circumstances, yes, exactly.
Used an actual example.
>>CE working as a PC alignment at all
Indeed. Not all CE is baby-eating.
>In the right circumstances, yes, exactly.
Even fucking Agent 47, a decidedly Evil character, prefers not to just outright murder innocents.
You can just subdue that civvy through non-lethal means, and if you're Good you should strive to make sure that this happens. I have no fucking clue what kinda scenario would allow you to just shoot a normal guard in the back in Good conscience if he still has his back to you and probably won't notice you. And if your PCs are infiltrating a police compound / some high security party in a hotel / a bank in a setting that isn't exploring the notion of a Jewish conspiracy, they better learn how to fucking Sneak and invest in some Sleep-in-a-bottle.
The only way you can justify this is if you play computer games where lost karma / reputation / whatever can be easily erased with some temple / beggar donations and nobody cares about it afterwards.
Well, or if you play Neutral or Evil.
>I-it's not like I want to burn down the orphanage with you our anything.
CG and CN are pretty much the default alignment of any unexperienced player. They make decisions according to what they would do as players, not characters, which is inevitably chaotic within the realm of the RP. I'd say being chaotic is the most ''productive'' alignement as you can do anything and your reason for it is ''I'm chaotic I ain't got to explain shit''
>I have no fucking clue what kinda scenario would allow you to just shoot a normal guard in the back in Good conscience if he still has his back to you and probably won't notice you.
>Team of good characters.
>Working undercover to take down a major terrorist organization that's been hidden for years
>Coerced into the mission so that all their lives will be ruined if they fail
>Party member is working infiltration and burglary of a neutral secured site
>NG party member is covering him with a sniper rifle
>Both watched by heavily-armed terrorists
>Plan is carefully organized around guard schedules and routine to completely eliminate any contact with guards so no risk of violence
>Random guard goes outside for a cigarette at the wrong moment and is poised to spot the infiltrating party party member
>NG party member has to either shoot the guard in the back or have his friend caught, both of them likely killed, the op ruined, their friends and families lives destroyed, and any shot they had of taking the terrorist organization down ruined
>Random guard got killed
>Organized and powerful group of murderous terrorists got wiped out.
>prefers not to just outright murder innocents
Sometimes what you would prefer just isn't an option
That was entirely too much greentext.
Also, the NG character was against the idea from the start, but didn't have a better one so the choice was to back up his friend or not.
Just watch Lethal Weapon.
The "Good Cop, Bad Cop" shtick is exactly what you're looking for.
And in this very convoluted scenario it never occurs to your high-tech high-tier SWAT team of good guys that a sniper rifle shot will be heard and raise alarm in the whole building so it's not a good option either, that a close quarters meeting between your infiltrator friend and a bumbly security guard will result in a very quick KO, or that they could very well be communicating through an intercom at all times, or that the player trusts his friend to make a stealth check worth a damn, or pretty much anything else?
There are too many alternatives that a real foolproof plan of non-violent good guys would just deal with. Unless, well, you set up your scenario from the start to be about sad necessities and put your players through No Russian from MW2 or name executing prisoners as a guarantee of their loyalty in the undercover group. But that's just kinda bleak as fuck if your party really wants to be all heroic. Even Wickian.
Was just going to say this. A good roleplayer can make any alignment fit with any party. But someone who wants to play Chaotic Stupid will fuck things up no matter how hard you try to coax them into cooperation.
>Chaotic Brad
A much maligned alignment, chaotic brads, or chads for short, can make an excellent addition to any party, so long as you provide beer
>sniper rifle shot will be heard and raise alarm in the whole building so it's not a good option either
Good point.
I don't remember but I suspect a silencer on the sniper rifle was involved.
>a close quarters meeting
Presumes guard wasn't armed and in a position to spot and shoot party member when they come into view
>a bumbly security guard
Or a well trained guard just earning a paycheck
Where'd you get this, seriously?
>They could very well be communicating through an intercom at all times
Guards were.
Infiltrator had no radio, for reasons, as I recall.
>the player trusts his friend to make a stealth check worth a damn
Hide in broad daylight in an alley between buildings in a secured facility?
>pretty much anything else?
Pretty much a "shoot or his friend gets caught & killed, then he gets killed by terrorists watching him, then everything else goes to shit" kind of situation.
He did wait until the last possible moment, hoping to telepathically send the guard back inside.
>unless you set up your scenario from the start to be about sad necessities
It wasn't my scenario, but it was entirely plausible.
It is the kind of nasty situation that might pop up with a high priority, deep cover operation.
Just stop playing D&D. At the very least, stop playing with alignment.
Nope, see pic related.