I started playing yugioh again, post your favourite cards and discuss why you like them
Yugioh thread
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This card right here is ma nigga. It was pretty dope to drop BRD and nuke everything back in the day.
I stopped playing YGO years ago and I dont plan on going back, but you, sir, are my nigga. Still got a deck based around Gol'gar and bouncing shit to my own Hand lying around, one of the few things i didnt sell.
Sure shows how far the game has changed. Back in the earliest days of playing this is all we had to set to do that sort of shit. Synchros were the best format though.
This fuckboy can OTK you. Do I need any more reason to love him?
Cyber jar came out in the same era as Relinquished, what the fuck are you talking about?
Cyber Jar is simple, Relinquished is far less simple.
Then why did reply to ?
I have a traditional deck with "banned cards" (traditional list) I play with my friends every once in a while it is based around this guy
just read that effect WTF that is busted
It's an amazing card. literally 10/10
I originally started playing at the last gasp of Chaos after the first ban list came out. I kept playing until the set with Treeborn Grog supercharging the dominat monarchs while my best friend couldn't find a Vic Viper in two boxes to form a gimme ck deck. This kind of shit drove us away for years
Around 2013 I got back into it solely because of my spirit animal here. I loved how the game had grow through the ages hiw the options had expanded and how playable decks were built instead of bullshit supporting one or two unintentionally OP decks at a time. Sadly that era didn't last but I'll always keep playing casuals with Madolches
Eh lots of typos but thats what I get for posting on my phone
not even the good one
jk I love relinquished. Hes kick ass.
What is that art from?
Exodia will always be my all time favourite but I love a lot of them. Played yugioh for years. I was really bitter during the synchro era but looking back it was still a ton of fun. Quit shortly after xyz was a thing. Unfortunately they keep adding new rules and jacking up prices like crazy. And the set rotation is like 3 months now? fuck that. I miss yugioh more than anything but I can't get back into the game. I have no interest in learning how pendulum summoning works.
I actually downloaded an archive of all the yugioh cards up to like 6 months ago or whenever i downloaded it. Going to sort them by year of release and eventually print a fuck ton of proxies. It'll be all, pick an era, build some decks, and have at it.
back to the topic though. My favourite cards in no particular order include
Demise king of armageddon because nuking the board every turn is amazing
Relinquished because who doesn't love stealing a kuriboh and having it blow up in your face. Also 1 star ritual monster
wall shadow because i thought he was the coolest when I was a kid. My goal was not to win the game, it was to summon a 5 star 3000 def monster then burn a spell to turn it into a 7 star 3000 def monster. idgaf
Ojamas because I regularly went 3-1 with an ojama exodia deck at locals during synchro era. Tutoring out defenders so i can dig for exodia while blocking off their card zones.
des frog / des croaking / substitoad. Figured out a turn two board clear and 8200 points of damage. unfortunately substitoad was banned instead of rhonintoad. had rhonintoad been banned the FTK wouldve been broken anyway and my deck would've still functioned well enough to compete.
dark magician girl because tits
so many others but i'm having a hard time thinking them up. it's been so long.
It's from Yugioh
Download Ygopro
Synchro, XYZ, and everything after is cancer. Konami just started making everything have ridiculous power creep so autists loved it because they could feel like they were good.
yea no.
Power creep isn't because autists love it. It's because yugioh is a non rotating format. People won't buy cards if the cards they have are better than the new ones. Also yugioh doesn't support limited, draft, multiplayer, singleton, commander, or any of the other numerous formats that mtg has. Even hearthstone has four formats (draft, standard, legacy, and tavernbrawl (custom rules)).
I always loved that my decks could always be played but konami ramped up the rate of their power creep and frequency of pack release. They also started banning key cards every time a new set was released so that peoples current decks were broken.
Things that yugioh does right more than anything else is frequent reprints and things like tins. Yugioh doesn't give a fuck about the secondary market which is the way it should be. While I won't play the game anymore because of stated reasons mtg has it wrong in that they will only ever reprint cards in small supply.
Oh shit tarmogoyf is 200$ lets reprint him in a premium priced reprint pack, but let's make him mythic rare anyway because fuck letting our collectors lose value in the cards they own.
Oh shit aether vial 50$ is climbing in price as are all the fancy swords and a bunch of other shit. Let's reprint them in standard! and give them fancy new artworks! And they wont be standard legal. Oh but lets print them at a rate of ONE per THREE BOXES. and you don't know which one you get out of the 20 or so we made. Final verdict? Reprint Aether Vial is 200$. gg wizards. you played us well.
Why not?
because yugioh is more fun with friends irl. I have other video games to play when I'm alone. I don't enjoy competitive play anymore because people like to get angry and i'm tired of trolling the hardcores.
I'm a johnny at heart and I just want to play cool plays. I don't have the energy to min max my decks to play against people I don't know.
magic has been scratching that itch for the past couple years. Semi recently built a kick ass shared fate deck (which effectively let's you switch decks with the opponent and is great in multiplayer). I'm also big on multiplayer because when I do a kick ass play I want a lot of people to see it
Any fun decks for a semi poor player getting back into the game?
Depends on what fun means to you
Anything you find fun.
Buy 3 Pendulum Domination Structure Deck
What the fuck is a pendulum? I'll try it. Don't know their rules though.
D/D/Ds don't really Pendulum, they play mostly as a Fusion/Synchro/Xyz deck.
Also, download Ygopro
my wife datenshi is so cute
Wow this is ridiculous. Is it as broken as it sounds? Looks fun though.
I want a halfway playable deck with either A) super huge janky combos or B) Mecha or both. Any suggestions?
Airknight Parshath was and will always be my favorite card in all of yugioh
Everything about grandsoil psychics just werks. Pic related nets you esper girl which nets you a card draw when you use it for a synchro summon. The deck is just so coherent and everything works together so well. In no other deck have I been able to use scapegoat on the end turn, then use enemy controller saccing a goat token and synching with the enemy monster. The value is just so good
basically anything with a crazy ass summoning condition or effect, the more impractical and wacky the better. Pic related is just one of many
Also alternative win conditions
It's not as broken as it sounds. Whenever yugioh reaches retard levels of brokenness it's not really tied to the summoning method alone but konami """""""forgetting""""" to add hard once per turn clauses to effects.
>See performage plushfire.
Seriously, this is the main draw of Yugioh for me. Just dumbass shit that is way too slow and dumb to ever actually work
>A) super huge janky combos
DDD (meta)
Metalfoes (meta and could be considered mecha)
Dark synchro (rouge) or just about any synchro deck.
Synchro Destiny Heroes ft Ultimaya (rouge and very fun)
Ritual Beasts (t3 or even below, infamous because of their long turns and making their opponents fall asleezzzzzzz)
>B) Mecha
Crystons (t2)
Dinomists (t2)
Cyber dragons (t3)
Quickdraw synchros ft Ultimaya and just about any synchro meme tech
Current yugioh player here.
If anyone wants advice on what decks could fit your playstyle or just want to catch up/understand new mechanics or the current meta, feel free to ask.
Anything to keep the thread alive a little while longer.
my favorite decks in hearthstone have always been freeze mage and handlock. Is there anything that plays similarly? Aka grindy and slow with powerful late game plays
Sadly (or good depending on your taste) the game is very fast right now. Grind games only happen in yugioh when the following happens:
>Both players drew well (specially the one going second since they need to break their opponent's board).
>Both players are playing decks with similar power level.
With that being said there are some options that could fit into that description
Paleozoics:Trap archetype with lots of disruption and with some setup turn into a combo deck.
>Rogue and below
These decks are sort of slow to set up but once they have their fields prepared they are hard to deal with.
Barrier statue beatdown: Focused on not letting your opponent special summon, very annoying to play against.
Psy-Frames: Control based archetype full of handtraps, it gets stronger every time your opponent makes a mistake.
Dark Magician: Yes DM got support, stun heavy deck full of control effects, slow to setup, very easy to disrupt, I wouldn't recommend it unless you really want a nostalgia trip.
anyone here play legacy of the duelist on ps4? is it worth it without the dlc? its on sale but im not sure if its worth buying it.
Started playing duel links tho and its fun af. Cant wait to try the Pegasus event later today
Danilo is that you?
>Barrier statue beatdown
At least in OCG that shit ain't rogue no more, they've been topping with some frequency
I, GETTER EMPEROR, the absolute weakest of /dng/, challenge one of you to a duel!
bought thatvgame for the lulz. many lulz were had. Played yhrough the first campaign. could keep going but git bored. totaly worth the 10$ tho
the centerpiece of the first non-retarded deck i've ever built
Consistency? We don't need consistency.
Damn this guy was the shit way back in the day.
Good times.
Anyway, I have steadily been collecting cards to build various decks in the slowest way imaginable.
Like seriously I have been building a deck around pic related since the card came out in motherfucking 2008.
What's taken me so long?
>Passing nostalgic 'check in, check out' level of interest. A lot to keep up with.
New seasonal bombshell mechanics like synchroshit are one thing, but the novel extract individual cards that still turn out to be shit anyway are retarded.
>Friends I know nostalgic for the game are too intimidated by the above
Though Xyz is cool and seems to literally be fusion finally done right.
>Disgusting player community.
Loudest and most obnoxious of any tcg scene and I've played Pokemon and Magic ffs
-Online stores are a minefield of shitty management.
Lost orders, wrong orders, false advertising, the lot. I recently bought 2x DCR Terrorking Archfiend listed as first edition, the motherfucking scan of the card was first edition, and I didn't receive no first edition shit.
All that aside, I'm determined to eventually finish building a, Magical Exemplar Earth Spellcaster swarm, a Dark Necrofear/Fiends deck, a Shadowpriestess of Ohm burn deck, some sort of rock control deck and maybe an Archfiend deck.
I'm additionally hindered by the fact most attempts at such decks would be absolute shit competitively, so have been extremely patient for competitive upgrades to the decks.
>Also Yu-Gi-Oh! card databases always seem shit and not current. And shit.
>All this forced archetype stuff is pretty stifling for homebrewing too.
Hunting for that one Infernity/Magicial Girl/Madolche/WhateverTheGoddamnFuck that isn't a complete parasite off its archetype to splash into one of my brews is a pain in the ass.
Sometimes I dunno why I bother.
>Still wanna see that new YGO movie.
>Still fondly look through my binder.
>Still rewatch the anime, inc season 0 and that red-eyes movie.
>You could pop a level one with 4000 attack on your first turn with the right spells if you used this guy
2 goblin kings protect and buff each other.
Love this guy
I've always liked this guy because of its artwork. I don't think it was ever good though.
Surprised noones posted this bamf yet. This guy carried me until XYZ became a thing, and now he has a comfy spot in my Monarch deck.
It's been over a decade, and my friends still get salty when he hits the field.
Nobody even play yugioh for 10 years
Printed way too late to ever be too good, but she's lovely all the same.
Is there any place I can get like a current tier list on what decks are good or not
for the ocg
>roadoftheking com/
Tickets are half-price before noon.
I don't care about the movie or the cards, but do you think I could get something worth more than $6?
That is physically painful.
I want to be as fabulous as Reiji.
Anyone have a good decklist for D/D?
What you really need is a gravity defying scarf, and pants that don't cover your ankles.
Weird choice I know but this really was my favourite card back when I played Yu-Gi-Oh like a decade ago.
Ofc this was back when all my opponents were fellow 11 year olds and a 3000 def wall was enough to stop most decks that 11 year olds could construct
>back in the day
Jesus Christ how old are you
I was just going to post this bad boy but ctrl + f'd first just in case. Such a good card, such good times. I remember getting a tin just for him
>Also yugioh doesn't support limited, draft
Limited and draft are the BEST YGO formats stfu.
This guy with Wildheart, Ocean, and Skyscraper 2 was my jam.
This is during the same era as Diamond Dude Turbo, of course, but I didn't have a couple spare grand sitting around as a 16yo.
This was the first card I saw when I opened my very first pack of Yugioh, and for that reason he'll always hold a special place in my heart, no matter how shit he was and always will be.
I used him in place of one of the good dinosaurs in dinorabbit back when that was a thing.
How many games did it take before you got a gamestate like that?
Support when
already has all the support it's going to get probably. Recently got a bit that helped but it's still not a good deck. Lawnmowing next door is interesting but still not good enough to keep up with meta
>Lawnmowing next door
discards cards from the top of your deck into the graveyard until you have the same number of cards as your opp. Allows you to have an insane graveyard if you're running a 60 card deck. The drawback is of course, having a 60 card deck. Infernoids actually pull it off pretty well though
It can mill just fine on its own. It just needs some good-ass searchers so it can gofast.
I've been experimenting with Red-eyes recently and I've found reasonable-ish ways to otk through burn damage. The red-eyes fusion cards are extremely consistent to summon turn 1 but is this even worth pursuing?
I still remember when this card was considered one of the best card in the game.
after being used to cards like vorse raider and gemini elves be scary af I was honestly shocked when I found out this card exists
>gemini elves, the first 1900 attack 4 star vanilla, basically came out in 2005
Didn't take them long to power creep at all. By 2008 the format was starting to chew through half the deck to spit out loads of dudes. Anyone remember OG Six Samurai, DDT, or DAD?
This bad boy came out nearly five years before that.