Which other boards do you frequent?
From order of most time to least:
1. Veeky Forums
2. /pol/
3. /x/
4. /out/
Which other boards do you frequent?
From order of most time to least:
1. Veeky Forums
2. /pol/
3. /x/
4. /out/
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
1. tg
2. tv
3. v
4. aco = pol
Veeky Forums
1. /cgl
2. Veeky Forums
3. Veeky Forums
4. /int/
Need more LARPers, and more of them knowing we have a dedicated thread on CGL. It's also our containment board, in a sense.
In descending order of importance:
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums (one thread)
>Veeky Forums
1. Veeky Forums
2. /vp/
3. /n/ -/dbt/
4. /h/
Thanks to this thread I just discovered adult cartoons.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
>just discovered adult cartoons
Veeky Forums
[spoiler/] /d/
>Veeky Forums isn't even listed
W-wrong board?
Just Veeky Forums and some occasional shitposting on /x/ and /v/.
Oh, I thought this was about other boards you visit. Yeah well, then Veeky Forums after all that.
Veeky Forums
1 /pol
2 /gif/
3 Veeky Forums
4 /d/
5 /tv/
Honestly don't know why I bother with anything but Veeky Forums and /gif/ anymore. The memes have left /pol/ for greener pastures, le 'alt-light' killed the board
1: Veeky Forums
2: /wsg/
3: /d/
4: /pol/
1:Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
None. I mean occasionally I wander into /a/ or /b/ but it's been about a year now since I went to any of the others.
Veeky Forums
I'm kinda surprised there aren't more /k/ommandos so far, there's a lot of cross-boarders.
/k/ommando here
Veeky Forums
At the moment it's:
Veeky Forums
In the past /v/, Veeky Forums, /d/, /aco/, or /mlp/ may have replaced one or all of the above.
1. /k/
2. /pol/
3. /diy/
4. /out/
1. Veeky Forums
2. /gif/
3. /b/
That's not how you spoiler.
Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
You poor soul.
1-2. Veeky Forums = /m/
3. /aco/
4. /gif/
1. Veeky Forums - I don't even actually play traditional games (time and lack of friends I can get interested) but this board has the best Writefags and Lore,l and stories in general.
2. /pol/ - They're entertaining at times with good bantz. Funnily enough, despite being called a circle jerk, it's really just in a state of argument and war with everyone and everything.
3. /trash/ - I'm a filthy degenerate but I'm not Slanneshi enough to be a /d/eviant yet, so I go there for unconventional porn and feels.
4. /r9k/ - Fuck if I know why I go there at all. Whenever I go there, I always come back feeling even more depressed.
1. /mu/
2. Veeky Forums
3. /pol/
4. /tv/
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I'm being sneaki-breeki like a oper8tional /k/ommando should, /k/omrade
Veeky Forums
Fun fact: there's a sizeable overlap between our gaming /k/omrades and GURPS players.
For me It's purely Veeky Forums, though I do lurk some of the nsfw boards for... well, obvious reasons.
1. /v/
2. /g/
3. Veeky Forums
4. /asp/
Of course you can't see a bother /k/ommandos.
It'z cuz deyz wuz cunnin' gitz an' painted demselves purple ta' be extra sneaky
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
The order of the list changes up every month though, I'm not very consistent.
Veeky Forums
Party, bonus
Veeky Forums daily
/k/ almost daily
/ic/ almost daily
/asp/ whenever there's sumo Basho going on.
I check on /v/ and Veeky Forums just to remind myself that they're a shitshow, but all my non-Veeky Forums time is spent on /co/. And /trash/.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
My fellow trashmen.
It like being in a secret club where the secret is your shame
Aw, all my secrets are shameful ones.
That's nothing! I frequent Pathfinder General.
Jesus, dude. Seek help.
That shame is a powerful normie repellant. Keeps the board safe and free. /k/ and Veeky Forums are also generally safe because normies can't into complex hobbies
Veeky Forums
/v/ =Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums = Veeky Forums
Pretty weird spread now that I look at them together. /v/ used to be my number one but then it became a shit slinging contest of the tedious unfunny variety between "SJW"s and other retardedly vocal asshats. At least before the shit slinging was vidya related with console fanboyism etc.
Veeky Forums
>All these /pol/ /aco/ /v/ Veeky Forums faggots etc.
No wonder the board went to shit.
1. /pol/
2. Veeky Forums
3. Veeky Forums
4. Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums and /k/ 99% of the time I have them both open and browse boards in one while waiting for new posts in an interesting thread on the other
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
>calling anyone else a faggot
This is the height of hypocrisy.
I'm only there to tell the 189er MMA fans why they're retarded.
1. /pol/;
2. Veeky Forums;
3. Veeky Forums;
4. Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I highly advise against going to Veeky Forums in any serious capacity, I'm going to be really honest with you about that one. Maybe I'm just spoiled by here, though.
Veeky Forums
All the /pol/lacks and nobody even bats an eyebrow. Wew Lad.
After /b/ was deluged in amateur camgirls, the only other board I visit is /vp/ when I'm taking an extended shit and don't want to read anything I might get pulled into. It basically replaced /b/ as my "comb through shitposts" board. I also visit /x/ a few times a year.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
/d/;Veeky Forums
All those /d/eviants. I love you guys.
I browse and check almost every board except most of the porn boards, but on a daily basis the boards I browse the most are
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
I used to go on /a/, /x/, /mu/, and other boards a lot more but now I only go on them once in awhile. All the other blue boards I check every once in awhile, or daily depending on my mood and interests.
Veeky Forums
Apart from /aco/ I like to think I don't contribute to the shittyness of any of the boards despite primarily browsing /pol/.
1. Veeky Forums
2. Veeky Forums
3. Veeky Forums
4. /vip/
Veeky Forumstg/
I've stopped using /x/ lately though. Probably because that one meetup thread. We all got so jazzed on facebook about it and then nthing came as a result.
1. Veeky Forums
2. /co/
3. Veeky Forums
4. /aco/
5. /d/
That picture is really something.
The age old question stands, have anyone of them on /pol/ actually done anything in the real world, or have they just howled on the internet?
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
/an/ once in a while
Used to browse /int/ before it becames /general/
>The memes have left /pol/ for greener pastures, CTR killed the board
fixed that for (((you)))
1. Veeky Forums
This is the only board I care about. It's my own personal safe space and the closest thing I have to an internet "safe space". Been on Veeky Forums for 10 straight years now and my tip to all of you is never ever trust someone who claims to be an "oldfriend"
I use to browse /pol/ but its changed and so have I. They're less about discussions and more about breaking into the mainstream and being a legitimate hub for online political culture like Reddit ever since gamer gate. They've even adopted this weirdly SJW-like sense of whiny victimhood and persecution complex which is annoying. It's almost reached /v/eddit and /tv/ levels of cancer.
1. Veeky Forums
2. /u/
3. /gif/
4. /qst/
Veeky Forums
If you seriously don't think the massive enthusiasm they drummed up there, meming constantly for trump 24/7, with a /trumpgen/ up continuously for the last 2 years straight, twitter accounts by the millions, spreading news, and making arguments, had any effect, then you are surprisingly detached.
The whole "alt-right" label was the left's retarded attempt to grasp and this huge surge of disparate autists that they saw climbing out of the woodwork. Hillary Clinton had a whole speech about how evil it was that a bunch of anime profiles were tweeting pictures of green frogs.
/r/The_Donald is completely an offshoot of /pol/ /trumpgen/ threads. And they had tons of influence (for a le reddit forum). Donald Trump did an AMA there, as well as at least a dozen other relevant figures, because they so completely went to the wall fighting, arguing, and drudging up enthusiasm. For gods sake they had Ben Garrison do an AMA.
I genuinely think Veeky Forums influenced the election.
Sounds ridiculous, but you had to be there at the beginning, and see the way /pol/ was supporting him from the very beginning, and when he started retweeting the memes made on /pol/. We were his primary base, and when he started winning, he became legitimate and normies realized it was okay to support Trump, because they secretly believed everything he was saying, despite the media telling them he was a racist.
So... I'm just gonna say it. You and your ilk are the problem with Veeky Forums. It's not /pol/lacks, it's the overly sensitive Plebbitors and "muh Teegee" guys that are ruining it by autistically replying to every single bait thread.
A lot of people said old Veeky Forums had no bait and was awesome. This is Bullshit. The reality was that we were mostly composed of veterans from /b/ and other thread who learned to ignore bait, and not take things so seriously.
In other words, your waifu is shit, your edition sucks ass, your opinions are wrong, and you enjoy getting raped by furry wolf cocks.
>you enjoy getting raped by furry wolf cocks
Veeky Forums
Almost never- /mu/ /tv/(worst board)
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>/d/;Veeky Forums
but are you a grill?
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
>Literally any other season
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
>All the /pol/lacks and nobody even bats an eyebrow. Wew Lad.
It's disgusting, but pointing it out risks derailing the thread.
1. Veeky Forums
2. /tv/
3. /m/
4. /k/
Veeky Forums
Everything else is like a one time click every few months.
That's both fascinating and horrifying. Because by that logic, you could well see the rise of a full-on Neo-Nazi organization to power though the Internet. It reminds me of something I read in a book I was reading about the 60s: 'While the Left Battled for the Campus, the Right won Politics'. And it seems that's what's happened with the internet as well.
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
I have really differing tastes in hobbies, but I can kind of talk to anyone about anything really because of this site. I use a lot of boards here.
Ideally neither side should decisively "win" a channel of communication. The internet is about free flow of information, not just information that is beneficial to a political movement
Tumblr is likely a better suited website for recreational usage. You won't have to deal with us problematic types :(
For a system used for free flow of information, it has been most effective at creating echo-chambers that have created the worst polarization in politics in living memory.
kill you're selves
>Veeky Forums