/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General Bread Edition

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>What's a high-end fancy food in your setting?

>What's a food for commoners? What are some crops grown in your setting?

>What are some animals kept as livestock?

>What kinds of animals are kept as pets?

>What's the biggest political shake-up in the last five years?

>What's something foreign that's seen within the culture (like sushi or yoga)?

>How many people typically live in a single household?

>What kind of music do people enjoy?

>What's a fashion trend that's currently in vogue or which has been recently?

>What are some common sayings, truisms, or slang terms?

>What is an old wives' tale in your setting?

>What's a popular rumor about a monarch or other leader?

>How might people spend their leisure time?

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I am new to conlanging and I had the fucking idiotic idea of making a proto-lenguage like PIE. But I cant understend/find information about phonological constraints of PIE. How cant I get this information from proto-indo-european or examples from other languages?

I dont really want a "full lenguage", I want something like a list of words that I can use In specific moments of the history. I really want to show how the language changes through the ages in a reallistic way. This is why I cant just put some letters together that sound cool or look cool.

Going to throw my old post to here as conversation starter.

>What's a high-end fancy food in your setting?
Duck meat. Mallard Folk herds domesticated ducks as food for special occasions and trade goods. Of course foodstuffs imported from abroad is always wanted by nobility.

>What's a food for commoners? What are some crops grown in your setting?
Oats and Rye are the main crops and food derived from them. Easy to grow and both Mallard Folk and farm ducks can eat oats. They also grow some marsh grasses and reeds for leaner times.

>What are some animals kept as livestock?
Because Mallard Folk are pretty small, it is rare for them to have cattle. So pigs, chickens and of course ducks are kept. Mallard Folk really doesn't care that they are herding their "retarded" cousins and eating them. Their neighbours do find that slightly disturbing.

>What kinds of animals are kept as pets?
Cats are liked for their mouse and rat hunting skills. Cats also are somewhat frightened from different creatures that move in the woods that they serve as alarms. When cat behaves erratically something is awry.


>What's the biggest political shake-up in the last five years?
After previous High Chief Rikhard died, and his second son was elected to be the next High Chief the other five sons didn't really like it. In long civil war that engulfed whole Red Marsh and Mallard population beyond. Second son won after killing his big brother in single combat during the clash of their armies. High Chief Roland now has long task to weld Red Marsh together again. Elective Gavelkind is a bitch.

>What's something foreign that's seen within the culture (like sushi or yoga)?
Mallard Folk is against common belief quite well traveled. Especially young sons of nobility travel abroad in search of glory and treasure to boost their probability to inherit. Of course if travelers come from faraway they are met with strange looks and disdain. Basic farmer of course hasn't seen much, it is too big effort to wander around as you could be farming at home.

>How many people typically live in a single household?
Typical household includes drake, hen and 4-15 ducklings. Hen can lay 1-6 eggs, but more eggs means bigger chance for hen to die during the process. In one year ducklings have entered the fledgling age and in age of three they are juvenile. Juvenile Mallards participate in running the household and are considered adults in age of 10. Adult Mallards then can choose what they want from their lifes. Usually adult Mallards stay at the household until they find a wife and start their own farm.


>What kind of music do people enjoy?

>What's a fashion trend that's currently in vogue or which has been recently?
Due to High Chief Rolands noticiable red stripe on his head, colour red has been the thing for past few years. All self respecting nobles and ladies want to wear it.

>What are some common sayings, truisms, or slang terms?
"Look before you jump" saying coming from the fact that Red Marsh has some lakes and ponds that are habitated by large pikes and other swamp creatures. So you have to look and see if it is safe. Fits also to many other situations. Plan before doing anything basically.

>What is an old wives' tale in your setting?
If you springle the eggs with pike resin, it makes the ducklings strong and fertile. Doesn't really do anything else than makes everything to stick to eggs.

>What's a popular rumor about a monarch or other leader?
That High Chief Roland is bastard. Other brothers don't have the red stripe on head. Elders do remember that one ancestor had the stripe.

>How might people spend their leisure time?
Nobility has their own feasts and religious meetings and parties to attend. Cityfolk appreciates the gladiators fighting and training, shows replaying great victories are the best thing. Common folk has their own fairs and times to celebrate. Usually thought after work day is over, people gather around in their homes to listen to old tales of glory or just making some shingles to be burned for light.

Going to write about Kvennes. They are underground race, bit like mixture of falmer, HoMM 3 troglodytes and DnD troglodytes. But they are not as savage or crude as they are.

>What's a high-end fancy food in your setting?
Due to food sources being limited underground, more or less everybody eat the same stuff. Difference is just in the quality of the dishes and for nobility the fact that they usually have more diverse dishes. Cave fish, mushrooms, meat from cave frogs. Cave chickens are one of the only domesticated animals there.

>What are some crops grown in your setting?
Due to normal crops being more or less impossible to grow, their farming has concentrated on cultivating different mushrooms and reeds or grasses that can survive in the waters.

>What are some animals kept as livestock? What kinds of animals are kept as pets?
Cave chickens are blind creatures that can eat dried mushroom bits and reeds for their survival. They are very common and are found everywhere.

>What's the biggest political shake-up in the last five years?
Geon the Overseer after several years of built up declared wars of annexation to other Kvennes underground. One by one they were conquered and now he was preparing to launch an attack against dwarven of Red Mountain. Before he managed to so that, he was assassinated.

>What's something foreign that's seen within the culture (like sushi or yoga)?
Most items and foods coming from overworld. Rarely they have anything to trade with those not in caverns.

>How many people typically live in a single household?
Only few. Kvennes are very independent. When kvenne is 6 years old, he/she heads out to do whatever he/she wants to do. Usually this is to make name for himself/herself. With natural lifespan of 30ish years for those without magic, they are in bit hurry.

>What kind of music do people enjoy?
Claves, they make claves out of tge fungus trees. Their very good hearing can notice small differences in different claves.

Picture bit related

>What's a fashion trend that's currently in vogue or which has been recently?
Ponchos have been the wear for long period. Due to bad eyesight, different trinkets and bones are used to denote rank and wealthy. They can be heard and felt easily.

>What are some common sayings, truisms, or slang terms?
"stay awhile and listen" Kvennes have superb hearing and it is common for them to stop to listen before they do anything.

>What is an old wives' tale in your setting?
A story of a invincible Dwarven who single handedly broke all kvenne buildings as they were too weak. Tge teaching is to make as good thing as possible always. No shoddy work.

>What's a popular rumor about a monarch or other leader?
It is suspected that Geon the Overseer was assassinated by the priests who support another Overseer that is now competing for leadership.

>How might people spend their leisure time?
There is no day/night cycle in the caverns so mostly they just work. They know that they do not live long, so they they try to get most out of it.

I want Kvennes to be counter for Dwarven expansion underground. A race that has evolved to survive in the caverns. They are not savages and can built and mine whatever they want. They have whole civilization down there.

There is going to be Deep Dwarven as the another underground race.

Just take the top 3-5 Indoeuropean languages and swap around letters and pronunciation until something vaguely Romantic appears. Add in some old Sanskrit for flavor.

That is not very helpful... Thanks anyway.