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What's your favorite nonhuman race to play? What's your favorite part of it?

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>What's your favorite nonhuman race to play? What's your favorite part of it?
Elfyboots because while the rest of the party is sleeping I can play pranks on them

This is why people hate elves, y'know. Damn sexy elves.

Can a spell with a verbal component be successfully cast underwater?

Dwarf. Hammers and Axes and Ale, oh my.

By RAW and RAI: no.


However as a note, you can't hold your breath if you perform verbal components.

Sorry shit, the answer should be "yes, they can be cast underwater," but you can't hold your breath if you do.

So, do you drown when you cast a spell?

Dwarf. They're strong, stout, bearded and have incredible attention to detail. Craftsmanship and creativity matter to them.

Caveat: No Celtic or Scandinavian accents.I only play dwarves with a thick Russian accent because.

I also like to play with dwarven fastidiousness. My cleric's order believes that making the world more permanent is the ultimate virtue. Building things that last longer than mountains, stopping rampant wild growth. Ideally, time would just stop. This makes some things difficult, though. Healing can be considered heretical and no spells with material components are allowed. Additionally, he will put out ANY fire that he can see because they are always shortlived and consume fuel, changing things permanently.

He has very low charisma.

Or start suffocating (Con mod rounds minimum 1) at least. It's one of the areas 5e's rules just kind of gloss over.