Stat him, Veeky Forums.
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Is that Tintin? Jesus Christ, what happened, did he have like a second Puberty or something?!
Is that Lucas in high school?
Creepy Fucker/10
Its' Mirio TÅgata from Boku no Hero Academia. He's a cutie.
Nudist Warp Fucker/10
Looks more like Vaultboy.
High STR ranks, Intangibility at reaction speed, or just have "affects physical" extra on his strength to model him phasing in and out fast. Also superspeed some ranks, attack on the move, multiattack.
That's just what he shown so far.
>intangibility at reaction speed
>yfw you realize he has to hold his breath to become intangible
Look at his cheeks when he fights.
Hold up, he was talking while phasing through walls though.
He probably can stay phased but to phase incoming hits or unphase from the wall he must hold his breath again.
Could be. Could be that holding his breath is required for his partial phasing - holding the pants up or attacking, while he can be fully tangible or fully intangible without holding.
Well, we're going to see more with the next chapter.
The other guy said his quirk isn't worth being jealous of, but Shadow Kat powers seems pretty good IMO. I'd certainly find it very useful. It's god tier defensive wise and quite useful for utility. Just because it's not super offensive doesn't mean it's bad. Why do you guys think he said the quirk wasn't worth being envious of when we have people like Mr. Gentleman, quirkless people, and other far more useless quirks flying around? Cellophane tape guy?
>The other guy said his quirk isn't worth being jealous of
Not quite how I parsed that.
He was just saying that he wasn't coasting on raw power of the quirk, but that his mad skill at applying it is why he is so broken.
I.e. if you'd give his quirk to an ordinary guy, he'd still be ordinary hero, but Tin Tin milks it for all it's worth.
Stat him instead.
I crib superman's statblock, replace flight with jump and laser eyes and shit with more punching.
I can't tell if he means that the quirk isn't anything special or if there's some major downside to the quirk that hasn't been discussed yet.
The downside is it only works when holding breath.
Its a bit of a contested point whether to nickname him Vaultboy or Tin Tin.
This is his true form
broken as fuck/10
If Japan has a hero academy, there's no reason why France shouldn't have one.
I say France because Belgium isn't even a real country
America has heroes, and seems to be well-regarded due to Hori being a westaboo. America might even be the "birthplace of superheroism" as a reference to comicbooks?
Would hope he's enough of a westaboo to know the difference between countries and give other western nations heroic tradition too.
Though if he was really copying comicbooks then the non-american countries would mainly just have shallow stereotypes that only exist to job so the real heroes can do the work.
It was just a joke, but as for some serious discussion about BnHA, I imagine other countries would have heroes as well but they simply don't matter to the plot. Only grorious Nippon and Murica do. But that's fine, it keeps the plot focused.
>This is an american metahuman
Did he fuckin tie her up with her own earjacks?
Yes. In
Level 1 commoner
So, its out on mangastream and the drawback is he is cut off from absolutely everything, not just the air, so he needs to plan his moves extremely fast in advance
Like in Harry Potter's universe, which nations would most likely have Hero schools?
STR: 20
DEX: 12
CON: 18
INT: 11
WIS: 13
CHA: 17
>CHA not max as well
No light, no sound, no air, just falling forever until you decide the right time to turn it off. Fucking horrifying.
What's hilarious is that I've spent last couple days playing Astroneer and abusing the hell out of clipping through walls and shooting up to the surface.
Only difference is that in that game doing it gives you superxrayvision rather than blinds.
>that sounds like a video game glitch!
Ashido pls go
Nuh-uh she's adorbs.
>Belgium isn't even a real country
This is true.
What happens when he steps through a wall but messes up the phasing of his backleg? He'd hit the wall with basically an open wound, nerves and meat and all, wouldn't he? Or when he phases and drops through the ground - he's blind and deaf, and if he'd drop too deep, he could arguably drown before being pushed out again. Not to mention the difficulty of maneuvering blindly.
It's a quirk that takes a lot of work to use properly.
If his power turns off midway in a surface he gets propelled out at varying speeds like a video game
...and? I mentioned that.
We don't know his quirk yet desu
Chapter just dropped today. His quirk is "phaser" he can phase through anything, yet he retains his mass, so gravity still affects him.
The teleportation ability comes from the fact that, like D&D, if he unphases while in solid matter, he's shunted to the nearest available space, however he skips out on taking damage. This has basically led to him developing his quirk to teleport and take out enemies.
The catch is that he's basically in a complete freefall when he phases his entire body, and he has to time it just right or he could fall too far. It also takes some work to phase through a door or wall because he has to concentrate on which parts of his body are in phase mode.
I just saw the fight, did he punch Deku in the stomach or poke his actual stomach? I'm curious how he could use the the fact he's shunted out of an object he unphases in when dealing damage.
Imagine he partially phases inside of you then unphases. You'd probably be ejected opposite of the direction he was in as well.
When he reappears out of an object he gets increased acceleration from the quirk so that makes his punches stronger.
Probably but there has to be an upward limit to it.
So far he doesn't have increased durability so if he goes to hard he could still damage his body.
I'm reminded of the dude from Grappler Baki who figured out how to punch and kick at the speed of sound. Problem was doing so broke his hand and feed. Then he did it twice on one hand and completely destroyed it.
>second puberty
limerick pls go
"The human body wasn't meant to be a whip."
He punched. He faked a phase-using attack with his right but instead punched him with his left, you can see motion lines.
Sneaky guy
"I definitely overdid it this time..."
Gee, you think?
Freak's Squeele is a French comic about a superhero school, I personally enjoy it.
Fucking Katsumi
No, that's not it at all. Because it works, he can't breathe while he uses it on his lungs. He said he can partially phase things so holding his breath to phase his hand doesn't make sense. When he uses it fully, yeah he can't breathe, so he needs to have held his breath first. It's not holdbreath->intangible, it's intangible->nobreathing.
That comment was posted before the new chapter was uploaded.
Guess I'll just write in real life locations and the areas they would cover for hero schooling.
France, Spain, Portugal - Marseilles
Britain and Ireland- York
Scandinavian countries, Germany and Island - Oslo
Central Europe (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia) - Vienna
Balkans (from Bosnia to Macedonia to Bulgaria and Romania) - Belgrade
Southern and SE Europe (Italy, Albania, Greece, Malta) - Malta
Eastern Europe + West Asian countries(Belarus, Ukraine ,Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia etc.) - Moscow
Turkey - Ankara
Israel - Jerusalem
Syria - Allepo (most of the heroes would support Assad)
Iraq - Baghdad
Saudis and the rest of the gulf states - Mecca
India - New Delhi
China - one for each mayor coastal region and one for each inland region capital
Korea - Seoul (NK and their dictatorship would fall first chance when people are able to gain so much power individually)
Japan - Kyoto
Canada - Quebec
USA - Texas, California, Flordida and Washington + one of the states along the Mississippi.
And I'm Kandahar lazy to do the rest.
Glob Herman?
>(NK and their dictatorship would fall first chance when people are able to gain so much power individually)
desu if I were running a supers game
and somebody asked me "why the real-as-is stasis, what about shit like north korea?"
my answer would be "NK doesn't exist and SK is an island now."
But what if Kim Jong Il got superpowers and could do all the shit he claimed
the implication is that he did and the ensuing superbrawl basically turned warring supers into new MAD doctrine.
She is a filthy xeno and must be purged
It's an X-ray shot
Orochi Katsumi is attempting to create a new technique that allows his arm to act like a whip and surpass the speed of sound, as you can see hear that doesn't work out so well and he ends up losing the arm
Noo, she cute.
>It's an X-ray shot
what the hell is up with his bones anyway?
Nope, she needs to be ripped and torn
Mod, you know that was an actual character from this series right?
It had nothing to do with the tiny-rainbow-horses show
Nothing. It' Katsumi imagining his bones in such a way to allow him to do Mach Punch but his body is normal.
-8 HP
>France, Spain, Portugal - Marseilles
Well, they'd have 90% of the crime in the region right outside of their doorstep ;_;
...I don't get it.
They actually explain that. When he's intangible he can't breath/see/hear because literally everything passes through him and he only feels the sensation of falling.
Those guesses were made before full explanation chapter was available.
You are not ready yet then
Quick! Create a superhero based on your country or state
You don't want to know
Loses to air ducts, pipes, and basements. 0/10 would not name number one hero again.
>Japan has MULTIPLE hero academies
>But nope, these countries? 3.
Top kek Veeky Forums famous sub 90 IQ at work again!
Or maybe he didn't feel like making all of them like he says at the end of the post you sperglord
China and the USA also have more than 3 each
Some extraordinarily effective bait you have there
That doesn't make post less retarded tho
You're getting angry over nothing. Other schools don't even appear in any shape or form until a very recent arc that probably won't get adapted for years to come if it is adapted at all, otherwise they're just implied when it is said UA is the top hero course in Japan as opposed to the only one
Hey I want to know. I just haven't encountered the particular "limerick" in relation to magical realming of that sort.
A secondary-effect of his quirk has left him with blue skin and neon-orange hair
Gains incredible warrior power from ingesting IrnBru, furthermore devices in his costume allow him to channel this power into "Thistle Missiles" as a ranged attack
Stat her instead
Smash my head/10
Now that I see it, that story is actually one of the very few made by him that contains neither the phrases "second puberty" or "sneezing brains out"