Filename thread!










That's fucking disgusting... I love it.

alignment threads was a better filename





Wait what, "Elf can't into dieting" is getting translated?



bull fucking shit. men are bad, but women are infinitely fucking worse. At least men don't generally mix in blood in their washrooms

Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I think the idea is to get people arguing about the image so that the janitor will come into the thread and delete all the posts for being /pol/.

Wouldn't it be 'Scroll of Summon Janitor' then?

brother worked at a mini-golf place. can confirm.
also dudes CAN aim, even if they don't. When women hover, it gets messy.


Hey look, it's working!

The image is actually wrong and so people who have worked as janitors will come out to point that out, hence the name.

It's from a recent filename thread, the point is that Veeky Forums apparently has a fair few anons who have worked as janitors. And who immediately stepped in to point out the flaws in the image. Thus, the new name.

it's called scroll of reveal janitor because whenever you post that image someone with janitorial experience (or anyone who has ever cohabitated with a significant number of women) will correct it


Nah, the idea is to get people to say "that's wrong, and I should know because...", i.e. to get to reveal himself as a janitor. Also 's brother.

I had an idea for something like this to summon barneyfag.

I need some help with naming these.

>The Oatmeal
get that garbage outta here

>Int as a dump stat


the lid stuck in the ceiling is neat and all, but look at the rest of the damage.
Imagine if you were unfortunate enough to have been standing next to it


>the Daemon host has awakened

This is accurate in one place I cleaned and so very, very wrong in another place I cleaned. Couldn't tell you why.

/tv/, but
>the consequence of not getting that hothead out of here


>Low wis cultists


This should be good for at least a few more threads.

Underrated post


I used to think this. Then my wife told me stories.

Now I am confuse. YOU SIT DOWN! WHY SO MESSY?

Women tell those stories because they're not used to the filth of a men's public restroom. Their own restroom looks filthy because they don't have anything to compare. Don't get it wrong, that picture is an obvious exaggeration and a completely clean public restroom simply cannot exist for long.

Also a lot of women don't sit down in public restrooms, precisely because they consider it messy sometimes even it can't be detected. Strangers sit there so it MUST be messy.


Less talk upside down satan, and more image posting.

A good theory, but I've heard from cleaning ladies that women's bathroom's tend to be worse. Clogged toilets and bloody tampons everywhere, on top of the usual stuff.


That seems enough time that the victim might notice something's off and toss the choco far enough to avoid harm. Maybe just one second instead?

But it's not a second, but seven seconds away.


You need to be able to break it and then throw it as a potential grenade, as well. The confusion of having metal in your chocolate should be plenty of time, few poeple would be able to go from "delicious chocolate" to "Is that a fucking bomb?" if it's being used like you say.

Why the fuck do women think it's perfectly fine to flush tampons down the toilet?

If it didn't dissolve inside of your rancid bloody cunt, then WHAT THE FUCK makes you think it's going to dissolve inside of the plumbing the way toilet paper does?

Chewing gum in the urinals is also annoying, if less disgusting than used tampons.

bard finnaly questions class choice



My google-fu is weak, sauce?




"Bed Warmer" eh?



That is fucking disgusting.

Also why didn't they kill the lizard? If he was willing to stab it once, why would some blood stop him from embedding the blade in its skull, especially if it's now cornered with nowhere to run?

>killing some poor innocent defenseless animal all because some idiot who was trespassing shanked himself.

Are you retarded?

As one degenerate to another, sauce?

>poor innocent defenseless animal
Have you ever been bitten?

its ok user, somehow i'll live, unless you know the sauce and just won't tell me. If that's the case then it's not ok.

Have you any reading comprehension? The lizard DID bite the handler and didn't even break skin.

That lizard violated the NAP.
Nuke it and enslave it's spawn.



Aren't Alligator lizards relatively large? How big of a hole did the retard stab in his leg?


It was probably a baby.

>Attempting to redeem a succubus

I see the Iron Warriers had texts leak through the warp.

Here, let me add.

Ay, got one.

>local vampire goes camping



I used to have to clean bathrooms at my old job. This is so wrong. Womens bathrooms are worse. So much worse.

You, fellow user, have just shown us how effective the Scroll of Reveal Janitor is. Congratulations.

did he died

He is still falling to this day

He went into the abyss, he should consider himself lucky if all that happened to him was death.




I keep seeing that, but I can't help but wonder: Are Party Cannon actually any good? I mean, I don't know any of the bands there, let alone much of the genre, but still...


I like them.


Not very large, they grow up to 30 cm or something like that. A big one balled up would be probably smaller than your closed fist. If the stab wound is really deep, a small or medium one would probably fit. It's not going to be nice, though.

It's a quite harmless animal. It bites aggressively but it can barely draw blood from a human, and it's not venomous. In 's story, probably people freaked out because it seemingly burrowed inside a man and the mentioned nurse just shat their pants when a mysterious reptile from a man's bloody leg tried to bite them.

Cleansing and disinfecting that wound must have been a nightmare, though. Especially considering that these lizards shit a lot when in danger as a deterrent defense strategy.

>It bites aggressively
Thus violating the NAP.

