how come everyone likes dwarves and nobody likes elves?
It can't be because elves are dicks, dwarves also are, but somehow they get a pass and people think it's endearing when a dwarf is being a dick but insufferable when it's an elf.
How come everyone likes dwarves and nobody likes elves?
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Dwarves are the reddit of fantasy races. Elves are hated cause they not super duper manly for people to over compensate with.
Elves are incredibly popular in the fantasy scene. Probably the most popular behind humans.
Veeky Forums just spent years seeing so many I Hate Elves memes. So now we take that attitude seriously and pretend Elf fans are some kind of minority of pariahs.
Personally I don't like elves or dwarves. I like orcs or failing that tribal themed humans.
No, you like musclegirls.
fat small bearded drunkard identifies much more with most Veeky Forums people than identfying with something Beautiful elegant and sophisticated.
I know a guy who does want to play a female elf but doesnt do it because of weird looks from others and then jokes about people who do probably out of insecurity.
A lot of people also probably only know the prissy ass LoTR-Movie Elves and War- -hammer, -Craft ones. Settings in which the Dwarves are slightly more chill with humans
>Dwarfs: Somethingawful
>Elfs: Reddit
Gelataneous cubes: Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is not the world. I'm a fan of neither personally.
I can see the scorn behind elves though, since most of them are just human+1. They're smarter tham humans, they're more dangerous than humans, they're more pretty than humans, etc etc. I've personally seen a lot of ego-wish fufillment when I used to play on a warcraft (I know..) RP server. Almost all elves were thin-skinned, glory hogging, screaming queens who wanted to impose dominance but just radiate insecurity instead... perhaps the players were unconciously rp'ing elves very well. Who knows?
Never once played a female orc or barbarian though. I just like grittier "uncouth" motifs.
I like my girls tall with a bit of tone but I'm not into the body builder look
It's a meme at this point. Most of you are too young to remember the Complete Book of Elves, then again people didn't hate Elves so much as the people who played them.
The image I post the most in Veeky Forums
Elves are pompous Holier-than-thou-because-I-am pricks. Dwarves are too, but their common motivations and culture is more identifiable and they have more room to be less of dicks.
>dwarves craft cool shit that anybody could use
>elves have cool abilities that only they can use
That's probably the difference.
>how come everyone likes dwarves and nobody likes elves?
Bait, nobody can be this stupid.
Why are Dwarves always Scottish?
-because Scotland is cool.
Nah dude dwarves are reddit. LOL BRO MEAD, VIKINGS AND BEARDS.
Originally based on jews. Alot of daerves in other settings are pretty unimaginative while people at least do fresh things with elves.
i dont like elves because smooth and graceful are not my thing
tough, robust, and heavy handed is the look i prefer
Also because elves, atleast when I was young, really drew on the powergaming self-insert characters from my pals.
The way that, from Tolkien's lore atleast, they ARE actually better than humans in every way and reach near demi-god status from time to time. Well it just draws out the worst power fantasies in some young nerds.
I prefer Northern dwarves.
As in North English.
Because forced meme.
Are they? In my experience the ony scottish thing is accent
most dwarves are pretty bland otherwise, so the only things that stand out are their appearance and their accent.
Beat me to it.
>how come everyone likes dwarves
They don't
Seriously, dwarves aren't anywhere near that popular as you think. I imagine that's due to their comparative lack of variety, especially in image
It's the "normie's choice" of fantasy races
>Lmao frigging dorfs man haha axes and le hardy warriors who don't take shit from anybody, hella epic
I expect rather a lot of it is from Dwarf Fortress. The idea of dwarves as crazed little hyperbearded kleptomaniacal sociopaths seems to originate from that game, and there are enough stories to have emerged from it for the Urist-dwarf become an actual meme among fantasy nerds.
There is a store in my town with a no elf policy.
They act like they are weirdly serious about it
Who the fuck speaks like that?
I generally hate elves because they are portrayed as "Arrogant sons of bitches who might be better than the rest and they think it and act on it. Even though in some cases they can't really back it up."
Seriously, who the fuck takes more than 100 years to learn how to cast a fucking fireball?
Because Elves are feminine and Dwarves are masculine.
They hate perfection.
Well I haven't seen humans do it in all the years on God's green earth. And no; science don't count.
Dwarf fans
I like elves and don't like dwarves.
Because elves are gay.
Elves are white collar, dorfs blue collar.
Most of Veeky Forums dwellers respect more hard working dicks than pseudo-intellectuals dicks which hardets shit they do is lift a 500 pgs tome on dialectic metaphysic bullshit.
Dorfs are pragmatic utilitarians because they know if they waste time on non STEM shit a horde of greenskins, a dragon or an Underdark aberration will come and trainwreck their hairy poorly wipped asses for steal their rightful earned wealth.
Elves just hide on their fancy conceal by illusion magic spas, writting poesy and talking about some retarded shit like phenomenology of introspection. No wonder they end developing parahilias and end banging humans which is almost like banging your dog.
Why don't you vote on it?
Most of the higher education work is bullshit which consists of academic personnel stealing from each other by politely quoting. Works that really advance the understanding in that science and improve upon the old is a rare thing. So dorf mentality is not that wrong. But than again without the rare individuals it would devolve into stagnation . So both elves and dorfs should suck up and respect that both have their purposes.
I like elves and don't like dwarves.
But by elves I mean classic Tolkienesque elves who are helpful and willing to make sacrifices for the younger races. Not modern fantasy arrogant Mary Sues. Elves don't need a special flaw because they already have one - they're nearly extinct!
As for dwarves, I just hate the way they look. Who would want to roleplay an ugly, fat midget?
>Who would want to roleplay an ugly, fat midget?
An ugly fat manlet devoid of imagination
user you do realise Tolkien himself coined the arogant elves not willing to help. Hell alot of modern fantasy have less arogant elves then Tolkien.
He also coined dwarves being ugly fat midgets, which is far worse
This post gave me cancer
I like Childe ballad elfs and I like maggot men dwarfs.
I actually don't mind Tolkien's dwarves. Any other setting normally has them being pretty annoying.
I agree. But that's testament to Tolkein. All his creations had a purpose and filled it well.
Although I'm still dubious on Bombadil and believe he is just a leftover from an earlier draft
Does anyone else here prefer their elves a bit silly? Chaotic hearts, unicorn knights, impossible tasks, music, art, and wanderlust
Let me ask you, who would you rather spend time with at a bar or just socializing? A snobby elf? Or a miniature viking?
99% of sane people will choose the mini-me viking.
So unwilling to help that they save the main characters from death multiple times. It's the Mirkwood elves that really became the template for their kind in modern fantasy.
>99% of sane people will choose the mini-me viking
A person you can hold an intellectual conversation with or a loot who gets drunk in the first five minutes, brags incessantly and irritates you with banter? Hmm, tough choice!
It's just aesthetic differences. It's a coincidence that more people just so happen to like Dwarves style than Elves style.
Elijah did consume those guards with fire from heaven.
There were other elf groups reluctant to help. Like the ones that just wanted to abandon middle earth. Sorry don't remember thier name at the moment.
Elves are stereotypes as that asshole you know who snubs you at the bar and acts superior, probably that sexy chick that laughed when you asked her out in high school
Dwarves are stereotypes of lumberjacks and people that nerds aren't as familiar with and imagine they can be bros with because they're not stuck-up sexy people.
I'm pretty fat though. Are there fat elves?
>irritates you with banter?
Weak willed reddit pussy detected.
No wonder why you'd love the elf.
>Better than humans in every way
>Going extinct
Survival of the fittest, motherfuckers.
Nah. Elves are that cool hot foreigner that has some unique talents and is a total bro, who you might hook up with once or twice before you never see them again.
I also don't. Bottom line is, elves were helpful in spite of the fact that there was like 3.5 of them left.
>Dwarves are stereotypes of lumberjacks
Lumberjack in caves? You learn something every day!
There aren't really that many settings in which elves are going extinct. And those I can think off have dwarves with the same problem.
No, it's not Tolkien
You just accurately described a Frenchman and an Englishman.
Kinda, in fantasy both are in decline, I would say going extinct is a bit too harsh. There are still enough of them left to be important powers in the world. 40k is a bit difficult, but at least the space elves didn't get squatted.
Only good elf is one in constant agony
>Meanwhile you dislike the elf for being arrogant and bantering with you.
Pot calling the kettle nigger.
>Elves are not super duper manly
Do you even Tolkein?
Actual quote from The Fellowship of the Ring
>s m h I was there the day the strength of man failed f a m t b h
Because you're looking at a population of self-identifying nerds who think promoting dwarves is the correct counter-culture to the fact humans, elves, and orcs get significantly more camera time.
Dwarves are the guy who's entirely too loud just yelling all the time and spills his drink everywhere
According to redditers they aren't.
Buddy, let me tell you about a guy called Fëanor, son of Finwë. Fëanor was basically the best smith... ever, really. No one could make shit like Fëanor. He was so powerful, so strong, so full of life that giving birth to him killed his mom, and his mom was an immortal elf. Let that sink the fuck in.
So Fëanor is the most bad ass elf to ever elf an elf (he literally invented the alphabet), and he proved it when he made the Silmarils. These were, objectively, the most beautiful thing ever made, capturing the light of the trees that gave birth to the sun and moon and prisoning it inside of three perfect gems. These were SO BEAUTIFUL that the personification of evil, Melkor who would be Morgoth, coveted them above all else and burnt down most of elf-heaven to get them. Fëanor swore, on the spot, that he would retrieve the Silmarils, no matter who or what stood in his way, to which the Valar said "...even us?" and Fëanor said unto them "FUCK YOU I WANT MY FUCKING SILMARILS YOU DIVINE FUCKS." and his kids were all "Uh, dad, maybe you should chi-" "FUCK YOU SWEAR IT TOO." "Jesus, fuck, okay. We swear. Calm down, dad." and then he took all his people and left elf-heaven because he's an arrogant piece of shit. The end, but not really, the rest of that is like... most of the Silmarillion, plus I'm leaving out a lot of other super shitty stuff Fëanor did. Dude was the platonic ideal of arrogant asshole elf.
Don't forget that he burst into flames when he died, because his spirit was so powerful.
Yeah, that too. Dude was SUCH AN ANGRY ASSHOLE that he literally caught on fire when he died. He was that pissed off.
Got to say I love me some oath of vengeance storylines
Like the T'lan Imass of Malazan Book of the Fallen
I'm not sure why you spent time writing a short (but not quite) version of Fëanor's story, but forgot to mention how he's probably the most hated elf by his people ever.
Starting with children's cartoons and other fantasy media directed at children, most of us have probably come into contact with the stereotype of the cultivated but foppish stereotype of nobility very early in our lives.
Elves are typically described as very "noble" (unless they are not, mind you), so elves automatically inspire the picture of foppish 16th century French nobility who are both unwarrantently condescending to people not within their social circles and removed from reality to the point where their squeamishness to engage in physical activity is a comical trope. This preconception has stuck with most people who have not yet invested time into other settings that give elves more variation or who subvert this trope, altogether.
Dwarves on the other hand, despite often being the jealous and stern-mannered grumpybutts, usually are presented in more earthly ways. When the moment asks for it, they will put their backs into it and get down and dirty. This stereotype is much more relatable and admirable, as it implies dependability and loyalty. Now assume that Veeky Forums is full of people who only appear bitter and hateful because they are actually very compassionate and sensitive individuals and have been disappointed by the cruelly uncaring reality, so naturally they are drawn to characters that display these traits. It's just logical that they would be more forgiving to any negative traits that Dwarves might have in any given setting as long as the core stereotype remains untouched, while simultaneously condemning Elvish dickery if there is no conceivable change in their stereotype.
Hence, as soon as you read the Silmarillion, Children of Húrin or Bernhard Hennen's "Elves", you immediately realise just how bro-tastic and dependable Elves can be, and if you get into Warhams you'll see how Elves can be just as ready to get physically invested as any dwarf, and if you get into TES you'll see that they can very well perceive themselves as your equal.
>Bernhard Hennen's "Elves"
I need to re-read this. Markus Heitz "Dwarfs" just got a video game. I didn't play it, but it made me remember the time when these kinds of books were made and it made me remember how much, which was to be expected, it sucked the dwarfs dicks, while "Elves" was a bit more balanced by also making it about a human hero that became friends with the elves. As far as I remember.
Good post in general.
As slightly chubby elven Wizard could make a good character actually/
>Now assume that Veeky Forums is full of people who only appear bitter and hateful because they are actually very compassionate and sensitive individuals and have been disappointed by the cruelly uncaring reality, so naturally they are drawn to characters that display these traits.
People say things like this, but I have never found dwarves to be anything other than undesirable. I am not drawn to dwarves, in fact it's quite the opposite
Let's put it that way: if dwarves are the way you described, and many players on Veeky Forums are like dwarves in this regard, then it's more than likely that they hate the dwarves for shoving the unfortunate reality of their lives in their faces and look up to the elves, roleplaying whom allows them to live out their dreams.
This isn't how it works, dwarfs idolize the traits the clichée basement-dweller encompasses and make up for the shortcomings, or they are deliberately forgotten.
>The reddit of
What did he mean by this?
As for OP, the way I see it, Elves are some kind of a Mary Sue race.
"We live for hundreds of years so we can git gud at everything, we're not dumb, we're nimble, pretty, good archers swordsmen and craftsmen."
Dorfs are more balanced and fun like "We're decent fighters when comes to tanking but we're shit at dexfagging, not the brightest or most charismatic, and we're all manly AF and like to drink and shit."
I got introduced to Dwarfs through Warcraft where they have guns and tanks and shit and are tied for best race in the setting with trolls.
I like guns and explosions, so it fits.
Aren't they also one of the least played? Or is that just the females?
It might be outdated but I remember them being low
I don't like playing as Elves or Dwarves, I like playing as PISSED OFF BIRD PEOPLE!
It used to be a joke.
Then dumbasses started to take it seriously.
Yeah I'm divided about the game.
The first two "Dwarves" books were still good but then the Author went full on OC DONUT STEEL and the protagonist went pants-on-head retarded edgelord.
And yes, the first "elves" is about some Northman who strikes a bargain with the elven queen who gives him knights as envoy and they become superbros in the process. The rest of the books are still among my favourites because despite there being every and all fae creatures piled on eachother it never devolves into playable race territory, but it's more about social castes and interaction.
So you're not drawn to dwarves for what reasons? Because you dislike the "salt-of-the-earth" stereotype? Or is it something in their aesthetics? Don't tell me it's because you think dependability and loyalty are not desirable traits in a person.
True to real life then
Birds are fucking shit, I wish I could kill them all
This pleb has never heard of fine dwarven work
I want to cuddlesex that Tiefling.
That was the women. I don't know if that's true anymore since they re-did all the old vanilla models, but dwarf women were something like 3% or 4% of the player population at one point.
I do dislike their aesthetic, especially it's hegemony. They're incredibly un-effay. But I reject any reason why I'd be drawn to a stereotype dwarf based on being an average neckbeard. If anything it's because of that I don't find a short, fat, hairy, drunk loudmouth appealing
Am I really the only one?
Fuck snobby elves.
Trolls in Warcraft are a racist caricature, ugly as sin and have really weird feet. Why would anyone find them cool?
Why would you be angry about manlets? It's just funny when they try to act up. But when these literal superhumans act up it makes me really jealous and angry.
I have an order of elven pegasus knights who're a basically a bunch of Don Quixotes, with the exception that they're actually incredibly dangerous.