Anons, I'm feelings so sad right now. I've missed every moon. Day trading made my life miserable

Anons, I'm feelings so sad right now. I've missed every moon. Day trading made my life miserable.

I can't sleep like I used to, all I wanted is my first 10k. I've my last 650$ in BTC.

Is there anything you can recommend this fellow user?

God this hurts.

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A gun and a box of bullets is probably < 650$. Rob a liquor store like a good little nigger.

Buy Salt and don't look at it for a couple months.


just do some research on a good project and put your money in there and leave it alone stop trying to trade youll just fail

this. or just hold the BTC and stop selling alts at a loss unless you picked an absolute garbagecoin they always moon again

>Anons, I'm feelings so sad right now. I've missed every moon. Day trading made my life miserable.
>I can't sleep like I used to, all I wanted is my first 10k. I've my last 650$ in BTC.
>Is there anything you can recommend this fellow user?
>God this hurts.

Fuck off larp. 650 is so easy to flip. I'm down to my last 20$, had 5000$ just 2 weeks ago.

Fun. But you won't listen. Or research. You suck. At life.

You could: buy 2 XMR or maybe LTC and make a grand or two in the next few months. HODL BTC and double your money at least by spring. Wait until ADA dips to its new support level and go all in, no idea how high it could go. IOTA is on sale if you can get past the tremendous fudding campaign going on right now.

If you can earn back that $650 in a reasonable amount of time wagecucking, by all means go all in on shitcoin flavor of the week. Otherwise, go for something where you can expect a steady rise. There are plenty of solid projects out there, pick one or two and be patient, this shit hasn't even begun yet.

Put it in 0x. You will get to $10k in 2 weeks. Thank me later.

I sold LINK at loss, KNC at loss, CND at loss and XLM at loss.

All of them I've researched on but they didn't moon at the time so I panick sold to ride the bandwagon and that didn't turn out well.

Do I suck? Yeah prob.

Here's a tip, get into Wabi or CND, wait a week.


When you make it back, you can thank us for this advice.

How the fuck did you manage that?

feel ya bro but a lot of people would kill to have $650 to get in right now. Put it in ETH for a while get on the + side a little without manic day trading, calm yer fuckin horses you can come back

Did you all-in something that tanked into oblivion?

>I'm feelings so sad right now

natural seletion

I missed out on TRX. I tried to buy $500 in Bitcoin so I could buy some TRX last Thursday, but my bank halted it because (((fraud protection))). One week later and TRX mooned 830%. I could’ve turned that $500 into almost $5,000. Fuck me.

people like you are the reason products get regulations

A mix of being over-extended among multiple platforms, margin-trading, sleep deprivation, and a fine portion of luck.
For instance, I wanted to enter a position on Bitfinex 2 weeks ago, but then it stopped working all day due to DDOS's. Anyway, hours later I get an e-mail that my position is close to liquidation. That was the first confirmation I had of my attempt hours earlier going through, without bitfinex fucking working. After 20 minutes of trying to log-in, it finally works, and i see that my position is already liquidated. Just one example, of my horrible streak.
Have had lots of gains in between, but in the end the losses outweighed my gains.

At some point, I didn't even realise what i had been doing, until I woke up at 11PM in the night. Horribly confused, thinking of what had happened before I slept. Then realised I hadn't slept for 50 hours, while recking the last of my stash. It felt like a dream or a hallucination.

The hardest about this all is that before those 50 hours i kept my stack fully in LTC expecting it to moon over 100$ in the coming weeks. I only didn't survive long enough.

I haven't eaten a warm dish since this happened. My life has frozen. I'm visiting my parents in a few days. I still don't know how I'm gonna tell them that I'm at rockbottom.
I guess pride becomes for the fall.

Also listening to this on repeat

It sounds like you guys have been deep in the throes of addiction. High serotonin, feeding the bad calls, highs, and lows, loss of time.

Stick your coins in one place, go play 1 scratch off if you feel like gambling.