MTG Standard General

MTG Standard General

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how to deal with copycat edition
>jesus christ why am I getting looter scooter on drafts

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Dankest tech straight off the presses.

Implement of Combustion MB in Grixis Colossus to hose Crazy Cat Lady. Hold it, cycle it, sac to Herald to kill mini Bobs and Trackers, this little nigga does it all.

What are your top 3 Aether Revolt cards for Standard?

Also, what's your opinion on pic related?

Herald of Anguish can only go up. Improvise will explode as long as there are 0-cost artifacts on the format

Favourite 3, Rishkar, Ballista and Disallow

I'm still working on u/b aetherflux/improvise. If i go all in on the combo its okish but nothing more, so im trying to figure out how much contol/improvise stuff/combo stuff i should use

>tfw I traded Herald away for 4£ to a friend when it was 13$

I traded 4 Tamiyo for 4 herald, hope it will pay off

blue expertise, flip counter creatures and glimmer or dovan yes please
also cant play my w/u control/tempo deck because I will probably get beaten if I no fun my LGS again

Your LGS sounds like a nice place

Will Walking Ballista and Herald of Anguish be usable in other eternal formats? Thinking of trading mine in for some rare lands like fastlands or battlelands.

Ballista will see play.
I have absolutely no idea on the Herald .

>muh baral
>muh planar bridge
>dropping in price

Here's 2 decks I'm using on Cockatrice at the moment. First is RDW second is UW control. Nothing special.

I think the bridge might go back up since it's fun in edh, especially with rocks and unwinding clock. Either way, got mine for six canuckbucks so I'm not too unhappy.

fastlands are dope

Not at all. They are only good in standard. Lands are much more important for older formats though

To people running Marvel decks: what is harder to recover tempo from? The Marvel getting countered or the ability getting countered and you losing the energy?

depends if i have another marvel in hand. But usually the energy is easier to get and you dont really need it for a lot of other stuff

Always stop the marvel if you can. They only have 4 marvels but lots of energy gain. Every turn they go without activating Marvel is a turn they can draw one of their "oops I win" creatures.

Ballista is already starting to see play in Tron decks in Modern. Mostly the GW versions.


Also, assuming their Marvels get shut down what is a general Plan B the deck uses to win? Stall out until they can just start hardcasting their big creatures?

Just asking because I know a few people at my LGS are finally going Marvel and I'm running Grixis Control. Gotta make sure my Main and Sideboard have the tools to handle it.


Can we all agree that vehicles should not be allowed to crew vehicles?

Why shouldn't they?

>a train can crew a helicopter
Yeah I don't see what could be retarded about that

Okay, I get where you're coming from

Have you tried not being autistic though?

There's no way to designate that vehicles couldn't crew with the rules as they are. Vehicle is an artifact subtype, not a creature subtype, if you look at the announcement for vehicles it specifically says there's no such thing as a vehicle creature, the card ceases having its vehicle subtype and becomes a creature when crewed.

you can't just ask a person to not be autistic

you have to beat it out of them

Speaking of autism, this seems awfully more autistic than just saying "vehicles can't crew vehicles".

>the single best card to be released in 3 years isn't in that image, because standard players are too dumb to understand how to properly evaluate cards
Heroic Intervention will be very VERY expensive. Mark my words.

It's more autistic to accept the rules as written than to come onto a Taiwanese Mail Order Bride site and complain that it's dumb to have a creature crew a vehicle?

The largest application I can see is it being used in TNN BUG in Legacy to 'counter' supreme verdict, or a similar boardwipe.

Close. It's used to instantly win any game with a wrath. I can see a Gruul MLD deck, or a dirty G/W/x control build popping up that makes people cry.

Buy your playsets of cryptolith rite now guys the spike is coming.

>an instant that gives your entire board hexproof and indestructible for 2 mana
>versus some niche ramp that's outclassed by explosive growth, or cultivate. Abundant growth will probably be a better use of mana most of the time. Hell, even explore is a thing.

I dont know what MLD is but I assume it means land destruction. Why would a control deck want to dedicate that many card slots to an inefficient 1-for-2? And what control deck uses a board state, apart from D&T?

He's an idiot that thinks casting Armageddon + that piece of shit will win him a game, what he doesn't know is that wasting six mana on two spells that don't affect the battlefield or outright win you the game is a sure way to lose the game, and I won't even get FoW into this shit discussion.

Mass Land Destruction. Usually it's used to set up a stax lock with various rocks/enchantments/planeswalkers. It's "control" in the sense that no fun is allowed, and you're going to want to protect yourself before you pop it off, but really, a lot of aggressive decks could make use out of it pretty effectively.

And you're an idiot who missed the "permanents" part of the card. You're telling me that protecting all your permanents from a wrath won't win you the game? It's literally Upheaval, but better because you don't need to float all your mana to replay your shit.

The issue that he's pointing out is that you're
1. Expecting to get to 6 mana in legacy consistently, along with drawing both of your combo cards
2. Expecting your opponent to have no countermagic
What do you gain from destroying the maybe 4 or 5 lands they have in play? What if they already have a board state with planeswalkers, top, counterbalance?
You dedicate 7 or 8 slots in your deck to a combo which destroys land, but then you rely the other ~32 nonland slots to win you the game. Looking at MTGtop8, every other combo deck wins outright as a result of playing their combo. If you want to spin it in the control way, you will get outsped by an aggro deck, outcontrolled by another control deck, or killed by a combo deck before you can draw your two cards.
If you think the card is that strong, you play it in legacy and you win a major event with it. I don't think you're right, and won't until you can do that.

The problem with heroic intervention is that you rarely need to protect more than 1 permanent at once in most eternal formats and for a different reason in standard as well, turning into a situational negate

the fastlands from kaladesh are irrelevant??

mate learn to modern

>>reading comprehension
he called herald and ballista irrelevant and lands more important for eternal formats

not him, but Selfless Spirit is $8. That's not crazy expensive, but Heroic Intervention is honestly a better version, in Green.

Permanents controlled instead of just creatures, and a protection spell against targeted removal in a pinch.
Versus a 2/1 flying body in White.

Modern Elves at least want this (I know I do), because the main thing I lose to is board wipes. This card means I only really lose to Languish or Merciless Eviction, if anyone still runs that, and the former I can get around with enough Perfects and Archdruids.
That's pretty good.

Selfless spirit is still a threat. Intervention will be a dead card in many situations. Against stuff like u-control you might as well play with a 6 card hand

In all fairness, the question is whether or not Heroic Invention will become a high-value card.
We're considering demand across formats here. EDH and Modern play into this.

Whether or not Selfless Spirit is better or worse is irrelevant. That the two are comparable and come with debatable benefits and disadvantages is enough to argue that Heroic Intervention will attain a value similar to the current $8 of Selfless Spirit.

Selfless Spirit is only 8$ and Heroic Intervention is worse in most situations so it will most likely be worth much less. It will find a place in EDH and probably some fringe sb use in Modern but it wont be a standard staple like Selfless Spirit

Can I bring any garbage deck to FNM if I just want the monthly promo? I'm reading that some stores just do random draws for those not won

>getting back into mtg
>pull 2 Heart of Kirans, 2 Walking Ballistae, Ajani, and several other cards for a GW Token deck
>figure fuck it, I'll buy some singles to flesh this out based on suggestions
>mfw gideon and avacyn prices

It hurts, Veeky Forums.

Clearly you do not enjoy Transformers or Voltron.

Modern Elves will only want Heroic Intervention if they're running a mono green list. Most of the time it's still better to chord for a Selfless Spirit or Burrenton to protect against wipes. If need be, Mark of Asylum is still a solid sideboard option for GW/Junk lists of Elves.

Why does everyone at my store only play Commander?

because they like politics better than strategy

That literally depends on the store you're going to. You said yourself some stores just pick at random. Call around and ask how you could go about getting a promo at one of their FNMs.

Avacyn isn't really needed for a GW tokens deck. Gideon though yeah kinda, at least Gideon will retain most of his value from being a Planeswalker and even seeing play in Modern.

At least your store plays Commander. Mine only plays Standard and Draft.

>go to store
>hey, the 8th we need
>draft draft draft
i like my store

I'd say it has few early answers to things for a slightly high curve, but if it works, it works

Any ideas to make this card go infinite combat phase?

Here's my budget shitbrew, Monored Improvise

4 Bomat Courier
4 Bone Saw
4 Cathar's Shield
4 Cogworker's Puzzleknot
4 Enraged Giant
4 Freejam Regent
4 Ornithopter
4 Reckless Fireweaver
4 Servo Schematic
4 Sweatworks Brawler
20 Mountain

Any suggestions for making it slightly less shit? I know it won't ever be good, but I like making stupid Bone Saw decks.

>4 Reckless Fireweaver
>4 Cogworker's Puzzleknot
Panharmonicon. It's not really budget but combos really well with the amount of artifacts you have.

Glint-Seeve Siphoner and Aetherwind Basker give you additional energy counters when they attack. If you can gain 8+ energy each time you attack you will go infinite.

Panharmonicon's problem isn't the cash price, its the mana cost. This deck doesn't hit 4 lands. It's more "Turn 3, I play Freejam Regent". (Herald of Anguish is more effective, but hard as fuck in a format with no BR fastland)

The Reckless Firewweaver+Panharmonicon+Puzzleknot+Quicksmith Genius deck is pretty fun, but it's not quite what I'm going for

Consulate Dreadnought and Siege Modification? I guess you can use Consulate Dreadnought as another artifact to improvise and Siege Modification to enchant Ornithopters or the Consulate Dreadnought. But it might be a bit slow.

I'm also thinking of brewing a janky mono-red Improvise deck.

Hah, I just started putting this together on MTGO (been doing paper so far)

why the fuck is Servo Schematic 0.2 TIX?

What does Veeky Forums think of my thrown-together Colossus deck? I'm a cheap shit and don't want to drop four tenners on some Herald of Anguishes for a deck that I'm not sure I'll keep built. Also Syndicate Trafficker is my Kaladesh Cardfu pls don't bully

4x Metalwork Colossus
4x Ornithopter
3x Glint-Nest Crane
3x Syndicate Trafficker

2x Tezzeret the Schemer
2x Reverse Engineer
3x Fatal Push
4x Metallic Rebuke

4x Terrarion
4x Renegade Map
3x Animation Module
4x Cogworker's Puzzleknot

9x Island
8x Swamp
2x Concealed Courtyard
1x Plains

>4x Ornithopter
Looks kinda weird in a Colossus deck, why not something like Terrarion?

sort of off topic yesterday i made a thread trying to find a "I'm looking for this mtg card that i cant seem to find anywhere
it shows a man sitting and fishing (in the middleground) staring at this merfolk (i think) jumping out of the water (in the foreground)."

well i found it and encase anyone else wanted to know what it was its "sea sprite" homelands

>Fucking fish-bitch trying to steal my hook again

You could play Foundry Inspector instead, to make all your stuff cheaper.

He already has terrarion, user

Colossus fag here

Put in some cultivators caravans, hedron archives, foundry inspectors, and prophetic prisms in your deck, at least 3 of each. The main weakness of Colossus is that it can't really play a dedicated control game because you're already playing a bunch of kind of shitty artifacts to make Colossus a reasonable price, so you need to play almost like a combo/control deck or Tron in modern. Controp what you can, but primarily be digging for Colossus while you drop your artifacts.

If you're into some super spicy tech, implement of combustion cycles and stops Crazy Cat Lady, and a 1-of Gonti's Aether Heart has won me tons of games.

If you end up liking the deck I highly suggest getting Heralds I run 3 and it seriously feels like the best $30 in the entire deck.

I'm blind.

>Put in some cultivators caravans, hedron archives, foundry inspectors, and prophetic prisms in your deck, at least 3 of each.
I didn't realized he didn't had Hedron Archive or Cultivator's Caravan, both are essential to the deck. Also, you can play Sanctum of Ugin and a singleton Elder-Deep Fiend for a more controlling play.

I do need more of those, as well as instant speed removal. Would fatal push be a good option, and what could I replace if so?

Construct tribal is good, if you go b/r you can increase value or if you go mono b your removal is insane
But I play copy cat combo because I like winning

It's too energy intensive to do it consistently. You would need 3 additional copies to go infinite. Saheeli is way to get another one into the field. Look for a couple more copy makers and see what you can come un with. A UR shell will probably be needed.

I'd go down a couple treasure keepers for them

Should bring some protection for GB lists as well.

Running a Grixis Control Deck: still trying to decide what to swap out for Aether Revolt cards. Also if I should get a second Liliana.

2 Aether Hub
2 Anticipate
2 Chandra, Flamecaller
2 Choked Estuary
2 Evolving Wilds
2 Foreboding Ruins
3 Glimmer of Genius
3 Goblin Dark-Dwellers
3 Grasp of Darkness
2 Harnessed Lightning
3 Island
2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
1 Liliana, the Last Hope
3 Mountain
2 Negate
2 Radiant Flames
1 Saheeli Rai
1 Smoldering Marsh
2 Sunken Hollow
6 Swamp
2 To the Slaughter
3 Torrential Gearhulk
2 Transgress the Mind
3 Unlicensed Disintegration
1 Void Shatter
3 Wandering Fumarole

SB: 1 Collective Brutality
SB: 2 Contraband Kingpin
SB: 1 Dispel
SB: 1 Metallurgic Summonings
SB: 1 Noxious Gearhulk
SB: 2 Radiant Flames
SB: 1 Ruinous Path
SB: 1 Unlicensed Disintegration
SB: 1 Void Shatter
SB: 1 Weaver of Lightning

I would cut chaandra and put all the negates and radiant flames into the sb. probably replace grasp with push

Seems all over the place and slow. What's the point of running Saheeli if you're not running cat lady combo? Grasp of Darkness doesn't seem like it catches anything that Push doesn't. Void Shatter seems a pain in the ass to cast in a tricolor deck which has other double-symbol'd cards of other colors. You should either go more in on energy or less. Right now it seems like you're not committing enough to the subtheme to make it worth it.

I'm still playing UR control and the only times I lose are when I get flooded or screwed. Went 3-1 at FNM just now, my loss was to a screw in game 3, got stuck on 2 land for 3 turns.

Chandra has been too good to me to cut. There have been several matches where the last few turns was just her swinging in for 6 over and over at an exhausted opponent.

I agree the deck looks like it goes all over the place but once it's in motion it plays very smoothly and has defeated a wide variety of decks so far. It is slow but that's part of the fun as it can start to stall out opponents.

Saheeli can be useful for either early digging and/or getting more Gearhulk/Dark-Dweller activations. But yeah, she's been teetering on the chopping block for a while.

Energy is just a thing that happens in the deck primarily from Glimmer of Genius: which I care much more over the Scry 2/Draw 2. A few times I've managed to recycle a Harnessed Lightning in the late game to destroy some huge creatures which was satisfying.

And I have a playset of Fatal Push waiting on TCG as I think over more options. Thank you for the feedback!

Trying to build an Abzan Planeswalker deck with a counter subtheme

3 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
3 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
2 Liliana, the Last Hope
1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
1 Ajani Unyielding
4 Oath of Nissa
3 Oath of Ajani
2 Verdurous Gearhulk
2 Rishkar, Peema Renegade
4 Winding Constrictor
2 Heart of Kiran
2 Fatal Push
3 Grasp of Darkness
2 Yahenni's Expertise
1 Tireless Tracker
3 Aether Hub
4 Blooming Marsh
2 Concealed Courtyard
2 Canopy Vista
4 Evolving Wilds
1 The Gitrog Monster
3 Hissing Quagmire
1 Plains
2 Swamp
3 Forest

SB: 2 Tireless Tracker
SB: 1 Ruinous Path
SB: 2 Authority of the Consuls
SB: 1 Thalia, Heretic Cathar
SB: 1 Chandra, Flamecaller
SB: 2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
SB: 2 Fatal Push
SB: 1 Fumigate
SB: 1 Grasp of Darkness
SB: 2 Transgress the Mind

Pretty new to Magic, came from Yugioh.
I get all the rules, I know how to PLAY, I just can't BUILD. I can't see Value Cards, I can't get ratios right, I'm just bad at deckbuilding.
In YGO, your "I win" cards are ALWAYS maxed out because shit in YGO is basically free. In Magic, it seems like your "I win" cards are usually 1-ofs.
A friend showed me a bunch of cards including Jace The Mind Sculptor, asked me to pick the one that got banned. Jace was literally my last guess. He still doesn't seem great to me.
How do I get better at deckbuilding/value-spotting? Is it all just experience?

Do you understand the concept of a deck's speed? Most decks are built around WHEN they want to win. Aggro wants cheap efficient creatures, control wants answers to their opponent and forms of card advantage.

I hadn't really thought of it from that angle before, so no, I guess not.
In YGO, when you want to win is "literally right now, ideally the opponent scoops when I play my first two cards."
It's kind of hard to lose my 10 years of YGO baggage to learn Magic with a fresh mind.

All strategy is at core based on timing. Magic, chess, Starcraft, everything you do is generally focused on when you want to win. You can trade your long game for early game, or your early game for late game.

Go look up some aggro decks in standard, and you'll see low mana cost high power dudes. Then go look at control decks and you'll see removal, counterspells, and Gearhulks.

Two Felidar Guardians and a decoction module. Or enough creatures that creat energy when they swing or when they deal damage to a player(like long tusk cub or that white 3/1)

Jace isnt a card that wins by itself, the same is true for many cards. I haven't played Yugioh in maybe 9 years but from what I remember, it was just a case of trying to outdamage your opponent. At least, at the level I played at. Jace offers a level of a control that allows your other cards to play better and, at times, make your opponent play worse. Same goes for something like the blue Gearhulk, Goblin Dark Dwellers or Snapcaster Mage. The card doesnt win the game by itself, but what it contributes to your game makes winning easier.

Like the other guy said check MTG top8.

Modern YGO is about building unbreakable boards turn 1, and optionally about responding to your opponent's unbreakable board if you have bad luck and lost RPS.
Like so

Also MTGTop8 is what I've been netdecking from to play with friends, I guess I'll just learn with experience.

My rogue Red+Green deck folds to heavy Blue+Black control (with torrential gearhulk being their only creature I believe). Is siding in 1 Island + 4 Negates the only way to get around this oppressive deck? (I only have RG stuff in side right now)

Win before they get to torrential or side in appetite or something then hold up the mana for it every turn they're holding 6 mana and kill it after it etbs.

Or just make a better deck and win before they get to torrential.

Really, just winning before they get to torrential is the best way.

I swung by a FLGS and snagged a couple Gideons and a Verdurous Gearhulk. My wallet is crying, but they look good in my deck.

It's too bad GP San Jose is this weekend. I can't find any standard events to give this thing a crack.

I got 2 Kaladesh boosters from a draft, should I open them now or buy 3 more and attend FNM for free with them?

But what if those end up having a masterpiece, gotta crack every pack

Went ahead and did it, got Padeem and Rashmi
Could be worse

>Bought 3 packs on a whim, even though I know it's an inefficient way to get cards
>Crack a foil Herald of Anguish
When should I sell lads?

Also, I want to build a deck that utilizes pic related as much as possible. Any suggestions other than Greenbelt Rampager?

Combine with Ornithopters and maximum Improvise.

mono-green elf or stompy deck?
