wts going on guys. r we in bubble . fucking scary man. do i need to take out some some in to fait.
Guys. what the fuck is this. r u bubbling
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nice just bought 100k
nice just bought 100k
me in the middle
where can i buy BUBBLE
nah just newbies that signed up last week finally got to transfer their money to exchanges and investing them on cheap coins
this is fucking retarded man. every fucking coin mooning including btc. so far no value. all speculation. how this is possible man? what the fuck govt. doing ?
nice just bought 100k
No bubble. Crypto ain't even worth one trillion yet
wrong, it's me with GNO.
>circulating supply 1 mil
>actually serves a real purpose
>in ETH alliance
>proper team
>all shitcoins mooning
and fucking GNO is --20% in a day. motherfuckkkkkker
the simple explanation is: banks about to get btfo'd with their outdated structure. we are in the future now.
man. I have large portfolio like 250k(for others it may be small) , If pull out now I can happily live next 20 yrs.but if it bubble burst I cant take it man. cash out good idea ? crypto is some times stressful even when mooning.
Take 10% and just hold brother. The world is about to change drastically and we got in fucking early
This. I need a correction though so I can offload profits into alts.
If you want to spot em in advance, it's free
Depends on your goals.
The bubble isn't about to burst soon, but I can understand that having such an amount in crypto must be really stressful.
The more stress you're experiencing the more likely you are to do some stupid shit.
What I'd do in your case would depend on what I have already and whether or not you have a steady regular income.
In my case, I have a steady income of €50K/year, but I'm still renting.
I'd buy a €450K house for which I can get a €350K mortgage, grab €100K to pay the rest, and keep the other 150K in crypto.
I'm sure you can make a similar choice based on your own situation.
yes. thinking some thing similar. looks like crypto is only place even mooning is also stressful :)
there is no bubble there are only FUD retards saying that theres a bubble and that its tulip mania all over again. its just logic. a fucking flower isnt going to hold value for very long, and has next to no functionality or purpose. crypto has functionality and purpose and it instills dreams in a lot of people so it is not going away anytime soon and it will never truly crash.
lol i get it, because bitcoin's energy consumption has caused an overshoot and collapse of society
haha lol
Holy shit nevet seen this shitty advice. Buying a house is almost never an investment. Spend 450k on house that was built with 200k? Housing is in bubble, if you wanna get rekt with you gains buy a house. Best thing to hold now is crypto and preciouse metals. Hold until usd collapses. It will take stockmarkets and housing prices along it globally. This will also cause huge spike in crypto/metals since people are scared to hold anything politics/government related. When that crisis is almost over buy stocks(if the still exist) and cheap oversold real estate. Easy 20x flip if you hold precious metals/crypto during fell of fiat/stocks and then double it by buying real estate when economy starts to revive.
And yes usd is about to collapse in less than 2 years.
>Housing is in bubble, if you wanna get rekt with you gains buy a house.
We already had a recent housing bubble economic crisis, the chances of it still being a bubble are large but the chances of it bursting soon are very low.
When is USD going to collapse? Usd collapsing will trigger crypto rockets like never seen before.
I think it wil happen before 2020. Globally people are thinking that world economy have survived 2008 crash. When people start to spend again and when this newly credited shitcurrency starts circulating we will see fast increase in prices of the goods. When currency supply in circulation increases, purchasing power goes down. Once people realize their savings melting they wanna get rid of it as soon as possible, and then the real crash happens.
Look at the chart above, USD is completely fucked.
Nah, there is too much debt in the world. Once people cant afford shit housing market crashes first. World economy only surviced 2008 housing bubble bursting because fed printed(credited) 1,2trillion$ to banks who were having hard times paying their customers who wanted to withdraw their USD. Thats like jump starting a 90yr olds heart. It might start, but it will not pump blood for long time anyways. Just gonna make unecitable crash harder.
>muh """fed""" printed money to save us all
Isn't tether doing exactly the same?
>When is USD going to collapse? Usd collapsing will trigger crypto rockets like never seen before.
Cant wait for the pink wajacks asking why they cant cash in.