ITT: describe your current party/ campaign in one image
I'm you but stronger
So many fucking bugs man
It all went so very, very wrong
So you're still rolling for stats?
It's too much
Now that's a party I could get behind.
Or on top of, I'm not picky.
As long as you don't mind being completely spent and unresponsive the next day~
>dealing with downers
It would describe it even better if the wizard was a hot anime girl with big titties.
No problem with that.
I like how his definition of purity doesn't discount laying with manlier sex.
They have no idea what they are doing nor do they understand the moral ramifications of what they do. The druid is by far the worst. He wanted to set fire to a patch of woods to force enemies out, he tried and failed to open a magic door using a corpse instead of shifting out of wildshape, and he has never once shown interest in the animals or plants we encounter.
Pic related applies to everyone at the table.
Maids were a mistake.
Well, duh, because gay sex doesn't count.
>maids were a mistake
yes yes they were
>true route
as long as you aren't hoeshiteo
> Only a wizard can slay a lich
Fuck you Pathfinder
Alpha legion.
Play an SU homebrew they said
It'll be fun and whimsical they said
surprisingly: no
>Dark Heresy 2
had a few characters attacking the party, oh and the Original team was eventually wiped out and is now made up of fresh characters (and the one mini-maxer Sororitas Null)
After watching cat fingers you should habe known better.
>perty=my bard trying to keep things under control
>the autistic beepboops=the rest of the party doing chaotic stupid shit
I second wanting to know about this. user, post this story
An animated gif is a series of images. You failed OP.
>Everyone now has 2HP: The Campaign.
I bet you pronounce it Jif too, you sick fuck.
We all got our shit enchanted.
We bound demons and ghosts and genies into our armour and shields.
And now we move along just to make it through.
Note I am not saying this about the thread. I am saying this in general about how my party acts
>Red lyrium.
Please! maker! let that be in the story.
>Tfw your Templar will never look this edgy.
Like, 80% of them are thoroughly decent, socially aware and compassionate people.
The last guy solves all the fucking problems.
At least post the jif
In the last pic, violence guy has seen some shit.
>not moving up to it
if i raise my eyebrows in surprise and something more surprising happens them i can display EVEN MORE SURPRISE.
i.e. it cannot intensify if it hasn't.
Violence guy has DONE some shit
A few months after the battle of Endor, a group of ISB agents are making sure their sector remains firmly under Imperial control, dealing with various criminal elements, internal strife amongst the moffs, civil unrest and the encroaching New Republic.
>This week, on another exciting episode of 'Shit Gets Worse and Everyone Dies'...
Is that why I think it is?
If you mean what, then yes. that's his boomstick.
The party has recently used their supernatural powers to BtFO some Oni summoned by a former party member to wreck a God-Fearing Christian City, and are now borderline worshiped as saints by the very grateful, very stupid populace.
I don't recall my beloved Mako ever being capable of any of that
Sounds like a fun party.
tfw no group
Great thread.
Run a game.
we prefer historical settings
>First short story I ever got published was about a knight in he Holy Land during the crusades
>No one in my groups lets me DM
Feels bad
The love guy solves your problems?
Fucking same, every game I have with one particular DM of mine devolves into That's Heresy!: The Game