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MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge -「 F R I D A Y I ' M I N L O V E 」
Slow morning.
Strom count is 3, i cast Mind's Desire.
Do i HAVE to shuffle my library every time before i reveal a card or cani just shuffle once and reveal 4 cards (assuming the opponent keeps passing priority and nothing happens between the resolution of the various copies)?
TECHNICALLY speaking you need to make sure your library is randomized each time; the reason for that is so you can't use something like a Brainstorm between copies to set things up.
PRACTICALLY speaking, if your deck is still randomized from the last time you shuffled it, there's no real reason to re-randomize it. So if you're not de-randomizing it between copies, most judges would PREFER that you only shuffle it once, and then just gloss over that instruction on the copies to save time. So assuming your'e not mucking with the deck between copies, it's fine to shuffle once, exile the top card, and repeat 3 times. You still 'shuffled' as far as the game knows (IE, if there was a Cosi's Trickster on board it would 'see' that you shuffled 4 times), but you can skip the actual physical action if the deck is staying randomized the whole time.
tl;dr no you don't have to
I guess if I can add (though not an expert), you probably need to shuffle each time if you have an effect that makes you reveal the top card of your library since the opponent might want to muck with it or see it in between the resolutions of the copies.
Sup gA, brewing anything neat?
Anyways, let's say I have mana back, then someone hits my ghave with an instant and he's sent to the yard. Can i respond to the instant with ghave's abilities until I run out of mana?
My opponent has Deathrite Shaman in play. I have two LED and past in flames in my hand. Can I crack the diamonds and hold priority to flashback PiF, or can he exile it before I can cast it?
Nah, I haven't gotten a chance to play paper magic in almost 2 months now. And with my shop closing, it kinda killed my desire to brew for a bit.
You can respond to an instant with Ghave's abilities so long as you can pay for them, yes. They're normal activated abilities, which means you can activate them any time you can pay and have priority.
No need to hold priority; LED has a mana ability. It doesn't use the stack and can't be responded to. You crack them, the ability immediately resolves, and at no point in that does your opponent have priority.
Sweet, thanks man.
My shop's closing down too, I'm a fa/tg/uy without a home. At least I have hamburgers and Kokusho to keep me warm.
PERSONALLY I'm not terribly torn up about it; the shop's been running on fumes for the past few months, and the owner of it pretty badly burnt my bridge months prior to that. That, and our area spent the first 10 years of my Magic career not having a shop at all.
What's frustrating me is the people selling their collections and just totally dropping the game because of it. I'm like.... guys, we played Magic at a pizza place for 10 years before this. Your cards still WORK, come on.
>people selling their collections
scalp em
Nah. I don't have the patience to buy someone's 400 dollar collection they're selling for 250 and flip it for 300 two months later. I did buy one guy's collection because he got super depressed after losing a bunch of games one weekend and used that (and the impending closing) as his reason to just cash out of Magic; he was selling his stuff way too cheap.
So it's sitting in my closet for the day he changes his mind, at which point I will sell it back to him for the exact sum I I bought it for.
You're good people GA.
I spent half a day trying to convince him to just put it in a backpack in the back of his closet and ignore it for a while, because he'd come back (especially when he told me what price he was gonna sell it for- it was really smacking of 'I'm mad and want to get rid of it' or 'my wife told me to sell it'), so I decided to do the next best thing.
I have terrible question
Let's say you have something changing when a spell can be cast like Sigarda's aid, a person attempts to cast an equipment, and I put naturalize on the stack targeting sigarda's aid.
Does it go down as sigarda's aid popping and effectively countering their spell?
okay so if you would draw a card, but you have no cards in library, you lose the game, right?
does that happen "instantly", or does it wait until state based actions are checked?
imagine its EDH, i have 80 cards in hand, 0 cards in my library, and my opponent has 0 cards in hand, and 79 cards in his or her library. I cast windfall
when i discard my hand, do i lose the game instantly when i try to draw the first of my 80 cards? or does the game sort of "register" that i tried to draw from an empty library, then finish resolving the rest of windfall, THEN once thats done it notices we both tried to draw from an empty library during windfall so we both lose ??
sigarda's aid dies but that changes nothing about the equipment spell already on the stack
similarly if somebody casts a spell during your turn, you cant flash in teferi, mage of zhalfir to counter it, it was already cast. teferi and other effects that change when spells can be cast only apply if they are in play (or not in play, in your case) when the spell in question would be cast
Equipment still gets to resolve but will not attach itself for free.
Nobody loses until actions resolve, check an archive for GA explaining what happens when you Sylvan Library draw when your library is short.
If I use Saheeli Rai's -2 targeting an activated Wandering Fumarole, then use disallow to stop the delayed trigger from resolving does it stay a creature or revert back to being a land with an activated ability.
what delayed trigger?
The delayed trigger Saheeli Rai sets on the copy Fumarole.
That's not a delayed trigger, that's the end of an effect's duration. It doesn't use the stack, it just happens in the cleanup step.
>Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.
That looks like a delayed triggered ability to me.
>603.7. An effect may create a delayed triggered ability that can do something at a later time. A delayed triggered ability will contain “when,” “whenever,” or “at,” although that word won’t usually begin the ability.
Can someone explain all this sjw stuff going on with magic? I saw that some guy on youtube got fucked by wizards for allegedly being "transphobic". Is wizards going full sjw
It's a delayed trigger
Oh that, i was confused for a while because you misunderstand one thing.
When Saheeli copied the animated Fumarole, the copy will etb as an unanimated artifact land. You still have to pay to animate it.
If you animate it then Disallow the delayed trigger, like a standard Fumarole, it will revert back to an artifact land.
>When Saheeli copied the animated Fumarole, the copy will etb as an unanimated artifact land. You still have to pay to animate it.
so fumarole being a creature is not a copiable characteristic?
Sorry about that, gang! Had to leave the office for a bit and ended up gone for the better part of 4 hours. Back now.
By the time you can respond to their spell, it's been cast. Destroying the Aid at this point won't do anything, because their spell was legal to cast at the time they cast it; the fact that it wouldn't be legal for them to start casting it NOW does not retroactively undo the legally-cast spell on the stack.
It's a state-based action. If you Windfall in that scenario, you'll try (and fail) to draw from an empty library 80 times, while your opponent will draw 79 cards, then try to draw from an empty library. When SBAs get checked after the spell resolves, they see both of you have tried to draw from an empty library since last time SBAs were checked, and you both lose. Game is a draw.
The copy's not a creature in the first place. If you -2 a Saheeli on an activated Fumarole, you get a tapped Artifact Land named "Wandering Fumarole". It isn't a creature, and even if you animate it, it's tapped. If you Disallow the delayed 'exile me' trigger it stays around though.
Correct. Copiable characteristics are those in Layer 1. The only thing a copy effect will pick up is another copy effect.
why is the saheeli copy of fumarole tapped? i dont see that in her rules text
You see it in the Fumarole text.
ohhhh lol okay
Because Fumaroles enter tapped!