What would the Undertale of Tabletop RPGs ?


MLP quests.


You're missing a main verb.


No idea.

Assuming you aren't going for an extremely surface level take on it, replicating the world and themes without considering that part of the point of Undertale, and a large part of its genius, was its clever use of the video game medium to do things no other form of media could accomplish.

I've seen far too much shit like that, and it's aggravating.

But anyway, you'd need to have some kind of brilliant idea of creating a game where the themes and mechanics are innately linked towards roleplaying games unique traits as a medium, using those elements in novel ways to create a new and compelling experience.

And if you're asking the question in the way you are, OP, I don't think you're anywhere near good enough to pull that off. I know I'm not. Fuck, I don't think anybody is.

I never played it, so 4E?

Saving notwithstanding, Undertale is all about satirising murderhobos. This is very easy to pull off and I don't doubt that many GM's do it.

____ you, man.

No. That is, as I said above, one of the stupid surface level interpretations that misses the point.

The whole thing is about games and people who play them. Your ability to make choices and to usually be free of the consequences, the unique position you have relative to everyone who ostensibly exists in the gameworld.

Fuck the fanwank and all that bullshit, the meta-mechanics worldbuilding around it are the most interesting and meaningful things about Undertale, and long term they're going to be the greatest impact it has on gaming as a whole. All the rest, while good, is just window-dressing.

>This is very easy to pull off and I don't doubt that many GM's do it.
You grossly underestimate the ability of the less socially perceptive individuals to ignore even the most obvious satire and take it for the face value in complete seriousness. I mean look at the majority of the 40k crowd.

Dungeon World.

There are no consequences in undertale either
None that matters, anyway.

To think that you wouldn't need to write such a long and toxic post if you could just read the first two words of mine.

I read them. You were being an idiot and dismissing the largest part of the game by its single most obvious element.

> ?
Why do the French make the worst threads?

What, as in "game where anyone mentioning the fandom gets autistic screeching from both sides", or "violence is discouraged and pacifism is rewarded?"

There was a Christian response to DND back in the 'DND is SATAAAAAAAAAAAN" days that heavily encouraged diplomacy, negotiation, and not smiting people. I forget the name, though.

You could also do an Unknown Armies campaign, given how much of its 'combat' is 'don't'.

>implying slavs and east yurop don't do this, either

It's not the largest part of the game. KYS.

Why on earth would slavs do this? As a slav, I have no idea.

Good question. Undertale is all about playing with video game logic, and tabletop games have an entirely different set of gameplay conventions.

For example, you can't reset to an earlier point in a tabletop game. You can, however, create a new character after your old one dies, who may look and act different to the world but is actually still controlled by the same person.

>There was a Christian response to DND back in the 'DND is SATAAAAAAAAAAAN" days that heavily encouraged diplomacy, negotiation, and not smiting people. I forget the name, though.