Or viceversa?
Bard with ranks in rogue?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you care about sneak attack damage, it's better to have more rogue ranks. If not, bard ranks are better.
Depends on what you see your character as.
She is a strait up rogue with a high cha and a good social build, haven't seen anything yet from her that indicates more than charming rogue.
Berserker with levels in rogue, and almost every skill point put into bluff so she can wander around society without being hunted down
Are we supposed to know every fucking piece of shit anime by sight now?
No, but you should know how to find source, or ignore the things you know nothing about.
Well if you don't recognise it then you don't need to discuss it, do you, dipshit?
Eldritch monster
what was the name of that one again?
Apparently kuroko is a basketball manga.
man, something about a crazy bitch really gets me going
Apparently you don't know how imageboards work, you entitled nigger cunt. No one needs or wants you to grace every thread with your response, no one needs to make sure their posts can be appreciated by you. You see something you don't get? Research it or don't post.
Yo what is this from it looks good?
I want to visit the lovecraft themepark
The setting is full of terrible people, but Minako is the real monster.
new translations when
Never, it got licensed, this kill the scanlations.
Actually it should be MurciƩlago
scanlations of the licensed material when
Serial Killer Vigilante.
Romanized spelling is valid alternative.
You are why Veeky Forums is terrible and shit.
We used to be nice guys and intelligent and creative. Now we have people \like you, and /pol/shit.
And it's your fault.
Give user a source vs. teach user to search for a source.
If someone can't find a source even with reverse image search, looking at the filename or looking at clues in the image itself, then they can tell people "hey, I did all this and I still can't find shit, help a brother out" and people are sure to be more lenient. Just screaming "sauce!" and expecting shit to just fall into your gaping anus of a whore mouth will not earn you much more than ire.
Rogue/Barbarian with some levels in Assassin.
Str 13
Dex 20
Con 18
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Sneak, Bluff, Perception, Sleight of Hand
>only 14 CHA
She's a pretty smooth nympho, user.
Yeah, but she's also super creepy looking.
But to be a bard, a player already has to have 5-7 levels in fighter and 5-9 ranks in thief, why would one waste more levels to multi class further?
I'm not seeing barbarian, sure she's reckless, but she doesn't really display overwhelming feats of power
Been a while since I read, but I don't remember anyone being creeped out by her appearance. Plus she has like, two or three regular girls? And a kid now, too.
A kid she's grooming until she's 18, but yes. A kid.
Her eyes are weird and she moves like an insect.
Like, it doesn't matter if she fits the other indicators of classical beauty, eyes and body language are both extremely important, which is why I went with 14 instead of higher. 14 is still well above average.
Her success with women and general ease around people that don't know what a monster she is puts her at least at a 16.
Don't forget turning a straight widow full gay after saving her daughter from a nutjob.
>straight widow
She didn't change a thing, user
Wait, who is rolling the dice here?
They're both serial killers
Little girl doesn't have ulterior motives, she just wants comfort.
Lanky bitch is developing long-term plans for kinky shit.
>scanlating something that's already translated
Either buy the manga or wait for the anime. No other choice.
The censorship would be worse than Terraformars
Lifted a rather big schoolgirl with one arm. Considering her general body shape, that has to count for a "feat of power"
There's a real possibility the little one knows. She partially doesn't mind, partially doesn't expect to live long enough it would matter.
Literally throws people around, breaks things with little effort, accidentally deflovered girl by giving her a nudge...
So I have to pay to read this, no matter what?
Go back to /a/ if you don't want to discuss anime.
No, there are still websites that host it, it's just that they haven't continued translating it since last April. The first 50+ chapters are still there.
excuse me, 45 chapters
> little girl might have been a eugenics/genetic modification experiments
that right winger terrorist knew something about the girl
Sense of self preservation?
nah, I go towards 'em.
Kuroko is a monster, she should have monster stats
CHA out the ass
Perform: yuri
That's just stat allocation.
monk, with ranks in rogue.
Considering her DEX, wouldn't she be closer to something like an Unarmed Swordsage or some shit?
Yeah, I would say there should be something arcane to her.
>Minako - Ninja
>Chiyo - Warlord or Blackguard
>Rinko - Rogue
She's a CHA monster of some sort.
Nah, she just has like a +15 bonus to diplomacy checks against lesbos
The musclegirl bartender is a wonderful character
It literally works on every female she comes into contact with. From little girls to high schoolers to aged widows. There can't be THAT many lesbians in R'lyeh.
Maybe it's something in the water...
Isn't she the woman that sneak-attacked a girl's vagina with an umbrella handle?
It looked painful
That's the second time in the all the fiction I've gone through that expression "accidentally raped" actually fits.
Okay I'm curious what's the first?
Several years ago in certain Quest after gaining... physical manifestation or another character's soul and irresponsibly toying around with it there was this decision to try giving it a lick.
Magical Girl Noir?
Of course!
>not just posting [X] Lick Soul Gem
How many would have understood even now?
It's not that old ya dumb
Well, that girl didn't live enough to suffer too much, at least.
It was a good choice, but the timing couldn't have been worse. Couldn't we have waited until we finished that phone call before doing that? I did like Iori
Four and half years ago (I just checked).
Really? Time sure flies.
When you think about it, Kharn and Kuroko have quite a lot in common...
it's the dead eyes.
Chicks love 'em.
Crap with ranks in Shit. Fuck that loledgy shit.
She plays it pretty straight, user.
>mfw reading this crap
>implying Kuroko is supposed to be a "strong female character
She's a plot resolution device, with a unrevealed backstory that may be able to
make her into a proper character.
I didn't imply shit. What I'm saying is that there's no tension. She's never in any trouble and just resolves everything because she's awesome and they just throw more and more ridiculous things at her and she just resolves them just as easily. There's no conflict or development on that front, so what the fuck is the point other than to make their waifu look awesome?
Spectacle? Maybe a threat appears in the next few chapters, we're up to about 55, and the raws are up to nearly 80
>She's a plot resolution device
And fanservice generator.
>mfw "I'm not a lesbian"
There's no tension when it comes to her, but most everyone else are relatively normal people that die horribly.