Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Flight! How do you do flight in your games? Does your character fly so good?
Ever had someone play a strix or syrinx? Ever had someone do Vestigial Wings -> Aerial Wings with Bloodforge?

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Relinking the lfg thing I posted last thread and the thread before that:

Come here if you want a non-lewd, non-ERP game where i'm testing a shitload of houserules to see how Pathfinder works with much less intense feat taxes, and slightly more flexible skills, and Spheres of Might and Power and some beefed up 1pp Martials.

Flight Hex.

What's the best way to become an important servant of Urgathoa? Just do a lot of cocaine off of elf booties while eating halfling meat or what?

I've played a Strix twice, both ended up being one-offs. It's too bad, they seem fun.

Find an endangered animal, eat it, then let half the meat spoil and raise it as a zombie.

Pepe the Frog.

>trespass in the Egorian City Zoo
>murder the pandas
>eat the pandas
>resurrect the pandas


Are pandas real in Golarion?

Would anybody be interested in a lewd game with rotating DMs? Everybody runs 'story arcs' before passing it off to the next player who runs the next story arcs. Story arcs can be anywhere from 3 to 9 sessions.

Not really, I'm very tired of "lewd" and would much rather play a serious campaign of Kingmaker or Shattered Star.

>Shattered Star

>Does your character fly so good?
All of my characters invariably find some way to be free of gravity. It's just far too useful and sensible.

Question /pfg/, would you allow a Neurokineticist (Legendary Kineticists) to take Thrallherd (Dreamscarred Press)?
Thematically it fits and would only need a little bit of tweaking to make the Thrallherd bonuses line up with talents from the Neurokineticist, and I don't see any balance issues aside from the usual leadership ones that have already been talked over and agreed upon.

Also, who else has their mental magic/psionic/illusion/etc type characters dress in full armor and carry big weapons so that nobody suspects that they're the source of all the mind-fuckery following the party around?

Shattered Star would be one of the most boring experiences imagineable if it was taken seriously. Hell, even not taken wholly seriously it's been kind of dull.

I want to marry Alaznist!

So dragon game happened last night. How was it?

>can pump enchantment spells to have ridiculous DCs that nothing in the bestiary you'd likely face at a given level could succeed
>but a fuckton of shit you're likely to face also has immunity to most enchantment spells, rendering that massive DC utterly worthless

What AP has the fewest things immune to getting brainfucked by enchantments?

Actually, what *would* be a good campaign to take "seriously"? Kingmaker might be alright, but it'd probably be pretty dull. Maybe Strange Aeons?

How do we make Kingmaker less dull?

I want to marry Xanderghul!

Hell's Rebels
If you are willing to rewrite 50% of it

Throw out everything after book one and write a more interesting series of events

More accurate question: how do you make running a kingdom less dull? Because Kingmaker, while it's fiddly, is decent enough at it for a game. Which is the problem.

Surprisingly political

Eh, I find trying to take 'horror' games seriously either results in instant TPK or instant retirement from adventuring.
Or worse, whatever was trying to fuck your shit up just... not. Because... mystery???

Horror is basically presenting lot of danger without actually imposing any
Players need to try to scare themselves to make it work.

That's true, horror doesn't really work in a setting where the person describing the horrific geometric shapes is spherical himself.

Play Book 1 normally, then rip off Fire Emblem 1 through 10 in functionally any order you want or with any bits and pieces. It's what I'm doing and I'm pilfering from FE4

Not gonna lie, a campaign revolving around a pack of insane fans that want to get freaky with the long-slumbering Runelords would be hilarious.

Throw away the Fey plot, replace it with Brevoy's deteriorating political situation causing refugees to populate the player's kingdom and, eventually, Brevoy collapses into civil war where the party is forced to pick a side.

Feels a little like Fire Emblem.

I mean if you can take 3 levels in mesmerist, and your GM to allow it, you can get 50% to bypass mind-affecting immunity.

Well shit, that's actually a good idea.
Saving this for if I ever run Kingmaker.

>and the shape that the ovoid formed... Was just like me! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

>you will never begin as a mercenary company who ends up wrangled into building a kingdom to bridge the gap between humans and nonhumans
>you will never find your countryside plagued by increasingly bizarre monsters assaulting the peasantry
>you will never discover a troupe of dancers on the run from the undead during one of your outings
>you will never discover that they're actually all dragons and half-dragons
>you will never stop a cabal of mad necromancers from attempting to raise the ULTIMATE UNDEAD by using the corpse of a long-forgotten dragon god

That's actually pretty cool

I have several:
Play E6
Play E8
Play E12
Ban the Planar X spells, the Wish/Miracle line, the calling part of Gate, the Simulacrum line, Astral Projection, the Shadow Evocation/Conjuration line, anything that allows you to gain multiple turns of unimpeded activity, the Word line, and Greater Scrying/Greater Teleport to get rid of the old Scry and Die.

The thing about SoP that makes it seem like it's less broken is that it's new and makes casters pay for bits and pieces of power. This doesn't mean that there aren't any profoundly worrying options (Mind has complete lockdowns better than Wizard classics by level 1-3), it means that for a long time you have one, maybe two big tricks. So if one of your big tricks is too good, that's too bad because fixing it requires a full rework of a character instead of five minutes and an admonition of "you're breaking the game".

There's been almost a full generation's worth of autism on the theory of 3.X; if your system does not engage with said autism, it will most likely fail to fully fix the problem.

I've got one more: all full casters are now on the Bard progression.

How would you alter everything post-book 1? Make book 6 about assaulting Brevoy and Choral while Pitax is funded by Surtova?

>all full casters are now bard progression

why even bother saying this instead of "no fullcasters, play halfcasters instead" or "your spell list is restricted from these spells"

>The thing about SoP that makes it seem like it's less broken is that it's new and makes casters pay for bits and pieces of power. This doesn't mean that there aren't any profoundly worrying options (Mind has complete lockdowns better than Wizard classics by level 1-3), it means that for a long time you have one, maybe two big tricks. So if one of your big tricks is too good, that's too bad because fixing it requires a full rework of a character instead of five minutes and an admonition of "you're breaking the game".
I thought that the whole problem with wizard is that they have an entire utility bag of tricks to throw at problems and can with 15 minutes change their leftover spells loadout from blasting to utility to whatever. By limiting that to less few big tricks, isn't that a step forwards in limiting their power?

The kobold likes herself some big-girl breasts
The midget blew a fuse when someone else insulted his size

People get mad when casters can function as anything other than buff bots.


I already did the latter, read the previous post. The former leaves a lot of material off the table.

Given Wizard specialization, Cleric domains, Druid domains and Sorcerer/Oracle/Psychic bonus spells, you're trading BAB progression for an extra spell or two per level under this setup.

Also, Bard progression also keeps those casters gaining something past level 12 other than surplus slots.

Another part that horror has trouble with is time. No no, not the pacing. But rather the epoch.

There was a time where the very idea of a non-euclidean entity grasping beyond spacetime with its tentacles was enough to make someone faint by the mere mention.

But, imagine people today. YES, fight or flight will kick the fuck in; but the mindbreak? The mindset of "it's impossible" for many folks is no longer the realm of "I am staring at god or the devil my soul is damned oh gods here comes eternity" as it once was. Squids were once beyond scary to a lot of mainlanders... Remember "freak shows"? Where you'd get a pretty good reaction from some for things as simple as "that rabbit has a horn sticking out of its head" or "the lady has a beard" (boy did THAT last one ever get to stick around)

Yes, people will think "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT", but they'll also be thinking "is that a wormhole? a dimensional portal? is it some kind of innate ability or a gate generator of some kind? Fuck that's a lot of teeth."

You could say that Star Trek called it, as it did call quite a few things (flip-phones in TOS - hell ours are BETTER except for the range, tablets in TNG...); people are increasingly likely, due to our upbringing of fantasy, sci-fi and videogames being understood as fiction (unlike when the bible was real word for word or else you get the fucking strap), to view some eldritch abomination the same way kirk and spock and bones did: by asking why a "god" would need a starship, or wondering if that giant colour from out of space is trying to suck up the warp-drive.

I do so hate that term...

But, well... yes. Draconic Essence class ability means you get a compulsion flaw... in my case, there's a will-save against taking offense when insulted. It's actually a fairly easy save... but uh, easy don't mean automatic all the time.

It's, uh, my sense of justice, about, uh, that guy being the panty thief. That made me forget myself. Yeah. Justice.

If anything you might say modern north-americans get more fear out of the current political climate than they do at the thought of being eaten first.

>But, imagine people today. YES, fight or flight will kick the fuck in; but the mindbreak?

Also, don't forget stuff like how in one of Lovecraft's stories, the horrifying mindbreak twist ending is...

...the main character discovering that a tribal black African woman was one of his ancestors.



Tribal black Africans are pretty monstrous, user.

Bard Progression implies "no spells over 7th level", at which point you have to ask: "Why the fuck would I bother with a Wizard/Cleric/Whatever?". Wizard Specializations are icing on the "gets spells" cake. Domains as well. Perhaps you've got it more thoroughly mapped out and I'm just not seeing it, but I don't see much of a benefit to being a fullcaster with the limited information about your revisions that I have.

That's not a bad thing, mind you. Fullcasting, as amusing as it may be sometimes, is bullshit and SHOULD get shoved out the door. This just sounds like you're pretending you haven't done that when you have.

Really? I'm absurdly excited to see what our current political climate will entail. Our president is starting to put this country in the right direction.

So you're Edward Elric in the form of a dragon?

Yes, I'm sure "alternative facts" are a potent of great things to come.

Boy, you're either dumb as hell or you got too much fucking money and thus deserve death like all capitalist swine.

Please, let's not talk about alternative facts alongside the gagging order given to government scientists saying anything they've got to say must be vetted by government offices and properly edited, and the obvious implications that anything further coming out of the governmental scientific institutions will be just as alternative facts as the white house crowds.

It's not the place for this discussion at all.

That is mostly theory-op. In a vacuum, a prepared full caster can do anything and everything, but that requires unfettered access to scrolls and magical writing (Wizard), unfettered access to metagame material and leaving slots open for utility and knowing what you're facing 15+ minutes in advance (Cleric, Druid). Having a silver bullet for obscure situations is actually a bonus for the party, because if nobody guessed right for that situation, it can be a real bad time.

Where full casters truly dominate is where they can amass enough power to fundamentally obviate entire chunks of the game world. For example: if you can Planar Bind things with Wish consistently, you can shit out magic items, get +5 inherent to every stat, cast any spell in the game at any time with no waiting, free yourself up to cast even MORE binding spells (or Simulacrum) and have a small army of things way above the rest of the party's (and the world's) weight.

If you have unfettered access to anywhere you can perceive with Scrying and Teleport, you can buff up, skip a dungeon, grab the McGuffin, kill anything in their sleep/unbuff state, and leave in under a minute of game time.

If you have ways of making backups (Astral Projection) and a way to plane hop, you can adventure without ever worrying about death or losing gear, only time. And time doesn't mean much when you get 10 rounds to everyone else's one.

All of these are "one big trick" and they completely wreck games. A caster could do something else, but why would they? The way to balance things is to find a class or set of mechanics that are widely considered to work, then build everything to that standard. There are multiple standards to choose from, and SoP can't seem to decide which one it wants. It mechanically makes everyone Fighter-like, as in Feats are the stock in trade for class features, but like Feats, requires long chains to get full functionality, hobbling dabblers and rewarding accounting for power.

But user, you'd be loving an illusion.

I want to marry a wyvaran!

I want to marry a woman I've grown to love through multiple sessions and side conversations!

I'm interested, but you might be coming off as a bit stuffy. Are you gonna get mad at me if I try to romance an NPC, or if my character is sexy and suggestive? Are you going to demand that I stop injecting my horrible fetishes into the game if I make a very demure, submissive character?

That's the gayest thing I've read this week, and I read yaoi mangas.

It's more that I dont want it to become the focus of the game, really. Leave the lewd shit to be fade to black.

I actually still don't even fucking know how flight or the Fly skill work.

And I want to marry no one.

Fucking queer

>It's gay to prefer romance with someone you have a connection


Fly is a usage of the Acrobatics skill that was accidentally written down separately. You can read its mechanics anytime.

Why IS Fly seperate, anyway? That still doesn't make any sense to me, feels like a skill tax.

Hey man, Eastasia was always our ally. We have always been at war with Oceania.

Are Bardiche good? What are their advantages and weaknesses?

Is there any Lamellar armour?

I prefer Wyverian myself

It's gay to prefer romance. REAL men just pump and dump. Connections? What are you, a flaming homolord?

Bardiche is very solid, personally one of my favorite weapons.

There is Lamellar! It's under the Eastern Armor.


Actually, REAL men ride each-other.
In their giant robots.

What if I told you I'd even be fine if she already has a kid or was known as extremely promiscuous?

Has anyone played that homebrewed race?

Are they fun?

I always found that picture extremely cute, and I've no clue why.


>Actually taking care of another man's kid
>Actually wanting the village slut


It's cause she's drunkenly fondling her soaking wet pussy with her feet while another pussy rubs her head.

I'd call you a literal cuck.

It's only cuckoldry if the woman cheats on him during the relationship, and has a kid that way.

/pol/ pls go


It is intended as a form of tax, that's its sole purpose. They believe it's a systemic nerf on casters.


She's "extremely promiscuous", it's bound to happen unless we're in a fantasy land where she's suddenly not a slut.

How the fuck is that /pol/? Are you a child who parrots whatever meme of the week you see even if you don't know what it means?

>it's bound to happen unless we're in a fantasy land where she's suddenly not a slut.

Good thing we ARE in a fantasy land where a slutty PC/NPC can go from sucking dick by the dozen every Friday night to snuggling up with her lover while working out baby names.

>tax on casters
>when EVERYONE wants to fly



I always try to fly at some point(when I actually get to play and not GM). The trouble used to come from my preference for playing martial characters. Fortunately, Aegis exists and isn't terrible. At some point in the future I'd also like to play an Avowed, since it looks like a fun class and it gets flight at lvl 10 with no restrictions.

Yep. Not to mention even in scenarios where casters are flying and the rest of the party aren't, the difference between flying and not flying is so black-and-white that it hardly matters how good they are at it, unless they fucking fall from being so bad.

Most lewd games around here don't seem to "focus" on erp. There's just a lot of stupid anime moments like how in the Dragons game the kobold fell into some other dragon's tits on "accident" and ended up being symetrical docking.

I really believe the people who like lewd games just wanna have characters that act pervy, and not be judged. Or they want to acknowledge the fact that sexuality is a thing that exists, because in a lot of other games you get dirty looks for even asking if the librarian is hot.

I recommend you advertise it as just "a game" instead of specifically non-lewd. When people ask, just state the focus on the game won't be on lewds.

Is she a street fighter charaacter? The size of her feet suggest she's from street fighter.

But what if she relapses one day at the marketplace, and steps into an alley with 20 strangers for some raw, semi-public group-fucking?

>not recognizing the iconic creatures from Monster Hunter
You make me ashamed to be a fa/tg/uy.

That's why you get to know her and her needs user. If she really needs to have a train run on her every once in a while you just call all your old adventuring buddies up and get her done. Falling that there are always summon spells for that illicit tryst feel.
Work with your slut, not against her.

Sorry I don't own nintentoddler consoles

Flying is easy until tight turns are needed or damage is taken, and the Fly spell itself gives a bonus anyway. So the only people who need to fly WELL are melee fliers.