Malifaux General

Effigies Edition


Through the Breach (Complete):!Z9sVSYTS!U2J243KhVsUuOqAnsqTj4A

Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of Malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models and scenarios
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models
Book 4 - Entirely new models and scenarios

Discord voice chat for malifaux chat and memery:

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives

New Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

Topic for discussion: Which effigy is the best?

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I can't comment on that because I don't think anyone plays effegies.

They are pretty useful for certain masters and setups. Collodi is of course the big one as he can hire every effigy in the game, and likes having them there so he can buff is attacks to unhealthy levels.

The arcane effigy is pretty good for arcanist. A 4 point model with accomplice and condition removal is pretty nice.

By the model, the Arcane Emissary. By the rules, Hodgepodge.

we talking the dollies, the forgotten leader upgrades

We can talk about those things too. I literaly just google malifaux images for an op pic. Thought it might be good topic.

Personally I still use an effigy in most of my lists. They're cheap, significant and they have armor and h2k and I think most, if not all, have accomplice. They're fairly solid for what they cost.

For the emissary I'd probably agree with the Arcane for the model. For rules either shadow or carrion.

I have the hodgepodge effigy so I picked up a metal misaki for $5 to go along with it.

What are some good models to run with misaki in outcasts?
I have Levi's box, Tara's box and Johan, ashes and dust and bishop.


Sue is never bad either

Do you guys know how fast Wargame Vault update their stuff? I want to see if they will make gaining grounds 2017 cards any time soon.

Wow, are jorogumo as bullshit as they seem?

They should already be up for purchase. I've got a set from my buddy.

So I just picked up the nightmare Tara box. I've heard people saying they have had problems with glue fogging the models. What glue should I use to get around that? Also how do you get paint to stick without primer?

They took them down because people were getting the 2016 deck, they'll be back up when they've fixed the problem.

Ah, OK. Was it a technical problem with the site or was some just printing the wrong set.

I'm thinking of starting outcasts, specifically Hamelin, apart from the crew box, brotherhood of the rat and Killjoy what other stuff would be useful to get when starting out?

Johan is always good. Cheap relic hammer and condition removal.

No idea, the last thing they said was they had identified the problem and were working on fixing it.

Nah they look nasty but theyre kinda underwhelming on the table.

They seem pretty alright. They have a good damage track, 3" reach, a third attack with eat your fill on top of their tankiness. The only real down side is mi5.

And being fuck expensive.

What is the best Penny Dreadful to start everyone off on for Through the Breach?

I've heard a lot of praise for In Defense of Innocence and after reading it I can agree.

Really the big ones to start with seem to be that, Night at the Rottenburg, and The Bayou Games if you're playing gremlins. I haven't read Northern Aggression or heard reviews for it so I can't comment.

Get Sue, his man in black ability which gives negative flips to ca attacks is great at protecting Nix who hates spells.

Is this a good base crew for misaki in outcasts?
I just want a basic crew to modify so I don't spend forever setting up

50 SS Outcasts Crew
Misaki + 2 Pool
- Stalking Bisento (2)
- Smoke & Shadows (1)
Sue (8)
Johan (6)
Jorogumo (9)
Jorogumo (9)
Jorogumo (9)
Freikorps Trapper (6)

You have way too many Jorogumos

Blame Wyrd for selling them 3 to a box.

Also, they're fucking huge.

Get the effigy and the emissary

It's more than you need for a crew sure, but the same could be said for many boxes in the game. It is always nice to lend one to a friend or have one handy in case you get lucky with Asami.

Drop 2 Jorogumo and add the emmisarry and effigy?

Maybe not 2, but the emissary and effigy are solid options. Maybe you can drop the trapper and a spider to get the pair. You will want to get rid of S&S as well.

But I liked the idea of popping the spider out of the trapper turn 1

Picked Brewie along with Whiskey Golem for my 1st master.

I'm struggling to win anything with him. Friend of mine plays mostly Pandora and wreck my shit like a crazy. Usually after turn 2/3 I have most of my models take off the board by Nekima or paralyzed by horror duels.

Any tips/tricks to play brewie, or recommendations for next buy form gremlins?

Like others have said you really only need 1 jorogumo. I would try out some of the torakage from her starter box. They can do a serviceable job at scheme running and fighting enemy runners.

I took the brewmaster to a tourney yesterday and did pretty good. Went 10-0 first round against Levi (got my defensive trigger off twice against Levi)
My list was:
Brewmaster 3ss cache with binge
2x akaname
Lightning bug
Mancha Roja

Out of all the models I think that trixie is super duper important to get next. You really really need to go first with the brewmaster or else he will die for nothing.
You want a performer to blow up models with poison stacks and to help moving stuff around.
Lenny is a great support piece. Turn one I toss trixibelle up the field with him and have her lure the brewmaster up field.

I haven't tried out the whiskey golem yet but I won one at the tourney so i'll give a go soon.

If you only have the brewmaster box and the whiskey golem I would think about getting Somer's box next. As important as trixie belle is the rest of the box is not going to compliment the brewmaster. With Somer you can use the bayou gremlins and lenny, both of which are great pieces.
For tips and tricks
>have welsey cast binge on the brewmaster and discard a mask for another AP on the brewmaster
> poison < neg flips try and apply swill over spreading poison

Shit yeah the Arcane Effigy is decent.
I'll generally pick one up if it's a toss-up between filling out the list with points and a full chache, or one extra activation and a lower cache.
Extra incentive if against Neverborn or Ressrs.

>They're cheap, significant and they have armor and h2k and I think most, if not all, have accomplice. They're fairly solid for what they cost.
This, basically.

Also, as he says, the Arcane Emissary model is absolutely bangin'.

>You will want to get rid of S&S as well.
>I liked the idea of popping the spider out of the trapper turn 1
I agree with Jorogumanon - Smoke & Shadows may not be the "optimal choice", but it makes the game more flexible and fun for you being able to pop stuff out of stuff.
Also a cool as fuck thematic element with all the stealthy faster-than-the-eye shenanigans.

>got my defensive trigger off twice against Levi
Maaaan dat muhfugga musta bin piiiiiiissed.
I've never seen anyone successfully get that off - I think usually because it's acceptable to pop Wesley instead, by that point in the game.
As long as you still have A Brewmaster on the field, the bubbles and debuffs keep on rolling, and you're still tarpitting the enemy.
Also, it can allow the opponent to reposition to hunt scheme runners a little too easily.

On the other hand, dropping Lady J or Francisco (I hate Guild) 18" out of the action can be pretty great.

He told me that I sucked all the fun out of the game afterwards, I don't think he had played against the brewmaster before.
The worst part was I played the red joker from my hand on both the defensive triggers
I would try it more often but with his Df 5 you need a 13 or the red joker to make sure you didn't waste a soul stone.

>levi player complaining about someone sucking the fun out of the game

Don't rely on drinking contest. Obey and Binge can be enough to get heavy hitters in position to beat things up. Swill some poor sap and jump them.

>He told me that I sucked all the fun out of the game afterwards, I don't think he had played against the brewmaster before.
It's funny how that works in Malifaux - there are actually a whole bunch of Masters that are a fairly "negative play experience" if you don't work out how to play around them until too late.

Hamelin, even when not played Maximum Cunt Mode, is pretty irritating when it's just a sea of low-wound critters that ignore 40% of your shenanigans and mechanics.

Even Pandora can be pretty awful to play against - my first game against her I was running hardcore elite Colette with Cass, Joss and Citizen Snips, all of whom spent most of the game playing statue.

It does seem like one of those games that, in order to enjoy it in a diverse meta, you need to bury a couple of evenings into the wiki to learn how to avoid a complete crash and burn against "that one little trick".

Anyway, pic unrelated but these are some gorgeously done Showgirls.

I'm a relatively new player and I come in last or close to last in every tournament. Anyone have any build ideas or purchase suggestions?

Misaki (single model, no box)
Hollow Waif x3
Rusty Alyce
Scion of the Void
Ashes and Dust
Desolation engine
Big Jake
Punk Zombie x3
The Drowned x2
Abomination x4
Void Wretch x3
Hodgepodge Effigy

>have welsey cast binge on the brewmaster and discard a mask for another AP on the brewmaster

that hell of a twist, I like this, and thanks a lot for all hints. I'll give brewie one more try. I got really dissapointed about him after loosing so many times, but I guess I can't see all those synergies that happens there.

Hey guys, considering starting to play the game here but unsure of which master to pick, I really love Lucius' look and feel, but I keep hearing he's really underwhelming, should I go for Lucius anyways or should I pick someone else? I don't really like most Guild masters so I guess I'd play him as a Neverborn?

He recently got a buff, he's totally fine now so you should just go for it.

Lucius just received a pretty big buff from the recent errata. I don't know how strong he is now but general consensus is he is significantly better than he was before. Just make sure you look at the errata cards which most likely won't be in his crew box. They're on wyrds site though and if you google 2017 errata you should find it.

That's awesome, thanks a lot!

Lucius got errata'd and is now actually pretty good. He is complicated though, so as a first timer he will take quite a bit of learning, adding to the game's already steep learning curve. He is arguably better as a Guild master because of Witching Thralls, but with some Illuminated at his side in Neverborn he should be great.

I've recently started trying to play Lilith, for some reason I struggle to use her way more than pretty much every single other neverborn master, I feel like I have no clue what to do with her.

Throw down trees, lure, and kill things, while the rest of the crew does its own thing.

I'm just piling on to the Nucius hype train because I have the 'cards' to hand, but he sounds like he should be good now.

With his gimmickbeing extended to all Minions and Mimics, he should be decent in Neverborn now - Lucius is worst Master is an old meme.

Also there are few Masters in the game that will style on your opponents quite as hard as this sharp gentleman.

Can you still take Riflemen if you go Neverborn?

Yup - Surprisingly Loyal allows up to 4 Guardsmen or Mimics out of faction.

Yes, Lucius can take the "Surprisingly Loyal" upgrade, it allows you to take 4 Guardsman or Mimic Models from out of faction.
If you're going to play Lucius I'd recommend getting an Austringer too.

Would you say the game is balanced right now?

more so than before, but it's not perfect. Kaeris is still seeing no serious love.

Hopefully she gets a buff in the next errata.

People are saying Kaeris and Ma are the worst two masters at the moment.
How do we think they could improve them?

Change Kaeris' gimmick, we already have two other burning-focused masters

I started playing Malifaux because I loved how Kaeris' model looked, hated playing her and switched factions.
Sonnia is exactly how I wish Kaeris worked and I remember how jealous I was the first time I played vs her

Mah could use to lose the double suit requirement for her aim for the sore spot's upgrade since Lenny doesn't do free rams anymore.

She needs some kind of gimmick that makes fighting her a pain. She has no defensive triggers and Ophelia is just superior to her in every way for applying precision damage.

Maybe make Kaeris the vertically centered Master, where she's focused on flying around and stuff

>angry gabbing intensifies

I've got a compromise, we just paint Kaeris green and play her as Zipp then

Jumping back in after a year(ish) long break, and was just informed that my favourite looking master, Lucius, got some decent buffs. Anyone willing to summarise them?

Do paralyzed miniatures get any debuff to Df?

>Do paralyzed miniatures get any debuff to Df?
Nope, but they have an engagement range of zero