Here's the template, will follow up with mine and the small template for the lazy.
Kingdom Thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
the small template
And my MTG themed kingdom, R8 and H8
I want to do this, but it takes way too much time.
By the time I'm finished the thread will be archived and I'll have to wait until the next thread pops up.
IF it pops up.
I just wanted to say this in case you were wondering why nobody was responding. I want to do it, but it's kind of an ordeal.
Still working on the fuck hueg one.
Kinda forgot I even had one in progress.
who is that snake girl just below the HAREM word? The art looks like the same guy who drew Elves of Deep Shadow
Just random vampire featured on the Deadly Allure card
>Deadly Allure
thanks. I could check that it wasnt the same author
>Implying I'll ever finish.
By the time i get close i want to change old characters and themes out. One day Ill be King ;_;
Please fill out your forms and return them to the front of the class, thankyou.
It's still too fucking huge. I have better things to do.
progress.. so slow..
I should post the bigger template when I get home. I have about 200+ space.
I'm disappointed that my autism was big enough to try it in the first place, but not big enough get it done in a day
thats a thing we all sorely share
How goes progress?
Bumping for life.
What's the difference between vizier and steward? Aren't they both guys running the business while the king is occupied?
Vizier is more of an advisor.
Vizier is like your go-to general advice guy for getting a quick overview of everything, steward is more of an economic/industry specialist.
I guess Scroob should be steward then.
>he picked the Reds and Blues as his retainers
You've got balls, I'll give you that much.
Fuck this is hard.
I believe in you user!
I feel so stupid watching this because I can only recognize few at best
Now thats a mighty fine composition ya got goin there.
I made this a long time ago.
I'll have another go in the morning i guess.
>weapon of the king
You evil bastard.
How did I do, Veeky Forums?
Oh hi Triple-Q
An idea for someone who actually likes these and knows how, would be to create an excel template or something where you can just insert pictures.
I think that kind of thing is possible.
>Half the fucking template are harem
god damn thats sad
To be honest, I wouldn't recognize some of them myself, and some are really obscure.
Throw in Darth Traya and Princess Morgiah and you'd have a literal backstabbing orgy.
Made this a while ago.
Postin' the short version of v.0.1 before work.
The nobles of my land consist of Catherine The Great and her dark elf equivalent, an old man with magic PTSD, a depraved xenophile with surprisingly strong business ethics, a zombie elf, and a overly excitable manchild who sees no problem with hacking off your arms to give yourself robo-hands.
I am relying exclusively on Uncle Iroh and William Jay Gaynor to keep them in line, and barring that, I will resort to using copious amounts of narcotic potions created by my NEET alchemist and getting high as fuck with J'zargo in the gardens until the fighting stops.
Now that is some solid as fuck good taste there user.
do a little bit each day and when it's finally done just make the thread again
jej this would make ken penders hard as a diamond
What program are you all using to make the charts?
Its not hard, just pics and their layers.
this chart made me chuckle especially the Informant pic
but where's the Afterlife pic from?
and who dat blonde chick in the hareem section with the black bikini? the real life chick 3 top starting from the left.
tfw stuck on
>armour of the king
This game is too hard.
>armour of the king
Any vidya with an armour you really liked? Maybe something from a book or a movie that you remember?
Don't have a waifu?
not enough of a waifu i could stand, not these days.
Maybe, i do like Warframe..
The afterlife is from a short cartoon called Saga of Bjorn. You can find it on youtube
Marie claude bourbonnais is the blonde lady. She's really funky looking but she also does a bit of geeky related stuff.
Fuck. Phone posting is hard
This seems a weird mix of good and absolutely terrible choices.
Ok fixed.
Better, but.. Aniston though?
leave Ross alone
Decided to expand upon this. No harem because one waifu per laifu.
Some people are just into really bland boring people.
Bah, when I wake up I see if I can finish mine I have started into the otber thread ages ago. If anyone fron the other is here, is the user who made the demilich and the night history as a prologue for the kingdom.
I know, but you wouldnt make one your queen!
Good kingdom, good music. 10/10, would enter trading agreements with again
The Little Template doesn't have a jester.
That's the most important fucking one.
Goddamnit now im gonna have to do the big one....
I like the way you law.
Have my weeby one.
I have a girlfriend and a life, friend.
It's animazing.
>unironically likes Halo
WIP /co/ kingdom
I like this
add Karnak to your council
I like it!
>tfw you don't really know anyone
What is the font anons use in these charts? I'm changing mine a bit, and will need some custom boxes.
So these can have anyone from anything; so long as you think they can fit. And I suppose preferably can explain why they fit as well if asked?
All rules are self-imposed. If you want to create a kingdom of omnipotent characters you can do that, or if you want a kingdom with only Veeky Forums characters you can do that.
Personally I prefer Kingdoms that can keep the overall power level relatively low.
So you pretty much made a floating love dungeon for yourself?
My kingdom is apparently a massive interracial lesbian cult of humans, elves, merfolk, deerfolk, and sirens/harpies. It's a mostly naval, sea-faring nation with handful of densely forested peninsulas and flat, treeless coastline. The humans, merfolk, and harpies are culturally pushed to working in maritime fields while the deerfolk and elves are delegated to farming, logging, and stripmining to support the naval military machine. Women came to power because they are naturally better at magic just like how men are stronger physically. Unfortunately magic > might, so women won over in the social pecking order. Men are able to serve as general infantry/crew/wage laborers, but it's difficult for them to obtain any meaningful power. Each race except human has a patron god and that god selects a member of that race to represent them. The Elder God is called the Lady of the Depths. She literally hands out swords to those she selects as Queen and sometimes even personally knights people, sometimes to the ire of the ruling class. Vampires exist and are in the process of being culled.There used to be an actual patron god of vampires, but worship of him has been outlawed. A demigod was sent to take his place who represents the outcast and downtrodden such as men, starving artists, and especially vampires. The other demigod is a direct representative of the Lady of the Depths who takes the form of a mermaid that preaches the two sides of Sapphic Piety: Sanctity of Blood and Revelry of Blood. To be short, Sanctity of Blood is vanilla "oral only plz" sex and Revelry of Blood is hardcore ohgodwhatareyoudoing sex. Most people obviously lie inbetween the two extremes, though the current High Priest shows a definite preference for Revelry of Blood.
The government is formed by the ceremonial bond of two Queens who are selected by the Lady of the Depths: The Queen of Arms (‘Queen of Surf’) and the Queen of Court (‘Queen of Turf’). The Queen of Arms handles military and expeditionary affairs and her counterpart handles affairs of state and economy. As such, the Queen of Court has significant power over the Queen of Arms, since without the former the latter cannot afford to maintain her fleet. Not only that, the Queen of Court also has influence over the noble class and has much more power over legislation. It’s as if the American Congress was wrapped up in a single God-appointed monarch. As for the current Queens, it is a closely-held military secret that the Queen of Arms is a vampire. However, it’s an open fact that the Queen of Court loathes vampires and is the one who publically instigated the Inquisition to root out vampires and defang them. The Queen of Arms has managed to keep herself out of the Queen of Court’s reach for now, but she won’t last long.
But, yes. It is a floating love dungeon.
Nice to see this amount of thought put into a kingdom.
Another quick question before I'm off to bed:
How do vampires work in your setting? I'm assuming they don't have the obvious weakness of sunlight or holy symbols since the Queen of Arms have remained undetected. It also makes me wonder how she came into power in the first place.
It's a bit like how vampires work in Carmilla. They get incredibly lethargic and slow to think and grow faint. Frequent intake of blood can minimize the effect, but not completely. They also sunburn incredibly easily if they don't care to stay in the shade. If you look carefully, I made sure that the images of the Throne/Throne Room/etc were at night.
She was appointed by the Lady of the Depths to fulfill her own machinations against the gods of the kingdom's rival nations. But other than that no one knows why (read: I haven't thought that far ahead yet). It makes her job hell, though, that much is for sure.
I decided to finish this (and change some things). I originally planned to focus more on legendary and semi-legendary characters, but in the end it was almost all real people, so I decided to go with it and added only one fictional guy (and the chariot, but since I already employ Medea it would be strange not to use her dragon chariot).
Also I originally wanted to do the bigger version , and that's how Chevalier d'Eon became the envoy, s/he was meant to be a spy, but there's no spy position in this chart.
Lazy as fuck, I like pets though
I've been wanting to make a thread for this for a while, but then I remember that no one ever really explains their choices and there's hardly ever any participation. Plus I'm never really sure which board to post this in.
The theme for both both of these is supposed to be sci-fi, but there's a bit of magic thrown in as well.
Evil Kingdom is designed for conquest, good kingdom is supposed to maintain peace and protect the innocent.
I agree. Unfortunately it seems most people just slap slightly-related waifus in each slot and call it a day.
I say it's because it's easier. Searching nice images for each tab, even if from famous perople, can be quite time consuming. I'm still doing minebeen on it for some hours already. Being in the beach with bad connection has its perks.
I'm the mega autist at top and rules just come in batches. I'm aiming for every slot being unique and at that point, it's hard to be choosy
Made this back in like summer/fall 2015
Love me some drow
Agreed. All I have left is 3 national treasures and 21 harem members and I'm done. My only repetition was in the 4 gate guards because standard uniforms are a thing.
Not bad. You gonna make a new one?
maybe, I got plenty of new character art pics to add to it so i prob should.
maybe once i find some time to sperg out more