hey user let's play monopoly but ignore literally all of the rules so the game drags on forever and is extremely unsatisfying
>your family and normie friends
Hey user let's play monopoly but ignore literally all of the rules so the game drags on forever and is extremely...
Hey user, please bring that cool board game we tried last week. Do you have any more like it?
>my family and normie friends
hey user, can you learn the rules of my own GoT board game so we can play it in about a year when you'll come back
>my normie friends
That's why you get "real games" that normies can still enjoy. I recommend Catan because it has good brand recognition while still being a decent game that actually requires thought.
>Oh jeez user, I dunno, your nerd games seem kinda complicated and weird
>Oh wait, Catan? Haha, just like Big Bang Theory!
Catan converted my family so they were willing to try other games and ended up enjoying them. You just gotta ease them into it.
Hey user, lets play cards against humanity and take photos of every "hilarious" card combination.
I fucking hate cards against humanity. If everyone's drunk it can be fun, but boy does it get boring and become grating after a while. Is this the new normie game among young adults?
They shouldn't call it 'cards against humanity', they should just call it 'who can say the most messed up shit'?
Because the winner tends to be whoever can say the most offensive, disgusting possible thing
>Is this the new normie game among young adults?
It has been the go to normie game for quiet some time now, it's funny at first where anything offensive enough can get a laught but the novelty is quickly lost.
It's not particularly new, but CAH, Secret Hitler and Exploding Kittens are very much the definition of normie games.
Secret Hitler is at least a hidden identity game in the same vain as The Resistance/Avalon.
Dude I played monopoly one day at school and I got all of the fucking railroads naturally. everyone was piiissed
Me, too man. It's the only time I drink.
A couple weeks ago, with all of my family in town, my mother pulls out the huge ass box and suggests we play. I'm at the table with my twin brother, our parents, aunts and uncles, and our grandparents.
Nothing drives me to drink quite like the embarrassment of my grandfather talking about midget blowjobs or my grandmother asking what smegma is.
Luckily, my bro and I ducked out of there when my aunt (who takes Jesus very seriously) got in a fight with my mother over some card about Jesus being ass- raped by Muhammad.
Yeah, Secret Hitler can be forgiven for its edgy title because it's actually an Avalon-killer. Extremely well designed hidden role game, my #1 in the subgenre.
Unfortunately you can't bloody take it anywhere because the designers needed that sweet sweet shock value.
>literally communist propaganda: the game
No thanks.
I heard about that, didn't it have a second half where you then had to try to survive in the hideously expensive wasteland created in the first half?
Does it still count as communist propaganda if it's been butchered to send the exact opposite message? And it was done to make more money off it too, not for idealogical reasons.
>Be me at Christmas two years ago
>Visiting grandmother's place because Christmas is an excuse for a family reunion in my family
>Everyone is adults in my generation, I think 22 was the youngest many had their kids there too
>Uncle is playing CAH down in the basement with my cousins, introducing them to the game
>Uproarious laughter coming from the basement
>My own mother comes up from the basement
>"Hey user, do you know what that Cards Against Humanity game is?"
>"Uhhhh, yeaaaaah..."
>"Why aren't you down there playing with your brother and your cousins?"
>"It's not really my kind of game."
>"Oh." There's this long ass pause where she starts reading a newspaper for a few minutes and then looks up, "What's a glory hole?"
Anyone have experience with Munchkin? Surprisingly I have fun when playing with my normie friends, but I kind of hate it now from the times I played with my group of "nerd friends."
>Haha, you're supposed to be a dick to people so it's okay if I'm a dick too
>Well actually I think that's kind of a joke in the game, just try to play by the rules
>Haha, I'm gonna go through my turn as fast as possible
>What the fuck? No one had time to play cards to interrupt the turn. We need time to process.
>Haha no I'm being a dick that's the point of the game XD
Every fucking game this guy would ruin the damn thing. Normies just want to have fun instead of winning by any means necessary.
So it is a game for people that have never ventured beyond Facebook & Twitter & Youtube's most popular cat videos then.
Not knowing the first rule of monopoly
>it's only cheating if you get caught
Reminder that CAH started as Apples to Apples but edgy faggots realized it was really only fun when something naughty came up and decided that if the game were 100% naughty it'd be more fun.
>Oh man these pancakes are good
>I think I'm gonna eat pancakes for every meal now!
>2 meals pass
>huh, I guess they kind of lose their appeal if you just keep eating them
>nor varying up your pancakes so that one meal you'll have regular pancakes, then have spinach pancakes for dinner and finish off your day with blood pancakes
>inhale deeply
>it's those big holes they put in the ceilings of Roman temples and whatnot so the glory of the Gods could shine down on their altars. Glory-hole.
>take out a hefty insurance policy on sides
>wait for parents to go to a museum/talk to an architect/vacation in Italy
Heavy games with nerds, light games with normies, basically. In a group of nerds, the autism levels will be higher.