Have you ever tried these two together? How was the experience? What drug did you use? Would you recommend?
Veeky Forums and drugs
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Ite ended with:
''Dude weed LMAO.''
You grow over it.
And for those who want to spoit nonsense how weed is beneficiall and usefull for brain cancer treatment : THC kills brain cells. Onl reason it works for treating brain cancer is that the afflicted cells have a slightly weaker resistance to the drug but it will still fuck you up.
Vehement anti-cannabis sentiment is just as dumb as its evangelical supporters.
It's a substance with benefits and downside. It has clear, valuable medicinal uses and also real risks and issues associated with it. Like basically every drug in the world. Nuance and understanding is necessary in context when trying to evaluate what place it has in the modern world.
The only 'drug' I've really taken during TTRPG's is alcohol, which works well for some games. A couple of ciders shared amongst folk during an RPG session, or a few games of The Resistance or Secret Hitler during a social drinking evening. While getting hammered would do no good, a little social lubricant doesn't hurt the experience.
I've never had a good time playing high on weed, and every time I run for players who have smoked it's a shit show. They are unable to stay focused on attention nothing for more than 10 seconds.
Acid however is fantastic, so long as you don't take a proper sized dose.
In Order of your questions: Yes, Yes, All of them, I love my chainsaw-chaped towel, Why is that ostrich trying to ingest my jackhammer?
Weed is fucking shit for roleplay. I thought it would be better.
I'm not opposed to my players drinking, but I don't drink while playing or DMing. It makes me sooo slow I get uncomfortable.
No need to get defensive. I'm neutral on the subjet.
No, but I taken enough of both separately to know that mixing them is a horrible idea even without trying.
That is, alcohol doesn't count as drugs here. Low doses (up to three beers) during sessions is a norm.
Outside of that maybe amphetamines (standard ones like aderall, not fucking meth) and benzos would be passable, maaaaybe even helpful but anything else would be pure shitfest when mixed with gaming.
TL;DR it would ruin your game as a game and there are better thighs to do while high.
I have /e/ open while I browse Veeky Forums sometimes.
>The only 'drug' I've really taken during TTRPG's is alcohol, which works well for some games
If I didn't have to either drive to my games or host them between lunch and dinner, I'd drink for every fucking one. I'd fucking love the idea of just cutting loose and not being so damn anxious about shit, but it's just not possible.
Veeky Forums is incredibly straight edge, so don't expect much advice here.
Just, you know, follow the drug rule. Use it if you are in a group that uses it, don't if you aren't.
Speak for yourself. I've dabbled quite a lot.
Now, from experience: Don't mix Veeky Forums and drugs. As stated, there are better things to do while high.
Now, this depends on the high. I consider cannabis on the same level as alcohol. A little can help ease things up, and make it a little more entertaining. Too much makes you a dullard and a drain on the table.
Weed's fine for RP as long as the user has a decent tolerance and can maintain focus. Otherwise, it's obviously a detriment.
The same goes for anything really. Personal preference/knowledge of your own limits is key.
>mfw we had whole generations wiped by drugs
>mfw we used music and/or tabletops to stay away
>mfw some of us, me included, struggled with alcohol
I hope you die, OP. And I hope you suffer, and everything around you being destroyed.
I sincerely hope this. You piece of shit.
...What the fuck are you even saying?
Don't project your personal failings onto the rest of humanity. That's a recipe for a miserable life where you'll be eternally at odds with the rest of society.
Go to fuck yourselves assholes I hope your livers explode you pieces of shit.
Die just die. DIE
Go fuck yourself. I've seen whole neighbourhood wiped of people of a certain generation
Just go to fuck yourself
Pieces of shit all of you just die, and die badly, die suffering
t. 14 year old Linkin Park fan
ITT a guy who can't handle his shit
Because all these people were forced at gunpoint to smoke crack, shoot up heroin, snort meth, or whatever drug you feel like blaming.
Don't blame the failing of humans on a chemical compound. Blame the fact that there are people who would happily kill an entire generation to make an easy buck.
I've played intoxicated few times. It wasn't for me. One of my players has taken to smoking a bunch of weed before every session and his performance has improved dramatically, so I'd definitely recommend it for some people.
My roommate had a girlfriend once who used to play Changeling: The Dreaming on various hallucinogens. Sounds like she had a pretty, but I don't think it'd be for everyone.
Government-san pls leave, or at least go play narcs or something
Can anyone else parse this shit or see anything like a point, or is it really just incoherent hateful ranting and insults?
Dude's probably high, don't worry about it
We smoke pot every session and always have fun without any hiccups on the rules. You just gotta roll 'em long and thin.
>incoherent hateful ranting and insults
You got it. If it's sincere, and it probably is, because it'd be pretty lame trolling, I'm actually sympathetic, but the dude need to just leave the thread. Getting all upset about this shit isn't gonna do anyone any good. Sounds like he's got his life pretty together, but we've all got our troubles.
Anything more extreme than alcohol is banned from the table but not without reason.
Nobody wants to babysit the dude who Said "Shrooms enhance creativity" and then we had to stop him jumping out of the3rd floor window to escape the man eating sofa.
We got some paper, drew some padlocks on them and stuck them to the window. It made them impassable.
That dude really needs to take a chill pill.
I am probably older than you human trash. You should all be gassed. You aren't even able to enjoy a simple activity like TT without trying some brain-damagin bullshit
You are sub-humans just kill yourselves
You seem to have less than zero reading comprehension, given that you're reacting this fucking hard at a thread which generally speaks negatively about the idea.
Just overdose right now pieces of shit
die die
I think I've played high maybe 15 out of the 1,000+ sessions I've had.
I'm also 31 and you're fucking retarded.
Many years ago I promised myself that I would never fall to base memery.
Today I break that promise.
Because holy shit dude, chill the fuck out.
And here I thought I couldn't find worse than the anti-BBEG autist
is 15 too much
you dumb piece of shit I hope you get brain cancer die now DIE NOW
witness entire generations wiped and then come back to me you fucking edgelord you should be lined up with all the rest of human garbage and shot you fucking piece of shit
Is this our boards barneyfag?
No, because I'm a happy and sociable person, not a degenerate who needs to self-medicate with mind altering drugs.
I've lost a few friends to drugs. That doesn't mean that drugs are an evil that must be destroyed, and that you should wish death on anyone that uses them.
I realize you're a fucking troll and I'm wasting my breath, but I recognize that the friends I lost to drugs didn't die because of the drugs they decided to use: they died because of their own poor choices, because of the company they kept, and because they didn't receive enough support from people around them to help them pull themselves out of that hole.
If you truly believe that drugs are evil and have cost so much for humanity, why the fuck are you in here telling more human beings to die instead of trying to positively encourage them to help themselves and stop using?
What you're saying makes no sense on so many fucking levels and basically, you're a fucking idiot.
You pathetic pieces of shit. You are not even able to enjoy a tt game without "spicing it up". You are like undead, or better say, like slaaneshi. You are fucking unable to enjoy simple things in life you are so spoiled and sheltered, or just so degraded and fucked up that you have to "enhance" everything with substances. I know people like you. You are unable to just sit down and chill with a beer in the hands you have to sniff shit from a tube to be able to bear other humans beings or to be bearable to them.
You are nothing. You ar garbage. You should be lined up and shot you sub-humans.
I've played 40k while high and while drinking. Every time I've done this it's been with one of my closest friends, who started playing 40k with me in middle school.
Playing while drunk makes everything kind of goofy. We didn't take anything seriously, but we were also overacting lots of dramatic moments: we'd put our hands on our hips, point dramatically at the enemy, and shout "CHAAAARGE!" when assaulting, or slamming our fists down on the table and overemoting a bitter "Curse you!" when something didn't go our way.
Playing while high was intense. My friend and I we're getting a lot more into our models' heads. We'd take long breaks in playing to describe what was going on on the tabletop. I vividly remember one battle, a cityfight "hold more ruined buildings than your opponent" game." I was Death Guard CSM, and my opponent was Blood Ravens SM. We had evenly split the number of buildings and then I gambled everything on sending my Chaos Lord and his Retinue into a building with my friend's Librarian, Terminators, and a tactical squad. For the first and only time in my experience, my Chaos Lord loses the daemonic mastery roll for his Death Scythe and dies. My assault is brutally repulsed and I lose the battle. When the mastery test was failed, my friend and I spent about 20 minutes brainstorming what that would look like, and we eventually settled on the scythe becoming supple and twisting around my chaos lord like a snake, constricting him, cracking his armor, and plunging the bladed end into his neck--all while the remaining retinue and plague marines skulking in the surrounding buildings remembered the trauma and despair of having their assault on Terra broken and having to flee back to the Eye.
So I heartely endorse mixing 40k and weed, because it has made my games really memorable.
>I didn't read the thread and just keep shouting at people who don't exist
I know it's rare these days to run into someone whose mind hasn't been raped by shitty parenting, and who didn't have mind altering drugs forced onto them by their parents, and who wasn't further abused by the school system, and the media,
but people like me are out there.
I don't totally blame the people who use drugs for their bad decisions, really.
They're a product of the bad decisions of their parents to a large degree, so they share a good portion of the blame.
Nothing you described cannot be done in control. If you are REALLY in control of yourself, you deliberately know when to do fucked up things.
THIS is thereal reasons you are all sub-humans. Is not your addiction, the addiction is a symptom.
Is your weakness. You fucking trash. Kill yourself. All of you. Just end it now, deliver the world from your presence. Un-people. Not-people.
You sound like you're on drugs all the time, if that's how you believe the world is.
Alcohol, xanax and weed.
Alcohol I had a glass of wine beforehand, so I was a tiny bit tipsy.
Xanax was okay. Slightly out of it, though. Hella relaxed.
Weed I was a tiny bit tipsy, but also kind of anxious and mildly uncomfortable the whole time.
im a fukcin party animal brah
Are you Muslim by any chance?
Well I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that's exactly how it is.
People are putting their kids on mind altering drugs at young ages because they don't want to parent them correctly, about 95% of parents physically abuse their childre,.and our school system is literally based on the Prussian model, which was designed to produce stupid factory workers, and trigger happy just-following-orders soldiers.
Actually it works on non-brain cancers, too.
Said the alcoholic.
Don't be mad because non-idiots chose non-idiot drugs.
Nope. white european. And muslim are pretty hypocritical in this regard, trust me. In my city of origin, Moroccans are the biggest dealers and are often drunk as fuck. Other category of people that would be better just to round up and shoot.
My god, you must live in a really terrifying world if you really believe all that to be true.
>about 95% of parents physically abuse their childre
That's just fuckin' insane, but the fact that you were abused as a child does TOTALLY explain your behavior.
You okay mate?
nope, problem solved. try again you sub-human.
>white european
>from morocco
>95% of parents physically abuse their children
Yeah, that's not really something that actually happens in reality. Not in the civilized world, anyway. Are you from Africa by chance?
>One of the most frequently used strategies to discipline a child, especially a younger child, is spanking.[1] About 94 percent of parents of children ages three to four in the United States report having spanked their children in the previous year.[2]
yes thanks, I just let my hatred go for these non-people
non-people weak and pathetic. The escapism of tt is not enough - they have to flee from thelselves and the other human garbage they play tt with using drugs
can you think about something sadder?
You think being given a spanking = physical abuse?
Jesus Christ, I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
ITT: "recovered" alcoholic gets triggered by other people not being sober, equates disagreement with drug use, and enthusiastically endorses killing drug users.
I'd try to say something snarky but this is just so fucking stupid
>America is the entire world
I said I am white european and I see many moroccans immigrants deal drug or be drunk in my city.
If your brain wasn't boiled by drugs you would have understood that
>hitting someone who cannot defend themselves and you have absolute control over, and has no means of escape, AND who likely can't even understand what is happening to them, isn't abuse.
Go look up the facts on spanking before you talk shit.
I was not alcoholic, I did not even have access that much to alcohol. I just risked, but I was strong.
This is why I am triggered. Weak-willed people trigger me. You sub-humans.
But please, tell yourself is not like that. Tell yourself that escape reality with games and THEN escape games and gamers with drugs is a sign of a good lifestyle. Go ahead i am laughing
Piece of shit
No idea why you think I'm talking about the entire world, instead of problems specific to the first world.
Probably because your terrible public school education robbed you of the ability to evaluate information critically.
It's called discipline, my man. I'm thankful as fuck that my parents had the good sense to spank me when I did something stupid as a kid. Kids can be pretty canny, you know? They can game the whole 'you're grounded' system, can be manipulative to get what they want, and can take advantage of most limits set by their parents. I could, anyway, and I did often.
Say what you will, but physical discipline actually works. It made my tiny brain understand that if I didn't want to get spanked, I probably shouldn't do whatever it was that I did in the first place.
Like I mentioned earlier in the thread though, I'm 31 and things were a bit different when I was a kid. We didn't have 'safe spaces,' we didn't get participation trophies if our team was garbage in sports, and we didn't hug it out. And I thank god every fucking day that I grew up like that instead of being some sniveling weak faggot that can't function in society without burying my nose in a smartphone.
>is it really just incoherent hateful ranting and insults?
>Veeky Forums.jpg
Ohh, you're one of Those people. No wonder you come across as a smug, condescending moron who knows nothing.
>Say what you will, but physical discipline actually works.
No, it doesn't. It damages children, and this has been proven over and over in study after study.
It is a sadistic and destructive behavior, and to physically beat your own child is monstrous.
If you actually care about the subject, go look up the facts for yourself.
If not, then just leave and stop defending child abuse.
Question for you. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, a glass of wine with a nice dinner, and I schedule my most intense workout before my TT game so I can play it while coming down from the endorphin high.
How much of a filthy degenerate am I?
People hate hearing this, but it's true. Just because some people walk out of it okay doesn't mean that its suddenly an okay practice.
People hate hearing that what they did was wrong, with actual factual evidence.
You are either trolling, and idiot, or drugs indeed ruined your brain. people from north africa are in all european cities as immigrants. This is how I can see them dealing drugs or being drunk (and attack people).
They are not all bad but for sure many muslim are quite hypocritical about drugs.
three sessions in a row gameplay would get slower and more confusing by the end of the session and the GM would eventually say "sorry guys, i'm having a hard time concentrating because i'm kind of wasted".
we were all having a good time, so nobody complained. but a week or so after the 3rd such drunken confession, the GM asked in an email "do you guys think there's anything i could do to improve our sessions?" and i took the obvious route of "well, if you keep saying you're having trouble concentrating because you're getting wasted, maybe you should cut yourself off after the second or third beer."
immediately the entire group attacked me as though i were some sort of mormon tea-toddler, because just as we almost immediately saw at the beginning of this thread with people trying to argue "yes it is! no it isn't!" about weed - human beings are almost all incapable of discussing drugs or booze without screaming at each other about how you're either 100% in favor of, or 100% against.
tl;dr human brains are defective, i want to punch you all in the dick, beer is yummy, carry on
>They are not all bad but for sure many muslim are quite hypocritical about drugs.
Nigga you are describing literally every member of any religion that condemns drugs
Nice false equivalence. Try again
Yes, I agree.
It's also very hard to hear for people who were abused themselves.
My parents weren't perfect, but I'm very fortunate that they never hit, spanked, or abused me.
I honestly feel very bad for those who were.
They had the trust between them and their parent violated with physical abuse.
It's just awful.
t. people who think a spanking equates to a vicious beating
You don't need to spank a kid hard for them to get the point. I don't believe it's child abuse though and I'm not saying this as a parent that practices -- I was a recipient, and I'm thankful for it.
You're basically criticizing someone you believe to be a 'victim' of 'sadistic and destructive behavior' because that person sincerely believes it was beneficial to them. I'm sorry but I'll talk my own personal experience over the studies you've read or what your high school guidance counselor told you any day.
this is a fair point, but I was asked if I was a muslim - I am not, and I explained a sentence I wrote to a literal retard, above
>we didn't get participation trophies if our team was garbage in sports
Ok, seriously. I'm in my late 20s and I saw PLENTY of participation trophies in the hands of older kids. Just because you didn't get anything for hard work doesn't mean that other kids of your generation didn't.
You are LYING about being a white European, is what you should've said, since you're obviously lying.
And we don't like shitskins on Veeky Forums. You have to leave now.
shit, is it "teetotaler"? goddamnit Chrome, i even asked for help spelling that word and you still let me down. fucking Skynet bullshit. everyone's a faggot.
that's not the point, I am afraid. The point is: are you a shitty degenerate that should be shot? Should most people in this thread sterilised?
The answer is yes. I could even be a martian, this does not change that.
>and we didn't hug it out.
Do you seriously have an issue with hugging? That is...wow. I mean, I'm a grown ass man and the best thing that happened right after my dad died was my best friend turning up, saying nothing and giving me a massive hug. It did a lot more than words from a dozen other people had done.
Let me guess, you'd spank your kids?
It's funny, that's exactly how R.Kelly describes his pedophilia. It happened to him, and he eventually sort of got the idea in his head that it was ok, that it was good for him, that he could do it to other people.
Horrible thing, the human mind.
Most weedsmans I've played with noticeably got worse to play with after getting high. They start to forget mechanics, act out of character (Or at least act as if their character was also high), get really distracted by shit on their phone, and often try to distract other people with said shit on their phone.
One guy is fine whether he's high or not, but I don't really understand what's up with him. He can smoke three bowls a day for a year and then just go cold turkey for three months to pass a drug test like it's nothing.
You're advocating hitting children based on your personal feelings, after being hit yourself, instead of looking up actual facts, studies, and statistics.
Now what am I, an observer, supposed to think when I see you doing this?
Do you think this makes a positive impression for your argument?
I'm not mad at you btw,
I hope you have a happy life, and are able to parent children without using physical force.
probably closes homo, that why has issues with hugging
You must be mistaken, nazi, it is in fact you we do not like here, as everywhere. go back to /pol/.
The point actually is that we don't like your kind, because you're a shitskin. You didn't deny it, so you LIED about being white.
You have to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, shtiskin mudslime.
Maybe in California or some other progressive place. I grew up in rural Tennessee though and we didn't get that kind of shit. I was pretty athletic as a kid though so I've got plenty of trophies and it's nice to look back at them and feel like they were earned. I think that sense of accomplishment was very important for me -- it made me want to keep accomplishing as I got older.
Actually, funny story, when I was 8 years old playing in the pitching-machine baseball league I hit a home run down the foul line and the other coach, one of their players' dads of course, ran out onto the field and argued with the umpire until they took my home run away. Taking a home run away from an 8 year old -- I think that pretty much expresses how things were different back then.
Why would I need to look up studies and statistics on a parenting technique that worked for both my brother and myself? We're both successful, functioning adults without any psychological hang-ups.
The proof is in the pudding, as they say.
>even comparing disciplining your child to pedophilia
Such an absurd comparison that I feel bad for even acknowledging it
It means you count how much your drinks cost. Its very cute.
>Why would I need to look up studies and statistics on a parenting technique that worked for both my brother and myself?
How about the fact that it's one of the quickest ways to lower the IQ of your child?
Or is that statistic not important to you?
I used to get spanked as a kid and I think it was abusive.
Honestly, in terms of physical pain it was pretty mild. What was difficult was having a raging six foot tall man yelling at me, ignore me, and physically assault me.
I'm not emotionally crippled by it and I don't get triggered by shit and end up cowering on the floor in a flashback, I just think it was a shitty thing to do to a child. And honestly, when I see other adults disciplining their children, it isn't some kind of stern "this is for your own good" situation. When I see parents disciplining kids it's because they've lost their temper and are taking out their frustrations.