Pajeets are ruining the crypto-community. Just take a look at the bitcointalk announcement section. Full of pajeet projects, or pajeets spamming hundreds of pages with comments like "god prject sir i invest" just so they could win 10 worhless shitcoins. Telegram groups full of Kumars, Khans and Vijans begging for coins in poor English.
Thank god for the new anti-begging rule on /biz , it seems that pajeets have been migrating away from this board lately.
>country flags
Nice try IRS
Seconded. The mods did good by stickying the no begging rule, now they just need to go the rest of the way and give us flags. It would help prevent larpers
Nice try IRS
I ain't talking about $ if everyone knows here I'm from
Privacy, nigger
only reddit boards have flags for epik shitposting
let it be that way
I hate pajeets and 16 year olds with their weekly allowance just as much...
Some shitcoin at 100 sats "guys HODL epic meme reddit HODL 1 dollar by december HODL!!!"
all this paired with normies flooding in... I hate what it's doing to the community but i'm making shitloads of money so it's a double edged sword.
> i'm making shitloads of money so it's a double edged sword.
Exactly my thoughts. It's hard to ignore them though.
Nobody gives a fuck about amerimutts and your extortionate taxes.
man i hate indians and everything brown and black skinned. this subhuman shit should have been nuked out of existance by the superior white man long ago already. breed like crazy and shit on streets. they need the gas
>country flags
That's why Bitcointalk is shit, full of Yobit tier users. Are there any better forums?
>IRS needs flags to track post IP's
Son, you are tech illiterate, and they already know about your pocket change.
they are not that bad they are quite funny
Show bobs and vagene
Yes, yes we do. Carry on.
I kinda like their determination and commitment to their scam projects
/b/ quality post.
Fuck no to flags, we got enough country meme on /pol/, /int/ and /bant/.
Open Bob
Do milk
They're like hyper-autistic
open your cloth baby plz :))
what if only poos get their poo flag, while everyone else remains flagless? Would that be fair and acceptable?
More than 25% of their people are inbreds , what do you expect?
Sirs take look at $ESPERS on yobit
>board adds flags
>every discussion devolves into an ad hominem attack on where you're from
double money very fast no risk, thank
What if a system gets introduced, with which you can vote on a certain poster ID, to get his flag revealed if the majority votes for it?
>t pajeet
>le amerimutt
>le europoor
>le kebab
>le aussie shitposter
>le fucking leaf
>lelelelelelellelelelelelelelelel XD
eh if people are shilling in an organized way they'll just use US VPNs, won't really help much. just have to use your brain, and try to figure out if English is the poster's first language or not.
do milk
>tfw you have to give pajeet one flagcoin to call him a pajeet.
/Pol veteran here, Veeky Forums banned my VPN's IP.
bump to do milk wit bobs
rolling trips for this
I'll let this one slip. Let's do this!
Imagine if they put that energy into something fucking useful. Like getting a working toilet in every household.
I fully support this. Every fucking telegram I join, is filled with Pajeets spamming "When moon!!!" and "10$ soon!!!" and the likes.
I am Pajeet and I hate Pajeet crypto community more than you fags ever could; Here is the difinitive problem with Pajeets and this applies to other domains as well;
-Pajeets are cowards and money grubbers; They want free risk free money, don't expect them to put themselves out.
-Pajeets are hyper optimistic - Every technology is going to change the world
-Pajeets think they are smart because they only ever compare themselves with less 100 IQ pajeets and street shitters. Many think that will become the Microsoft CEO or something.
-They are balls in on ICO's and start ups since they are less risky than trading and allows them cash in the hype.
-They are poor as shit.
I am god among men.
>-Pajeets think they are smart because they only ever compare themselves with less 100 IQ pajeets and street shitters. Many think that will become the Microsoft CEO or something.
if only you knew the irony of this, rajeet
found the pajeet
boys! Boys! Come here and take a look at
>king poo of loo
>Pajeets think they are smart because they only ever compare themselves with less 100 IQ pajeets and street shitters. Many think that will become the Microsoft CEO or something
mods plz do this
haha this
>ranjeet spends hours shilling his shitcoin
>still can't afford a toilet
murrica -> pajeets
bongland -> pajeets
pajeets -> pajeets
eurostan -> kebabs