How do you use yuan-ti in your games?

How do you use yuan-ti in your games?

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As a friendly, peaceful race with an advanced culture. I make them look less spikey and evil, and give them those big black eyes like some geckos have.

Why would snakes have breasts? Butts are better for fat deposit.

Yuan-ti are the descendants of human cultists who took on snakelike features.

And plus, they're useful for seducing humanoids to gain more power. Correspondingly, males have 6-packs.

Makes sense to me.

>have a big time snake girl fetish
>look up naga
>a fucking snake with human head
>look up lamia
>a cute lion girl, but not what i want
>research where all the snake women at
>relegated to some mutant version of some scaley humanoid race

fuck this

Snake girl like the kind in the OP? I have more of those if you want a dump.

I haven't. I probably won't unless I brush the dust off and run cult of the reptile god.

Not that guy, but I wouldn't be opposed.

Dump, dump, dump!




My naga!




That concludes the dump. There isn't nearly enough female abomination art.

Good stuff at least. Thanks for it.

Currently playing as one, actually.

Oops, I did forget one.

How's it going?

Not bad, group doesn't meet all that often unfortunately. Wanted to try playing a monstrous character that hides who they are in public, so if not using Disguise/Alter Self at the very least the scarf is over her face. Scared the shit out of a bandit last session by dramatic face reveal, was pretty funny. I wish 5th edition had more poison spells, makes playing as a poison sorceress feel a little limiting.

I've actually tried doing 5e PC stat writeups for both the Lamia (snake-taur), Naga (human-headed snake) and Serpentfolk (humanoid snake, with snake-taur variant). Never have been sure of how to properly balance 'em, though.

But, not sure that's relevant to here, though.

Sounds pretty fun. What kind is she? Malison?

That's the Sorceress from wossname, isn't it?

That's pretty cute.

Malison, yes. But she's not from human stock, her other half is green dragonborn. She was created before Volo's came out, and didn't even have the snakelike traits at first, but since she used poison, the DM suggested she be cursed by an eldritch snake entity, and I went with it.

Since Volo's though, her stats have pretty much been hammered down as a pureblood with the breath weapon of a green, as well as a bite attack that does 1d4 + current breath strength poison damage.

She's my original character, but I won't lie that she's based off a couple characters, mostly Vertigo from Primal Rage.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

Well unless they're like OP's where they're some furry nightmare

They're one of several snake races in a snake empire. They're the laborer caste.

Last time I DM'd, they were enemies of the Aztec Lizardmen and they took over their capital. The group fought against the High Priest at the peak of the central pyramid


P.S. I tried

That's interesting. I usually see them as rulers.

Rulers are Lamia with Gorgons behind the throne calling the shots through clairvoyance and occult rituals. Though the caste is mostly meaningless now. Empire is in a meltdown with the Lamia convinced if they just do the rituals right everything will work itself out, the other snakes abandoning ship, and invading races moving in.

I dont. They dont make any sense to me so i leave them out of my settings. How exactly does a snek person eat with collarbones, a ribcage, and the requisite musculature in the way? Snake people are boring and overplayed anyways.

And if I DID run them? No tits. That shit is haram.


As a stand in for Aztecs

I do pretty much the same myself. Emotionless, scaled Aztecs.

>How do you use yuan-ti in your games?

As teachers.

Equeally powerful and equally dead rivals to the 'ancient fallen empire with advanced magic/tech cliché' faction.

nice thread

Once played a homebrew game with some friends as a Yuan-Ti. Your average Warlock with a bit of an ego, he always liked to make deals and be a little too buddy buddy with the group. Which earned him the out of character name "Snake Jew".


They're for hugging AND fugging!


you're not for fucking

What is this grade school? At least insult the man with something better.

your an grade school

delet this

I want to touch the hemipenis.

Well, you best flip a coin, because there's two places it could be, and you need an explanation for why you picked the wrong one, so you don't look stupid if you do.



Firaxis knew what they were doing when they designed the Viper.

Their Twitter people knew exactly what they were doing when they reposted all that art.

>"Nah, those are venom glands."
>releases Alien Hunters DLC
>Viper King doesn't have, "venom glands," despite having a spitting attack in the same vein
>actual line from Vahlen describes him as, "the only male," she'd seen of his species
>Firaxis doesn't bring attention to it, says nothing
>handled expertly

Shit like this is Firaxis's bread and butter at this point.

>Their Twitter people knew exactly what they were doing when they reposted all that art

And which are would that be?

Sneks can stay as waifus, all other ayys must leave

snayyk a cute

I still remember how freaked out /xcg/ was when that happened




>human face
I want monstergirls to leave.

Not so cute when they're ded.


You have no iea how much you just helped my autism.

Explaining time:
When i was younger i had this huge collection of DnD related art back when the DnD site still had this MASSIVE arts gallery, tho not all was from said site, eventually my PC broke down and i forgot to back it up. It took me a week to get back all those random Fantasy images i collected back then.

Every single last one but this one you just posted. Ive been looking for it ever since, theres nothing special about it, im just a Turbo autist for collecting fantasy art, god damn it ive been on pintrest for hours looking for it, in fact, ive drawn something that looks like it to trick the pintrest "similar image" algorythm into finding it faster.

I love Veeky Forums

Try and stop me.

Someone not on a 'phone go look at the Yuan-ti section of 5e's Volo's Guide To Monsters, particularly the tables of random personality things. Welcome to WotC's magical realm.

>hat doesn't say "Snake America Great Again"

Cultists seeking out the Great Book, bound in the skin of the world serpent and written by Tiamat herself, it is the ultimate record of the beginning and end of the world.

>Vertigo from Primal Rage.

>Total insanity governs Vertigo's every action. With her mesmerizing powers of mind control and mastery of the unknown, she has attained mythical proportions among her followers.

Oh dear.

I'm just going to leave this here...

... is that Black Rose form .hack?

In case you ever lose it again, that image depicts Seguhlerak, a villain from the Elder Evils 3.5 book.

Speaking of the Elder Evils book, does anyone here have any experience with running a game based around one of these Elder Evils? Sertrous in particular.

Seghulerak. Search it one letter off and Google won't get anything.

Also, it says that most of her soldiers carry figurines of her around, and dream of becoming her only consort.
>even her minions waifu her

Whoops, my bad. Should have checked before posting.
>Even her minions waifu her
Too bad she's only got eyes for the demonic dead superserpent in the abyss.

It really looks like it


>Betraying humanity just to fulfill your degenerate fetishes
Ayy sympathizers will NOT be forgiven and WILL be purged

>How do you use yuan-ti in your games?
Often the puppet race used by non-well-meaning gods or demons that require politics or subtle routes

They are as normally their lore is- believe they are more prefect than humans and are trying to remove / replace their inferior cousins.

>DLC adds a mission where Bradford is a max-level DMPC with an overmodded weapon and Reaper
>kills up to like 9 sneks in a single turn
It's like pottery.

And he does so at CLOSE RANGE

You sure?




That's going to be in XCOM3: Terror From The Deep (End of the Genetic Pool)

Turns out, EXALT wasn't completely molded into ADVENT.

For a second I thought Aztecs were like the guy you posted
Now I want snake conquistadors that are worshipped by not-Aztecs just because they're snakes

Serious question, but do you think Xcom2 is getting a last big expansion before they move onto another game?

>what a coincidence that these weird snake men from across the sea greatly resemble our gods and especially that one god we're celebrating right now, arriving in a similar manner to how the legends state!
I can see the their later version of ancient alien wackos now.


They've done at least one for all of their games, so XCOM2 is due for one. I know they provided support for Long War 2, so they might have waited for that to come out, then build around it. They don't want to break something that helps sell copies.

Is that Minsc? It has to be, I can see Boo right there ...
Is there actually a Baldur's Gate comic out there, and nobody told me!?

What would you say, if I claimed it was based on the novelization?

>feeling emotions is a flaw that makes them feel shame
Welp, that's fapfic fuel.

>There's a novelization too
You're destroying my self-confidence, user. I can't believe it never occurred to me to see if there were any tie-in media around BG. Welp, time to hit the torrents

No, you do NOT want to check out the novelization. Seriously.

We're in Ravenloft and they're dicks aaaah

One dick or two?

Ravenloft has yuan-ti? What are they like? Have you seduced one yet?

>implying I'm betraying humanity
Look, all I'm saying is that we keep the Snayyks alive and integrate them into human society; the other ayys can all get got.

Maybe keep the pectoids and pit them against each other in gladiatorial combat.

Not canon :^)

I think you forgot to mention that:
>the mods on his gun are all low-level, only adding one point of whatever they're geared to
>a bare stinking majority of the enemies on that mission are, "Neonate Vipers," aka newborns, and have 3 HP

I would make them more Buddhist or mystical transhumanists with a weird snake fetish

>personality 7
>bonds 2
>flaws 4
