Ribbon, Rage and Cestree sit down to play some Fate.
Tg Explained #80
My limited exposition to Fate would suggest this is pretty accurate.
I don't know if this is shilling FATE or not.
is this new?
This comic is new, the comic itself has been around for awhile.
I'm liking the solid heavier lines and inking.
I do wish they got a bit more in this FATE though, maybe have Cestree GM with Ribbon and Rage bringing totally different characters to the table, only for it to boil die to "an aspect is an aspect, there's no actual difference between these two."
>Implying that Cestree won't make an amazing character regardless of system
>"an aspect is an aspect, there's no actual difference between these two."
While that's ultimately true, the presentation of having flaws is so that players are encouraged to think of more rounded characters. Even with that many players still try to avoid having characters with any real flaws or dimension.
fate: the game where you do everything the exact same way mechanically and the best way to accomplish anything is spamming "create an advantage" and then slam dunking with a million invocations
This was the appropriate GM response.
"It only took you three minutes, right? Make another."
In my FATE game, I made a bear cop with the "imitating siren police with bear noises" and "wrestling" skills. It was fun.
>the game where you do everything the exact same way mechanically
You mean... roll dice and add modifiers?
> and the best way to accomplish anything is spamming "create an advantage"
They really should officially add the discover action to fix that.
We need an edit of Ribbon sleeping that dreams of Princess Lace. It's clear that's her busty self-insert so it'd be appropriate for her to dream about having huge gazongas.
I fucking love FATE, but yeah if you have a party of D&D-addled rollplaying munchkins and a newbie GM, it's going to devolve into something like this almost immediately.
>I'm liking the solid heavier lines and inking.
I'm not. I definitely liked the old style better. But I haven't been keeping up with it for a while so maybe the lines aren't the difference that I dislike.
I think there is a strong correlation between how few rules a game has and how likely a player is to make a Mary-sue.
FATE Accelerated is literally free
The problem isn't the players, but that the game mechanics encourage that kind of play.
when I was learning FATE the urge to Munchkin the fuck out of aspects was ever present. Always there. Whispering dark ideas into my ear.
D&D broke us as a people.
D&D didn't make munchkins. You'll find them in every system, even narrative ones like Fate, because there's a common human instinct to seek advantages and strength in games.
Effectively, there's three types of players.
1. Those who can't take advantage of the system because they lack either the insight or dedication to do so, but would if they could. They're the ones who most commonly complain about group #2.
2. Those who take advantage of the system.
3. Those who can take advantage of the system, but realize that's not the point of these games. These are people who fight against the instinct, and are quite rare.
I don't think #3 is all that rare, or more accurately I think there are a lot of people who fall somewhere between #2 and #3. They can take advantage of the system, they understand that's not the point, but the temptation is just too strong and they give in occasionally.
the niggling thought that "I could be doing this exact thing, only better" is a constant thorn. It's the tragedy of the Monk, and the reason Caster domination is bad for fun.
#3 is the ideal, #2.5 is the reality
#2 isn't complete cancer like so many say.
There is a sublime beauty in watching a masterful #2 at work. And in my experience the most crafty #2's tend to get bored quickly of just making strictly "good" characters, and move onto seeing how they can make any concept function well.
If #3 is an artist, an ascended #2 is the mechanic that gets #3's weird concept car to actually run as well as it looks.
I want to marry that Princess Ribbon!
The only good things about #2 is that they can potentially become $3, and that they're very useful for tearing apart homebrews. If you're designing a game, having as many #2's available as possible is a necessity for figuring out where the flaws in the system are.
>The only good things about #2 is that they can potentially become $3
I too wish other players would spontaneously turn into money
Really? I wouldn't have minded playing a game where everyone was instantly antagonized by the princess to the point of insanity.
I'd Mary her Sue.
This is Garfield tier humor
You say that almost like that's a bad thing.
That's a perfectly valid flaw, Rage is a piece of turd GM!
Forgot pic
Some of us enjoy garfield. It's basic but comfy humor
>Naming characters after styles of panties
Oh my.
You can't munchkin out aspects, if you do nothing but give yourself advantages you'll never gain Fate points to get any use out of the aspects.
Now Create an Advantage spam, THATS how you munchkin Fate.
this actually brings up an interesting problem with FATE
what if you just don't want to play a flawed hero. you can point and mockingly cry mary sue and OP all you like, but sometimes you want to play an unironic saint, a paragon, Superman.
I doubt this would come up often, as flawed heroes are more easy to make interesting, but sometimes you don't want to be flawed.
Everyone has a weakness.
>Flaw: unable to turn from the innocent in need, no matter how small their problems may be to you
villain gets the weakness rock in literal metric tons, despite supposedly being extremely rare
Ok. those are good counterpoints.
that's called shit GMing
>them bags of useless flesh
should write them up as a separate Flaw
That's not a problem with Fate, that's a problem with the moron who thinks that it's possible for a character to have zero flaws what so ever, no matter how minor.
I'm pretty sure I could think up a use for them.
Admittedly when that's really the guy's only weakness unless you have mind control powers or equally as powerful, that rock and the arch nemesis is merely human, how else is the human going to fight the superhero?
>the moron who thinks that it's possible for a character to have zero flaws what so ever, no matter how minor.
Are you talking heresy right now?
Not believing his claims to being the son of god, jealously, and a king wanting him dead, all count as aspects in Fate.
All of those were used to bring him closer to his ultimate goal though. Can you really call it a flaw for a king to want to kill you when one of your goals is to die in an extremely public way?
>All of those were used to bring him closer to his ultimate goal though.
So are flaws in Fate.
I'm beginning to see the problem here isn't Fate, but your misunderstanding of what flaws mean in Fate.
I think it all boils down to what said.
In Fate, the distinction between what is and isn't a flaw is not a thin line. Aspects are aspects, and in Jesus's case it's an extraordinary example of how aspects that may initially appear to be absolutely negative end up being ultimately positive.
>Aspects are aspects
That's basically what it boils down to, the idea of the "flaw" aspect is just to make you think more about your character, but no matter what every aspect can, should, and ideally will be used alternately in your favor and against you.
BAD aspects in Fate are actually ones that can be used ONLY one way or the other.
>n aspect is an aspect, there's no actual difference between these two."
Okay, TJ "Henry" Yoshi.
No, you fool! They cost that much on the market. If we buy up all the good players now, their price will skyrocket, and we can sell and make a fortune.
Are the Infinity Gems made of Kryptonite?
Insecurity, thy name is Ribbon.
could you give an example of how to accomplish this? let's say, like, you're fighting a highwayman or something. how would it work out?
The thing with the "create an advantage" spam that people tend to forget about is the advantages have to make narrative sense, last only as long as they make narrative sense, and the Overcome action exists.
Now, I'm not saying the CaA spam is impossible, just you have to be more creative about it than those who complain about it let on. And you can easily get locked in a CaA-Overcome infinite loop if you're retarded about it.
Except for that one time he ran on kryptonite.
Wrong universe.
Second, i'd think they go above and beyond kryptonite by several levels. Being reality warping artifacts of near unimaginable power and all.
I dunno which one would affect supes, but one of em surely would, if not all of them.
garfield led to this gem though
straight garfield's pgood too
Wasn't it a thing at least for a while in one of the numerous rebooted universes that Supes was vulnerable to magic?
That was the base universe, and yes. He eventually got past that with mystic kryptonian martial art bullshit though, if memory serves.
"A bald sociopathic genius billionaire wants to kill me and steal all my cakes" isn't a flaw?
Oh yeah, didn't he have to stay put and talk down a jumper once, and then it turned out to be part of a villains plot
It's not so much a weakness as Supes is not resistant to magic in any way.
Sometimes this is interpreted as magical effects disrupting his powers, but more normally it just means that if the magical effect in question is "turn into thing" then he turns into the thing or if the effect is "target dies" then he would die.
>Veeky Forums has threads about Ribbon now
>this got made
Veeky Forums, I've missed you so much.
>Wrong universe.
They are technically connected, to allow for crossovers.