Thoughts on Donald Trump?
Thoughts on Donald Trump?
Not Veeky Forums related. Either expand on your question or refer yourself to /pol/, /b/, /int/, etc.
I think you'll get tired of making these threads before the janitors will get tired of deleting them.
Fuck off.
I like him.
The NPC the players rallied around, so the DM gave him plot armor. Now they all have to live with the consequences.
I am making a sentient Cheetos Golem my next BBEG.
Donald Trump
Male human aristocrat 4 expert 4
Str 10 Dex 9 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 18
Skills: Bluff +14, Concentration +4, Knowledge (politics) +14, Knowledge (business) +14, Diplomacy +20, Sense Motive +16, Intimidate +10, Ride +4
Base Attack +6, Grapple +10
Feats: Improved Grapple, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (sense motive)
I wish I had 18 cha
But this thread again?
>Feats: Improved Grapple
Make this Veeky Forums related or GTFO
>Int 16
Sure user. Sure.
Triggered lefties
Considering how successful he's become...
game's pretty decent
What solutions can we find for ban evaders like OP?
How do we deal with someone who ban evades repeatedly like this?
Any ideas?
This is never going to end is it? These threads are constant, every time I come here there's another.
Unless they make it banworthy to even mention Trump, he's going to just be a cancer on Veeky Forums.
not post on the toilet site
high starting point and godly rolls using charisma.
Let's face it. He's just bumrushing through everything entirely through charisma.
who cares this board is already shit
Wasn't he a guest in WWE or was that a dream I had?
You realise he took on Clinton and the entire establishment media and won? He did the impossible by actually defeating the corporate interests that have parasitically attached themselves to politics.
Still a shit prez but let's not pretend he isn't intelligent/
Dude is a 14 Int at best. Don't have to be that smart to do what he does.
It happened. He and Vince McMahon got into Hair vs Hair Match, with Polynesian Sumo Wrestler and the world's friendliest Giganigger as their proxies.
I'd actually believe it. He's not terrifically stupid, he's just learned a set of skills and beliefs that served him well in a career that doesn't value introspection or critical self-examination. Most of the crazy things he says are rooted in ignorance, not in poor reasoning from correct facts. Plus, you have to realize that intellectualism is not universally considered a virtue for reasons I can't get into before this thread is deleted.
No, it's the Wis 12 that gets me, and even that's arguable (I'm just politically motivated to find a need to disparage his mental capabilities somehow).
If you think people will tire of reporting you, think again.
>by actually defeating the corporate interests
Yes, a rich fatcat replaced the other rich fatcats, great job
>the entire establishment media
Top kek dude
Can't even blame the power of money on his victory, since many times what he spent on winning, were spent on trying to elect Jeb and Hillary.
Honestly I believe the world would be a better place if intellectuals were universally respected, but I can understand why that's not the case. But because this is Veeky Forums I'm just gonna go with "gas the bumpkins" and call it a day.
Why is tg so left?
Hi Leddit!
How are you today my special little guy?
>bunch of fags playing pretend
Do you really have to ask?
Every day this board slips further and further into the darkness. Pretty soon we're gonna be like /x and /tv
He's became the president after becoming tired of Being a billionaire. He's a smart motherfucker.
Sad but true. Such is the fate of all boards.
This is the President that wasn't backed by a single major paper, if I'm not mistaken. And most of your news channels also seemed to be briefing against him.
Also it doesn't matter who defeats the vested interests, it's the fact that it happened. Like, the dude technically has less resources than a lot of the guys who support Clinton and struggles to have anyone carry his message.
Difference was that the latter wasn't an issue due to general distrust in the media and his ability to communicate emotively and directly to people. His campaign probably wouldn't have worked in any other election (though, equally, he probably wouldn't have run).
>if intellectuals were universally respected
Fuck off. I don't care what you have a PHD in, if it ain't in economics you're opinion on the economy is as shit as the normal motherfucker.
Also doesn't help that academia was and is infested by communists.
Veeky Forums isn't left so much as it is more left than 90% of Veeky Forums. Seems more center or left of center to me. So I'd wager most are either moderate conservatives or libertarians. Stuff that emphasizes tolerance of alternative lifestyles and individual freedom, aka the freedom to be nerds who play board games in the basement all day without judgement from others.
>He's actually following through on his campaign promises
>He's a president tackling international economics with a "America First" attitude for the first time in a long time.
>He doesn't crumple under the lightest political pressure.
>Every day this board slips further and further into the darkness.
What a fag!
Like anons have said, that's not Int, that's charisma. He didn't out fact them, he out appealed them.
I've honest to god never been so excited
>equally, he probably wouldn't have run
I seem to recall that he threw his hat in the ring at least back in 2012 if not 2008 as well, but he dropped out pretty early.
He's the only thing worse than a facist. A rich facist.
The pro-abortion people, who most the country disagree with, don't like the anti-immigration stuff.
The anti-immigration people, who most of the country disagree with, don't like the anti-abortion stuff.
By keeping his promises he's also still doing very controversial policies built by a cynical, if cleverly built, coalition between the evangelical right and the nationalist crowd.
>1. often Fascism. a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Intellectuals deserve no respect, only constant scrutiny from all sides that if they survive and their ideas can earn and garner some form of credibility.
But not respect. The same people who to this day still entertain Marxist ideology whilst making asses of themselves and their institutions.
It's more that we try to focus on individuals rather than statistically defined demographic groups, which greatly reduces the potential to rally us vs. Immigrants, also since traditional games are a community thing where the social aspects matter greatly, people choose to try and participate in equal measure (bringing snacks and beverages, picking up people with your car, helping the group out if somebody has difficulty with the rules etc.), so there's more potential for a socialist ideology.
I know what I said faggot.
Compared to the opposition I support him.
Like Trump or Hillary? Yeah, obviously Trump, that's not even a tough choice.
It's unfortunate that those two were the only choices though. Either way, he won, he's the President, I stand behind that. Unless he starts getting really bad I won't change on that, and nothing he's done so far is as bad as stuff Dubya or Obabo did.
Then why did you say something wrong on purpose
Fuck off you ignorant nigger.
Veeky Forums - Traditional Games
Yes, politics is all about intelligence, that's why the education secretary died on her arse during that interview thing.
The fact that he took on the entire establishment was in his favor. The American public fucking hates Hillary Clinton. If Trump had to go up against a real candidate without a bunch of skeletons in his/her closet like Hillary did, it would not have gone as well for him. But the point about his intelligence is obviously a contentious one, but remember that we are measuring intelligence in a gaming sense. The intelligence that is used for learning spells, having knowledge out the ass in general. Trump famously doesn't read any books in his spare time. He also very frequently makes up statistics instead of, you know, remembering them. I'm sure he is some types of intelligent, but traditional DND intelligence is not something he possesses.
>Intellectuals are all commies
Where did this meme come from?
Thought Hill was a snake
Thought he was a cock goblin
Hated them both
Hate him still
Hate you too
>Con 14
Con 14, indeed.
Die, thread, die.
Do you understand what you said then?
so fucking triggered
get fucked dumb normie
But user...I...I love you.
>Why is tg so left?
God Emperor Trump memes didn't come from nowhere.
I think he also needs Perform (public speaking)
Most of my professors are moderate to conservative, but I also go to a private STEM school in Indiana, so that might have something to do with it.
In DnD terms his Wis is higher than his Int (willpoewr and perception are high, school smarts are not).
Its not a meme. Released/declassified soviet documents directly says that one of their goals of infiltration, among other things such as politicians, was academia. There is no better way to destroy and undermine the american way of life than to tell the young and impressionable that its wrong and immoral.
>10 executive orders in a week and a half
>Moves to limit public access to public information
>Blatant disregard for opposing party's opinions and refusal to compromise
>implying this isn't the beginnings of a nationalistic facist presidency
University campuses.
While it is wrong and unfair to say the Intellectual class is entirely limited to University, their reputation as sheltered, shrill hypocrites and ideologues didn't spring from nothing.
Intellectuals have a habit of being removed from reality.
Communism could only be conceived by somebody ignoring the reality that people, no matter how altruistic, will want something for themselves, something they own.
Intellectuals also often come from good middleclass/upper class backgrounds where they usuall haven't had to struggle, so they fail to perceive the value of earning property.
t. College dropout and his impression of everyone around him.
he has terrible impulse control negative wisdom
So why is he destroying or relations with Mexico and probably souring them with our other good standing countries?
What purpose does the wall serve beyond maybe keeping him in office for another term as nationalism spreads like a plague, being near useless, and a huge waste of resources?
The wall is going to be a chain fence right?
>newfags from reddit shitting up Veeky Forums with their political crusades
You're goddamn right I'm triggered you drooling fucking retard.
I hope you get ebola and don't get stronger
>Unless he starts getting really bad
You think he plays tabletop games? I mean he slapped his name on steaks, and apparently it's his favorite meal. I wonder if branding board games was his idea.
suck my diiiick bitches LOL
He's running it the way he knows how: like a business. When new management comes it, they like to front load their changes right from the beginning.
executive orders in a week and a half
>>Moves to limit public access to public information
Now where have you found this bullshit?
>>Blatant disregard for opposing party's opinions and refusal to compromise
Because the opposing party is still being sore losers and refusing to compromise.
>>implying this isn't the beginnings of a nationalistic facist presidency
Please tell me how the other two-thirds of the federal government will keel over and how Donald Trump will go back on his entire ideology to destroy democracy?
Chaotic stupid.
>skill: diplomacy
Sure user. American diplomacy outside of it's actual competent diplomats is pretty much woth nothing
Because our relationship with Mexico was a waste to begin with. We have a massive trade deficit between our two countries along with their outright refusal to aid us in any way. The fact that their president has a %12 approval rating and their government is run by cartels doesn't help either.
>What purpose does the wall serve beyond maybe keeping him in office for another term as nationalism spreads like a plague, being near useless, and a huge waste of resources?
That's basically it. I fully expect whatever plans he's made for it to fall through once his corporate fuckbuddies point out that being able to exploit illegal immigrants is important to their profit margins.
>being this new
It's like you believe preventing a national park employee from shitposting irrelevant crap on an official twitter account is suppression of information.
And FYI there's a GOP supermajority because the people voted for one.
People on this planet have won money by dying in absolutely retarded ways
Being a winner in itself isn't valuable - all that should be important to you is personnal evolution, and donald has very little to show in this regard
fuck off
Spoken like a loser in denial of his role in life.
You mean the GOP gerrymandered so hard they can't lose.
Mexico are all bluster.
Nobody bothers calling them out for building a wall with Guatemala.
Right, and preventing felons from voting is voter suppression. Leftist logic 101
Imagine, if you will, a player who somehow builds a level 1 character with 3-digit AC, saving throws, and hit points. They believe they have mastered the system, and expect to be able to handle any challenge the DM throws their way. This is the position of the intellectuals - they're capable of building elaborate, abstract frameworks that help them solve complex problems, and they get objectively successful results.
The opening scene of the campaign includes an entire hostile army; even though no soldier is a match for this PC, enough natural 20s will eventually overwhelm the character. The player feels cheated of their agency because their optimization hasn't solved this unexpected problem.
When intellectuals solve a problem, but still wind up with an undesirable outcome because the problem we solved isn't the one reality presented us with, we're very bad at handling that situation, and we tend to assume the scenario is unfair, instead of realizing what we did wrong and learning from it. In politics, we assumed people cared about objective, evidence-based claims about reality because that's something we care about. That turns out not to be a universal value, and failing to acknowledge that is as stupid as all the Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim conspiracies in the world.
>Not Veeky Forums related.
Everything is Veeky Forums related :^)
Yeah i mean why the fuck would a national park be concerned with the environment what a fucking shitposter, that's totally the equivilant of spamming "FUNNY LE EPIK FROGG XDDDDDDDD" or posting get threads
I too like him.
He has at least two board games based off his brand, so yeah.